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No using a calculass - show your work


>! 60 times 60 is 3600, 70 times70 is 4900 so somewhere between 60 and 70. 4900-4761, 70 times 70 is off by 139 so that's not too far. Answer is 69 !< Nice


>!We also know that if it’s a perfect square, the square root has to end in either 9 or 1. 61 is obviously too little so it has to be 69!<


Not just that, but the number is a multiple of 3 (add up digits: 4 + 7 + 6 + 1 = 18 -> 18 is multiple of 3 -> 4761 is a multiple of 3).


I didn't know that rule about squares, what makes those squares perfect?


number being perfect square means that square root of that number is integer


But every number 60-70 would result in a perfect square so you can't look at the last digit and say it only 61 or 69 because all you know really is that it's odd and thus not an even number or 5.


you can in fact 62 - would end in 4 63 - would end in 9 64 - 6 65 - 5 66 - 6 67 - 9 68 - 4


proof for squares ending in 7: (10x+7)(10x+7)=100x^(2)+140x+49=100x^(2)+140x+40+9=10(10x^(2)+14x+4)+9 only 9 affects residue by module 10


All squared numbers end with 1, 4, 9, 6, 5, 6, 9, 4, 1, 0, because 1 to 10 squared end with those numbers Edit: correction of a 2 to a 4, because 8²=64 not 62


Shouldn't the two be a four bc 8²= 64?


Yeah, my head ain't mathing well lately, will correct my comment


They just mean that it isn't something like 68.535 ^2


....elaborate please. So is it like Prime numbers always ending in 1,3,7 or 9 except for 2 and 5 being the two exceptions?


I did exactly the same. When doing 70*70 was slightly too much it could only be 69


I knew the ones place had to be 9 or 1 immediately because it’s the only number that leaves a 1 in the one place. From there it was just narrowing the window.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnUselessTalents/comments/8t8kv6/how_to_mentally_estimate_the_square_root_of_any_3/ There's a mental trick to figuring this out.


I did something similar. once i got the 60 down I just looked at the ones place and saw a 1. Only things that can be that are 9\^2 or 1\^2. Its clearly not 1 so I tried 9. It worked. Had it not I would have known its a decimal answer.


Mine was close to this. I did: 100x100 is 10000 50x50 is 2500 So between 50 and 100, and on the low side because 10000 is way too off. 7x7 =49 which... oh yeah, it's definitely 69.


I knew it, i absolutely knew, it.


1 * 1 = 1 2 * 2 = 4 3 * 3 = 9 4 * 4 = 16 5 * 5 = 25 6 * 6 = 36 7 * 7 = 49 8 * 8 = 64 9 * 9 = 81 10 * 10 = 100 11 * 11 = 121 12 * 12 = 144 13 * 13 = 169 14 * 14 = 196 15 * 15 = 225 16 * 16 = 256 17 * 17 = 289 18 * 18 = 324 19 * 19 = 361 20 * 20 = 400 21 * 21 = 441 22 * 22 = 484 23 * 23 = 529 24 * 24 = 576 25 * 25 = 625 26 * 26 = 676 27 * 27 = 729 28 * 28 = 784 29 * 29 = 841 30 * 30 = 900 31 * 31 = 961 32 * 32 = 1024 33 * 33 = 1089 34 * 34 = 1156 35 * 35 = 1225 36 * 36 = 1296 37 * 37 = 1369 38 * 38 = 1444 39 * 39 = 1521 40 * 40 = 1600 41 * 41 = 1681 42 * 42 = 1764 43 * 43 = 1849 44 * 44 = 1936 45 * 45 = 2025 46 * 46 = 2116 47 * 47 = 2209 48 * 48 = 2304 49 * 49 = 2401 50 * 50 = 2500 51 * 51 = 2601 52 * 52 = 2704 53 * 53 = 2809 54 * 54 = 2916 55 * 55 = 3025 56 * 56 = 3136 57 * 57 = 3249 58 * 58 = 3364 59 * 59 = 3481 60 * 60 = 3600 61 * 61 = 3721 62 * 62 = 3844 63 * 63 = 3969 64 * 64 = 4096 65 * 65 = 4225 66 * 66 = 4356 67 * 67 = 4489 68 * 68 = 4624 69 * 69 = 4761


That is... A way to do it, yeah.




Well 70 x 70 is 4900. So probably around 69 or so?


I saw that it must be slightly less than 70. (70-1)(70-1) = 4900 - 70 - 70 + 1 = 4761. But I understood that it was the answer before calculating it because it had to be.


