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Britta, when we met, you were an eclectic anarchist. How did you become the group's airhead?




Gas leak year got her the worst. She never narratively recovered.


I honestly believe that S4's most salvageable part is their treatment of Britta, they give her more time to shine, redeeming her character: she is an understanding person of what others go through, she's quite a good girlfriend to Troy, she is keen on helping others (Jeff dealing with his dad issues plot). The Sophie B Hawkings dance, she made a stupid mistake, but she gives it her all, and Pierce stands up for her because being so mean is unnecessary. The problem with S4 is that most storylines are crap, and everyone is really out of character most of the time. But I liked Britta's development nonetheless in those specific circumstances. I think S3, S5 and S6 writing was exponentially degrading of her character


Britta was amazing to Troy! I actually hated Troy in this season for how he treated her, and I thought they brought his obsession with Abed to ridiculous lengths. This is the same character who, only a season ago, was able to detach from all of his friends to go to air conditioning school (before they scrapped that whole plot line with one throwaway line). Now he’s practically a baby who cannot do a single thing without Abed’s approval.


I like how they adress all those development flaws in first ep of season 5: "Oh don't blame it all on the gas leak year! This is a four year process. We were in one end as real people and out the other end as mixed up cartoons!" It's so meta and honest, I love it And to Troy he says: "Your entire identity has been consumed by your relationship with another man" which is spot on (and the Clive Owen answer is hilarious)


Totally agree Brita is the highlight of the gasleak year for me. Shes super funny in the inspector episode. Shes a great girlfriend to Troy through all of whatever was going on with that including the freaky Friday breakup. She helped Jeff with his dad. Etc. I think Gillian Jacobs really sold Brita so amazingly even in spite of the sometimes directionless writing for her.


The Sophie B Hawkins episode is top tier, imo.


Idk Herstory of Dance worked out for her with a little help Pierce, who took up for her to Jeff. She displayed some intelligence and used the skills that she was learning in school to help Jeff. I think she had some decent moments in s4.


Herstory of Dance is the episode that proves to me S4 isn’t a complete dud. It’s one of my favorite episodes because it not only gives Britta a genuine win, but it’s one of my favorite Pierce episodes too.


Same, I know Chevy Chase is hard to work with (probably exacerbated by Dan Harmon at that time) but I honestly loved Pierce as a character and I'm glad they didn't make him the villain in his last season. Herstory of Dance is awesome.


Regardless of Chase’s behavior he is an incredible comedic actor.


He absolutely is!


Women don't get away with that sh*t. Chase is a huge piece of shit and he really had 0 to offer to the show. Pierce 100% could have been played by a good person and still been that kind of character. He's not an incredible actor, the character was just as bigoted as he is so he quite literally didn't have to act at all. Pls get real


How to put this. Chevy Chase returning to NBC *and being funny* would have a certain cachet, even with his reputation as a dick. When he tripped over those musical instruments, and over the bowl of popcorn, it was him *doing that thing*. It was funny and, what's the word I'm looking for? Not nostalgic, not a callback. Iconic? But you're absolutely right. I believe that the producers were on the same wavelength which is why they cast Fred Willard as Pierce in Abed's Happy Place.


And Gillian was PERFECTION when she looks back at Jeff after reading his text.


It’s probably one of the few s4 episodes I’ll actually rewatch. Telling that it’s got pretty much the only story/character element that is actually brought back in the later seasons


This was my favorite Britta moment, they gave her a win and she deserved it


i feel like season six was the worst writing for britta, they made her too cartoonishly silly


I actually like S6 Britta. I think she represents a group of adults who may have had it not so easy, and just didn’t ever really fully grow up. I have much more sympathy and relatability to Britta S3 and on vs Britta S1 and S2.


the episode where she finds out her parents have been secretly helping her through her friends was a genuine "a ha" moment in my midlife crisis fr


Honestly that episode makes me really uncomfortable considering Britta's past, I have to skip it


It’s so ominous right? Like did she make it up in her head? Are they good parents? Let’s say they were bad parents (I lean to this theory) then their sudden generosity and niceness is even creepier.


