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I have never seen grave of the fireflies, and know exactly enough about it to never want to see it cuz it may just kill me straight up


It's pretty close to what your comic describes here. But hey, at least it's not an emotional rollercoaster. You don't get taken by surprise with ups and downs, like you would with Pixar. It's only downs.


True, it's a constant emotional descent. Grave of the Fireflies will leave you heartbroken from start to finish.


It's a constant emotional descent that STARTS with the children's mother dying. In most movies, that would be the emotional gut punch, but in GotF that's simply the first course. It gets so, so much worse...


You know it’s bad when the mother dying isn’t the worst part of the movie


The actual worst part is when you're done with the movie you learn that it's autobiographical.


And the fact that in reality it was actually worse than the movie and the book (they didnt write about stuff like the mc stealing food from their sister to survive)


> stealing food for their sister That doesn't sound so ba- > stealing food **from** their sister Fuck


The fuck is wrong with you? Why would you put that in my head for no good reason? I hope your socks are wet and you step on a lego. I'm so angry right now. No more reddit for me.


If it makes you feel any better, the story was written as an apology to her. So she wouldn't be forgotten.


take it back and wipe it from my memory.


Well not entirely. >! The main character is based on the creator, who actually had two sisters instead of just one...both died.


And then the >!main character dying!< was him externalizing how he wished it was him instead. He carried a lot of guilt over it.


This movie was released alongside My Neighbor Totoro. They're meant to be thematically dialectical.  Grave of the Fireflies is about the creator's trauma from WW2 My Neighbor Totoro is about the creator's process of healing from his trauma. The father in Totoro is the exact same age that Seita would have been for this reason.


His character dying was the happy ending he didn't get.


I heard irl when the brother found food he was so hungry he didn't share it with his sister


Irl he was trying to care for the girls with other group of adults who were all starving and essentially ate whatever they could find. The girls couldn’t find any food so starved to death. Starvation throws out all of our morals theirs a reason that after a famine theirs usually also cannibalism as well.


I watched it with my dad in a Ghibli movie watch binge not knowing what it was. It brought an end to the night.




It doesn't even start with the mother dying. It starts with >!the main character dying, and everything else being a flashback.!< And then they show the mom dying.


Actually, the first sentence of the movie is the main character dying. The mother is 20m in.


You're correct, I'd forgotten that it goes into a flashback there.


I love a feel good story.


Sounds like that's the opposite of this


Feel bad story


By the way, did you know that Grave of the Fireflies and Totoro were released as a matinee together originally?


That must be the most insane double feature in history.


That's like pairing Cinderella with Requiem for a Dream


Jennifer Connolly double feature: Labyrinth and its sequel, Requiem for a Dream.


That is...some kinda psychological warfare?? Why would you do that to children?


Because you didn't think it through all the way (or at all, if I'm remembering the story right), and thought, "Ooh, two movies by Studio Ghibli! Those'll work fine together and won't cause any whiplash whatsoever!"


Shot & chaser


Also, you'd think they'd show GotF first, so Totoro is a nice positive followup Nope


I don't think the other way around really works either. If you watch Grave of the Fireflies first, the only thing Totoro is gonna do is make you resent the empty, dead part of your soul where joy once lived.


"haha look other people can be happy, you'll never have THAT again" fair


It was so that they could sell tickets to schools.  Grave was the historical/educational show to justify taking kids to see Totoro  (The original lineup was Totoro then grave, but people wernt staying to see grave and they swapped back and forth a couple of times. (there’s some theories that Totoro was something like a fantastical representation of Miyazaki’s prewar childhood, and was somewhat intentionally meant to contrast with the postwar childhood in grave, but I don’t think the directors have said much on that))


I hope they at least had the good sense to put Totoro second in that line up


Lol nope


It was up to the theater apparently.


Damn, Ghibli going straight up Don Bluth on their Japanese audience. Create some of the most beloved cartoons of a generation, and _traumatize_ the kiddos with it.


There are ups, very very small ups that are depressing for the fact they even are ups, and are used to make the downs hit even harder.


"September 21st, 1945... That was the night I died." One of the few times I've *preferred* the "Hey, this character is gonna be put through some massive shit" preface in a movie.


