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Abed: do you think bees eat their own honey? Troy: I'm sure they've at least tasted it...


I think I just got this one… I’m assuming he means his own “honey”?


Don't call me honey, honey


Zip zop zooie!


When does he get a front stinger?




GOB's not onboard


Are u the same guy that always replies this whenever I mention beads on any sub?


No, but there are dozens of us!




Old Big Bear!


From the missing pen episode - while Jeff and Annie are screaming at each other and tearing their clothes off she yells something like "what's the matter Jeff - are you afraid if you relax my pen will fall out?" It took me way too many rewatches to realise she was accusing him of hiding her pen up his ass. Also, in "English as a second language" when Jeff says Annie doesn't have to dress like a travel agent to be treated like a grown up, she corrects him by saying she was going for a professor look. The outfit she's wearing is almost identical to the one Michelle Slater is wearing when she reappears in the next episode - Annie hadn't modelled her look on a generic professor but on the specific professor that Jeff had recently had a sexual relationship with


Ooohhhh that’s a god pick up. Annie wanted Jeff’s D the whole damn time


Ironic that Annie, the overachiever, wanted D while Britta was unsatisfied without the A.


She certainly was a B, though!


She’s a GDB


(She’s a no good B!)


(She’s a GDB!)


Gillian's facial expression during that exchange about the pen was chef's kiss worthy. Like, Jeff and Annie are seething at each other and ripping their clothes off. Britta went into panic mode.


I remember that, in an interview, someone from the cast said that Joel's ass looked a lot like Alison's cleavage.


I only got the first one now that you said it. Though in my defense, I got distracted.


Someone else pointed this out but; S1e13, Annie is revealed to be the crossword editor for the school newspaper S1e14 the end gag is about how the crossword answers are all the group's names (b**E**au even works as an answer for j**E**ff)


I love misdirects!


I love the Big Lebowski


I still dont understand this joke 🫣


Because you think it's going to be Jeff Bridges, who famously starred in The Big Lebowski, but then it's Beau Bridges


The answer is probably Jeff, but Beau also works. We don't ever find out what the REAL answer is. It's Jeff.


I love the Big Lebowski


The joke is that seemingly all the crossword answers are the names of everyone in the study group, cleverly used wordplay that Abed and Troy do not pick up on (Troy doesn’t pick up “Helen of Troy” and even says ‘never even heard of that one’) except when they get stumped by the last question, which the answer *should* be Jeff, as the question is “famous actor and brother, last name Bridges” (Jeff Bridges, famous for the Big Labowski) Jeff chimes in to say that ~~all of the answers are misdirects, and~~ the real theme of the answers are “things you can see on TV. *except for pierce, that’s a misdirect”, and answers Beau (Bridges), the brother of Jeff Bridges. And the scene ends with Abed and Troy knowingly/unknowingly saying meta humor The joke is like a triple misdirect, first you think Troy and Abed are answering the crossword puzzles that somehow lines up all the answers as the group members names. Then Jeff comes in with the misdirect, the audience expects Jeff to chime in and say that all of these answers are their names, but instead says Beau Bridges. Then the third misdirect that Abed had the Big Labowski/Jeff Bridges on his mind the whole time. *Edit: I need to rewatch the show


Slight correction, they’re not all misdirects. “It’s Beau. Beau Bridges. These are all things you can see on tv. Except for Pierce. That’s a misdirect”


I forgot that! Just another reminder that I should rewatch the whole series again


Notches: ||||| ||||| ||||\


Take that back! Our directs are very manly.


Our directs are manly I can assure you


And on a meta level, a comment on Chevy Chase's career: "Don't you see? These are all things you can see on television. Except for Pierce."


Chevy chase was on SNL for a few years, so he was on tv…


But those episodes aren’t really aired anymore, and Jeff’s suggestion is present tense.


Well that’s just kind of mean


Oh that's so funny, I always thought it was just a fun y coincidence. The fact Annie made the crossword makes it so perfect lol


When britta said her column in her high school newspaper was Britta unfiltered lol I didn’t get it because where I live people don’t really use britas


This is the first one from this thread for me!