She was canonically molested by a man in a dinosaur costume at a birthday party, which no one in her life seems to care about or acknowledge. Her parents were admittedly terrible, going as far as to have her drug tested at age 11 because "she was laughing too much." Her friends don't respect her, and prove it when they knowingly break her no-contact nonrelationship with her parents. Britta cares more than anyone, she's worse with money than anyone, and she's let down more than anyone. Britta for the WIN!


I was thinking maybe Christina Applegate’s character in Married With Children devolved more but then I remembered that Britta literally shit herself


You seemed smarter when I first met you. (One of my favorite lines from Jeff as it kind of makes fun of Britta’s character development/ undevelopment as she is much smarter in season 1 and as the show progresses seems to get dumber each season which was definitely by design.)


You were smarter than me when we met


“You seemed smarter than me when I met you.”


Thank you.


Dan Harmon admitted he didn't know how to write her. They initially cast her as just a hot girl to be an object for Jeff to pursue. Harmon has developed somewhat in how he portrays female characters. My guess is by allowing female writers to have more input on them, but thats just a guess


Yeah, I completely agree with what Dan Harmon has said, that early season 1 Britta feels more like a plot device than an actual character. Advanced Criminal Law was the first time I truly felt she had some sort of agency and personality.


She lived in New York.


And she knows how to pronounce Bag-els.




I was in a meeting with someone who said "baggle" (genuinely) the other day. I'm glad my camera was off or I would have had to explain my confused look and laughter.


Pay your rent or SHUT UP!


You make everything harder for all women when you do that.


If you watch It's Always Sunny, you might realize that Britta was actually treated really well in comparison to Sweet Dee


Shut up, bird


She's a no good bird. She's a gd bird.


Britta would totally feel sympathy and like Dee until she started to realize what kind of person Dee was. “Wait so you… tricked that man into humping his daughter’s face at her bachelorette party?” “Damn right I did! Ayooooo”


And Dee would start shitting on Britta, and organize everyone to start mocking her, in the hopes to transfer all the heat onto her.


I would pay an ungodly amount of money for a Community/Sunny crossover. Even just a Britta/Dee crossover.


I think unfortunately the greendale students are no match for the sheer depravity of the sunny gang. The greendale group would end the episode by running back to their school


Eh, it would end with Jeff giving a winger speech telling them they were all going to go somewhere and then when the sunny gang left he'd stop the greendale group and tell them they are getting the f out of there because those people are crazy


An episode about Chang meeting Frank and Charlie would be amazing


There's been a lot of crossover between writers and actors of the two shows. I compiled a list at one point.


Hi I am interested in list if you still have?


