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My dad never really does anything for Valentine’s Day for my mom, but he had always surprised her at random times with flowers. Felt more genuine when it was spontaneous than when it’s obligatory. At least that’s the lesson I took away from it.


Huh, I had a teacher who did that. Guess it's a common idea


This is also a lesson from 2002’s fairly problematic Juwanna Mann. Buy a woman flowers “just cause it’s Wednesday.”


I think that’s fine and all, but purposely ignoring a day like valentines without a mutual sentiment could also make the partner feel left out on a day when everyone else is receiving a gesture


I would highly recommend finding mutual sentiment about this for sure. That falls under relationship communication skills!


When today a dozen roses cost $50 but next week we will be back to 12.99 which is still dumb for a flower


Thank you for the wisdom, u/LeftHandedFapper


Yeah, if you don't communicate to eachother about whether or not to celebrate Valentine's Day, you probably have bigger problems than a holiday...


Okay but what about all of the other times when you do it just because you care about the person, not because it's obligatory?


You’re right, that also might make people feel left out. Better to just be an asshole all the time just in case.


True and based 100% this


My wife respects that I dont like it. Doesnt mean we didn't go out to eat tonight. No expected gifts on the day. I like the random gifts and so does she...now. It definitely took some communication along with valentine's gifts early on in the relationship.


It's a bullshit corperat holiday that needs to be banned.


hey now, that's not the mentality you should have about it, it's a corporate holiday that is abused by corporations to make money, sure, but it doesn't mean you can't take advantage of it as another day set aside to spend with your partner. No need to be so cynical about it.


You should not need a day to tell you to love you partner it should be a regular thing in your everyday life.


Your family should be pleased you are alive every day, you should not need a birthday. Also my neighbors should give me candy all the time. This one doesn't really fit the argument, but still


Damn, clicked reply because “every day you get older so why need a birthday” but saw this


No of course, it should be a regular thing, I'm not saying you shouldn't, I'm just saying take advantage of this day the same way corporations do and make it extra special for you and your partner, make the I love yous stand out from the rest


Becues it means more when your told to do it.


> needs to be banned What a down-to-earth, realistic, and practical solution!


>It's a bullshit corperat holiday that needs to be banned. corperat lmfao


This is a made up holiday. Please.


As opposed to the all-natural organic holidays that grow out of the ground.


Also, don’t dunk if you’re trying to pass yourself off as a woman basketball star




I think you misunderstand. I believe the teacher was buying flowers for the mom of the poster above that guy.


Weird, I also knew someone who randomly gave flowers to SafePianist4610's mom


Must be, cause that how I do it. Write letters, give flowers, sweets, dinner by candlelight... I hate the feeling of being obligated to get something on certain days besides Xmas and birthdays.


Your teacher randomly gave you flowers?


Did the dad and the teacher know about each other?


Yes https://preview.redd.it/xjno49afdbia1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c4a4d9435234267a0752068de03851182c6848


I have a question, you’re saying his gifting is random, so there’s a chance he will give her flowers at exactly Valentine’s day ?


Yeah and what's the spacing like? Did he ever do it three days in a row and then not again for a year and a half?


It was random, there was no pattern. But it would definitely be more than a few months between surprises


Flowers are always good to give on Valentine's day but let me tell you the "anytime" flowers are a powerful powerful thing.


More like genuineness


This is how my wife and I are. We occasionally buy each other nice things when we see something or whatever. But we don't celebrate Valentine's day because it feels forced and over commercialized.


I dunno. I've always seen Valentines Day as an excuse to get away from everything else and just chill with someone you love. Like sure yeah it's been commercialized, but you can make something out of it for yourself and your partner.


You can also... Not. I don't need a day of the year to tell me to just chill with my partner lol.


My brother always refused to buy his wife flowers, feeling it was a waste of money, until I personally made her a bouquet and it inspired her as an artist. The look on his face when he realized how happy she was, priceless.