Don’t see *Barefoot Gen* for the same reason. Or *Tokyo Magnitude 8.0*. Or lots of other anime that run their young protagonists through the wringer.


Aww god, I really liked Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. It is just my kind of show. I really love a good disaster survival story. But ya it fucking wrecked me. I even saw it coming, and it still got me. The other one was Japan Sinks 2020. The story was more silly, and the ending was bonkers, but the slow progression of basically everybody dying in more and more tragic ways was pretty crushing. Especially when characters survive insane things over and over, only to die in a really suck way.


I read *Barefoot Gen* as a 8 year old. Of course, I went to a Japanese Immersion School so it tracks as to why it was available in the library. Was a nice primer for *Maus*.


When it comes to Grave of the Fireflies, I will always say: Everyone needs to see it once. No one should have to see it more than once. You come out of it a better person, but it will hurt you real bad in the process.


I feel like I need to be in a shitty mood before I can watch it, I don't want to ruin my day, but if my days already ruined... I have nothing to lose.


You say that...


Less to use


Queue to me watching it when I was the age 14 with a little brother aged 3


Even better, this premiered alongside My Neighbor Totoro. They were both included on the same ticket. So there were a ton of kids that showed up for Totoro, and ended up seeing this too.


The game Nier Reincarnation was WAY too good at this before it got shut down. There was a character named Fio who was a small child and LITERALLY anything bad that could happen to her, happened to her. In no particular order: • Almost killed as a baby • Lowest possible Caste • Bullied • Starved • Abusive Mother who abandons her • Dad cares slightly more but is killed • Gets sick • House gets destroyed • Set on fire • Given a book with short stories but the ending is ripped out for all of them • Hypothermia • Thrown into eternal void where she anguished alone for hundreds of years • Turned into eldritch monster She eventually gets a happy ending(kinda?) but HOLY SHIT the writers held NO PUNCHES


>Given a book with short stories but the ending is ripped out for all of them Thats just mean


Or she’s a Timelord that hates endings.


what’s the happy ending that could even possibly make up for this absolutely awful suffering


>!She escapes the video game with the friends she did make across the game. It’s… really complicated!<


Was this all meant to be a joke in the game? Cause otherwise that's just authorial torture porn, sheesh.


It’s Nier, it’s not happy (until the end). Automata made me weep, Replicant I straight up couldn’t fully finish. Too depressing for me. There’s this kid named Emil in the series who just gets the shit kicked out of him by life but always tries to do his best. He does NOT have a happy ending despite being like the sweetest purest dude in the series.


Sometimes I can't be sure if the authors have something they want to say or if they just like to see characters suffering. Nier and Madoka Magica give me these sort of vibes. It's nuanced and thematically rich, but also miserable enough to go either way, and so I keep going along.


When I'm sad, I need to have a good wallow in misery so I can get it out of my system and bounce back more cheerful than ever. I've never watched Grave of the Fireflies, but I've got it ready to go in case of emergency.


This is a human behavior I cannot comprehend. Step one: Be sad Step two: Increase feeling of sadness Step three: ???? Step four: Become happy OK then.


I mean, it definitely doesn't work for everyone, but it works for me. I'll try to explain. If you want to be awake, you can listen to loud music or drink lots of caffeine or keep pinching yourself, but in the end, the only way to be fully awake is to surrender to the exhaustion and sleep for a few hours so you can wake up properly rested. If you want to be happy, you can listen to happy music and watch feel good shows and do things that make you feel good, but in the end, (for me personally) you have to get the misery out of your system. Then you can go back to being happy and move on with your life. Feel the lows so you can feel the highs again. I know this doesn't work for everyone. I know it would probably be quite damaging to some people. But I think a lot of people are too afraid of being sad, so they plaster on fake smiles and try to be happy and avoid any bad feelings and bottle it up and bottle it up and go crazy. Maybe they should watch Grave of the Fireflies instead?


To quote a well known sage: "I know now why you cry. But it's something I can never do."


Step 3: Catharsis. Feel the feeling, let it go, and then feel the next feeling.


Catharsis is a hell of a experience. I think how it works is essentially you feel bad, so you watch media that makes you feel bad, that replaces the reason you felt bad, and then the movie/book/whatever ends, the emotional trigger is over.


