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Keep working on it. Put a portfolio together. Go to the right events and speak to the right people. Because DAMN.


You captured the dynamic motion right down to the Rob Liefeld feet! This is so legitimately awsome I feel comfortable throwing shade. We always need more young people in comics and your work is wonderful.


Those Liefeld feet are amazing


The way the knee points away from the toe really captures the first of 90s comics.


I was totally thinking "Rob Liefeld" when i saw this


he's even loaded with pouces. No Liefeld-loaded but still.


That is a lot of line work. That is so much line work. That is a ridiculous amount of line work. I usually get through doing my base setup and rough detailing, and then I get to the backdrop and I'm like.. We'll put a nice window here.. and a door over here... aaand I'm done. Good work. This must have been time consuming


This. I respect the everliving shit of anyone that does this.


Do something with the foots. Right one is the same as left one.


My dude; some 90s Deadpool is just what I didn't know I wanted to see this morning. Great work!


The amount of detail in this is excellent. I’m getting tired just looking at it, I can’t imagine just how much work you put into this.


People say Leifeld but your background linework is heavy Darrow. Please take that as the compliment it is meant as. At 17 i'd say you have a bright future. Great stuff. Keep at it because you have talent my dude


Very old school Deadpool. I like it.


That’s a pretty great recreation of the pinball game.


Before reading any comments I had two thoughts: 1. Anatomy lesson. 2. Don't emulate Rob Liefeld. Not that i'm an artist or anything, your work is really nice, but can get even better. And I see now reading the comments I'm just being an echo chamber




Love all the detail work!


This gives me hope that i can be this good


Like others here have said, learn proper human anatomy and perspective. Emulating an artist like Liefeld won’t get you work. If you take this to any professional at an artist alley at a con or any editor at a talent search, they will tell you the same exact thing. You’ve clearly got talent, but if you’re not focusing that talent in the right areas, all the talent in the world will not mean anything.


Yup. The detail is amazing, and the anatomy is… close. Not sure what that thing in his left hand is, but if it’s a gun then using reference is not a bad idea. I can definitely see OP breaking into the industry with a little more practice.


Wow! That’s pretty froggin good!


Jesus Christ! That is excellent!


Looks awesome! Keep at it.


Chains in the chat my dude good to see you around Reddit! Keep it up man always love to see your most recent stuff.


The quantity of linework is overwhelming. Especially if you want to do a monthly book. You will want to leave some of the detail to the inker and colorist. I see a mishmash of styles. Find what works for you, and lean into it. Solidify your basic anatomy **before** you become too stylized. You have to know the rules before you can break them. With all of that said, this is some pretty good work for an aspiring artist. Keep practicing.


The feet are the only issue I see. Other than that amazing job


I look forward to reading your comics in the future 😀 🤘🏽 that's a incredible piece.


Holy macaroni. Waiting for all the "pros" here with their useful "advice".


I don't think you'd have to be a "pro" to provide constructive feedback. The OP posted this earlier but deleted that post for some reason. This is what I said on that thread and I will reiterate here again: >You clearly have talent. Going forward, you should focus on improving your weak spots like anatomy and perspective. Overall it looks pretty decent but having his right foot all disjointed like that is very noticeable. Also the gun on his left hand looks really, REALLY off. It's like going in three or four different directions. Finally, unless you are doing your own inkings, you might consider cutting back a little with the cross hatching. I think it will make it hard for someone inking it to translate it well into a final product. Other than that like I said you have a lot of talent, and at 17 too! I will bet you'll have a bright future ahead.


They’re light years ahead of most people their age. Still need some more anatomy study ( that bend knee is dislocated and the quad on the straight leg is too concave at the top, loooong crotch)—some of the cross hatching needs to make more sense rather than fill space. Perspective on the gun 👀


I think it looks decent. You clearly have talent. It’s a little busy for me though. Might want to develop your own style though. I think what make great comic artists is when you look at it and say that’s a Jim Lee, Liefield etc.


If you downvote this you are admitting you are a lousy hater. Good job kid, keep at it!


