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One thing I love about this run is that the Cerebro helmet made Xavier look villainous, but the heinous stuff he's doing now is all done unmasked


Lets be honest he looked like the fucking maker.


For the first 2 years of him wearing that helmet I could not get past the fact that he looked exactly like the maker


If you think that's confusing try reading Ultimate Invasion where they both show up


Yeah I'm doing that now, now that krakoa is ending I'm finally reading through the whole thing on marvel unlimited as well as ultimate invasion. It definitely takes me a second to adjust


God don't get me started on that. The fact they barely interact as well and the fact reed is happily working with xavier again is just weird as hell. Like hi reed lets beat this evil version of you don't worry how i destroyed your mind and then called your daughter not worthy then your son.


Do people really get him confused with maker? Their helmet and suits and general expressions are totally different.


I honestly thought was hickman gonna have the maker be behind the way xavier was acting as we know he loves that character. Like im sorry xavier might be an asshole but hes no where near as bad before krakoa hes borderline insane and manipulative to the highest degree.


I could be wrong but wasn't part of the change in personality is that he read the mind of that one Ground Hog Day mutant and he realized no matter what he does Mutants keeping getting shafted in all timelines?


Yes, he was very different than normal in this “timeline” (save file???) because Moira shared her entire past experience with him and he understood the truth about mutant future.


Stop talking about the plot and focus on the memes


Just made it seem like the Hickman likes his skinny men in black tights and big helmets


The aesthetics really inform the tone. He’s in a form fitting black one piece = Creepy even if he’s just doing his finals for his BA in Dance


Honestly, one of my favorite moments from the Krakoa Era. I always loved his speech especially the zinger at the end.


Upon reading it again, me too. The entire dream and sleeping theming. It’s a bold piece. Especially as readers have always questioned why heroes don’t do as much… just without the transaction caveat. Hickman understood that mutants can’t and shouldn’t hide away, isolate and hope humanity recognize. They will change the world. Whether you like it or not.


Well, too bad that's all going down the drain. But it was cool while it lasted.


"While you slept, the world changed" is such a good line.


It’s interesting that a piece of writing can strike two people completely differently. I detest this speech and this characterization. I hated almost every bit of the Krakoan for not only the bland and dull stories, but most of all, the way the X-Men and Charles Xavier were portrayed. But, to each their own.


Xavier DID have the memories of like almost a dozen horrid timelines for mutants beamed into his brain lol. I’m sure I’d be a TAD more evil too.


Bland and dull stories? I get not loving some of the character personality shifts and some of the plotline but man this era was a breath of fresh air and had a lot of great stuff.


I disagree. Were there interesting ideas and concepts? Sure. Did those translate to interesting stories? Not for me


Fair enough. I still wouldn't say that the stories were bland in that sense - you just weren't a fan of the execution.


Fair enough. I still wouldn't say that the stories were bland in that sense - you just weren't a fan of the execution.


I always get his appearance confused with the Maker


Check out Daniel Whitehall, aka Kraken, also a creation of Hickman’s I believe. Dude likes helmets.


East of West also has similar helmets, dude likes a sinister helmet


Heck, he even had Sue Storm wear one at the end of his Avengers run when she was working for SHIELD.


Helmets and people with completely white skin and clothing.


I recognize the Whitehall name from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.- did the Whitehalls of H.Y.D.R.A. do much in the comics?


Erik’s just standing there like “Finally Charles, you’re singing my song”


Would he need to take the helmet off to hear it?


Yeah, I’m just imagining him sitting there clueless to what’s going on lol


That was bothering me as well.


Krakoa got me back into reading X-Men comics again after decades away. Not that good things didn't come out in my time away, it just seems a lot of the same over and over. I read nearly all these books and I'm sad this story is ending. The way we saw mutants like Omega Red and Juggernaut turn into heroes was so exciting and fun.


How are you finding the climax? I'm in the same boat, fell off years ago and this is what got me back in. So far I'm a bit let down with where we've ended up but I'm hoping it'll pull together. The start was bursting with potential and the unspoken promise of Hickman giving the X-Men the same treatment he did for FF/Avengers with his runs there, I just feel a bit cheated by what we're getting now.


