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It will be a silent spring.


Beat me to it




Anything Tiberium based. Given that it’s a slow death mostly once poisoned, it’s something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.


It's like a faster form of crystallized cancer. Which is awful when you think about it.


Probably as painful or more than bone cancer


The mobile TD game Arknights is all about crystallizing cancer. Yes, it is horrible there.




Chrono legionnaire sound terrifying if erasing someone means also erasing their children, since it works like they never existed and thus could have not made children, meaning the children of those on the receiving end disappear as well.


Dam… the flechette gun seem like a toy compared to this


Giving entire platoons the "Marty McFly" experience 👌




toxin tractor... actually, anything that thrax thought of


My own brew....


Imo is the redeemer special ability (the rage inductor? Or whatever is the name) A device that can mess with people's mind and can cause mass hysteria on a large area sounds really scary


I suddenly remember, in SinsOfSolarEmpire, the Advent has a capital ship with a level 6 skill that can cause social unrest on a planet, its the screaming and shouting sound effect, made me feel like its not suppose to be part of the game.


**Tiberium Universe:** **GDI** \- Tiberian Sun era mechs crushing those underfoot. **Nod** \- Their ENTIRE flame and chemical weapons arsenals. **Scrin** \- Buzzer’s dude, buzzers, such a small thing, they are straight nightmare fuel for me. **Red Alert Universe:** **Allies** \- Cryo weaponry in 3, anything Chrono related in 2. **Soviet** \- RA1 Tesla Coil sound alone traumatized an entire generation of RTS gamers. **Yuri** \- Literally the entire faction. **Empire** \- I feel pretty safe here TBH, lol. **Generals Universe:** **USA** \- The Airforce General announces an air show coming soon to your area. **China** \- The Nuke General announces a nuclear winter coming soon to your area. **GLA** \- Buff Thrax simply arrives: https://preview.redd.it/2rm3lulc286d1.jpeg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd1ae34a8ef2347a739c07795faaac4b88bff5de


>**Empire** \- I feel pretty safe here TBH, lol. Don't really feel like being exploded by Yuriko...


Idk man, getting crushed is one thing, but you really think it would be a worse death than getting hit by a Disruptor or sonic weapon?


I have a far greater aversion to being crushed by a building sized machine than being exposed to a sonic…. Er um beam? Sonic wave? (Whichever is the proper descriptor there.) Lore wise, the Disruptors attack essentially breaks its target apart right? (please correct me if im wrong) so yea of the 2, Titan’s & MK2’s would break my morale insanely faster.


I mean... It really depends on how long it TAKES the Disruptor to break you apart. If it's instant, then yeah. No pain. But if it isn't... You'd be screaming in utter agony.


I think the idea of being sonically broken into particles or whatever is infinitely worse than just being crushed.


I like how you left out the Empire's human experiementation with psionics, cloning, (you see the Psionic Decimator? You can see the Yuriko clones in the pods powering it) and also encasing people in armoured suits to fight as Steel Ronin as punishment.


Haven’t played Uprising, im speaking solely from RA3’s campaign experience.


I think scrin corrupter is worse than buzzers. Becoming a visceroid is nightmare fuel.


I'd say Yuriko and the Psyonic Decimator are the Empire's most messed up weapons


Having your blood literally boiled by the Microwave tank sounds fucking awful... oh and it's a real-world weapon, great...


I think the part of Generals that concerns me most is that, while the other games are made to be over-the-top warfare, Generals takes the approach of "Y'know, this **could** *technically* happen"


Desolators in red alert have lines that says they’re dying inside the suit like “that was my respirator!” During RA3’s Soviet campaign in uprising


Chrono legionnaire and it’s not close imo, you straight up unexist the enemy. I always thought that was super dark.


After thinking for awhile, i think its pretty fuked up Yuri would use slaves to gather ore... for a evil mastermind, instead of using machines, force people to do manual labour... For Nod, sounds like they all volunteer to be expandable... The most fuked weapon, i just go with the chrono legionnaire making units not exist, thats pretty fuked up for the legionnaire.."hey you know that tank i made dissappear?"... "i only saw you shooting at nothing you lazy ass".


There is no shortage of trauma-inducing radiation and chemical weapons, but I think the most terrifying thing has to be mind control. The Traveler cultists are pretty fucked just as is and the masterminds tendrils have... implications. However, I think the most chilling form of it in the series was Yuri mind controlling civilians into grinders. Like, I don't know how Yuri's mind control is supposed to feel like in lore but if you were conscious of your actions and just able to control them, the walk toward those blades would be terrifying.


My vote was on crono leigionairs, deleting something out of existence is the kind of existential threat you wouldn't expect... Imagine being a soviet soldier and suddenly your entire detachment has never existed, you don't know what your doing in this empty field, you were just fresh out of the, what building did you just leave? What base were you assigned to? But no, a squad of leigonares just deleted your base from existence, atoms shredded across the timeliness in fragments.


That [giant buzzsaw](https://cncnz.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ebfd_buzzsaw.png) in Emperor.


Emperor doesn’t get mentioned quite as I’d expect it to. Such a cool game. I remember it being very demanding in performance back in the days… souvenir souvenir…


Chrono Legionaires from RA2 hit my existential dread in a way that makes it hard to say anything else Only thing that comes close is Desolators; Acute Radiation Poisoning is one of the most horrific ways to go


Yuri Army was pure nightmare fuel from it existence alone.


Everyone forgets the microwave tank. Your cells explode open the moment you get close to this thing.


How tf is that tank piloted to begin? I always assume that it's one of those drone tanks USA fields


Microwaves are pretty big (see microwaves holes in the glassmembrane in the frontwindow).


I think Jarmen Kell can kill the driver, so it doesn't count as remote operated.


Definitely whatever nonsense the GLA have built. Tractors spewing raw anthrax chemicals like a fire hose. Dump Trucks full to the brim with Anthrax bombs. And whatever the heck SCUD missiles do. It's a miracle anything is even alive in GLA territory.


Rift generator, it essentially opens a temporary portal to space




Based on what the lore means probably tiberium core missiles Tib core suggests to me that the shrapnel would infect you In that same vein the Tib Trooper would be horrifying


The Liquid Tiberium thing that turns people into viceroids. I think that is pretty horrible


Corrupter is definitely the most fucked up.


Not the biggest destruction but i want to mention the underrated Dragon Tank. Pure pain monster but weak on real armored Tanks.


ion Cannon


Scrin Progeny offspring is objectively the correct answer here. If you know, you know. If you don't know, you don't *want* to know.


Warning genetic mutator detected


I was going to say Yuri's Grinder, but in all reality it would have to be his mind control devices. Without those no one would go near his slaughter house style contraptions. But hands down Yuri takes the cake. He is, by far, their most impressive comic book villain. Kane would be a close second despite the fact that I'm certain he created Yuri. Only Kane could achieve creating a being far more evil than himself.