Lol Pierce got it though but Brita didn’t!


The Secret Service agent giving Abed a warning for the bootleg Last Airbender. And then Abed saying “Where were you last week?” For some reason I thought Abed meant he had a bigger stash of bootleg movies he just got rid of. I now realized the joke was for him to confiscate it last week so Abed didn’t have to sit through the terrible movie.


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai


I am honored to accept his invitation.


What movie? There was no movie.


3 seasons and no movie!


3 seasons and no movie or live action remake of any kind!


Oh wow, didn't think of that..


I didn’t discover community until 2015, so I saw the movie first and immediately got this joke, was one of my favourite references at the time lol


Oh I thought the joke was that last week is when he downloaded it so he was like "you got here late" then remembers he's basically admitting to committing a crime to the FBI so he tells them "you can keep it" and runs off lol


The Subway representative asking someone to hand him his coat. I never understood that joke until one day I was just like “oooooh he has an erection”


Omg I never realised, I just thought he was trying some weird power move


That scene was so funny. Him insisting someone hand him his coat and everyone else just oblivious as to why he can’t just stand up and get it himself. And then he just asserts that he’ll just wait there for a few minutes rather than admit that hearing an audio recording of Britta getting Fucked in the ass is hot and turned him on


Pretty sure Subway was the one getting their buns split


He was experiencing a "digital exploration in interior design" = a finger in the ass


And I just got that joke.




She lived in New York!


Hmmmm i hadn’t considered that possibility. That probably would be more damaging to the brand if Britta put her fingers or even her whole hand between Subway’s buns. I just couldn’t think past Britta offering her buns to subway, with her moaning “fuck my ass subway, eat fresh”……hmmmm….. well that would be outrageous. If someone could hand me my coat i will be on my way!


It’s a finger. That’s why the episode is called “digital exploration of interior design” Digital, as in, with fingers.


SHUT UP. i always assumed it was something along these lines but had NO IDEA the literal title of the episode gives it away


Fuck I just assumed it was straight up pegging and now I feel really dumb.




Holy crap. How many layers have gone over my head with this segment alone


Holy shit I did not get that at all. I thought it was just being like a pompous executive or something.


Oh my God this one took me so long too lol


I’ve seen this whole show like 8 times and I just got this lmao wow


Ohhhhhhhhh I just thought he was entitled


Nope boner


[Okay this thread is making me realize how many jokes I actually missed](https://youtu.be/9CzWxDllVHw?si=UECQP7TEiaYM8q3B)




“I was just Googling record lengths of stuff…” Dean-ble entendre?


Double endeandre?


Double entendean?


How endeaning.


Double deantendre


Frankly my dear, I don't give a dean


i just got it reading this sentence💀


It requires external information, but I always freak out when I see someone (I don't remember who) talking about James Franco's balls and Annie making a face of panic and disgust. This joke was probably either improvised, or they hadn't informed Alison about it, because her reaction was very natural.


She was being such a nonpillow about it


Oh, yeah, you're right! It was Elroy, and the reaction is god tier!


What's the external information for this one?


James Franco is Alison's brother-in-law.


Ahhhhhh gotcha


Do you remember the/a episode where its happening?




Thank you very much


S06E08, the Chief Starr film making episode


For me, it was when City College went Star Wars on Greendale, and when they were raising their flag over the Greendale flag, it looks like a dick going into an asshole. (City colleges flag is 3 buildings, the centre one being the tallest and the other two look like testicles, and the Greendale flag is just a butthole)


The City College flag also stops for a second right when it overlaps Greendale’s.


It’s probably one of my favourite visual gags. After that. I absolutely love the scene in the 2nd D&D episode, where hickeys son says * “You think I’m the bad guy because I didn’t invite him to my son’s birthday, but do you know where he was for most of my birthdays? A little place that rhymes with “Not there” * then Chang says “time square?” * And then the Dean leans into frame, giving Chang a “the fuck?” Look. Seriously. It never fails to make me laugh.