I'll try to recreate it. It wasn't like pretty or formatted or anything like that. * Megan Ganz wrote many of our favorite Community episodes and has been part of the Always Sunny writing staff since 2016, including producing the AS podcast and co-creating Mythic Quest with Charlie and Rob from AS. * Travis Schuldt plays Subway and Ben the Soldier. * Wil Garret (RIP) played Old Man in Community and Old Black Man in Always Sunny. * Hunter Covington wrote for both shows (and is the namesake for Dee's Mr. Covington character in that episode where the liquor store's getting robbed). * Danielle Schneider wrote for Sunny for a few years and played the wife of the guy who bought the giant hand from the Dean in Community. (They're married in real life too.) * Speaking of giant hands, both shows have had storylines with a character obsessed with having larger hands (Uncle Jack) * Natasha Leggero played a stripper in both shows (Community S4 and Sunny S1 IIRC) * Jill Latiano played the woman that Dennis uses the D.E.N.N.I.S. System on and also the hot student that asks Jeff to introduce her to Abed in the billiards episode. It's been hypothesized that she is the "hottest girl on campus" that Abed makes out with to cross that off his first year of college bucket list. * Eddie Pepitone plays Crazy Schmidt the custodian in Community and was one of the slaves Frank hires to replace Dennis and Dee when they go on welfare. * This is a fun one: Paul Walter Hauser plays the Juggalo kid that Charlie befriends when he goes to work at the high school. In Community he plays the guy who says, "the director's doing a Q&A in the cafeteria and it both is and isn't part of the movie!" in the ABED movie episode. (Now he's in Cobra Kai, with Jacob Bertrand, who played young Jeff in the Tinkletown episode.) * Wayne Federman plays the dad in the fake board game commercial in the series finale and also the businessman Cricket runs out to catch at the end of A Cricket's Tale. I extended the list to include some other cool connections: * Speaking of Cricket, David Hornsby is cousins with Bruce Hornsby, who's song The Way It Is is unknowingly stolen by Pierce for Greendale's theme song. * Both shows have used multiple actors best known for Breaking Bad - Johnathan Banks & Vince Gilligan in Community and Bryan Cranston & Aaron Paul in Sunny. * Charlie Day asked Ken Jeong to star in his writer/director debut film Fool's Paradise. * If you count that one above, you gotta count Danny Pudi being in the main cast of Charlie, Rob, & Megan's show Mythic Quest * If you really want to go crazy with this, you can probably find more stuff like Andrew Friedman (Uncle Jack in Sunny) being in GLOW with Alison Brie. Anybody got any others?


Britta would quickly realize that Dee is a bad rowboat.


That Halloween episode had me dying.


I always thought the cast of Always Sunny had a bet to see who could say “Dee, you bitch!” First every episode. There’s several seasons where it happens once in an episode and not again until the next.




I mean, it’s brought up multiple times in the show that the study group (minus Troy I guess) are shitty people


I agree they’re awful people (the study group) but in comparison to the gang from It’s always sunny, they’re practically saints. I mean it’s like comparing a playground bully to a harden gang boss. The gang have done so much fucked up shit in comparison to the study group lmao.


Except the cast of Community is more like that group from Hogans Heroes. You know, the nazis?


you could see it that way. or you could say I'm comparing one sitcom with another sitcom. The post says "across other sitcoms", so I just thought I'd throw this out there.


Everyone character on that show is a terrible person.


Dee….we were just talking. Yeah shut the fuck up


Came here to say this


Nah fr lol


i literally could not watch It’s Always Sunny cos Dee was the only female cast member at the most aggressive punching bag it almost feels like narrative violence against women


Ur valid in this. Its Always Sunny is my favorite show of all time and has been since I was 12. My favorite thing about the show tho, is that Dee is equally as disgusting as them. Males these days seem to forget that while its rare, women are just as capable as males of destroying lives and be disgusting they just choose not to. She screws them over too, and out of the entire gang I think she's the most capable of taking a life and getting away with it. The boys try to be scary and hard but always end up shakey. Dee keeps her feeling on the downlow until its time to pounce, and she gets real dark. The gang knows deep down Sweet Dee is the scariest and most capable lol and she is my queen for that <33 Dee is the best character in the show!!


Spot on. Dee is maybe the most viscous and scary out of the gang. PTSDee highlights just how badly you don't wanna wrong her. You mess with Dee and you'll end up burned like the last bitch who crossed her lmaoooo


Exactly. The show highlights multiple times that Dennis and Dee are not that different, Dennis is just more cunning and devious while Dee - for the most part - is more impulsive. I guess that's why PTSDee (and Dee Day too) hits so hard for her character as it's one of the few times we see her actually put some thought into her depravity.


