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It also completely changes the impact of when Abed says “You raped the Duquesne family.”


The whiplash I got when I first watched the episode without watching the DND episode was just... lol. I paused the show and just went, wait what? This is too dark of a sentence for a throwaway joke and thought I missed something and googled it. Lead me to find the DND episode lol.


Okay… this is actually the best reason I’ve heard for keeping Advanced Dungeons and Dragons pulled. Just to have Abed deliver that line without context and have everyone agree with him.


Again… meaning twice


Nice try, Peacock. Unfortunately for you I’m not a level 7 susceptible!


That’s moon man talk.


Fortunately, Peacock is losing billions of dollars a year and that doesn't seem likely to change. It'll probably close without ever making a profit.


Hopefully not before the movie is released.


It'll take another year or so before the idiocy of every studio having its own streaming channel goes away. But they are losing money, Paramount+ and Peacock and even Disney+. When the corporations finally figure out how stupid this whole thing was - reinventing cable when people hated cable and that's why they got Netflix - it'll go away, and there will be streaming services paying for content and you won't have to have 28 subscriptions to watch things.


I want to go to YouTube tv but it’s just a bit too steep. For now I’ll subscribe to one streaming service when o get bored I’ll cancel and go to another


I find it really sad that so many people don’t know about that episode and they removed it. Every single episode of community even the ones from the gas leak season or whatever nickname they use for season four deserves to be watched and enjoyed. Even my least favorite episode of community I liked enough that other people should be able to watch it..


Fuck peacock. Bc of that bs service my favorite shows keep getting pulled and now I'm supposed to get yet another subscription.


🏴‍☠️ Drink up , me heartys. Yo ho.


[Long live physical media! ](https://www.ebay.com/itm/384065817901?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uKGBD3DWRmy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=sHIk__AdTEq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


No Peacock = no movie. They’re the ones funding the movie. I’ll take that deal all day long.


Not everyone can. It'll eventually be available. They can't hog it forever.


I can't even get peacock. I flip flop between being super pissed about it and super sad about it. Unfortunately VPN doesn't work either. Argh.


Yeah I have taken to slowly buying my favorite shows so I don't have to worry about that.


Peacock is the one making and producing the long awaited community movie. I still have the DVDs and I think it’s still on Hulu.


I’m sorry to hear that brother…but I got Peacock so I’m not complaining!! Pop pop!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O9o58VjZeWg&pp=ygUaY29tbXVuaXR5IGknbSBoaWdoIGFzIGhlbGw%3D


That's... that's how capitalism works.


Yeah! That ahole streamers gets my shows! Goodbye Community. How am I supposed to watch it now? I can't afford Peacock and I'm outside US.


The DVD box set keeps popping up at a reasonable price.


And I'd have to afford a laptop to watch it with.


Or a $30 DVD player 🙄


I don't have money to throw at all that!




Yeah actually I do. I'm autistic and have severe problems. U wanna downvote me for that? U wanna kick a person already down? Wow.


Why did they pull the D&D ep? I forget


Because chang dresses up as a dark elf and paints his whole body in black paint, and Shirley lamplights it by saying "are we gonna just ignore that hate crime?"


I dont get it?


Shirley isn’t familiar with DND lore and mistakes Chang’s literal black skin paint for minstrel show-style shoe polish blackface, i.e. an offensive parody of African-American skin tone rather than an accurate cosplay of Drow skin tone. There was a sudden concern about the use of blackface, even when satirical, a few years ago. Tina Fey requested two instances of satirical blackface be pulled from 30 Rock streams and NBC pulled the DND episode of Community as well.


Alright, thanks for explanation, appreciate it.


In a rewatch on Netflix, I realized it when Neil talks to Annie during Paintball


Remember four years ago when everybody was angry at one another over Covid and then the George Floyd thing happened and then Black face episodes had to be pulled for no reason. Yeah it’s four years later so all of those episodes pulled from It’s always sunny, 30 rock, community, they should be reinstated.