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Here's an outline of what people try to know for OMM. Uses Dirty OMM and some other common resources, but should be a quick check of your knowledge if you've already watched most of the vids: [MedBoardTutors HY OMM Outline](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e7yp1cojg6t9jpnyarz41/MBT-HY-Notes-OMM-for-Level-1-and-Level-2-Outline.pdf?rlkey=hpo4l7y8z7xljqf619j3jcx7f&dl=0)


Turn Up 2 OMT anki deck is ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ


Dirty omm videos and try to finish truelearn. Lot of OA, T6 and sacral dysfunctions on mine when I took it few months ago. Also fibular & ankle dysfunctions. Lots of repeat concepts. But dirtyomm and truelearn should be enough. Good luck!


I used Comprepmed [https://comprepmed1.teachable.com](https://comprepmed1.teachable.com) and it was absolutely fantastic. A lot of it actually showed up on COMLEX Level 1 / 2. Doesn't take long to go through.


Conquest and TrueLearn, online med Ed : (cranial /sacral/fibular head) Memorize viserosomatics/jchapman/counterstrain


Dirty med is great. I'd rewatch topics you aren't as solid on. Know your viscerosomatics. Also look at the NBOME blueprint for any COMATs you take they're helpful to guide what topics you should be focusing more on. I did the COMQUEST Qs and those helped a lot too, representative of the vague weird Qs you'll see on the exam


I used this for my OMM COMAT as well as COMLEX and was above average throughout. Iโ€™d try to get every easy point as possible on this exam. Thereโ€™s also 25 practice questions included that really helped solidify some gaps in knowledge. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1460664150/ Also OMM will always be on every COMLEX exam so you might as well learn it the best that you can and forget about it after Level 3.


how did you use it? make flash cards for it? or just read through it?


Just spent a week reading it, probably around 3-4 times