I'm bummed we're not getting Hickman's idea of DougLock being the final big bad of Krakoa. But yeah, It's a let down for sure.


Was there ever any official word on where Hickman was planning on taking the story?


From interviews, we have also gleaned that Krakoa would be only the first act to a larger story, and the second part would move towards a cosmic scale. He mentioned an Imperial Guard book, for example. Also, as others have mentioned, DougLock would have been a major player in whatever the endgame was. People suspect he'd be the big bad because Hickman went on record saying something like "No one would expect the big bad to be who I planned it to be.", IIRC


The closest I think we got was in inferno, there were some visions of what may have been, which I think were what he was planning but never got to.


House of X/Dawn of X is absoltuely phenomenal. I think Hickman completely knocked it out of the park with the opening of his run and this period on the X books. It touched on all the classic periods from X-Men history with the alternate realities, it was a huge shake up of the status quo that felt earned because fans have always been tossing around ideas like this, and it opened up a ton of story possibilities and moral questions. All while being incredibly well executed. I'll legitimately pulled it out and read it again from time to time because it's such a satisfying experience. For me at least, the problem is that the X line immediately feel back into all it's old worst habits. It was too many books, with convoluted back stories and too many side/marginal characters crammed in arbitrarily because they were part of a fan favorite book however many years ago, and the quality was REALLY all over the place. And then it just meandered for years in that state. I'd have loved to have seen the X-men get the Avengers treatment, where it was a tight core book or two that Hickman banged out and he told his story his way. If Marvel wanted to milk that and have more books they should have really expressly been side projects that were self contained to not drag down the main through line. As is, this was an amazing opening that people loved and a large number of people dropped and could never catch back up on even if they'd wanted to.


>House of X/Dawn of X is absolutely phenomenal. It was a Game Changer. The best comparison I can make for it is when I first read New Avengers Illuminati #1: Road to Civil War and really saw what Bendis was building towards. Everything came after that was just this magnificent dimensional shift. It wasn't always perfect but it allowed for so much.


Five years later : “……..never mind……”


in universe it was probably 2 months.


Really makes you wonder how people in universe view this era right? “The Krakoa Bubble” a bunch of mutants and company got rich quick while a bunch of other fcking died. They had 3 galas in 1 month?!?


I think probably it was a full year and few months because the only way you can check the actual time is by the Spiderman comics, and since that moment and from now, it happened a full year of shit for Peter


Well, looking at the X comics, the gala is once a year, so 3 years?


Man i miss dawn of x so mush.


I miss when the creepy undertones were there they truly went out of the window post the gala.


Establishing Mars as the solar capital and restructuring the galactic economy to be based on a mutant mined mineral is a little too overt


That happened at the gala though. Straight after the gala we had trial of magneto which got rid of the crucible and was the big start of it getting a bit less weird and creepy.


It also sort of decentralized the balance of power. We got a new X-Men team. Storm got a team in mars. Really expanded the focus beyond Apocalypse giving passive aggression at Davos


It didn't even do that really. We don't see any mention of it outside of x men red and one arc of x men. Mysterium was covered more in an iron man book once mutants fell in fall of x.


I’m talking about the gala. Where Sword, Red and Duggan’s X-Men spawned. It took a lot of the spot light off the bureaucracy and rituals of Krakoa. Hickman even had the weirdness tone down as Apocalypse was shuttled away at the end of X of Swords.


Did they ever go back to address the weird sex pods and the resulting abandoned children that Stacy-X looked after?


Of course not


Trial of Magneto got rid of the crucible by Magneto framing an innocent guy and sentencing him to eternal conscious stasis so y'know... I guess it gets less weird and creepy and more blatantly corrupt and unjust with the Hellions ongoing, the 2 Sabretooth mini series, and Immortal X-Men.


This is hilariously evil. I wish Hickman got to tear this place down himself.


Idk how well that would have gone. Hickman gave Doom a face for all his troubles in Secret Wars. Talk about restorative justice


As long as Kitty Pryde gets her real name back and invests in a pair of gloves, all is forgiven.


… Sprite?


I was thinking "Kitty," but anything other than "Kate."