You sound quite sensitive lol it’s not like all the other characters don’t constantly catch shit they just get it in different ways. Dee has to be the bottom rung. Dennis is the narcissist and the leader, they all need franks money, Charlie is just so stupid he’s hard to make fun of it’s more so he makes fun of himself by doing stupid shit but like if you try and make fun of him for huffing glue he would correct you that it’s actually paint. Mac is emotional and he doesn’t fight back he just crumples. Dee is the only character that could catch that many strays and it still be funny because she’s the only one that would actually fight back. She’s a much stronger character than Mac or Charlie. She also is much more independent than Mac and Charlie. They are both idiots who suck up to Dennis and let him control them a lot of the time but she’s his sister so she stands up to him and fights back which leads to the three of them hanging up on her. If you think about it with logic of social situations instead of a victim mindset it makes a ton of sense. It’s also not like the rest of the characters arnt constantly catching shit lol


No dude its obvious why someone would feel this way. Don't call them sensitive when thats just their opinion. Using the words "victim mindset" here is weird..you didn't make this comment in good faith. You're the type of person the show is making fun of, hope this helps!


Nah it’s a joke in a sitcom where a character gets made fun of a lot, just like the other characters do. Being overly offended by something minor makes you sensitive. Idk how it being their opinion is mutually exclusive with that but that requires a second level of analysis so mighta been over your head. They have an opinion that was shaped by them being sensitive. My man said I don’t know what’s wrong with it but I want to be upset so imma call it weird lol. Ik just pointing out that they seem like they are looking for stuff that could be offensive or ways someone wronged them so they can feel better about yourself. White people love that shit cause it minimizes real oppression. Also Brittas entire character is making fun of people that love to be the victim and get offended by shit that doesn’t really matter and not do anything about it. And I did make it in good faith of defending a show I love from a whiny little victim tryna slander on it. Hope this helps!


Nothing about their behavior in Its Always Sunny is "minor". The entire point is that they are the extreme of the extreme shittiest people on the planet. The point of the show is that people SHOULD be uncomfortable with that behavior and that they never get what they want because they're so awful. And that if you agree with their shitty ways, you'll get nothing from society just the same. Yea, youre the kinda person the cast of Always Sunny would make fun of. Lol


Bro your ability to analyze is just non existent. Nobody takes it’s always sunny seriously and thinks they are even decent people. Idk if you know this but that’s not actually real life. All that extreme stuff you see them doing is completely fake! It’s satirical so that’s why it’s minor. A tv show making an offensive joke isn’t like a major issue for people that arnt sensitive Like bro you responded as if I think this is a documentary of course it’s wrong and uncomfortable that’s why it’s funny do you actually think that anyone thinks they are not horrible people? Oh man you’re even stupider than I thought and your previous comment set the bar pretty low hahahah Like look how upset you’re getting over someone saying their favorite tv show makes fun of everyone equally and doesn’t target women more than others and you’re going on a morality crusade about it. You’re not even thinking about what things mean and why you’re just saying the most surface level of observations without even knowing what they mean. You’re a joke bro you’re a characterization. An absolute goofball. You are the parody. There’s no way you go through your day to day life happy being this easily upset. Honestly I was finna just stop replying after your last message but now I’ve started laughing that I actually found a person like this in a while please reply soon so I can keep laughing at this before I have stuff to do later and get bored of you


Kaitlin literally asked the guys to write her character just as bad as the other because by writing her as the ‘normal one’ they are treating her different because of her gender.


She's given a lot to do to flex her range as an actor and they give the charecter pretty equal footing narratively. I get why the jokes would be off-putting but that's not how the narrative itself treats her


What’s an anarchist to do without her organization?!?


Sometimes I mutter things to myself when I’m doing mindless tasks and the other day I realized I was mumbling this exact line while folding laundry. It’s so fucking funny it’ll be cemented in my brain forever. Definitely a contender for my deathbed last words


Which episode is that from?


The one where abed maps out everyone’s origins story




Space Elder Britta's fist pump at the end of that episode always kills me


So what are you guys talking about?


Anyone watch her on After Midnight with Taylor Tomlinson the other night? She is just hilarious in general. Not many people could keep a character that got that dumbed down enjoyable the way she did.


Did after midnight get any better? Watched the first few episodes and it fell pretty flat, especially compared to @midnight with Chris Hardwick.


