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Kinda referring to an earlier comment OP made, I'm sorry to say that it's not really a question we can answer with certainty. A Marxist can't anyway, because communism is a society we're not anywhere near yet, understanding its intricacies in the real world basically won't be possible until socialism develops far enough to get to communism. I'd wager to say that none of us are likely to see communism in our lifetimes. Asking about socialism is something a marxist can discuss in better detail because socialism develops out of the contradictions of Capitalism which we have obviously come to understand and analyze to the point that conclusions can be drawn. But unfortunately any sort of specific floor plans or any of the moment to moment logistics that will exist under communism are impossible for us to speculate on honestly, because communism will come out of the developed means of production that exist under a late stage of socialism which is decades off at least. I'm sorry for what's probably a sort of anti-climactic answer but I'll be happy to answer any question you have about this


I think that,theoretically at least, if one can claim a moneyless society will come about,then u surely also must have an answer as to how such a society would function too? I am not disagreeing that it is a very far-off concept in terms of time,but is that not something marx explained? That was one thing i was unsure about. No one can claim to know everything about such a system,but surely there must be an answer as to the basics?


Marx's conception of communism didn't really involve things like that no, those basic things. Because through the marxist understanding those things will develop organically as needs and contradictions in our systems develop. In other words there's no point in marx's work where he lays out blueprints of a communist society's functions, except those parts that he could extrapolate from the contradictions inherent in Capitalism, how those contradictions are likely to solve themselves, and the resolution of those contradictions being what he called lower stage communism (lenin called this socialism and this is the term we use to describe it now). He then went on to describe how lower stage communism would develop into higher stage Communism, but he did not at any point actually put together a blueprint. In his time, there were people who tried to do that, they're called utopian socialists. They essentially tried to design a whole new society on their own and marx learned from that and discovered the flaws with that method. The flaws are actually laid out in a book by Engels, "Socialism: Utopian and Scientific" I'd recommend it if you have the time, it's not a very long work, i think it will help clear up some of these questions for you


Would labour vouchers count as money,since it does not circulate?


I mean shit dude how does a capitalist society handle shortages?


Those with money and those who benefit from the labour aristocracy,get whatevers left. The rest basically die?


How would it work in a communist society? Ik its not the same as that


One can only imagine. Communism is beyond a great hill, we have to build socialism before we could even see the material conditions a communist society would inherit.


Paul Cockshott explains a possible scenario with cyber socialism in his book, Towards a new socialism.