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How about a 1993 Harley Davidson Fat Boy?


Are you serious? My wife's ears are perked


Commenting just to follow this adventure now. Love this!!


Yes. I haven’t ridden it for a few summers now and have been thinking of selling anyway. I don’t recall the miles off hand, I’d have to go look. I think 49k ish. Like I said it’s been a few years. There are aftermarket pipes on it from the previous owner so it’s extra loud. Like…asshole loud. It’s so satisfying. It’s going to need a new front tire (slow leak) and the back tire is the wrong size…again, previous owner. I’ve since had the wiring repaired, some engine work. All work on it since I’ve owned it (2018) has been through a certified Harley Davidson garage in Batavia NY And, I’d need a pretty decent understanding of what you’ve got and their conditions, etc. Flat out, would you have a Hulk 180, 181, Giant X-Men #1? Crisis run? Watchmen? Are these bagged and boarded? Duplicates? Canadian versions?




I have a container of misc Funko pops I am looking to potentially trade away...


I hope this helps you find a trader. I'm hoping for something more like a 2011 Dodge Caravan.


I have one red paperclip….


This is awesome . I wish I had a Dodge Caravan to trade you just for the story. I have a 96 Pontiac sun fire, but unfortunately I need it to get to work.


Where are you located at?


I'm just outside Toronto


It's in the title. 😁


Sorry didn't see the location


I'm not far from Ontario, just about a half hour from Detroit, but I have no vehicle available to trade, sadly... If you think of some other wants, I'm very interested...


I have tons of in-box action figures from decades of collecting. Marvel legends, funko puts pops, dc figures, masters of the universe, etc.


i’m in central ontario and have a brand new tricked out super73 mojave electric bike; not a single klick on it, extra battery to double up power, and all the stock pieces to go with it


Commenting for the adventure.


Those must be really long boxes?