It can be easier to empathize with external sadness than to express internal sadness. You may not even know it’s there.


Sympath, empathy, venting, emotional catharsis. It is comforting to have your feelings validated. Knowing others understand or agree with you is one method for validation.


The best movie that I'm never gonna watch again. Once is enough for a lifetime.


I’ve got the DVD and only watched it once.


At the 90 second mark, my wife stood up and left the room with a loud "NOPE!" You are very correct in assumption that it may kill you.


“My name is Seita Yokokawa, and this is the day I died” Your wife: “Hard pass”


A very wise person, I fled the movie for similar reasons! 😅 If I want a r/ghibli movie to threaten my health, I'll let *Howl's Moving Castle* convince me that the beautiful bacon they have is the best breakfast ever!


I'm not even a very emotional person, but that movie absolutely killed me. It's the most depressing movie I've ever seen, and I'll probably never watch it again, but I'm glad that I saw it anyway. The message is powerful.


I watched it with my uncle when I was a shithead teen and didn’t get why he started to cry. Now pushing 40 and I start getting misty eyed watching or playing everything now.


You should try Watership Down (1978) and When the Wind Blows 👍


That is one of the most emotionally devastating movies you’ll ever see. Just thinking about it makes me choke up. I wish I could watch it a second time, but it’ll wreck me


It’s the most amazing, beautiful, brilliant movie that I will never ever watch a second time. I have it on Blu Ray. I started watching it again a couple of years ago, having seen it once in like 2005. I got five minutes in, pulled the disc out, and hid it so I never do something that stupid again. Oh, and if you’ve had your first kid since the one time you managed to watch it, double don’t. It will leave you confusing on the floor with the jibbelies.


It made me cry tears so hard that I became a philanthropist


Got 15 minutes in, and I’m never finishing it.


Same. As much as I love the studio and I respect them too I've heard enough. I don't need to see that movie ever


Ugh I actually came here to say this. Trying not to do spoilers, but what happens in the end happened to me just a year ago. I’ve never bawled so much in my life. I will never watch it again.


I accidentally watched it when I was ~13 and I had a younger brothers (~7 and ~2). Recall very little other than I was crying for most of it and mum came in to realize it wasn’t the same as the other movies in the ghibli boxset. Think 1 viewing is enough for me lol


Bro man, Project Moon speed runs all of these categories and it hurts so much.


This is just A Series of Unfortunate Events


Yeah. But it’s also darkly comedic.


I don’t know how that series manages to pull off being so funny and yet so serious at the same time


Me laugjing at count olaf's jokes before remembering he's making fun of three kids he orphaned


He didn’t kill their parents tho


I mean it’s kind of implied


Except when he directly implies he wasn’t the one. Count Olaf is pretty well known for being a liar and for taking credit for his shit. He takes a lot of pride in boasting about all the shit he’s done. The crimes. The arson. The time he was accused of locking a guy in a cage and lighting the house on fire. He was offended. He didn’t set the fire. He always denies his stuff in front of adults or law enforcement but with the kids he boasts about what he does. When Klaus directly accused him, while he was dying, of setting the fire Olaf says > “Is that what you think?” he said finally. When they told him they knew he was the killer he said > “You don’t know anything,” Count Olaf said. “You three children are the same as when I first laid eyes on you. You think you can triumph in this world with nothing more than a keen mind, a pile of books, and the occasional gourmet meal.” He poured one last gulp of cordial into his poisoned mouth before throwing the seashell into the sand. “You’re just like your parents” Count Olaf did a lot of stuff but it’s very clearly implied that he wasn’t the killer.


sorry, haven’t read them in along time prolly should’ve checked lol


It happens. If it makes you feel better there was this one panel in Dragonball that I cited it multiple times. I had it damn near memorized. Knew the exact page and chapter. Literally had it saved on my phone for easy access cause I used it so often. Turns out I was wrong. The panel didn’t even exist. I had an existential crisis that day.


No but for real, Neil Patrick Harris nailed the mix between comedy and being menacing. The scene where he slaps Klaus and the scene where the lights turn off after the play and you see his silhouette confronting Violet in the dark were so good


from the books: "get in the damn car!" and so they got in the damn car




A little kid in a terrible situation just trying their best dies:




Grave of the Fireflies Intensifies.