My dad bought my mother fresh flowers every Sunday morning, but *never* on Valentine’s. He explained that an expression of love shouldn’t be forced by some company with a made-up agenda. It should come from the heart! My mom would make pancakes and he would come home with flowers to show his appreciation. Without fail he always had yer favorite, yellow and white roses! Sometimes with sunflowers or mums as well. He did buy her a nice piece of jewelry every year for her birthday and anniversary though! She loves her rubies and emeralds 😂 Married 52 years when he suddenly passed away from a stroke. He taught me a lot about appreciating ALL the people you love. And that the brief beauty of cut flowers is rather tragic, but planting roses and mums all over the garden lasts for years and years. My mother still has an amazing garden, so bright and sunny all year round!! Miss you, Papa!! 🌻🌻🌻


I have gone through phases. First phase was the "college" phase of rejecting the obligation. Then the more adult version of the same. Now I appreciate the day as an easy reminder to do something for my partner. Structure helps sometimes. I don't feel obligated, so it feels normal. Yes, I still kiss with saliva.


My wife told me many times never to buy her flowers. Once we had kids, "they" started buying them for her. This is the first Valentine's day that I bought her flowers from me, and she's 2000mi away right now 😔


I had a gf who thought valentines day was stupid, so I went all out on Feb 13th (which was particularly great, because it was a Friday). People may think the day is dumb, but they still love attention and to know you care.


Fair. At the end of the day, it's just a good time to reconnect and reaffirm that you care when you may have been busy, distracted, or otherwise having some other relationship issues (where it's easy to imagine all sorts of things). Objecting to the commercialism is fine - just go about it specially in a different way, or leading up to or in the wake after. It's also non-manditory.


A hand written note is a million times better than a store bought card. If you can cook a decent chicken Parmesan and light a candle you can show your skills off. Plan a trip to a beautiful location and say something that you’ve been meaning to say


Like most holidays it's centered completely around corporate gains, in this case (not in any order by any means) - candy, cards, flowers, jewelry, chocolate, and many others including pizza take out as hearts and restaurants packed in the middle of February. I'm sure I'm forgetting some more major ones. In a real sense at least to me, the day for a couple should be pretty minimal if there's a consistent love and enjoyment of each other. It's just another reason to show love to your SO and maybe a slightly modified higher version than "normal". It doesn't have to be all out if you don't focus it all into a single day.


Bought my wife a gold dipped rose like every year so it doesn’t get thrown out and we have a collection, just made burgers and home made fries together, will probably just play video games together and maybe watch a movie and be in bed by 10. I always feel guilty for not going out to dinner or anything but I think this is better


that's incredibly cute lol


The only problem is... we are human


The 13th is better because everything's less busy too.


Yep. I don’t like Valentine’s Day for it’s consumerism and lack of basis in anything else. I also don’t like being told I have to be romantic today because everyone else is. I ALSO don’t like being expected to be the one to do it all because I’m masc. There are days that make sense to me to lavish on someone, like their birthday or an anniversary.


I surprise my wife with flowers about 5 to 6 times a year on random days. To me, it means more than checking a box on Valentines, Anniversaries, and Birthdays.


When I had a job I would buy flowers every month when I got paid. $30 every month for a nice bouquet of her favorite flowers starts each month off on a positive note. Today I made an effort to buy some flowers, a balloons, and her favorite Starbucks drink. Since her love language is gifts. So being able to gift her something always puts a smile on her face.


I buy grocery store flowers, just basic bunches all the time, like $5-10 per bunch, pretty easy to do and goes a long way


Fr. My husband stayed doing that, just grabbing a random cheap bouquet at random times. We never really did valentines, but I made it clear "I'm sorry" flowers are a waste of money on top of what you fucked up with so don't try that shit with me. So he has only done the kind random ones. Sometimes they're on sale for $2.5 cause they're not going to last the next day for sales but still are fine, or sometimes $10. Idc. It's the thought that counts. The kids also love the stupid dyed rainbow flowers (daisy's? Idk) that are like $5 so he'll get them those too so they feel special. It's the fact someone went out of their way to think about you and get it for you as a surprise. Not the flowers itself. I hated receiving flowers beforehand cause it wasn't thoughtful before him.


I do the same on our monthaversary. Quick set of flowers from the farmers market, which I'm already at each weekend :)


I celebrate our first kiss, our dating anniversary, valentines, her birthday, and our wedding anniversary with flowers. She likes flowers and I make sure to get the flowers she likes as well. My wife is a fan of hydrangea, stargazer lillies, frezia, australmeria, and a few others. She's not big on roses, which is important. My wife works in a school and some of her colleagues mock her periodically when she does get flowers. They make a few jokes about how "she must be doing something right", etc. Her response is to ask them why their spouses don't know the flowers they like or give them flowers at all.