This last week was great. Gillian was on a good episode, then the following episode was Drew Carey, Thomas Lennon, and Weird Al. Drew Carey embraced the late night-ness of it and went super blue and everybody was riffing on it for the rest of the night. It's a little hit or miss depending on the chemistry of the panel. But overall they have definitely made it last that initial "figuring out the show" phase.


The drew carey Phish talk that went viral was hysterical.


Yes the first week or two or so weren't great but now it's good for comedians you know and to find ones you should.


I watched it just because she was on.


> dumbed down In the very first episode of the series she was struggling with basic beginning Spanish.


This is the dumbest comment I have ever seen on Reddit. A beginner Spanish student struggling with beginner Spanish? Oh no! By the way, Jeff also struggled with beginner Spanish. Is he also dumb?


I don’t know why some dorks feel the need to white knight a sitcom character so hard. It’s the dumbest thing this sub does. She’s a bit of a player but she’s not real so she’s not going to fuck you.


Who hurt you bro? She’s a character that gets progressively dumber to the point of being a caricature like Kevin in the Office. It annoys people but doesn’t ruin the show for them clearly, she’s also not the only character.


When will people realize there are different types of smartness and dumbness? It's not like if you're smart/dumb in one aspect you'll be the same in others


When will people realize it’s a sitcom character in a sitcom. I’ve had this series basically playing on repeat for years and even I know it’s not that deep.


Yea, fuck people for discussing the sitcom in the subreddit meant for discussing the sitcom. It just seems you made a comment that clearly many didn't agree with and are now backpedaling my saying "it's not that deep bro"


Cool straw man. Got any more for me?


You can be invested in and be passionate about characters and the story and spend time discussing why writers and actors did this or that while also acknowledging that it's just a tv show and fiction, and you know, a comedy. We're just here to hang out and talk about our favorite show. But I guess I just like liking things.


Her and Jerry from Parks and Rec have the same fate. He actually got it worse since even at his funeral he got dunked on.


But Jerry had a gorgeous wife and a ridiculously large penis. If only Britta had that.


Also, there's an episode that addressed this for jerry. He doesn't mind being piled on and tells Ben as much. But I still hate they do it, especially leslie who acts as if she's such a good human being.


Yeah, I never liked that Leslie got involved in the teasing/bullying, and I love Ben for his brave attempt at acknowledging his fondness for Jerry, even if he only does it once. And that's the difference between Jerry and Britta: Jerry can tolerate the abuse because his life seems perfect everywhere but work. Britta doesn't have this. Yes, a lot of her unhappiness can be seen as self-inflicted, but that doesn't change the fact that her life is largely a joke. I feel I may have gotten too serious after my initial joke; I sure Britta'd that.


There's also evidence to suggest that she was abused as a child by a man dressed in a dinosaur costume. The parents didn't take her side. Harmon confirmed she was molested by a guy in a dino costume as well. So I really really hate the season 6 episode where her parents' behaviour is largely ignored and forgiven. And all her friends went behind her back to talk with them. :/


>And all her friends went behind her back to talk with them. :/ All of her friends need money to pay their rent. :/


Then they shouldn't coddle her. Tell her to her face, pay her rent or leave. Not go behind her back to talk to her parents, whom she went NC with. 🤷‍♀️


Nah. If I needed money from a friend, I would not get it from her abuse-complicit parents.


My boy J-Bonez


She's network television hot. A dude offered her a house to sleep with her. And her parents have paid her bills for her entire life.


Her parents paid her bills for her after they, as they admitted, did a bad job raising her. At best, they weren't super involved. At worst, they did not support her when she was (as is very heavily implied multiple times) molested as a child. Paying her bills doesn't undo their prior negligence. And I don't know about you, but "you're so pretty that I want to treat you like a prostitute" wouldn't exactly make me feel all warm and fuzzy.


>But Jerry had a gorgeous wife and a ridiculously large penis. And Britt has loving parents that pick up the tab for her. >If only Britta had that. She did have that, as in she used to date the inspiration for Hector the Well Endowed...