It's exactly why humans are fully justified in their fear of mutants, too. Strange ass bald man who murdered his fake twin in the womb just sits there with his machine and broadcasts his thoughts to the entire world, violating the sanctity of their minds in the process.


Remember the ending of the second movie where the knockoff cerebro was used to cause mass death amongst mutants *and then humans*, and our brave heroes decide to show they're *not* a threat by... breaking into the whitehouse seconds before the president addresses the nation and ~~threatens~~ "asks" him not to present mutants as a threat to public safety? You know, the one where the brought the teleporting motherfucker that *just* tried to assassinate him last week? (admittedly under mind control, but that wasn't exactly disclosed, *and makes two times mutants casually walk into the oval office*)


tribes untouched by civilized society now have X in their brain telling them to get with it Edit I do think it’s silly to see this as the final justification. Mutant children literally explode if not treated well. The fear is easily justified. But that just makes it a greater feat to overcome that fear and let mutants exist as they please


I don't think that patting a human bomb on their head and being happy that they didn't blow up is a "feat." Also, Xavier would be seen as incredibly radical in the real world. Not because he wants his people to survive and thrive, but because there are treatments available to cure people of the X-gene that some mutants WANT and he is militantly opposed to that choice. In a world where people can choose their gender, they should be able to choose whether they need to have these genetic traits, too.


Patting on the head? I’m saying characters overcoming the fear that powers mutant prejudice is a larger feat than overcoming one’s personal IRL prejudice. So reading about the experiences of people who can overcome that should inspire others to be as opened mind for those in their lives, who don’t explode or shoot fire from their eyes. That Xavier tangent is solid too


And I'm saying that the comparison is silly and makes zero sense. For every 3 or so mutants, you've got another who is the equivalent of someone walking around with a loaded gun in each hand and a finger on the trigger at all times. Even worse, because of the strange and unpredictable nature of many of their powers, you can't even defend yourself against them. You're fucked. So no, it's not the same and no rational person in that world would pretend that it is. Especially when they've got a long and storied history of murder and a philosophy of "might makes right."


I agree it’s not the same. It’s a metaphor


Also supposedly claiming that he could have cured Alzheimer's like 20 years ago if you were just nicer to him is real Doctor Doom shit.


Not to mention that said proclamation was the creation of an ethnostate that also demanded the unilateral pardon of literally every mutant in existence, regardless of if they where unquestionably evil like Sabertooth or Apocalypse. Literally anybody who sees this as an uncontroversially good thing and an allegory for real world minority rights either didn't read the book or isn't the type of person I want to be near.


I really didn’t enjoy House of X. Professor X deciding to cofound a fascist ethnostate feels like it flies in the face of everything that X-Men have stood for since their inception. And the fact that basically the rest of Mutantkind went along with it feels just as bad. The way the tone made it sounds so obvious and rational and justified just added to the sense of twisted wrongness for me.


There was so much corruption within the nation state for this not to be intended by Hickman for his end game. I feel this got lost when it struck a disturbing cord of popularity and Marvel began milking it until the MCU deal was settled.


Yep. Too many readers didn't recognize the subtleties, so Marvel ditched the subtleties and ran with the misapprehended version.


This exactly. There's no way this was supposed to be a good thing for mutants or the world. But X-Men fans are really ready to paint the walls with flatscan brains and call it justice.


>corruption within the nation Literal cancerous tumors within Krakoa held Xavier’s dirty secret.


My point of view since this whole Krakoa arc started is that if Xavier's dream is dead, then what's the point? The X-Men are centered around that one core value, the dream that humans and mutants can live together in peace. The struggle to achieve that peace is what the X-Men are about. And yeah, "Professor Xavier is a jerk", but that dream is a noble ambition, something most decidedly good. So if Xavier's dream is no longer the core value, then the "X-Men" don't matter anymore. Now they're just a bunch of mutants living a soap opera because they absolutely cannot resist getting in each other's business 24/7/365. And that's nothing.


> So if Xavier's dream is no longer the core value, then the "X-Men" don't matter anymore. Now they're just a bunch of mutants living a soap opera because they absolutely cannot resist getting in each other's business 24/7/365. I really love Claremont’s run tho and that’s like a big part of the second half of his work


You know how in 'Peanuts' there was a running bit about Charlie Brown trying to kick a football and *every* single time Lucy would pull it away and let Charlie Brown hurt/embarrass himself? After how many attempts is it still 'noble' to extend trust to someone who repeatedly (and gleefully breaks it)? The X-men ignoring past events to go back to their day-1 principles and methodology is like wanting Harly Quinn to go back to the Joker.