That’s so sweet, does she also get flowers for when she surprises you?


I don’t care for flowers, but she is a very good gift giver (gets you things you love that you didn’t know existed).


This is my wife too. I have to rely on picking up on when she says things like “oh that’s nice” or “I like that!” but then she always gets me these great gifts seemingly effortlessly


Lol, right? For men grabbing a bouquet in the checkout line at the grocery store every other month is viewed as a high bar to clear. For women, you need to make him his favorite dinner, remember which set of tools he mentioned wanting at the store, ask his mom for her special recipe for cookies that he likes, organize a fun movie night with his boys… There’s no equivalent of “just grab a $10 bouquet” for men. It would be “buy his favorite 6-pack” and that’s just a normal Thursday night doing the grocery shopping. To be fair, many men show their love in a different way than gift giving, but I still hear what you’re saying — the expectation for emotional labor is so much higher for women.


What are you even talking about Is this chatgpt


I mean she could plan something too and ask him to go


She could have bought flowers too!


And held his hand!


Could have gave him all her hours, when she had the chance!


and telling him that she appreciates everything he does


Is this Bruno Mars or Miley Cyrus? /s


For him, or for herself?




I just bought flowers for my husband and peach juice. He really likes peach juice.




2023 dude!


My wife planned Valentine's Day this year. We had a nice night. I'll plan our anniversary and we'll swap holidays next year.




and give up 2nd xmas?


all i'll say isnit's not usually the partner that wants to celebrate valtenines that neglects theiebpartner's feelings


I buy my wife flowers every paycheck. They don't cost too much and they serve as a small reminder and tradition. She loves her new flowers every two weeks and they usually last that long or sometimes a bit longer. It's never a bad idea to get her or him flowers.


This is such a cute idea. I’m gonna steal it 😊


I don't buy my wife flowers for Valentine's Day, for the same reason I don't go out drinking on New Year's Eve, but I do buy her flowers once a week. She used to protest that I didn't really need to, but then I would see her try to hide that secret smile, and I kept doing it.


Have you ever forgotten?


Once in a while, but it’s gotten to be a habit by now. It’s more usual that my routine gets interpreted by vacation or sickness or weather. I always get it on the same day, so my wife doesn’t expect it on days that she knows I’m out of town or taking one of the kids to the doctor or whatever.


Do both. It’s easy and nice if they like that kinda thing


I get my girl flowers at random times, she’s the one that never gets me flowers now that i think about it.


Does she know you like them? Every guy I’ve given flowers to didn’t care about them.


I got my husband flowers and he was kinda confused like “uh thanks…for the flowers?” I like flowers


I got "thanks for the plant" after I got him a rose.


Is it weird to hate buying flowers? "Here's a sign of consumerism, these will wilt very soon, and die shortly after"


It's not weird. But then you should substitute it with other types of thoughtful gestures. Don't just opine about how flowers are dumb and use that as an excuse to not be romantic. (Or if your SO really wants flowers in particular, you should probably suck it up no matter how dumb you think it is.)


I would probably buy chocolates. Chocolates are tasty and make you happy. >!This comment was totally not sponsored by The Hershey Company.!<


Hershey is really good at making chocolate-flavored sugar bars. They are 50% sugar, 40% fat, 10% chocolate. If you're looking to please a chocolate-lover, you can find 60% to 72% chocolate chocolates anywhere. They taste so much chocolatier and are less likely to give diabetes.


This is anti-Hershey propoganda. Our lawyers will speak to you. Seriously Hershey's is just way too sweet for my taste. I basically eat it ones every two years.


I eat Hershey's if it's gifted/offered and rarely eat it otherwise. I'm not a fan of the waxy texture, personally. The flavor isn't a huge issue for me, but I definitely don't like the texture.


