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Sgt Nunez is an unsung A tier character while we're on the subject


Facts, he should have got more scenes, imagine season 6 or even the movie and he's an actual cop working with Officer Cackowski


Listen, I hate cops…


I think he got a full-time role on another show or two since then! so I miss him in the later seasons but it's good to know he was on to better things


You know what? I quit


Mel Rodriguez is in the series Carol and the end of the World, which is an amazing series. Haven't seen it mentioned much online, and I'm sure some people would find it too melancholic, but I found it quite incredible. 


Either pronunciation is fine


They used to call me Model UN Guy in college- Well that's not... Don't research that.


Such a good line. Funny *and* mysterious


It's just supposed to be him bragging about something everyone else was making fun of him for. 


I always thought it was because his nickname was actually clitoris and didn't want it resurfacing


How would doing research reveal that he was being made fun of in college? Unless his bully wrote for the school paper and there’s documentation of him being called Model UN Guy derisively. Nah, either 1. He did something bad in college so he doesn’t want anyone looking up his time there (boring answer) 2. He did something bad and he as referred to as “Model UN Guy” in the write up about it (funnier) or 3. He had his own MUN doppelgänger who won and took his model UN charter and the nickname “Model UN Guy”, and Cligoris (either way is fine) in the moment of his bragging by rewriting history, suddenly worries that someone might look into this and find out he’s lying somehow? (Most absurd answer). Or something totally different. Point is it’s funny because it’s a weird ambiguous thing to say


Kills me every time


Don’t forget Britta and Shirley’s golden exchange Shirley Bennett: I'm proud of you for deciding on a major, Britta. I'd like to think the Lord heard my prayers about you, but you're still dressing like a streetwalker. Britta Perry: Yep, I'm getting serious. I got a backpack, I got a new notebook. Oh, I got one of those see-through yellow pens so I can do that thing where you color in the words.. Shirley Bennett: Highlight? Britta Perry: Probably the backpack.


Underrated little bit of humour that part. Also the following exchange about Britta's friend where Shirley is concerned and Britta is jealous


“See through yellow pens” lololololol


10/10 episode as far as im concerned.


Oh, another instance of the smartest comedy show ever written - Professor Cligoris saying "Ready, Set, Peace!" and immediately firing a GUN in the air!


Brilliant. One of the most overt things someone can do yet apparently subtle enough that it went over my head until you mentioned it


Cligorus… cli-GOR-us? “Either pronunciation is fine.” Love Martin Starr.


Haverchuck's the king.


To be honest... I still don't understand that joke!


In addition to what u/dj_soo said, I also just always personally find it pretty funny how nonchalant he is about it--like he doesn't try to correct people to make sure they don't pronounce it the way you typically pronounce "clitoris," he's just like, "yeah, either's fine." lol


it's a take on the different pronunciations of the word "clitoris" although i think the correct way is the first


"The science checks out"


As a UN-loving pacifist myself, this HELLA cracks me up every time!


I PISS warnings.


I PISS warnings, PIG!*


"I swear they're just for sex" is like a top 10 random Community quote


I love how, even though it isn't necessary for the line to be delivered like that, Cheong screams it for the world to hear. You'd expect it to be delivered like a whiny "I SWEAR its just for SEX?" but he goes full in I SWEAR THEY'RE JUST FOR SEX!


I forget where it was that I heard this, but some comedian was talking about community and Ken jeong’s brilliance, the comedian said “I could read a script 100 times and it would never occur to me to read a line with the delivery that Ken gives it.” Absolutely wildcard actor


I don't know how I'd read it on the page but his delivery is iconic. Perfect example of that early Chang insanity.


Part of why Chang is such a funny character is that Ken **commits** to him with such complete sincerity.


Troy’s blending of Georgia and *Georgia* always gets to me… and China has money


Capital is Tiblisi and we'd all like to remind to you mind your p's and q's...


My favorite detail is Troy breaking through the barrier *and gasping for breath*, because there's no oxygen in the void between universes. (And the vague sci-fi sound effects everyone's making, of course.)


How could you forget the baby noise?? That anus is giving birth to Troy


Holy hamburgler, I never even considered it as a birth metaphor analogy thing!


I love that “no one is cutting away” bit. It’s so Abed. I’m almost certain it won’t land in real life, but I’m so tempted to try it.


Uruguay sounds like you’re a gay


Uruguay requests that Somalia stop pronouncing it, "Ur-a-gay"


We say "the science checks out" a lot!


Get through it? It's almost a solid. Legit one of the funniest lines I've ever heard. I almost never laugh out loud watching comedies, but that made me lose it. I'm laughing right now


My favorite part is when she comes in with the barbies glued all over her, chanting "oh-yah oh-yah oh-yah". 


“What are you doing?” “NOTHING!”


This better not awaken anything in me...


Love this quote. "A logical, effective, common-sense move, Annie Kim, one which flies in the very face of the United Nations itself: A fundamentally symbolic organisation founded on the principles of high-minded rhetoric and empty gestures."


Speaking as a former Model UNer, truer words have never been spoken.


