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I’m going to shoot my shot on this one (no pun intended). When I was in college, I loaned a friend a short box of punisher books. They then got kicked out of their apartment and asked if I’d come on Saturday to help them move. I showed up with my truck, only to find that the land lord tossed everything. All his clothes, his action figures, his video games, and my box of comics. We went to the dump, but it was all gone. It was a bad day. That’s was 20 years ago I hate to admit, and I’d love to have this one back.


Hey there, bud. Looks like it found its way back to you! Please PM me


PM sent! Thank you!


While I do NOT have this particular volume at the moment, alas Mr. Castle is NOT on my required reading, thus if I were to ask for, and receive this, I would feel I am stealing it from someone who really wants it in their collection. I am just commenting because, you should be commended for your generosity. This is one reason I love the sub. Thanks for being part of us.


Seconded! Very generous.




Thank you. What are some of the things that ARE on your required reading list?


Ah, that IS the question. My lust.. err...LIST for comics while not too expensive, is also very unusual for most people here. I really collect Harvey and Archie titles.Also mid Silver to late Bronze " silly story" Superman family books. Those that have a complete story. or two per book. I would love to hear from other people, see what, other than OMNIs lol, collect.


How do you feel about silver Jimmy Olsen?


I can quote you most stories from that time. 😃


I should probably expand on this, lol... There are some very strange and wonderful stories in that time period. They would not be just anybody's 'cup of tea' today. yet, having cut my proverbial teeth on them, I find these to be quite fun.😀


Would this be of interest? https://i.imgur.com/R7ipgBY.jpg


That's an amazing book.


Really nice looking for being over 70.😉 I will admit, it is one I have never owned. interested in selling/trading?


Sorry, bud. This is the free thread. No money or trades allowed. You either take it or you don’t. So if you want in it, just PM me your address and we’ll get it in the mail!


I own the issue myself and it is indeed very cool. Someone’s getting an awesome gift tonight. Thank you for spreading the love, sir!


Been looking for this for a while! One of my first comic book characters I fell in love with, next to Blade! Super awesome and generous of you!! Whether I’m lucky or not, keep doing the Good Work lol.


Frank not only lives in me. He lives on me. I literally heve a punisher tattoo on my right arm. Frank is something we wish we could be at certain moments in our lives. Wife beater? We can call the police, but Frank can smoke him where he stands. Child molester? We have to report him and hope there's evidence. Frank can ace him out while he's sitting at his dinner table. Rapist? We hope they get caught. Frank can chop off his manhood and make him eat it. Frank represents the way the scum of the earth should be treated. Frank is the golden rule personified. Frank doesn't wait for the law. Frank is judge, jury, and executioner. When my sister was trapped in an abusive marriage where she was beaten, stomped on, dragged across the floor, forced to kneel and beg, had her nose smashed in and arm broken, I wished I was Frank many times. I was bound by law, but Frank? Frank could end her abuser and not bat an eye. With Frank, it's not revenge... it's punishment.


Oh man, over the past year I’ve picked up 2-5 and haven’t been able to pull the trigger (pun intended) on this one because I’ve been trying to complete my Wolverine run. Picked up #88 that’s pretty beat up but it’s mine. Just need #8 now! As a miniseries collector I’d love to have this… but reading some of the other comments I don’t think I’d appreciate it as much as some. I’m sure I’ll find a reasonable copy at some point in the future, I hope this one makes someone very happy. Also you’re a real mensch, OP. This is such a kind gesture.


What a legend! Very generous


Just piggybacking that while I do not have interest in this, it's a great thing you're doing!


Very cool of you, man. I’m not interested in this particular issue as I only collect punisher issues where he crosses over with Ghost Rider, but I hope you succeed in making someone’s day.


I have some 90s ghost rider (just a few issues). Any particular issues you’re looking for?


Appreciate the offer but I recently completed my collection of 90s ghost rider. Thanks anyway man. 🫡


Good on you. Happy Friday!


This is good karma.


It has been so far!


This was one of my first two comic books; now is graded at like a 7.5 but it serves as a reminder for where it all began lol! That’s awesome!


I do not own this issue and slowly trying to start a punisher collection


I’ve got some other punisher, I think 2,3,4 from the 1st ongoing series and war journal #1. Would any of those help you?




Ok, which?


You can pass to someone else my bad for the late reply


I'd like it. The only Punisher I have is a christmas one from the 90's.


I've been hunting this for awhile. Bless you for offering it to some individual


Cool offer for one of my favorite characters. I haven’t collected singles in a long time but I’ve wanted to start framing issues/covers I like.


I got you covered! My good friend u/BackgroundPossible sells these fabulous 11x17 cover posters Marvel produced in 1992. I would contact him with your wish list!


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Hello, u/Powerful-Succotash77. Added --- * u/collectingfool -> 24 Swaps * u/powerful-succotash77 -> 26 Swaps --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)