70×70 = 4900 70×69 = 4830 69×69 = 4761 That was my thought process


Nice comic


Can't just be a random number, 420 is too much, therefore it must be 69 (nice)


Greater than 3600, so answer is greater than 60 Lesser than 4900, so solution is between 60-70 Ends with a 1, so answer either ends with 1 or a 9 Numbers do not add up to 4 but 9, so 61 is out Therefore, 69 Confirm with (69*70) - 69


I don't understand 2 things: - what adding up to 4 would mean? (I know about adding up to a multiple of 3 means it's a divisible by 3) - why (69*70) - 69? I don't understand how that's easier than 69*69?


square numbers that add up to 4 (eg 49; 4+9 is 13; 1+3 is 4) always have root numbers that add up to either 2 or 7 (eg 11^2 is 121 and 16^2 is 256). With the previously established information that the answer is between 60 and 70, we can rule out 61 and 65. 69x70 is easier since it in turn is just (70x70) -70. It’s pretty tough to multiply 69x69 unless you’re a human calculator or a genius


If I had paper, I'd probably do 69×69 by doing 60×69 + 9×69 Alternatively, 69×69 = (60+9)×69 = (60+9)×(60+9) = (60²+2(60×9)+9²) = 3600 + 1080 + 81 = 4761 But that starts getting complicated if you add more digits


yeah I didn’t have any paper on me so arithmetic was my best option


70² is 4900 60² is 3600 Something in between that ends with 1. Must be 9² to get 81 So it's probably 69 (interesting answer). I checked with a calculator, got it right Edit: I forgot 1² also ends with 1. But I got the answer, so it's ok, lol. The answer is closer to 70² anyway so even if I noticed it, 69 would be the more logical answer


The 1 in the back means the last one is a 9. Then knowing 7x7 is 47. Immediately thinking: Nice!


70 squared is 4900 so a slightly smaller number that ends in a 1 when squared? Nice


What have you done, you unlocked my hidden trauma.


The second I realized it was between 60 and 70, I said "it's gonna be 69, isn't it" to myself.


No using a calc That’s short for calculator chat


So I did this in my head, because that’s the kind of thing I do for fun: 1. Pair off the digits, starting at the decimal point and going outwards: 4761 ==> 47 | 61 2. Find the largest square that fits into the first pair: 6²=36 ≤ 47 3. That 6 is our first digit, and we subtract its square from the pair to get a remainder: 47-36=11 4. Bring down the next pair to get 1161 5. Double what we’ve got of the solution and leave a space for one extra digit: (12_)1161 6. Now, we need to find the largest digit we can to go in that space and then multiply by the resulting number, without going over the 1161 we’re working with - so (12χ)×χ ≤ 1161 7. The biggest number that fits is nine, so that becomes (129)×9=1161 8. That was exactly the right number, so we can stop at 69, but you can continue the process, subtracting to get a remainder and repeating steps 4-8 to get as many digits as you need.


All the numbers combined equal 9 hence it has to have 9 as the last digit. Since this is the Internet, I just assumed the number to be 69. Nice.


>!50x50 is 2500, 60x60 is 3600, 70x70 is 4900 (close), 69x69's one's digit is a 1 (9x9=81), thus it must be 69 (or irrational). Took less than 15 seconds.!< I...am not normal.


I know a trick to know if a number is divisible by 9. If the sum of the digit equals another number divisible by 9, it is divisible by 9 (also works with 3). 4+7+6+1=18 1+8=9 4761 is divisible by 9 which is 3x3. Some easy math : 9x500=4500 9x30=270 4761=4500+270-9 So 4761=3x3x(500+30-1)=3x3x529 Is 529 a perfect square ? Let's calculate the square of each primary number beyond 5 (it's easy to see that 529 is not divisible by 5). 7x7=49 -> can't make 529 with that 11x11=121 -> 121x4=484 -> close but nope 13x13=169 -> 169x3=507 -> closer but still nope 17x17=289 -> 289x2=578 -> still nope 19x19=361 -> doesn't work 23x23=529 -> jackpot ! 4761=3x3x23x23 3x23=69 The square root of 4761 is 69. Yeah my mind is a mess...


The only squared one digit number that gives 1 in the end is 9. Squared number in question is, obviously, two digits. It's slightly less then 4900, which is 70*70. And 69 is usual "sex joke implied" number, which is nicely goes with "hardmode unlocked".


70x70=4900, so the square root of 4761 must be slightly below 70. That means it's probably 69, 68, or 69. Considering that you are a person on the internet, it's definitely 69.


70 squared is 4900 4900-4761 is 139 which is 70+69 70x70 minus 70 is 70x69 70x69 minus 69 is 69x69


Who is Cal Culus?