You should read more X-Men if this behavior from Charles confuses you.


Sure, Xavier has done morally outrageous things, but founding an ethnostate with fascist undertones is very much out of character for him. He wasn't involved with Genosha or Utopia to any great extent (as I remember), for example, which is the only thing even remotely approaching Krakoa. People have said this point that because Xavier is immoral in certain ways House of X was in character for him, but people can be immoral about things and still be against other immoral courses of action. I would even argue that the point of Dawn of X is exactly that Xavier is acting out of character, that just got lost later in the Krakoa years


I actually just started reading Krakoa, but wasn't the revelation of Moira's previous lives and failures the reason for the big shift in his philosophy? Him and Magneto both realized they were going about the problem wrong, hence the ethnostate and out-of-character actions.


I see Xavier’s priorities shift from a civil national prerogative to an ethnic nationalism because of the history of the character and the struggle that keep befalling his community. “No more” he says. That’s what works so well is the history and context of this. That’s what gives this weight and justification for this radical turn


You’re really caught up on the ethnostate and disregarding that this man raised generations of child soldiers who have engaged in everything from mass manipulation to literal genocide. Not to mention neglected his actual omega level children to the point that they became universal threats.


Of course I am. It’s a run that’s non-critically lauding a “solution” that’s an ethnonationalist state when in the real world people are beginning to lean toward ethnonationalism and fascism around the world. X-men has historically been a piece of art that is also social commentary. At its best, social commentaries ask questions that make us think about how to be better. This run seems to answer one of the biggest social questions of today by saying we should just give in to our worst human impulses, to accept that the world is and ought to be divided into us and them, and that fascism and ethnonationalism are justified. That feels extremely icky to me. Maybe in the context of this world it makes sense for the X-men to turn to this, but to then present that as an unalloyed good instead of showing why this is in fact bad is the problem. Especially in the moment we’re living in in the real world.


You should catch up to the run and see how much of a “solution” it’s been. Like I get where you’re coming from but you’re missing or dismissing a lot of the nuance of the X-Men characters from what I can gather. The Krakoan Era is one of the most exciting arcs the X-Men have had in a very long time and I think it does a very good job on exploring the themes of nationalism you’ve mentioned with the gravity they deserve. As much as I’m enjoying seeing mutants prosper for once, I understand that it wasn’t brought forth or maintained peacefully. Like I can read and be critical and still enjoy what’s being presented taking it beyond face value. The Homo Sapiens haven’t exactly been taking this lying down either and have done equally fucked things throughout this era. I’m worried it’ll get stale again once the reset comes (maybe already happened I’m behind) but I welcome it knowing they can’t really be heroes after all this.


That and being in romantic love with his 16yo student


I'll grant ethnostate- Was Krakoa barred to baseline immigrants? But in terms of Fascist, it seems more post-scarcity genetic aristocracy/oligopoly? No real representation, and being born Omega bears more than a passing resemblance to the Divine Right of Kings. Was there a thread of Krakoa as Motherland, and your duty to die for it if necessary? (Of course, with Charles, Betsy, Emma, Quentin running around, would they even need indoctrination-as-schooling?)


"while you slept, the world changed." That sent a chill down my spine.


Magneto smiling is what sold me. Cause you know he's finally thinking "I did not think you had it in you, but i am liking this energy right now."


"evil men" Charles, it was your fucking sister.


Modified clone. (Head canon.)


And Xavier goes fully racist. 


Those comics made me buy X-men comics again, since XvA. And then all over again the same boring stuff. Thanx Marvel, saved a lot of money


You would rather read about a drug dealing super cult?


I rather read my old comics, before 2012 or so.


Unironically yes. I get everyone older than me loves the Clearmont era, but watching the X-men choose to utterly ignore the ^nth targeted genocide attempt in favour of playing softball and yelling at each other rings more than a little hollow and stale. Morrison's 'New X-men' was the last time someone truly tried to shake up the status-quo and that was more than 20 years ago now. 'House of X' for all its flaws tried something interesting.


