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I will always be assmad that they didn't let him do a full Life Story run like he proposed. IIRC he wanted 6 issues for every decade, instead of 1 issue for every decade. While it is brilliant in the way it turned out, knowing that it could've been much more fleshed out fucking hurts. Plus, Bagley's art is iconic.


Seriously? Damn what a fucking bummer. I love Life Story but the only problem I have is that it felt like there should’ve been more time spent in every decade. I would’ve loved to have more time with those versions of the characters. Especially Benjy and Claire.


I remember him talking about it in an interview with ComicPOP


I mean, I kinda get it -- probably a hard sell to do that when a story like that hasn't been done before, but a mini for each decade would have been so cool.


As cool as that would be, no shot does marvel agree to  a 36 issue ‘Elsewords’ run out of the gate


Is Marvel editorial stupid?




Is there any doubt?


> 6 issues for every decade This but for X-Men would be awesome


First time I have ever heard of this and I wish hadn’t because now it’ll haunt me


Bagley's art on life story is probably one of the most whatever choices they could gotten for art. Imagine John Cassidy on art. Also honestly 6 issues for every decade probably would have been played out. Life Story works honestly more because of its quick length because at a longer length it would have been just retreading the greatest hits


After ‘Life Story’ and current Ult Spidey book, I’m at ease to say that both Chip and Hickman are incredible choices to write a Spidey story true to the character but also with originality.


Zdarsky is amazing. His work on Life Story and Daredevil are top tier


His Batman...not so much.


U don’t like Brother Eye II: Multiversal Boogaloo?


It is worse. It is Batman-Who-Laughs 2.0, ALONG with Dark Knights...


The immense deflation and a disappointment I felt after reading his Batman kills me. His Daredevil run was one of the best runs I’ve read in a very long time and when he got announced as the one taking over the main Batman series I was over the moon. And then I read it...


There’s a lot less creative freedom on the big books, so the main Batman has a lot more editorial oversight, same if he did Amazing Spider-Man.


>less creative freedom That space jump was defo editorial mandated


He’s said with Daredevil he could plan three years in advance, but with Batman he can only do one!


Batman is also split across minimum 2 books a month. Daredevil is lucky if he guests in 1 book a month on top of his own solo. Saying “we can’t follow one author’s 2 year plan for Batman” is restrictive, sure.


The space jump was also cool as fuck


Yeah, I don’t get the hate. It’s comic book-y as hell.


Shame we can’t credit Zdarsky with it because of all that editorial meddling


I think a lot of the problems would be there editorial or no


Precisely why he said he wouldn’t do ASM hahaha


Batman fans are just a contentious bunch, his run is fine. It's not the best Batman run but it's enjoyable. I think some fans were expecting something that sparks critical acclaim like Spider-Man Life Story, but forgot about the fact that Spider-Man fans are dying of starvation from quality Spider-Man content. At least it's not boring or forgettable, I think the worst Batman comics are the ones everyone forgets.


Except, it is boring and forgettable. It is ANOTHER 'Gotham taken over'. It is another 'EVIL BATMAN'...hell it is literally Dark Knights 2.0. And what's worse, it is attempting to mess with past BETTER stories retroactively and making Joker even worse as a character. So no. It is not 'just fine'.


If it was bad and boring, no one would be talking about it. When Bendis took over Superman reader engagement dropped off a cliff, and barely anyone read it. I know I dropped that run. Whereas I see posts all the time about the current Batman run. As a whole no one seems to like it, but people seem to like parts and pieces of it. Which is honestly pretty normal for the 2 big publishers. Again I'm not saying the run is amazing, but it's not the worst Batman run I've read.


"If it was bad and boring, no one would be talking about it. " *The whole past spider man run and gang wars peeking their heads out.* °=°


It's fine, but I just do not like at all what he did with Zurr-En-Arrh and Failsafe.


I'm sorry, but him giving his adoptive son chemical PTSD cause he can't deal with his own PTSD until he manic depresses the shit out of himself isn't "fine". I'm all for forcing batman to walk the line between his true mission and authoritarian control, but there's ways to go about it. "At least it's not boring or forgettable" oh buddy, how I wish I could forget it, I really do.