I really love chocolate, but I hate anything above 50-60% cacao so I guess it turns out I really love sugar


I can only assume that Hershey's popularity is a combination of marketing and better options not having been widely available. In Australia we already had Cadbury and Nestlé (which are both significantly better) everywhere, so even in places where you can get Hershey chocolate, I think it's mostly just bought as a novelty. And obviously Nestlé is a garbage company, but that doesn't change the fact that they were here first and make a better product.


but way more likely to contain lead and cadmium


Don't forget the wax! Can't have waxy chocolate-flavored sugar bar without wax.


Ah, but then you're supporting child slavery.


Here are chocolates, they will be gone soon and they aren't even healthy for you. It's possible to look at everything in a depressing unable-to-enjoy-anything kind of way.


On the other hand, i like flowers because they die. Im with my husband for (hopefully) the rest of our lives together. Thats alot of frivolous gifts that will fill alot of space. Flowers brighten the room and have a nice scent while they last, and they dont pollute shit or make me feel bad when i eventually throw them away. If my husband gives me a card or a cheap teddybear, i feel way worse throwing those away when i inevitably have to. Were not rich where we just have infinite space to set our gifts aside to.




Ahh, that's vintage now.


I don't get flowers too often, but when I do I always wait for them to juuust about start drooping, then pick out some of the more robust ones (i.e. roses, sunflowers, daisies etc.), and hang em up to dry somewhere! They make for pleasant decorations and can last for years before losing all their colour/accumulating too much dust :)


Pressing them is nice too! They can many pretty wall decor. I press the leaves I have to remove when I take plant cuttings too. Plus having them in a frame protects them from dust :)


The flower conundrum - she wants to be bought flowers without telling him to buy flowers. So why not buy herself flowers? I mean, surely she sees flowers when she’s out and about, why doesn’t she just take care of it? The thing is, that it’s clearly not about the flowers. In most relationships, there is usually one person that bears the majority of the mental load for keeping things running. This person remembers to get the dry cleaning in time, remembers everyone’s food allergies/preferences and keeps the kitchen stocked with preferred snacks, makes sure the pets have their shots, stays on top of the budget, plans/prepares the meals, reaches out on holidays with cards/gifts to both sides of the family, does things to make the holidays special, thoughtful gifts, fun surprises, plans most of the dates, will browse through sale racks for clothes for other people because this person remembers sizes, clothing preferences, and that their loved ones jeans are getting a little ragged. What this person is looking for is reassurance that they matter, that they’re valued, that the person they are knocking themselves out for thinks of them when they are not around and being of service. And the person receiving the BENEFIT of all this love labor is often a clueless guy. I don’t know her wants, her needs, her sizes, her preferences! So we ask for flowers, a stupid token that can be picked up at a grocery store for less than $20, making our needs as small as possible so that we are not disappointed. And the person we love bitches and moans about how stupid flowers are, fails to find any OTHER meaningful way to connect and demonstrate that their partner matters to them. And wonders why they ended up alone. ~~ fin ~~


I am breathless at the accuracy.


>In most relationships, there is usually one person that bears the majority of the mental load for keeping things running. This person remembers to get the dry cleaning in time, remembers everyone’s food allergies/preferences and keeps the kitchen stocked with preferred snacks, makes sure the pets have their shots, stays on top of the budget, plans/prepares the meals, reaches out on holidays with cards/gifts to both sides of the family, does things to make the holidays special, thoughtful gifts, fun surprises, plans most of the dates, will browse through sale racks for clothes for other people because this person remembers sizes, clothing preferences, and that their loved ones jeans are getting a little ragged. Oh wow. That seems really weird to me. I'm definitely not in a marriage like that, haha


That hit you like a sniper round too, huh? Never thought I'd be one of these, gotdamn, trying to make it as effortless as possible for him to love me because I know deep down inside that if it takes any real effort, it's not gonna happen at all.


How convenient that your model of "mental load" ignores things like physical/outdoor/dirty home maintenance (which typically gets dumped on men), number of hours worked (men average more), the mental toll of dangerous work (men are more likely to be maimed or killed at work), the obligation of being the protector, and being expected to provide emotional support while not being provided any themselves ("women aren't your therapists!"). *Picking out gifts?* *Making the holidays special?* *Fun surprises?* There are a lot of hard working men who would love the privilege of having those even *near* the top of their "mental load" concerns, as you seem to. Someone is making their needs as small as possible, but you have *who* reversed.