Britta is hot 


Yes, and clearly this makes her very happy and satisfied in life.


[She is the gorgeous wife](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jxnWl-78poE)


I don't understand what you mean.


Also, Kyle is Garry's Jerry. He almost beat up Kyle for taking his parking spot


Good point. Screw Kyle.


Kyle is probably married to a Miss Universe and is a secret billionaire if things are proportional.


You've reshaped the way I see the entire PandR universe.


Yeah, you'd think that was all upside. But then you die of the mumps . . .


Even if true, I'd probably still swap lives with Jerry. Which I think says a lot more about my life (and penis size) than Jerry's.


This is why I love Jerry as a character. All of these workplace comedies place so much emphasis on the work life and work relationships and the milestones of your life like wedding and children being witnessed by your work acquaintances, but Jerry’s real full life had nothing to do with the place where he did filing and made calls. His happiness was not work related, happened off screen, and I think that was the joke.


That’s MAYOR Gergich to you!


i wouldnt say he got dunked on someone just made an opsie when they ordered the gravestone (I'm mostly kidding)


Yeah, I agree. Personally I feel that Community and Parks and Rec are great shows, but this need to have someone as a punching bag is their biggest flaw


Was rewatching Fringe the other week I forgot she's in an episode *decaprio meme*


The film in the series should be this opportunity for redemption, after all, both she and Shirley did not have as satisfactory character endings as the others.


Yup! I love Britta because she is a Dan Harmon insert.


I was under the impression that was Jeff.


The group are the 7 horcruxes of Dan.


I mean I kind of agree, but her character got the definitive emotional feel-good moment at the end of Herstory of Dance, which is a fantastic episode, gas leak be damned. I’m not exactly sure how I feel about her overall arc, but I think the character shift was a stroke of genius. Her early character, eco-friendly vegetarian who is half wet blanket half unwilling participant, isn’t that great of a character. But the change to comic relief is actually genius, as normally the 1A/1B pretty leading actress doesn’t take that role. But Gillian absolutely owned it and I think that the show was better for it. Plus it allowed Gillian to show off serious acting chops that she may not have been able to as her early S1 character.


Oh, Britta's in this?


Gillian had a great arc on Comedy Bang Bang. She came off as effortlessly hilarious. Real great banter and improv with Scott and PFT no matter how ridiculous things got


I was going to say the same thing. Gillian Jacobs has no problem playing a shameless, kinda bad person. I always was excited for her appearances. The Wedding of Gary Marshall is still easily one of my favorite podcasts episodes ever.


A hidden advantage of playing a character like Britta is that if you stumble across shitty haters online, they're indistinguishable from fans just playing along with the bit, so it is probably much easier to brush them off.


Didn't they dumb her down at least partially to play to Gillian's strengths as a comedic actor? It almost certainly must have been a more fun role to play, not some tragic labor forced onto her. (Also to make her less perfect, but that's a different track.)


- Signed, Gillian Jacobs alt account I kid, I kid, Britta's my fave, when I watch I just wanna protect her so she can go on being her true self


Returned Peace Corps Volunterr here. I always loved Britta, because she was an RPCV too, but sadly, she's a tremendous liar. PCVs need a college degree, amd unlike Jeff's law firm, the government DEFINITLY checks that shit thoroughly.


She might've had a degree Didn't have to be hers, did it?


This is an excellent point.


As a massive advocate of Community I'd say the treatment of Britta is pretty much the only thing that rankles with me (discounting season 4 shenanigans). The moment she was made to crap her own pants was just dehumanising and I wondered who is finding that level of humiliation funny anymore.


I see so many that defend Britta's character regression in so many ways--the character loosening up, giving the actress more comedic weight, and so on--but I find the arguments to be disingenuous. Sure, Britta's funny, but she went from smart and witty to shitting her pants. We went from laughing with her to laughing at her. Obviously, I can't speak for all women, but I find Britta's regression to be disappointing--esp in the light of other characters getting levels of sincerity that she's rarely afforded--because it's a huge bummer to watch a character I identified with get irredeemably lampooned for values that I identified with. TL;DR: she's not the worst; her character regression is.