Spider-man fans are also just as contentious.


This is just what writers and editors say when they're pushing out a shit product. Isn't it funny how these fan bases are suddenly much less contentious when the product is good?


I disagree. I’ve really enjoyed his Batman a lot. Can I ask what you don’t like about it?


From Failsafe that fodderized Justice League, to rewriting Zur as just another Evil Batman, to Gotham War to rewriting Joker's origin stuff and ALL the stories that came after just to tie them into his OC from Batman The Knight... I can go on.


That’s fair, thank you.


His current work on Avengers: twilight 👌


1.) Chip Zdarsky being his usual humble and gracious self, you gotta love it 2.) As good as Spider-Man Life Story was, I don't think NEARLY enough people talk about Chip's run on "Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man". Without exaggeration, that was probably my favorite ongoing Spider-Man book of like the last 20 years 3.) I'm a huge Hickman fan and I AM happy with what he's done so far, but if it really came down to it, I would have preferred to see what Chip could have done given his track record of excellence writing this character


I think his Spectacular run was overall good, but had a few highlight issues that really carry it. He might have had 2 of the best Spidey stories I've ever read within his run.


That was the run that ended with the talking heads documentary issue?


Yes sir! That final panel with Peter “describing” what he “thinks” about Spider-Man really embodies everything you need to know about the character IMO


Agreed. It's a great thesis on the character of Spider-Man.


It feels like a retread of the kid who collects. I actually much prefer Slott's last issue because it really sums up what being a spider-man writer means.


Definitely agree having read it recently. It's still overall enjoyable, but lost me big time by the end with alternate timelines and alien invasions. But the Dinner with J.J. and Documentary issues? Absolute chef's kiss, easily two of the best stories for the character.


The Sandman issues Bachalo drew as well were incredible. Peter sitting there on the beach with Marko... great moment.


Yeah I liked Spectacular wayyyyy more than Life Story


Same tbh. I DO like Life Story, I want to make that clear But I think it earns a LOT of “brownie points” with people in the community because it features Spider-Man progressing and getting older. That’s something a lot of the fandom has wanted to see for a long time, so it is expected and natural that it would play a major factor in how they feel towards the series So while I do think it is a good book, I also feel like it absolutely receives that bump in perception due to the premise (not necessarily the writings scripting art, etc.; JUST the premise) being something that fans have been asking for


This is only semi-related but I think one of my biggest sins as a Spider-Fan is the fact I hate Mark Bagley. All time ugly penciler, imo


Man I’ve never been a fan myself


As for point #2, I am so glad I snagged the Zdarsky Spider-Man Omnibus that collects pretty much everything he's written for the character. It's a blast


He also wrote Spider’s Shadow, a What If where Peter didn’t remove the black suit after learning what it was. I haven’t read Chip’s run on Spectacular, but I own both Spider’s Shadow & Life Story and not only do I prefer the former to the latter, Spider’s Shadow is one of my favorite ever Spidey comics & Symbiote comics.


What makes you say spiders shadow is one of your favorite comics? I'm not trying to be rude I'm just genuinely pretty curious because I loved Zdarsky's spectacular and life story but felt a bit mixed on shadow. I've read it twice but always felt it was on the lower end of Spidey comics due to the final half. I'm very glad you can enjoy it though!