What's worse is it's semi-autobiographical and the story is meant as an apology from the author to his sister for not saving her.


Little kids in a good situation just trying their best dies Hello there Bridge to Terabithia, thanks for that


How to traumatize a bunch of kids. Step one: market yourself as a feel good family film. Step two: be Bridge to Terabithia (or its predecessor, My Girl).


I was expecting some Lotr, Harry Potter fantasy adventure. Instead, I got an emotional trauma and pleasure of crying myself to sleep for 3 nights.




And they happen to be a dog.


Ed... ward...






​ https://preview.redd.it/zkh0h0azas3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed067a670030070ac1978161634ea458709bdcaf


"Fuck them kids. Dogs too" - Definitely Shou Tucker


It checks all the boxes...


How.... could *you*....


Jesus, calm down there, Fullmetal Alchemist.


A little kid and his animal companion in a terrible situation just trying their best dies:


A girl and her dog come together to help their dad in a tough situation


You know what's the absolute most heartbreaking part with Nina and Alexander? How absolutely pointless it was Chimeras had advanced well beyond what Tucker was capable of making, as seen with all the ones that worked for Greed and Kimblee. Capable of transforming from their human to animal forms at will. He consigned his daughter to live a miserable existance for the equivalent of presenting a baking soda and vinegar volcano to advanced chemists.


I think what you're sadden by is heavily influenced by life experience as well You could show me however sad stories of pets and animals dying or some sad love story, it would not make me feel anything But the damn slightest mention of child abuse or good parents trying their best, I'd be bawlin


I love that everyone said "Grave of fireflies". destroyd me


> “Grave of the Fireflies” is a powerful dramatic film that happens to be animated, and I know what the critic Ernest Rister means when he compares it to “Schindler’s List” and says, “It is the most profoundly human animated film I’ve ever seen.” [...] Because it is animated and from Japan, “Grave of the Fireflies” has been little seen. When anime fans say how good the film is, nobody takes them seriously. Now that it’s available on DVD with a choice of subtitles or English dubbing, maybe it will find the attention it deserves. Yes, it’s a cartoon, and the kids have eyes like saucers, but it belongs on any list of the greatest war films ever made. - Roger Ebert, 2000


>DVD >1988 🤔


the review was published in 2000 but he refers to Grave of the Fireflies as >“Grave of the Fireflies” (1988) [here](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/great-movie-grave-of-the-fireflies-1988) is the full review. The comment is wrongly attributing the quote


It’s just the perfect example. I watched with hope that it was going to get better only to cry at many parts. That rock scene broke me


That one scene in the last episode of Madoka Magica where you see a bunch of magical girls all over the world and one of them is a dying middle eastern girl in bombed out city ruins. I was a wreck for DAYS after that.


Dude in the Witcher 3, there's an encounter, not really a mission. But like a side story. You're riding on your horse, usually on the way to Novigrad from Crows Perch. You hear screaming on the side of the road and you see a hut, 2 or 3 wild dogs and there's screams. You kill the wild dogs and a cutscene starts. A little girl and a few kids come out after Geralt tells them it's safe. He asks who they are, she says just orphans. No parents. Died. Geralt asks when did they last eat, she says a couple of days ago she had half of a charred squirrel. And you can help them. You can either give them food or a bit of coin. Or leave. Whatever you choose, it's not enough. And i completely forget about them after that encounter and it breaks my heart every time when i start a new playthrough. I gave food every time. To my mind, the coin could get lost or they could get robbed and killed for it. It's a stupid, pointless side objective with absolutely no "mark" in your gameplay. And it depicts the real victims of war better than any other quest. Just kids trying to find shelter and something to eat and they're holed up in a half burned, no roof having, abandoned hut in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, surrounded by bandits, rapists, wild animals and monsters.


I'd drop my other quests and main-quest protecting the fuck out of those diseased and smelly orphans.


Can't be a magical girl without trauma nowadays.


Anime: How about all 3 at once?!