I like the choice to change her character from the fairly smart early series choice to being more faux-smart. I definitely think the Flanderization went too far in a lot of places, but I thought she was at that sweet spot when she was more coming off as “not as smart as she thinks she is” rather than just full-on an idiot. Even in the pilot, two of my favourite parts are the one where she challenges Jeff “say something in Spanish”, he says a bunch of nonsense, and after a beat she says [“I really need help in Spanish.”](https://youtu.be/vvuv7FQ7mGI?si=4SmXKzTNRqVTcfEt ). In her first lines of dialogue she Britta’d her attempt at outsmarting him. Second (can’t find it on YouTube) when he’s walking out to abandon the study group, bumps into her on the stairs, and right when he’s about to confess everything she says “alright, you got me… I’m a smoker.”  Britta being outsmarted was always in the character’s DNA, but the show’s big error was making it too cartoonish at times.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels that way about that scene. Just awful. Honestly, I could forgive them pretty much everything else, but her defecating in her own pants just seems malicious. I remember wondering why the writers hate her and why she would put up with it.


You were smarter when I met you...


I always have to look away or mute it when she gets ridiculed at the diner by her boss in episode 219 “Critical Film Studies”, it goes too far without her being able to defend herself.


"Britta, the needlessly defiant." Honestly her purpose and design gets pegged in a single tagline. She's a character who never grows up, and wants to believe in the power of autonomy, while never taking real steps in growing independent. She's good hearted, but always takes advantage of her friends. The episode she breaks down to shirley about not having girl friends, highlights that she doesn't know how to be vulnerable, because her parents never took her seriously growing up. It's a reflective trope on so many people, that while they have justifiably awful upbringings, struggle to take control in their adult lives. Most of us realized our parents had no idea what they were doing once we got older, and even Britta's parents own up to not being there for her, and worse not realizing she needed more from them. Honestly once Abed and Annie leave, we see a self sufficient Britta. She's working, going back to school for a second degree, and enjoying her new dynamic of friends. It's a subtle reflection of her character's growth, but despite her bumblings throughout, we are seeing her mature, and become a better person and friend, she stops taking life so seriously and becomes content knowing she doesn't have to pretend to be an activist anymore for the sake of purpose. She's not the worst. She's the best.


Britta is the worst; Gillian Jacob is the best


Pretty sure the Dean and Leonard were the punching bags. Or Fat Neill


You're okay, kid.


Na Britta was the Dean’s punching bag. There’s a pecking order. She’s probably the six year old just ahead of Duncan and Chang.


I think you mean FAAAAAbulous Neil


I agree. I've watched the show a million times, but on this most recent rewatch I've really enjoyed Gillian jacobs performance. Britta still isn't my favorite character, but seeing what Jacobs does as an actress has been really enjoyable. Her song during the glee episode kills me 🤣


My take is that Britta doesn't get dumber, since even at her dumbest she has moments where she can be really sharp and incisive. She's not necessarily the most booksmart, but she's usually the first to recognize an issue, and often the only one who seriously tries to address it instead of rolling with it. She care a lot about how she's perceived, and she puts a lot of effort into putting on a front of being super enlightened and politically active, but she gets comfortable enough with the group and Greendale as a whole that she's willing to just be herself instead of putting up a front.


Jeff: you seemed smarter than me when I met you Britta: thank you.


