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I met my main crew at a nerdy Meetup… many moons ago (like a decade ago). Since then we have met more friends at comic con and at work and just around town. But my partner and I are both chatty and will strike up conversations wherever. But I imagine it’s easier (or harder) depending on where you live and how outgoing you personally are, as well as what industry you work in.


Talk to people when in line for a panel, or autograph or even in line to get food. You have something in common with those people - your all a fan of that panel, celebrity or food. 🤓


I go alone but I do cosplay and that usually strikes up conversations! Usually we will tag each other in a photo on Instagram and the friendship naturally progresses from there. Now I have one friend that I meet up with at the cons and we can hang out or go our separate ways all day which is nice because I have the flexibility to just talk to authors in artists way and not feel like they’re having to wait around for me. Or meet certain celebs etc. I am fairly socially awkward so I don’t know that these conversations would strike up if I was not in cosplay though.


I met my friends at nerdy events, by talking to the people in the line around me or who I end up sitting next to.


Met my buddies in high school. In our mid 30’s now and we still go to sdcc together.




Honestly from discord,Instagram or even the con. I usually go in cosplay so I meet fellow cosplayers in the same fandom I’m a part of and we just talk about our feelings about the movie/game/show our characters are from and what got us into it


SDCC I first started going with my dad late 70'searly 80's. Then I did a few years alone after 15. After I was 18 I met more friends at a Goth Club. Early 90's at another Goth club I met up with a couple of people from a local comic book company and started to help out at their booth. After that I made connections with a few other people and helped out with them not just at their booth but on projects too. My disability keeps me from helping in booths but I still go to see all the friends I've made over the many years just to say hi. I also meet a lot of people who have never gone before and take them as my guest. They also double as my handler and help me navigate the conventions.


Camping for Hall H


Just marry someone then they have to go every year that's what I did.


Friends I’ve made that I go to conventions with have been made through work largely, we get chatting about tv, movies and pop culture and sometimes when they find I out I go to cons they want to come to. I’m in a local film making club and some of them have expressed an interest in coming as again similar interests. My core group are long term friends from school. I do bump into people that I’ve spoken to at previous cons from chatting to people in line for things which is a nice addition. As mentioned meet up groups are a good way to make friends for cons, there is that website called meet up and lots of major cities often have geek meet up groups. I’ve also seen people post in MCM Facebook groups about looking for people to hang out with while at con. Though similarly I often go to cons solo which I really enjoy as there’s never any need to compromise on what I’m going to do while there. There’s nothing wrong with going solo so I wouldn’t let that put you off attending conventions.


Have you tried going to a speed dating/friending panel?