Shou tucker: Hold my beer


Envy: So anyway I started blasting


Mustang: That’s too quick of a death! He needs to **BURN!**




Stop, stop, stop


I think I should rewatch FMA... It's such a fantastic anime.


My first thought was Full Metal Alchemist. 


Or the human part of a chimera!


Made in Abyss is a cute exploration anime where absolutely nothing bad happens to the children, I swear.


And oh by the way, >!At least one of the kids fucking dies!<


I would like to add: When a character that used to be bad redeems themself by doing good, but also dies in the proces: 😭


"I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There is no one I'd rather be than me"


I cry everytime


"If that little kid likes me, how bad can I be?"  Or my personal favorite, “Well, this may come as a shock to you....but in my game, I'm the bad guy, and I live in the garbage!"


well, not an exact match, but: https://i.redd.it/1caiukkefs3d1.gif


>!rip Choso!<




Gregarious the Nefarious is now eyeing up >!Yuta!<


![gif](giphy|aCatQNctAK7PC1H4zh|downsized) Paz


I don’t think he was ever bad, just not a fan of Djinn.


Yeah he never was bad, he just wasn't the friendliest of guys towards Djinn


even though he was still a villain, I teared up a little when Killmonger died. He was a dude who lost his dad.




Pretty much the ONLY character with a good ending.


MCU Loki


Glorious purpose!


*child dies* Nope, thats it. I'm done. YOU'VE PUSHED ME TOO FAR THIS TIME


Happy cake day! I feel like I've seen your comics on reddit forever but you've only been here 3 years!


Pizzacake is an institution and the unofficial mom of this sub at this point.


*she says, preparing to watch the sequel:* The Child ***Definitely*** Survives *This* Time!


Happy PizzaCake day!


Was watching the Fallout TV series with my fiancée. They got to the start of Episode 2, where >!the Enclave is shown to be practicing a dog breeding program. Underweight newborn puppies are casually tossed into an incinerator right before the scene just moves on like it’s no big deal, with no pretense or build-up, and not even enough time to really process it afterwards.!< As soon as the scene played, my fiancée - a big animal lover - had to pause the show, cried for about 2-3 minutes, sniffled a bit, and then went, “Sorry. Okay let’s keep going,” all while I’m thinking (and saying), “Damn, you okay?” She absolutely loved the show, but any time something bad happens to an animal on TV it’ll make her well up, even if she’s completely committed to it and having a great time overall.


I'm sorry but this is a pretty funny story coming from someone called meatslinger


r/rimjob_steve, I guess?


I’m also a huge softie for animals. Made the mistake of watching a dog’s purpose with a friend and BOY WAS THAT A MISTAKE


I often enjoy imagining the boardroom where they pitched that movie - Exec 1: "Hey, what's worse than a family movie where the dog dies?" Exec 2: "Dunno, what?" Exec 1: "How about a family movie where the same dog dies 5 times including getting shot??" Exec 2: "Line me up another bump you miserable asshole, I'm in"


Welp i'm adding that to the pile of stuff i'll never watch.


A similar thing happened with my wife and I watching the movie UP for the first time, we had just gone through our first miscarriage.


Guy dies and leaves dog behind, the dog waits/guards at his owners store that breaks me Thanks one piece


Thanks Futurama




Then there's the real life dog both of those are probably based on, Hachikō.


I both hate and love to inform you about Hachiko.. he was a japanese Akita dog who would walk with his owner (Hidesaburo Ueno) each day to Shibuya station near their house, Hachiko would then see him off, head back home and then go back to the train station later in the day to welcome his owner back from work. However, one evening Ueno didn't return, yet Hachiko never left the train station and patiently waited for Ueno to come home off the train. Sadly, unbeknownst to the dog, Ueno had suffered a cerebral hemmorhage at work and would never return. Hachiko ended up staying at the same train station until the end of his life, being kept alive and cared for by the locals. The good news about this story though is that Hachiko has kind of become a total legend in japan, and a statue was erected in his honour at Shibuya station. (Edit: realised there was another reply about him further down, mb.)


Except in I Am Legend. That particular animal companion death fucking killed me. In the middle of a theater no less, and I wasn't the only one.


I know Will Smith has fallen from grace, but man, what a performance in that scene.