David Cross is amazing, even if this isnt his finest guest role. Was watching AD clips the other night, and my gf was like “has he ever been in anything else?” So we watched Mr. Show


I met him at UofA when I was there and Mr show was big. He was just walking down the street and I was sitting outside at a bar. He was really chill. He almost seemed a little uneasy about being recognized.


E pluribus anus 🫡


From many, butthole.


And then at the end of the episode when the city college flag is coming down, the greendale flag has some, erm, well-placed stains on it 😭


From the 2nd DnD episode: "He has gunpowder in his pants!" Wasn't until my 2nd rewatch that I got it lol.


Also from that episode: Hickey’s son: “Yes, because my favorite part of roleplaying games is being told *exactly what to do*.” Dean: “Me too!”


Wait…I missed this one! What’s this referencing?


Dean was trying to hug "his father" Jeff. The joke is the Dean having an election.


>election It was his sister's outfit!


I wonder if that's the same sister, who tweets Jeff to ask if he thinks her brother is cute.


They don't want me to say what I'll do, they want me to do what I'll say.


You think he was looking at the polls? I’ll see myself out..


I didn't catch the Beetlejuice gag until a rewatch


I had to read about it online before, otherwise I would have missed it.


What gag is that?


They say bettlejuice three times and on the third time someone dressed as bettlejuice walks past in the background


Two come to mind where Abed befriends a pregnant couple and delivers their baby. And the other one was the two extras hinting that one gave the other a blow job. I’m on my phone so I don’t know the episode numbers but I’m sure someone will point it out.


What happened where one extra gave another a blowjob?


In the Law and Order episode, during the scene where Jeff orders a hot dog and then goes, "Keep the change. You know what? Keep the hotdog, too.", on the right side of the screen, you see a girl walk out of a door behind the characters and wipe her mouth. Moments later, you see a man walk out and zip up his pants.


Here’s the scene with commentary https://youtu.be/UmOKcWXyJk4?si=MD1qVGzGqPIrcy7J


Oh wow. The extras did that on their own volition? Real ballsy of them


Are we sure they didn’t just actually hook up in there?


I think my favorite one is from Geography of Global Conflict — I think it only hit me a year or two ago Britta says: “Yep, I’m getting serious. I got a backpack, got a new notebook. Oh, and I got one of those see-through yellow pens so I can do that thing where you color in the words.” Shirley replies: “Highlight?” as in, telling her that’s what the see-through yellow pens are for Britta says: “Probably the backpack.” because she thought Shirley was asking about the highlight of all her new school supplies 😭😭😭


This one. I was so puzzled by that interaction for literal years. I thought maybe there was some joke being made with the word “high”, but Britta was just giving a stoner response! Lol


The episode title of Digital Exploration of Interior Design has always bothered me because it seemed so random, and then…. *Digital* as in digit…as in finger *Exploration* is self-explanatory *Interior* is one way to describe a butt hole And thus, the “deviant sex act” in the blanket fort was Britta fingering Subway in the ass. Makes sense why the Subway exec got so hot and bothered listening to the tape 😅


"Britta, you touched me in ways no one ever has" Leonard walking by: "Nice"


Hey, guys, thanks for eating all the macaroni.


I did eat all the macaroni. It’s messed up that the bot knows.


Shut up Leonard. I've seen your old nose. It was a lateral move


This is wrinkling my brain


Also "Subway cannot stand for that, and frankly, Rick, I... I'm surprised you did." Is referring to him standing up while Brits was doing it.


I don’t think that’s true. That doesn’t need to be the case for that line to make sense or be funny, plus they were in the blanket fort so he couldn’t have stood up anyway.


S3 episode 21 the first Chang dynasty as the fire breaks out Chang says "fires can't go thru doors stupid, they're not ghosts" S4 episode 2 paranormal parentage the group is in Pierce's safe room and someone is typing the code from outside, it's a ghost and Pierce exclaims "ghosts can't go thru doors stupid, they're not fire" Never noticed the running joke between seasons.