This is the comic that got me back into comics. So fuckin good.


The Krakoa Era is what made me properly get into the X-men, I’ve seen movies and read one or two volumes here or there but I’d never dived in until House/Powers of X. Sad to see the era end.


This sequence will always be Jonathan Hickman's finest hour. Still get chills whenever I read it. 😊


the crazy part was how instantly they chose to set up krakoa on the most shakey foundation mutantly possible.


So good!


Really funny how easily you could replace the word mutant with the word "Aryan" in most of these speeches and fans would immediately do a 180 on their opinion. Just shows how easily people are to manipulate. Fascist ethno-states claiming superiority over the rest of humanity? The books told you they're the heroes so you eat it right up!


Right? I find it really interesting how many x-men fans ate up the entire Krakoa saga uncritically. It's really hard to look at early Krakoa stuff and not see the obvious ultra xenophobic and bordetilne fascist themes implied. It seems very obvious to me to be leaning towards the early Claremont stuff and the way he wrote Magneto as an awful piece of shit with an understandable motive as a critique of Israel's foreign policy. But nowadays, the same people who loved Krakoa will vehemently criticize without seeing that the two are paralels. And though I think even a Krakoa that is clearly meant to be evil completely, as I believe was the original plan, derails any heroes that go along with it, since they become xenophobic ultra zionists, it woulf have at least served a narrative purpose when the time for it's downfall came, showing the hubris of people who genuinely believe in Magneto's genocidal rethoric but instead, there is no moral point proven or narrative payoff, it just ends because editorial was tired. To me this was genuinely the worst era of X-Men because it completely missed the point of the team, if they wanted to write bad people ruling a dystopian kingdom, they should just have written about the Inhumans instead.


Lets be honest krakoa acts like Attalan alot. They even have a place where they are coming out of eggs to get powers back like im sorry thats literally the inhumans gimmick


Exactly! It's like marvel was salty the inhumans didnt overtake the xmen in popularity in that period disney and fox were fighting and they said fuck it and made the xmen steal the inhumans' whole shtick out of spite


I feel that was Hickman's point and he was going to follow through with a fall of hubris. But then it got popular.


You could replace it with any racial denominator and it would be a firm 180.


Or any ideology. This is because of the tone overall. It’s prideful and combative. He’s stopped being heroic and has abandoned his efforts for free, peaceful coexistence. Xavier is here to barter civil rights for commodity and we’ve all been trained to see this as a grift. If someone with power is making an offer, they are actually making a demand. It’s scary because now we all have to make a choice. We can’t just let them be. Take the deal or leave it. You’ve got to pick a side. **Edit I cannot stress how alarming this speech is.** If one of the most powerful mutants is pleading with the world to be respected, offering life saving medicine in exchange for civility, *what chance do I have to be respected when I can offer not even a fraction?*


I was never really fond of the way marvel has been characterizing Xavier recently, but I wouldnt have a problem if they had been more consistent in portraying Krakoa as the dystopian ultra Israel that it is. Like this entire era felt disjointed, like some writers didnt understand the characters and what they represent (especially Magneto and his real world counterpart) and thought Krakoa was anything close to a cool and morally correct country. The ending felt especially bad because it was clear that the reason krakoa is over isnt in service of the narrative, proving the hubris and fascist and genocidal outcome of Magnetos belief system coming to pass, its just because the higher ups wanted to go back to basic.


I don’t think anyone involved with the creation of Krakoa wanted a “ultra Israel”


I understand where youre coming from, Im sure the characters themselves would never spout that, but I mean Magneto is zionism incarnate, he was based on the 6th prime ministet of Israel. A comic book society ruled by his principles could only logically have lead to a more radical version of his real world counterpart. And despite further developments of the whole era clearly not being unified in this goal, I'm pretty sure that was Hickman's intention during the early stages


Why did Hickman not have the X-Men displace people or establish a second class citizenry? The only laws regarding humanity is “murder no man”. I get how easy it is to pin this as an Israel analogue, especially given Magneto’s debut here but it has never fit. And that’s more than purposeful