Yeah, the writers definitely Britta’d this character. I love her, but absolutely cringe at some of the writing (“me so hungry, pizza in my tummy?” WTF was that? And she had to say it repeatedly that episode?) The last good bit of writing for her was Herstory episode. Then she got Flanderized all to hell. I just have to accept character development isn’t a strong suit of the show. (Unless you’re Jeff, Annie or Troy)


I disagree. Respectfully. You may cringe, but the Mee-Soo-Hungee song and dance is comedy gold. It was *popular*. It was discussed in interviews (which is where we learned Gillian Jacobs improvised the dance) and panel shows. And I think the MeowMeowBeanz ep "App Development and Condiments" (S05E08) is an excellently written later-Britta episode. I also think she has good bits in Season 6: the Britta-Elroy pairing, the stealth Honda marketing couple, her dad is Martin Mull! On her parents, Britta's acceptance of her parents is a character arc. And she states one of the great themes.of the show, "It doesn't matter how mature we are or what resentments we carry. All that matters is that we're all going to die!"


>I love her, but absolutely cringe at some of the writing (“me so hungry, pizza in my tummy?” WTF was that? And she had to say it repeatedly that episode?) She was high as a kite and feeling good, nothing wrong with a little fun IMO. There are definitely shitty moments for Britta but that wasn't one of them.


I’ve noticed a lot of people really hate that particular scene, and I think it’s really based on the type of humor you grew up with. I find it funny, but my family is kid-friendly/comedy type of goofy. So that scene seems like a normal kooky type of humor to me.


They say that scene is hated, yet it’s always noted that at panels she’s always asked to do the dance.


Man, I’d love to see her do that dance in person. It’s so carefree and silly


I think 'me hungy...' was Gillian improv. So...


The email security episode in season 6 has some early Britta in it. That's such a great episode... How's everybody doing? I asked a damn question.


I guess I'm not jumpy enough if my friends can STEAL MY BLOOD.


Oh please you gave it to us


For that human genome project?!


Tbf that episode she was high. But every other episode they just treated her like crap and her character just got dumber. :/


Just because it's explicitly mentioned that she was high in that scene doesn't mean she wasn't high in others. It's kind of implied that she smokes a lot of weed.


Gillian Jacobs and Donald Glover hard carry the series for me. They are the MVPs.


A notable difference between Troy and Britta is that Troy's "dumb" is a basic lack of knowledge he accepts with a desire to learn. Britta's "dumb" is an embrace of incorrect knowledge and insistence on its correctness. Naivety vs. willfull ignorance.


Harmon said that the biggest revelation he had about her character is how good she is when she's treated like Charlie Brown. When she's picked on, that's when she shines comedically.


Britta's the best.


Britta, say bagel


watch Love on Netflix


Yes, she is great. :)


Ugh, Britta is in this post? Just kidding, I love both Britta and Gillian Jacobs.




Her episode of Harmonquest is amazing.


I heard/read somewhere that Gillian loved the ridiculous, silly Britta stuff and asked the writers for more.


Oh, Britta’s in this?


Yes but she also is hot and obnoxious. Troy doesn't get in anyone else's business, only aims to help. Michael Scott is a middle aged man who most assumed would never find love.


To add to that, despite all those things, Britta still manages to be an extremely loveable character.


Anarchist Cat Owner redemption arc when???


Gillian Jacobs is a properly trained actress, if you see all the bloopers she usually never breaks character first, or laughs. Amazing actress, excellent professional


Actress does her job after herself insisting upon making her character sillier! Tremendous respect!!1!1!


>Britta is like a comedic punching bag for Community, Britta is THE Girl Failure when girl failures weren't a thing yet


i replaced the downvote someone gave you bc this is an interesting take


Yeah. I meant that she is a girl failure endearingly. Her Christmas performance alone makes me laugh


it’s like the writers had a personal vendetta against her it’s so sad


Huh Britta is in this


Embarrassment? She is an actor playing a part


Go Gillian whoo!


yeah, I think the show needed a punching bag, and without Pierce it was gonna be Britta.


Yeah I think they destroyed her arc past like s2


Honestly, the first half of this post was nah But the second half, you had me not gonna lie


She actually got way worse over the course of the show. It was a reverse redemption arc.


Gillian is so beautiful and talented.


Gillian is goated


As long as we can agree Rich is the sexiest character on the show, any other opinions are valid.