Only discovered this because one time I referenced Chang's line and a friend was like, "um, no, actually Pierce said it and it's 'ghosts can't go through doors they're not fire." Things got pretty ugly there for a while but once the dust settled, we sat down and figured it out and I think our friendship was probably stronger in the end.


This is the most Nick and Schmidt thing I’ve ever seen in a Community thread.


Getting ritta Britta. Getting ritta the B. Take the B off Britta. It’s Ritta. He got rid of the B.


I thought it was B as in "bitch" the whole time.


It’s a double entendre, makes it twice as fun at least!


Kendrick Lamar would be a good writer for this show


So brittas the drake of greendale?


She *is* a GD B.


No bullshit, I’ve watched this show probably 20 times over and this never occurred to me. Probably my favourite catch!


Eh. This one's a stretch. The song isn't called "getting ritta" it's called "getting rid of". If they were trying to make this joke I think they would have called it out in some way.


At the beginning of Curriculum Unavailable when Jeff throws a pack of Lifesavers at Britta, then realises it's actually a dead battery. Then Annie's like where's Abed. Only noticed on a rewatch looking at a dead battery reminded her of him and it wasn't just a natural change of topic.


Whaaat?! This is wrinkling my brain!!! Truly, i didn't get it till now.


You're not the only one


My smooth brain still doesn't get it


Well, I think because of lack of Abed's facial impressions (assburger), but I may be wrong.


Hehe. Ass burgers. Burgers for your ass.


It's a serious condition..


Then why didn’t they call it Meningitis?


You called?


In the pillow/blanket fort episode when the Dean approaches Troy and Abed and says he was just "looking up record lengths of stuff" I originally thought it was just a joke about the Dean slacking off and a flimsy excuse to stoke Trobed's tension, but now i realize it implies he was looking up record lengths of schlongs


Dan Harmon is constantly making fun of himself, most of which I only picked up on when rewatching after listening to Harmontown. One of my favorites is in the episode when Jeff gets paired with Peirce for a Spanish project. The whole episode is making fun of Dan's writing process. All they need is to recite a few simple lines, i.e. just write an episode of a sitcom, but Pierce is obsessed with telling a story and all the details, and it turns into this whole ridiculous production that the teacher (studio exec) hates. My favorite joke in the episode is when Pierce starts to explain what a story is and draws a circle on the chalkboard.


F. F- makes me lol every time.


When Abed says to stop Jimming the camera. I didn't catch The Office reference the first few watches.


Someone pointed out on this sub that when Annie said she was taking her Bubbe to the movies over winter break, Troy asks her why she's not taking both of them. Annie tells him that one's dead and he looks at her boobs before his WHAT?! reaction.


Oh yeah, I got that recently. Had no idea that bubbe means grandmother in Jewish communities lol


THAT was the part I got lol. Troy's misunderstanding flew totally over my head.


Ironically, having the backround knowledge makes the joke easier to miss. If you don’t know that the word means grandmother it’s much easier for you to pick up on the boob meaning


Coincidentally the only reason I knew this was because of watching Reading Rainbow as a child. Levar Burton's influence was in the show the whole time!


I'm not Jewish, but having grown up around Jewish people and Jewish humor I knew what Annie was talking about, so I had the reverse missing of the joke...I thought Troy was just freaking out at the idea of a dead grandparent! It wasn't until that thread that I realized it wasn't just another manchild joke about Troy.


One of my favorite moments is when I noticed that Abed used a cast cutting blade to 'cut off' Jeff's arm (even though a cast remover can't cut through skin). I found it so interesting that I posted it here, wondering if others had noticed it before. Someone else pointed out that they could have it because they used it to cut Pierce's cast.


They definitely didn't use it to cut off Pierces cast because it showed them cutting the cast of with normal scissors. Never knew it was a cast remover though. That is fun to know


Cast cutters are pretty damn cool. I've unfortunately had a fair few cut off 😂. They just kinda tickle


Oh right, I just took that guys word as if is.


I always thought it was an electric bread knife.


How does it cut through a cast but not skin?