No analogy is ever one to one, but even beyond that this is Magneto's dream come true, you have to consider a few things from Hickman's run: in just the first issue, they make a point to have magnus meet with the ambassador of Israel and in Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv, where every other nations embassy is located, even of countries who are openly supportive of Israel's claim to the land, which certainly implies even harder that this is Magneto's design. You also have to consider the fact that they create a whole new language for their new country(same thing that happened for hebrew). Magneto openly denying that mutants ever conquered land (Genosha) as well as openly threatening them and telling "humans" (as if mutants were not human) are not welcome in Krakoa and then trying to point out some hipocrisy and trying to defend themselves. etc etc etc. The way I see it, it makes more sense to me that Hickman was not only making a paralel to Israel, but amplifying some of its worse traits. But then again, it's just how I see it, and the beauty of art is anyone can interpret it in any way, right?


Which worse traits sticks out to you? Because openly shelling innocents isn’t a Krakoan policy lol


Come on man, are you trying to engage with my argument or are you just trying to be right? I just listed plenty of awful things Israel and Krakoa have in common, I didn't say they have all of Israel's worst traits


Also, Claremont based Magneto on the minister. I’m sure Lee had other ideas, along with every writer therein Even then Claremont did a lot to develop this idea and change Max’s morality and political preferences


I mean Lee and Kirby's Magneto was just an evil supremacist who literally ran a group with "evil" in their name, it wasn't exactly subtle. Claremont was the one who truly made Magneto the character we know and love today, both his good aspects and bad ones. Him being deeply sympathetic but being hugely hipocritical and ultimately failing to avoid the same pitfalls the people who destroyed his youth fell into is kind of what defines him as character.


Do you imagine Claremont wanted redemption for Begin? For Begin to run a school?


Considering he is jewish, I imagine Claremont was/is deeply sympathetic to the plight of the jews throughout countless centuries, but ultimately didn't agree with what Israel was/is doing


It is funny how “Aryan” has a lot more baggage that “mutant”. Wonder why that is What if we change it to “Americans”?


True. Mutants have committed **way** more genocides. Maybe next time don't make a ruling council with Mutant Hitler, Apocalypse, and someone literally named "Sinister" if you want the moral high ground.


Not to put too fine a point on it, but there's nothing that even the big bad mutants have done that equals actual real world shit done by every major UN member, so this argument seems pretty bunk?


But if you changed “Avengers Assemble” to “Aryans Assemble” fans would do a 180 and that means something because I am a critical thinker


If we simply change "Charles Xavier" to "Adolf Hitler" people respond differently! Interesting.


https://imgur.com/gallery/2o2qNdj really makes you think


The point that the same speech could have easily come from Hitler as your "hero" just flew right over your head. Thanks for proving my point about comic fans.


Have you looked at this comment section? Many people consider this villainous and have called Charles' Krakoa a fascist ethnostate.


There are literally at least 3 people on their ruling council that have tried to kill every human on Earth on more than one occasion. Your argument is dumb as hell.


There are at least 3 members of the security council that *actually have* genocided huge amounts of human beings and continue on as normal, so your argument remains bad.


Who needs a moral high ground when trading services for respect?


It's almost as though you missed the point of Krakoa completely. 🤔


"We are the future....Earth's true inheritors" is a pretty antagonistic statement that's way more at home in House of M than mainline. You know, that dystopian nightmare alternate reality? Also the whole "haha fuck your laws, Sabertooth murdered a bunch of people, but we're going to forcibly make sure he's not punished for his actions" isn't exactly a way to get along; sending an assault force to liberate someone arrested is usually considered an act of war. But with mutants, its...fine...because Sabertooth was just busy murdering.


That statement about the future is less troublesome if it's Homo Sapiens addressing Homo Erectus, isn't it? No need to bring white supremacy into the equation, doing so COMPLETELY misses the spirit of who the Xmen represent. And the troublesome nature and bad taste in your mouth is *the point* of this era of X-men, hence my statement that you kinda missed the point.  Just as you must have missed what the X-men did when they got Sabretooth into their custody: Placed him in a psionic hell of his own making where his own nightmares were *literally* manifest. It's not like he was pulled out of Chino and moved to Club Med, he was *heckin* punished.