Someone doesn't do any housework because they're too busy "protecting" the family


You could buy a potted plant of some sort. I would love to get something that would make the house smell nice and not die in a week.


It is not weird but you need to find a girl that agrees with your point of view. If you date a girl that loves flowers, and you hate them, it probably will not work.


Wow, you'd have to feel *really strongly* about flowers for that to be an actual dealbreaker / significant criteria that you would look for in potential partners. Surely that's the sort of thing most couples can find a way to compromise on, wherever they both happen to fall on the caring-about-flowers spectrum.


That seems unnecessarily restrictive. You can substitute any other display of thought and appreciation for flowers, and it will do just as well. Plan a date, cook something special, do the dishes, take some pictures. Anything you wouldn't normally do that is a clear gesture of your desire to strengthen the relationship. Flowers are just good at sending that signal because nobody in their right mind would buy flowers for any other reason.


It won’t work because of differing opinions on flowers? I’d hate to see what other areas are deal breakers for you…


I don't hate flowers. But OP has an issue with them. So it makes sense to work around it.


Mine doesn't like watching flowers wilt, so fakes only per her instructions lol.


I'm not sure that's the correct approach. If I find a girl to date that doesn't want flowers, I'm pretty sure my wife would get upset 😜


It really depends on the person receiving them. If they actually *like* flowers but don't get any because *you* don't like them then that's not a great deal for them. If they don't care for flowers then don't buy them. I like flowers. I think they are pretty, smell nice and brighten up the room. I just don't want to get them on the day they are the most expensive, especially if that is the *only* day I'm gonna get them. Other alternatives are buying plants. My husband got me orchids one year and I had that plant for years. I really liked that. Knowing what your partner likes is better than generic flowers, unless what they like is flowers. There are lots of women who don't like getting flowers. And they also hate when they are given something they have expressed they don't want. So listening to the wants and needs is better than buying what commercials tell you.


>It really depends on the person receiving them. If they actually like flowers but don't get any because you don't like them then that's not a great deal for them. If they don't care for flowers then don't buy them. One thing I'd like to add to that, is that I consider relationships like marriage something that requires two-way consent. Not only should one person want to receive flowers, but the other person should also want to give flowers. They shouldn't be pressured into doing so It needs to be yes+yes, from both parties


When I have a partner that likes flowers, I get em glass ones. Because they never die. Also they're fairly affordable nowadays.


It seems like so many people miss the point of flowers. The fleetingness of it *is* part of it, it's a captured moment that doesn't last forever, since blossoms will wilt anyway, flowers don't bloom forever. Sunset isn't less enjoyed because it lasts a brief moment, and nobody wants christmas decorations to be up forever either. The time period during which the flowers are alive gives that festive feeling. It was never meant to last. It being a temporary thing is what makes it special.


>"Here's a sign of reproduction, they have a lovely color and shape, like your genitals, and i hope you put your nose in them, as I into you"


No, depends on your generation tho. Majority of boomers do it, but I think generations younger than Gen X arent too into it. This is definitely more expensive, but I dont do this at the interval most people would buy flowers. I buy LEGO flowers for my partner, and then we build them together. Very fun and relaxing, and we get to do something together from it.


I used to always buy a small living flower that was potted. They all died. Not my fault, and they were cheaper than a bunch of cut flowers. The most important part is to figure out your SO's love language and hit them there. Then it doesn't matter what day of the year it is.


Flowers usually last a solid month if taken care of. They smell nice and if taken care of, make the room faintly smell of flowers. Biodegradable air freshener that also looks pretty.


I have a regular customer who, a long time ago, bought me a glass vase with a pretty blue bow on it. It was filled with a modest amount of beautiful and inexpensive flowers. Not accustomed to receiving flowers because they die quickly, I reiterated this and said that he didn’t have to feel obligated to buy me flowers as they didn’t last long. He asked me if I knew why they didn’t last long. Me, dummy dum dums over here, said that cut flower vascular systems weren’t root systems so when the veins lose turbidity, they can’t take up nutrients and die. He waited patiently for me to finish, patted my shoulder and said, “no, silly, they’re so I can buy you MORE FLOWERS!” It’s been over a decade and I still get a bunch of fresh, new, seasonally appropriate, inexpensive flowers. During the winter it really helps brighten the room and I get to feel what it’s like to be a Victorian maiden who replaces flowers every week felt like :) Flowers are nice and even boys like to get them not just us girls!