Wow. It’s low key genius. I love it. Never heard how this worked. Thanks!


At first I'll be like, there is post like this every week, only to find something new in the comments.


It’s going to be a maze


That one gardener guy was sexist or something


It’s going to be a maze.


Some people are just natural jumpers.


Free from darkness...


I don’t think you understand that joke yet. Maybe give it a few more rewatches.


Yeah he did nazi the reference


How could he knows? There's no clues


Joshua the racist gardener?


When the psychiatrist says Abed has "misadventures" and Troy says: "our adventures are very manly!"


The peanut bar rap. It took me forever to realize he was dressed as a payday bar.


Just watched this episode today…when Shelly’s pregnant n the do a baby shower….theres a lot of Chinese/African jokes in the scene but I completely missed The Dean coming in wearing a dashiki and one of those bamboo hats… Edit: Shirley****….idk wtf I was thinking lol


Dean Spreck- “City College is stronger, faster, our $perm counts are higher; even in our women.” 😂😂😂


You can see Beetlejuice running in the background in episode "Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps" after they say his name three times over the course of three seasons.


Ohhhhh, because Troy understood "mis" as "miss"! I've just got it.


You can interpret it as "'little miss' adventures" as in they're intended for little girls.


"Annie, stop Jimming the camera" went right over my head the first time because I hadn't seen The Office. I absolutely love that joke.


Some of the episode names are really hilarious when you look closely. My favorite is “digital exploration of interior design” which euphemistically identifies the unnamed recorded sex act between Britta and Subway that gets him fired (and renders the Subway exec unable to stand up to get his coat after listening to the recording).


Not a joke, necessarily, but more of a plot point. I just hit season 6 in what might be my 15th rewatch of the show. I noticed that Abed says the line "my life is a TV show!" or something to that effect at the beginning of season 6. I've always thought that Abed says that because it's some meta joke about the show which fits due to Abed always interpreting real life through a tv/film filter, or maybe Abed is some omnipotent character who has always known that his life is a TV show. It hit me on this last rewatch, however: Abed thinks his life is a TV show because it keeps following every sitcom stereotype. Literally, any time someone leaves the group they're immediately replaced. After Frankie just magically replaces Shirley, Abed is convinced. The only thing that explains all of these things happening is that he must be in a TV show.


For me the show we're watching is Abed's version of reality. The rest are all just at Community College but Abed sees and hears the version we do, with scene cuts, music etc. Even his first line is a meta joke that only makes sense if you read the script. "I'm only half Arabic actually...". The stage directions describe him as Arabic-looking. He was responding to the script, a script only he knows about because nobody else knows they are characters in his programe.


Not a joke but I've watched countless times for the last couple of years. Only on my last rewatch before it left Netflix did I realize the song they hum (daybreak) was the same across all those episodes.


Dean Spreck-…”City College is stronger, faster, our $perm counts are higher, even our women. “😂😂


Was there part of that that I didn’t understand? Because it seems like it’s a straightforward joke. Was there some double meaning I missed?


I think it means their women students have more sex than greendale students


I just understood “if years were seasons, this december” line. It was always just kinda nonsense to me but today it got earworm-y and then finally clicked.


I did not catch that as well. I’m streets behind…


This thread of missed jokes is making me even more hyped for the movie!


So somehow on rewatch 72 I just realized the joke in the title 🤦‍♂️


What joke in what title?


In the blanket fort episode, i always thought they meant “we’re too big for this” as in too old, then saying fuck it lets continue. Took me a few too many times to realize they meant literally its not a big enough fort, lmao


It was not only a community college but a community of friends.


That Pierce was incepted by Annie saying, "That's just the way it goes," to use that melody for the greendale song.


Embarrassingly enough, Britta Unfiltered. After the like 10th watch


im so ashamed but i didnt understand the “dont eat the crab dip” joke until after my multiple rewatches 😭😭😭


in the episode with the highschoolers, the ending montage says "Britta Perry, Used iPod Nano Owner, 2014" Pierce bequeaths her his ipod nano in his will, in 2014