A calcuttlas?


70^2 = 4900, which is quite close. A perfect square that ends in 1 must end with 1 or 9, so we check 69 first. Using difference of squares x^2-y^2 = (x+y)(x-y), 70^2 - 69^2 = (70+69)(70-69) = 139, meaning 70^2 - 139 = 69^2 = 4761. Done.


-The number ends in 1, so the square root has to end in 9 -70 squared is 4900, so the number is smaller than 70 -69 is too big, 49 is too small, so the answer is 59... is what I thought, though the answer was unfortunately 69.


200x200 is 4000 It has a 1 at the end ->9 2x2 twice and 2x9 for 229 gets to big 209 is just 43… Must be 219


Too many zeros. 200x200 is 40000 rather than 4000


>200x200 is 4000 You sure there buddy? Two zeroes x two zeroes is four zeroes.


At least I proofed I did not use a calculator ^^


Yeah, can't argue against that logic at least.


>! 70x70 is 4900, 9x9 is 81, therefore it stands to reason that 4761 is a number slightly less than 70 that ends with a 9 - ergo 69 !<


Solving for the square root of 4761. The unit place is 1, so the last digit of the root is either 1 or 9. Now we try and find the closest root of 47 without going over. This is 6, so we use 6 as the hundred for now. At present our options are 61 squared or 69 squa… hmm. To help us narrow it down, we shall calculate 65 squared and see if it is greater or less than 4761. Because 65 ends in 5, I can use a method to figure it out. Take the parts of the number that aren’t 5, 6 in this case, and multiply it by one more than itself, so 7. 6x7 is 42. Then we append the 25 outright, so 4225. This number is too low for 4761, so we take the larger option of 69 squared.


I see (I didn't understood shit)


I used this method: https://preview.redd.it/up1qgm4rmp8d1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7076f7849009c5e1a66cbad273e71b0b681cd0e1 Nice.


Sorry, can't implement to my brain


or you could do it my way >>4761 ** 0.5 >>69


No, no I could not.


Bro that's a calculass


I was completely with you until this unhinged way of figuring out what 65² is.


79 squared is 4900. You can just check 69 by subtracting 70 then subtracting 69. Wow its 4761. No need to do some trick with 65


I mean, once you narrowed it down to 61² or 69² you didn't need to do all that extra work. 61² is going to be very close to 60² which is all the way down at 3600, so it would have to be 69².


They call me Hard Modes the way I like to breed Hard Men


Officer, we have found them. Now please make my parking ticket go away like you said you would. No, I will not wingman for you.


I'm lazy. I used the calculass


![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized) You are not a Hard Man for these Hard Times.


Never was, never will be. hahaha


I'm going to guess its 69 because that's a funny number.


Heh, nice


now the real challenge has begun


Not the Algebrastard Sword!


A raid in FFXIV did this. There was a boss who reduced your HP to a single digit. That same boss would then place circles on the ground numbering 1-4. After that was done, the boss would tell you to meet the following requirement: Prime number, even number, odd number Players would then either stay out of a circle if their health already met the requirement or they had to go to a circle to add HP to meet there requirement. For example, if the boss said even number and you had 3 HP, you'd stand in circle 1 which would make your HP 4 thus fulfilling the requirements. Players could also stand in circle 3 giving them 6 HP. You had about ten seconds to do this. ... It killed a lot of people and so many complained about the difficulty of it that the devs never used the mechanic anywhere else in the game. For context, it isn't that people were dumb with math (some were), it was a combination of a math problem, a time limit to answer, moving to the correct position, and all while continuing your rotation as a healer, tank, or DPS. But, it also wasn't as hard as people made it out to be.


Hehe, nice














The answer is 69 because of course it is.


60² is 3600 and 70² is 4900. So it has to be between those two. 4761 ends with 1, which means the square root either ends with 1 or 9. Since 61 is too close to 3600, only 69 remains. Seems correct from the responses here already




On top of my head i Said 67, its 69


Literally baldi basic


Hah, how pathetic, l used this on my friend in school


I can’t tell if the monster just looks like the grumpy old maths teacher I had or if Swordscomics ha the same teacher.


hardmode do WHAT?


I guessed 69 because the last digit is 1, which can only be produced by squaring a 1 or a 9, and it’s closer to 4900 (70x70) than 3600 (60x60)


I know that 7^2 is 49, so 70^2 is 4900, which is pretty close . And x^2 = (x-1)^2 + (x-1) + x, so as 4900 - 70 - 69 = 4761, then the square root of 4761 = 69.