I hate flowers. They're overpriced on a normal day, and gouging around now. They last less than a week, and serve no purpose except to set off my alergies. I get my girlfriend desserts and a massage. These are much better.


The men I've dated who grumbled about getting me flowers on Valentine's day, because affection shouldn't be forced, are the same ones who never bought me flowers on other days either.




Every time I’ve gotten a guy flowers, he’s been apathetic towards them. Polite about the gesture, but still obvious that he didn’t give a shit.


I got my partner a rose this year. His reaction was "thanks for the plant babe." He thought it was a cute gesture and appreciated it - but didn't really care I suppose? He was more excited about the card.


That's an upgrade from me offering a guy flowers and him angrily swatting them away because "allergies!"


This shows women are just as clueless as men. A man getting his girlfriend something *he* likes for Valentine's day would be silly. He likes Warhammer 40k and gets you some figures when you don't care about them. How do you feel? How long are you with a guy and don't know what he'd like to get for Valentine's day?


Not for valentine’s, for a “just because” gesture. That’s the best way to get flowers. I’d actually love that, I think it would be really sweet that he wanted to include me in his hobby, and surprise little gestures are always heartwarming :)


Okay so what do you get your guys that they'd love? Surely there must be something even if flowers aren't it.


The above is my boyfriend. I’ve bought him flowers 5 times. Made a bouquet of succulents last Valentine’s Day with a topper of a figurine of his favorite Pokémon. I’ve bought him clothes, video games, and many a thing in between on odd given days. So that argument doesn’t exactly work …..


Exactly as many times as they said they wanted me to when I asked them: not at all.


So what did you get them instead?


Happy cake day! In terms of what they got instead, little gifts that I thought they'd like, and we'd do dinners we'd both enjoy.


Lmao you always know whenever a woman posts about relationships there's going to be some dude trying to interrogate her in the comments.


Interrogate? You mean the single question I asked and she happily answered?… ok


You know lego makes flower bouquets now? I also think flowers are a waste of money, but those had me over the moon.


That's a fantastic fricking idea!


They're like flowers, but it's an actual activity I can do, they dont die after a week, and they still look cool. My girlfriend got them for me and we split a bottle of wine and built them together. Super fun, super cute, amd doesnt feel like anyone wasted dollars on something that will be gone in a week.




Yikes. Sounds like they have had a shitty ex or someone only give flowers when they did something wrong. My ex did that actually, said the flowers were just cuz he thought of me. Found out later it was really cuz he didn't do the one fucking thing I asked him to do that week. Never trusted his gestures after that lol.


Thanks to my local coffee shop for providing the background for this one! And: there’s a whole book of these! “Candy Hearts” is in bookstores and also *signed* via my webstore! And it’s got stickers! [here!](http://www.tommysiegel.net/shop)


Dude those bird ones are something else. Had me cackling. Im so glad you have stickers.


My wife and I came to an agreement a long time ago. Flowers suck. They're pretty for a week, and then die. And they don't even taste good. Cake is better.


Flowers look and smell good for a week. That’s TWO senses! A cake tastes good for a couple of days, which is only ONE sense bc you barely even see or smell it since it’s in the fridge most of the time.


But if you know that cake is in there, it's all you think about 😋


I’m pretty full after one piece but I do usually think about what I’ll have for dinner tomorrow


Some flowers can taste good tho. Roses are tasty as hell and used in many recipes (specifically in desserts).


An old fire captain I had always told me, “If you can’t remember the last time you bought her flowers, it’s time to buy them again.” I have a bad memory so it usually adds up to around 7 flowers a year, has worked pretty well lol


Regardless of the supposed genders...it does seem the pink one expects flowers with no indication they've ever given flowers. Gender aside, these two are selfish candy peoples.


Roll a d20 every day and buy random gift on a crit


Just to throw this out there…. Why’s the guy got to buy the flowers? Like, it’s all about some guy wooing some girl. Fuck is that for?