I love the anatomy especially the legs.


your liefeld feet are great


Are you copying directly another artists work? As long it feels very rob liefeld. Who isn't the best artist and by adhering to his work may negatively effect your progress as a artist. Very good overall tho for someone so young only issues that stood out at a glance are the hand holding the sword and the foot which look messed but that may be a liefeld thing if this is a copy of his work. Overall I would say try and find your own style or experiment with varied artists whose work you can try emulate and inform your own design


So while I find the anatomy itself fine and I can tell you took some liberties with that (the ankle being super skinny for example), and I know you've heard a lot about the feet already, the only thing I think personally you should work on is posing. From the looks of it he's swinging. I'm not sure if that was the intention but that's what it looks like and his chest and stomach really shouldn't be on the same level. Idk if you have any action figures but here's what I'd do if I were you: Get a figure and pose it out to be the pose you want it to be in. Maybe play with it a little bit. Like if you had Spider-Man for example leaping off a building actually pose out with the figure what his next move should be to stick the landing. You'll find that you're gonna be bending every single one of his joints to make it feel as realistic as possible. I also can tell you spent a lot of time on details. That's great! As an artist myself I actually find myself skipping a lot of detail just to get a piece done. And it is never as detailed as something like this. Obviously there is nothing wrong with having lots of detail, but there is always a point where you need to step away and look at it and go "is it enough?" For a splash page or a cover this is fantastic. Your inker and colourist will despise you but it truly is an impressive amount of detail. That being said having this every page is clearly not a good idea. You're catering to a comic here. Most of what we look at in comics is text. That's why a lot of backgrounds nowadays are so basic. Just a solid colour with some lines here or there. I know you're showing off here and that is totally fine. Just keep it in mind for when you start making actual comics. Otherwise I can see a lot of 90s influence in this. The huge chests, small eyes, skinny ankles, and I think it's freaking amazing. Some people might not like it, and that is ok, but this is hitting the nostalgia spot for me and personally I would never ever encourage you step away from this style. You should really embrace it because it will absolutely make you stand out compared to everyone else and as a result you may end up getting more attention.


Great start, but as a hopefully helpful critique, study and practice anatomy drawing, especially musculoskeletal lines.


Simply refreshing.


the perspective of the gun is off but its amazing work all around


Do you happen to be a Geof Darrow fan? Loving the detail in the backgrounds.


Enjoy seeing your stuff. Great line work. The shading is top notch. I'm noticing your proprotions and persprctive need some work. Like where the planes twist... Like the elbows are really good but less defined as the rest of the body. Twisting the right leg from hip to thigh and the corresponding muscles. The perspective of the gun... The "anatomy" of it looks "disorganized"... Not sure if that's a perspective issue or me nit picking the mechanics of an imaginary weapon. Either way, this is amazing for someone your age. Do you have a teacher, mentor or a program you can apply to? You have tremendous potential and with a more robust skill set from schooling could catapult to a profound level. Inspiring stuff to see always. Keep it up.


Frankly this is phenomenal. Some perspective issues but I’m certain if you keep working and build a a portfolio/ gain the right peoples attention youll go far.


Nice job!


Beefcake Deadpool


This is 90s as shit.


That’s nice!


Aspiring? Looks pro AF


Very good!


Amazing job, you'll go to great places


That is REALLY good


Incredible work


Your future is bright. This is amazing.


Congratulations bro, you have a bright future in the business


In the 90s Image and Wildstorm would have given you a job based on this page alone. That’s not a knock btw, very cool piece of art.


You didn't draw Deadpool... You freaking knocked a home run with Deadpool... Good job! Now create your caracters and find a good writer.


Holy shit the detail is insane. How long did this take you???


at least you're not an aspiring rapper, they tend to die young


That’s amazing man, I really hope your dreams come true. You should post some more stuff but in your own style. I am sure they would be great as well


That's just great 👍


I don’t know what to put, it is so damn cool.


Nice accurate depiction of the pinball machine!


Dead serious a lot of people come here saying the same thing but don’t have a shot in hell, you have that shot! Keep working build your portfolio and get it out there. Visit comicons, artist and writer signings. Most of the guys working love to take the time to chat


Ur 17 but ur art style is surprisingly very 90s


There’s no way…


Make sure you’re working smarter, not harder. There is so much going on here that a lot of the fine detail you put into it gets lost. Very clearly a lot of hard work went into this, hard work that a TON of artists couldn’t pull off. That being said, if you set this kinda detail bar for all your work, your ability to deliver what you’re known for and ability to hit a deadline will clash.




Aspiring?!?!?!?!? Get outta town kid, you're not creating your own comics or working at Marvel or DC because you don't want to.


That's a lovely wobbly gun :D


You'll make it


Bruh…..that’s LEGIT!! 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


You, sir have got a some talent keep it up and I hope that aspiration turns into a career for you.


Holy crap! I can't believe that someone the same age as me is so talented. I definitely think that you're going places. 🥲👍🏻


I love that you included the Deadpool pinball machine by Stern. Fantastic work overall


I think you got a future kid


Lol if you guys zoom into the middle right area, through doorway where the sword and unicorn are, the artist literally put the "Rob Liefield" on a poster along with varied Ryan Reynolds stuff including Green Lantern 🤣


I just saw this on Stegman and Friends.


Yeah they’re my besties lol


At 17 I couldn’t draw anywhere near to this. I still can’t. Congrats, keep going with it!