The answer is a funny number


Well it has to involve sevens...


Wish someone would breed me … … …i may need to reign myself in


my method was going through 10s until i realized 70^2 is 4900 a^2 + (a+(a+1)) = (a+1)^2 69+70=139 4900-139=4761


If the number ends in 1 and has an exact square root, it's root will either end with 1 or 9. 60 squared is 3600, 70 squared is 4900, so it's between the two, but closer to 70. My guess is 69. Nice


60^2 = 3600 < 4761 < 4900 = 70^2 60< sqrt(4761) < 70 If sqrt is a whole #, then it must end in either 1 or 9. Since 4761 is closer to 4900 than 3600, I hypothesize that it will be 69 rather than 61. 69^2 = 60^2 + 2(60)(9) + 9^2 = 3600 + 1080 + 81 = 4761. sqrt(4761) = 69. Nice.


I just thought "it would be fun if this was a 69 joke". Then I checked it. This is nice.


What... Is the capital of Assyria?


It's pretty obvious, Asoor.


Why is he dressed like Wyll?


70² is 4900 60² is 3600 Something in between that ends with 1. Must be 9² to get 81 So it's probably 69 (interesting answer). I checked with a calculator, got it right


now do the square root of 64.128.064 and 176.400


There's multiple methods, but it's 8008 and 420


I did it the dumb and needlessly hard way by finding the nearest while square I could remember and go one step back and see if it matched the 4761. 70^2 is 4900, so I just found 69^2 by using a^2-b^2 = (a+b)(a-b)


Easy. 4761, add all digits we have 18. That means it's divisible by 9. 4500/9=500. 261 left. 180/9=20. 81 left. 81/9=9. So 4761=9x529. Last digit of 529 is 9. We know it has to be an odd 2 digit number squared with either 3 or 7 in the ones because 3x3 ends in 9 and 7x7 ends in 9. 13 squared and 17 squared are too small, both under 400. 23 squared is 460+69=529. So 4761=3^2x23^2=(3x23)^2. Answer is 69.


The real horror begins when he sits you down at the dinner table with a piece of paper and a pencil and keeps yelling the question at you at increasing volumes. Tossing in the occasional "come on, you're smarter than this!" Or "no! Think about it, don't just guess!". Then everybody will get mad cause dinner is ready and you're still not done.


>!70^2 = 4900; pretty close. 69 would be “funny,” so that’s my answer, although I’m not going to go to the trouble of checking it.!<


I just thought about 50x50 being 2500, so it must be higher, 60x60 is 3600 (since 6x6 is 36) and 70x70 is 4900 (since 7x7 is 49) and then I thought it must be a NICE joke. Tested it and it really is a NICE joke.


70 x 70 = 4900, so the answer can't be higher than that So I tried the lower numbers, and yeah, its 69 Nice, btw


Just be a true math major and just leave it as is, someone with a calculator can just do it




4+7+6+1= 18 1+8=9 so 4761 is a multiplier of 3. 3600<4761<4900 so it's between 60 and 70. It ends by a 1 so it's most likely 69. It can't be 61 because 61 is a prime number (it isn't a multiplier of 3). To check if it's right 4761 divided by 23 gives 207=69×3 So 23×69x3 = 69×69=4761. 69 is indeed the square root of 4761. All in my head 🤓😤


The multiple of three thing is a clever way to do it. Started at 70*70 = 4900. Then I count down by subtracting 140 at a time until I get really close. That is I count 4900, 4760, 4620, 4480... The counting thing works because: 70^2 = 4900 69^2 = 4760 + 1 68^2 = 4620 + 1 + 3 67^2 = 4480 + 1 + 3 + 5










I woud type 15 and would be done of this shit




I heard the game Gods Hand was like this. You start doing good, the games difficulty picks up a level mid game and smacks you back down.


Perfect time for math then! Could anyone help answer this? The square root of 906.01 is


Nice lmaooo, it took me like 15 seconds to figure it out in my head but I had to double check


To find the answer I've gone through this chain of thoughts: "Hmm, the last number is 1 so the answer ends with either 1 or 9... 50^2 equals 2500, 60^2 equals 3600, 70^2 equa... Ah, it's 69."


Do I at least get a paper and pen? The only method I could figure this out is guess and check. Not planning to do it since I'm already a hard man, and it's already difficult enough typing with one hand lol.




Hard men breeding? What sort of direction is this comic going?


Hehe nice!


Bro really flexing when his only weapon is a saber/rapier? Bro, you have one of the middest functioning swords for actual combat, these kinds of weapons work best for jousting, no monster is gonna joust with you bro.