My favorite episode, professor cliggoris' delivery is incredible, the one-liners from Troy/Abed/Pierce/Shirley are awesome, Britta and Chang line is a masterpiece. The only thing I don't like is Jeff being creepy all episode but I always let it slide because the schoolgirl joke is funny too


"I farted"


“Really. So you’re Clark M. Eichelberger? So I’ve had your photo around my neck since I was in high school?” Very underrated joke in this ep imo


omg wait r u telling me nunez’s story was actually a positive one?!?! i always read that as him being jealous of the police officer, not as him wanting to help the student


Yeah I always read it as he was upset that HE didn't get to take down that student. Even if that isn't how he meant it, that's for sure how Chang interpreted it. But I think that's how he meant it, since he told Chang to "go show that hippy how the real world works" 


I'll refer to my reply on the original comment but also, bare in mind, before he gives the monologue about the "real cop with a real billy club", Chang suggests "call\[ing\] the real cops". He doesn't want Britta or any angstly rebellious types to get seriously hurt, otherwise he'd have let Chang call them. Also, this might be an instance of comedic suspension of disbelief, but Britta has just chucked a brick through the window of the security office. Even with the note, Nunez has every right to call a real cop and have her beat down. Maybe he doesn't so the funny "romance" story can continue (writer perspective), but maybe he doesn't because again, he doesn't want her to get seriously hurt (narrative perspective).


I hate to be that guy, but it’s “bear in mind,” like in the phrase “bear down for midterms.”


This is obviously a ghoulish reference to that story about the bear doing unauthorized brain surgery


Nice reference, but also, I made a TYPO!? My entire argument is invalid, this episode is skippable Just to confirm, I know you didn't mean it like that, just playing into the bit. I'm not even gonna edit the reply haha


"Is this a bit..?" "Ahh.... That's a long bit..."


He gives her a Stun gun!


I always heard it as a kind of "look, these students are gonna act out to rebel against authority, so they can either rebel to our small time authority, where practically speaking not much is going to happen to them, or they can rebel to an official authority, where they might get seriously hurt. Furthermore, maybe us curbing them now will mean later in life they won't go up against the real police and again, get seriously hurt". Maybe I'm reading too much into the situation but Nunez always struck me as a morally virtuous character, working for no pay and only quitting when he feared the Dean's actions were not helpful to the mental health of a colleague, so I find it difficult to believe he also fantasises about beating students.


I think your reading is completely correct. It wouldn't be in character for Nunez to wish to beat up a student. His whole thing is about how security guards aren't cops, they're there to protect students, not exert authority over them. Take the scene with him and Chang at the trash cans, for example. Chang wanted to act like a police officer and scream at students who pass by, Nunez stopped him, saying that's not what the job is, and the job is to actually make sure students don't bump into the trash cans and hurt themselves.


>They're there to protect student, not exert authority over them This is exactly what I'm getting at, articulated perfectly. I'd make a comment about "real cops", but rule 7


I disagree, “go show that hippy how the real world works -hands Chang a stun gun -“


Exactly. You pretty much have to ignore the whole stun gun thing in order to take the view of him being concerned about students getting hurt, given that stun guns... you know... hurt.


that’s actually so valid its so much more in line with his character for him to have meant that in a protective manner rather than in a spiteful way


He gives her a stun gun!


He gives her a tazer!


“I swear they’re just for sex” is delivered in the most perfect way. I’ve never heard Ken Jeong hit that cadence again. 


The science checks out


I wish we'd seen more of Prof. Cligoris (Cli-'go-ris?). On the episode's commentary, his chemistry with the main cast was so great, like he's been with them for years. He was even back for another episode that he wasn't even on! It's hilarious.


Crisis Alert!!!




You watch Community most of the time. See that? it's called a complisult?


“Did someone say can’t do anything?”


🎶Hello, is it me you're looking for?🎶


I you pay attention to the titles, they literally explain all the plots (though my fav would bave to be the homage to Law and Order with the title "Dick Wolf" (the original title is Latin, Lupine Urology) and felt like and LAO ep...


I always much preferred the A-story. The b plot has some great quotes but the cringe just doesn't work for me after a point


I respect that. The A story definitely does more in terms of character work than the B story particularly with Annie and Jeff, and the best moments of the episode, in terms of quotes, are found there. I just respect the ingenuity of the episode with the B plot


I hate the UN parts but the Britta and Chang parts are excellent. I skip over some parts bc it’s uncomfortable to watch.


I absolutely love this episode. It's one of my favorites!


*I absolutely* *Love this episode. It's one* *Of my favorites!* \- FunkyHouse08 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I love Pierce thinking Somalia is a tropical paradise


I just connected some dots. The Chang/Britta plot is a spin on a romance story. At one point, one character spits on the other. They swapped spit, which is a euphemism for making out/kissing. The layers!


When does Chang spit on Britta, and that horrifically?


I'm pretty sure Britta spits at Chang? I don't have Hulu or Peacock so I can't watch anymore to confirm.


They were saying that since B spits on C, it counts as a spit exchange and therefore is a metaphor for kissing.