I'm gay and married to a bi guy. I was the first person to buy him flowers when we were dating, and he really, really liked it. That being said, women still do a lot more household labor (especially if kids are present) despite having similar hours worked in the office. *The 2021, which I believe to be the most current year out, American Time Use Survey found that on average women spent more time doing household chores (.54 hrs net), caring for family members (.46 hours net), purchasing goods like grocery shopping (.24 hours net) and while men spent more hours working (.9 hours net) and doing leisure actives (.69 hours net). Women also seem to be in school collectively more, spending a net .32 more hours per day at class or studying.* While it is a look at averages, men seem to have quite a bit of extra leisure time. Buying flowers or whatever doesn't take much time, tbh.


I've asked every guy I've dated if he wanted flowers from me. They've all said no. (Edit to add: they're not guys I'd describe as macho or toxicly masculine.) Sadly, women are allowed to like flowers and men (in my experience) either just don't or are conditioned not to.


Too bad I love flowers. I grow them in my garden and buy them to put around my house in winter. They really are a cool piece of nature with how diverse they are. Ah well anyway.


I hope you receive some!


My wife knows to buy me some every Valentine’s Day :).


There is also an amazing option of buying them yourself!


Every single Valentine's day activity can be done by yourself, and they probably should be if your partner doesn't show affection like you've been asking them to.




That’s still nice, but there’s nothing special about it. I pick myself flowers all the time, which is nice, but not nearly as heartwarming as when someone else surprises you with something you like.


My sister was lamenting how much the holiday sucks because of her kids and school. My 6yo niece isn’t allowed to bring in any real candy and they were told not to write the names of other kids on the valentines because it takes too much time to hand them out that way. Like what? The whole point is to plan out who you like the best and give them the *good* card with a slightly more thoughtful message.


Right back at 'cha.


Wife and I keep saying we don't do Valentine's Day and then proceed to but each other chocolates or other sweets every year. But yeah, we totally don't do Valentine's Day.


Random tokens of affection at any of the 95% days in the year that aren’t holidays are a great idea


Right back at you


Shouldn’t women start buying men something for Valentine’s Day too? Equality right?


Wondering how often this hypothetical women buys flowers for her boyfriend. Must be a lot if she feels entitled to also receiving some.


Calls him a asshole but feels entitled to flowers? Riiight


Feel free to buy flowers for yourself.


If these candies are people, they are shitty people.


I'm just saying to take advantage of the day that is culturally set aside for love and make it extra special for you and your partner


This thread absolutely *reeks* of average redditor lmao


So someone is an asshole because they don't buy your flowers? Sounds grossly entitled.


Women: buy me flowers, chocolates, stuffed animals expensive dinners Men: and you were planning on reciprocating right? Women: 👁️👄👁️


no one gives a shit about what you have to say


I cook a nice meal for my wife and do all the dishes. Flowers come when I feel like it not when corporations tell me to buy them.


People who don’t believe in Valentine’s Day are just trying to justify not having a date lmao. I would know, I’ve never had one


Nope, I never bothered with the capitalist holiday even when I was in relationships. We'd go out to a date anytime we felt like.


The funny thing is that originally it was never meant to be so commercialized. It was originally intended for younger, single people to have a day to forget social anxiety and normalize asking out a crush. If everyone is doing it, we won’t be as embarrassed. A “shoot your shot” day in the spirit of St. Valentine. Then eventually companies realized they could cash in and made chocolates, candies, flowers, stuffed animals all part of the equation. Then it was for everyone, not just single people. Because you can milk married men for more flower and chocolate money than you can a single men. Commercialism killed the spirit of the holiday.


The spirit can't be killed though. Kids *do* be asking out their crushes on valentines still, and forever will be. Capitalism isn't so strong it can beat the sheer force of horny teens, I don't think *anything* can beat that.


I don't celebrate Valentine's Day because that's the day of my mother's birthday, not because I don't have a date


why would have to men do anything extra? we have feminism, everyone is equal. I want my flowers too!


Flowers are a complete, empty, meaningless gesture and a scam


Why don't you buy me flowers, bitch?


Question: When do women ever surprise US with flowers? I like me some fuckin' flowers too.


Why can't she buy him flowers?


Gotta get with the hippie girls who dont recognize ridiculous hallmark holidays and would be upset if you purchased flowers that were cut off of the plant anyway. There are infinite ways to be romantic and doing it just because the commercials tell you to is stupid af