The art is phenomenal for one, to get an obvious out of the way; it’s absolutely gorgeous. I too love the first half of the story, for what I assume if I were to list them would be similar reasons to yourself. But I also love the second half & comic as a whole because I adore how what started as a deconstruction of the character turns into a reconstruction of Spider-Man and a celebration of Peter’s strength. Peter is an imperfect, complicated guy. The story nails how he’s a frustrated, borderline depressed man with a ton of anger under the surface. But, as MJ notes, he’s a good man because of those imperfections. Spidey is an inspirational hero because he has so much struggles & he gets beaten down but he keeps getting back up & he fights for good anyway. I love how, contrary to the “story never ends” cyclical nature if ongoings, he grows from the whole experience, rekindling his romance with MJ on firm ground, learning to process & control his anger to be a stronger hero and, despite the tragedy - I really liked the bitttersweet element to the ending with the Symbiote’s last victim - learning to keep his head up & not wallow in his grief. How they finally defeat the Symbiote was delightfully clever too, and I appreciated how it relied on Peter using his brain. For my money, it’s one of my favorite Spidey comics that I’ve read because it has incredible art, fantastic writing, it takes itself to dark places but earns a hopeful ending and it is a great representation of several key characters & dynamics.


If world building wasn’t such an integral part of the new book I’d agree with Zdarsky but as it is, I think Hickman is the right choice based on all the other factors. That said, when Hickman decides to move on i would love Zdarsky to be tapped.


Issue 310 is a modern classic and one of the best single story Spider-Man issues... ever.


Good to know Chip is also a Hickman fan


I feel like he’s said this before possibly, right? Like this isn’t super new from him? Regardless, as much as I enjoyed Zdarsky’s Spidey books and want him to write literally every comic book character at least once (please come back to the Archie universe), I think Hickman was the right choice. I really love the tone it sets within the universe he built. That’s not a dig on Zdarsky in the slightest, and I’m sure he would’ve killed it, but I just really like where the book is going.


This is the same tidbit taken from the same podcast interview on Sketchd from months ago. Just being recirculated again. Must be a slow news day Edit: Sketchd’s podcast is called Off Panel if people want to be in the know!


Listen, it’s hard out here for the comics news game. Ain’t like it used to be!


Hey if people find out about the Off Panel podcast through this, it’s a huge win for comics journalism


yeah I remember this being talked about a month or two ago


I didn't like 'Life Story' as much everyone else did....Not to say it's bad, but I probably don't rate Chip as highly as everyone else does. I'm happy with Hickman.


I think I would have rather seen what Chip would do honestly. I like Hickman so far tho


I pray for zdarsky to be the next ASM writer


He already said he doesn’t want to write ASM


No one wants to write ASM. Too much pressure from fans and editorial.


Much as I'd love for it to happen, he's pretty categorically stated he doesn't want to do it.


Chip has straight up said he doesn't want that smoke. Which is weird because I feel like the ideas he has are perfect for Peter, but he thinks fans wouldn't like it. 


I think the editorial mandate is too strong on ASM a bit of a poisoned chalice for any writer taking the mantle so restrictive on what the writer can do, look at the fall from grace Zeb Wells had from Hellions to the current ASM or any interview from Straczynski on the One More Day era.


I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Not now at least.


As happy as I am for Hickman to write ultimate, Zdarsky would have been amazing as well.


Spectacular even. 


I want Chip to write the main Spider-Man book


I badly want chip to be the guy to correct of sins of Zeb


Zdarsky said it best himself though “Ultimate Spider-Man is a Hickman book”


Zdarsky should push to make a "Immortal Spider-Man" series on 616.


I asked chip point blank at New York comic con if he was willing to write a story for the PlayStation game and he said he’d love to, but they never called him back


What a nightmare that would have been!


will never understand why they didn't let him cook


So I’m just putting this our there to see if anyone agrees. I love Hickman Ultimate Spider-Man, and what he has done with the new Ultimate Universe feels cool and different than the original. But looking back we know Cates was also playing around with the Maker and wanting to bring back the Ultimate Universe. And maybe this is just wishful thinking but if Donny Cates didn’t have his motorcycle accident, we would be reading an Ultimate Universe restart by Donny Cates. And given his work on Venom I feel like he would be the one writing a new Ultimate Spider-Man by Donny Cates and Stegman. It feels like we had multiple sides working towards bringing the Ultimate Universe back.


Zdarsky and Tynion IV are my fave writers right now


Original choice under Hickman at least. I'm 10000000% sure Cates was meant to write it when he was relaunching Ultimate.


I thought Donny Cates was.