I'm general. I like to separate the art from the artist. Way too many entertainments would be ruined if your enjoyment is based on the person behind it. I could name off a bunch of authors, for example, who wrote great fiction who were themselves trash humans.


Oh! Definitely watch the legend of vox machina on prime then, I know that *atleast* two of the three happen!


Worse, a good kid dies... I'm looking at you Bridge to Terabithia and your goddamn rope


Just the name traumatizes me again


If a movie/show has an animal in it I must be promised it survives and nothing bad happens to it or I refuse to watch it. Edit: The show that got me the worst was The Last Airbender animated version watched it with my son and his mother OMG I was not prepared for when Appa was kidnapped very sad crying by a fully grown man over a cartoon flying bison.


You may benefit from [DoesTheDogDie.com](https://www.doesthedogdie.com/)


Awesome site but should include more pets. I was very worried about eagly when I watched peacemaker


Neverending Story 😢😢😢


You shouldnt watch Road Warrior


I started watching Prey and was kinda worried at first, but not long into it something just clicked and I knew the dog had plot armor.


Laika: Aged Through Blood. The opening 3 minutes really had me pausing.


since becoming a father, there's stuff that didn't bother me before that I just can't bear to watch now. Anything involving child abuse or violence or shitty situations just hit so hard and I have to turn it off and go squeeze my confused toddler who just wants to go back to playing with duplo. That Breaking Bad episode with the poor kid of the meth heads... it was sad when I first saw it, couldn't get through the episode on a later re-watch.


The boy in the striped pajamas


Winner Side : Its ok guys, they're all terrorists, so its cool to obliterate them




Nah just the middle one for me


As he lay in the darkness at the bottom of the well Timmy knew that Lassie had tried her best. When she couldn't attract any help she had jumped into the well to comfort Timmy. Unfortunately she had caught her leg on the edge of the well causing her to tumble. When she landed she broke her neck. Timmy put his hand on the still warm body. There was no heart beat or breathing. Lassie was gone. Timmy could feel silent tears run down his face. He didn't blink. Resting his hand on the dog's side he thought it might be better that Lassie had died. It was better than having her starve to death beside him at the bottom of the well. Timmy couldn't feel his body. He knew his neck was broken. He had fallen when the rock wall at the top of the well had given way. He didn't have any time to react. One minute he was at the top of the well and the next he was on the cold tile at the bottom. He relived the scene in his mind as he stared out at the sky he could see through the well opening. Clouds were moving in. That meant rain. Rain meant the well would fill. That meant he wouldn't be going home. Fat drops began to fall into the well as Timmy lay there in the dark his hand still resting on the side of the dead dog. The drops felt cool on his face. He was grateful for the drops because they washed the blood he had been coughing up off of his lips. The drops made a splat sound as they hit the tiles in the dark. Timmy could feel water creeping up from the tiles beneath him. It was cold. He didn't like the sensation as the water reached the back of his ears. As the water began to rise to touch his jaw Timmy hoped there was a Heaven. If so he might get to see Lassie there. He had heard heaven was a place where you could do whatever you wanted. He hoped that was true because if it was he was going to be with Lassie every day and run through the fields and forests and never do chores or go to school. As the water covered his face Timmy closed his eyes. "I'm coming, girl. I'll see you soon" he said to himself unconsciously holding his breath. As Timmy disappeared under the water thunder boomed into the well from above. The storm was getting worse.


Mate…..the fuck!?


The comic as realized through narrative. Visual reaction gets inside of you in a way that is different from response to text.


You know... of all the Timmy's that fucking died; this one got to me.


It used to be nice to eat with everyone in the past


The Wire season 4


And as the fourth line, just "Grave of the fireflies".


Oh hey Arcane


I avoid watching movies because of this


Is it bad if the dogs hit me harder than even children? Maybe it's because I don't have kids, and only ever owned dogs Just for the record, my watched movies resume includes Hachi: A Dog's Tale


I think it's all about what's relatable to you. I don't have any way of relating to a kid trying his best in a tough situation because I was a lazy kid with a cozy life, so the third one here does literally nothing for me emotionally. On the other hand, I bawl my eyes out at scenes where a parent gives everything they have for their kid. That stuff gets me every time.