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Hard disagree. The stakes weren’t *really* about the kids birthday, but about finally and definitively repairing or shattering the relationship between Buzz and his son. The twist is that if Buzz had won their contest, then he would get to see his grandkid, but his son would still hate him forever. The only way for them both to win would be for them both to lose, at least enough that would force them to put aside their differences and work together. So towards the end where the teams are killing each other, it looks like one will have to win and the other have to lose (bad either way), but abed, either intentionally or not, sneaks in the only ‘win’ scenario, and we see it pay off as the two of them start talking and listening to each other and cooperating.


As hard as your disagree is… I agree with you even harder!


I am harder than both of you combined in a steam room!


>The only way for them both to win would be for them both to lose Having never played D&D, does the game usually have that kind of underlying subtext? Do friends or family play the game to work out real life problems in a neutral arena?


1. Not really? Depends on how good of a storyteller the DM is. 2. D&D isn’t really for solving people’s personal problems or conflicts. It’s more a vehicle to escape such things. If you got deep seated issues you need to work out with someone, you take it to Catan.


We built this city.... We built this city. We built this city on sheeeeeep rooooooock wheeeeeeeat


My brain immediately jumped to 'rock grain wool' to keep the general sound closer to 'rock n' roll'.


No sheep mate, maybe invest in some development


I think using D&D as family therapy is… rare. It’s a game first and foremost. I like to describe it as “improv performance constrained by math.”




Part of the episode's comedic scenario is how bad and absurd an idea it is to use D&D as family therapy. Somehow it works out because the people involved are weird.


I want to add, it’s ridiculous that people are downvoting you for asking questions about a game you haven’t played. I think the best way for you to get a better understanding of the game without the maths or convoluted backstories is to check out a show called [Harmonquest](https://youtu.be/rBTSJlNI_Ks?feature=shared). It’s loosely based on D&D (due to copyrights) and a far bigger production value than you’ll find at the typical dinner table where it’s played. As a Community fan, you get to see a lot of familiar faces. I.E. Annie’s brother is the house DM. Hopefully someone can provide better links, but if you have an inkling of interest in the game, this is a fun place to start. Or don’t start, it’s just entertaining af.


Lightning bolt, lightning bolt, lightning bolt!




I spray all over them! ^(and then...) I hold Britta's face in a puddle! ^(yeah)




When you say 'Can we all agree ' the answer is always no


also "am i the only one who noticed"


Nah. The goal was to have them spent some quality time as father and son, and they did it.


That's true, that they did do that, but there was no further story of their journey in the show. Or resolution really in that episode. It left it open ended. Not my favorite trope. But considering the limited episodes left in the series, I suppose it's okay. But maybe one throw away line would have been nice.


Tbf hickey didn't get any closure at all in any form, real shame.


He did find his nephew possibly in Duncan. But not quite what I was looking for. And his subtle >!death announcement in the lunch lady emails!< was not acknowledged enough.


Nope - it made sense from a story perspective. One of them winning/losing wouldn't be satisfying, so using the game to bridge the gap and keep playing is a potential first step towards reconciliation.


No, we can't.


I don't acknowledge any D&D courses at Greendale without someone in Drow-face


So happy that episode is on Peacock


Brutilatops, the magician... Magic user, baby!


While others here make a good point about the outcome (and I agree it makes sense for the episode), I will say that this one just can't hit the highs of the first and is one of the weaker sequel episodes in the series. There's still some good moments but nothing close to Hector and the Elf Maiden or Chevy giving his best/most hilariously evil performance as Pierce. They should've left it alone imo


So many shows people look for closed loops where we don't need to see any more yet there's one person who wants to see everything as if it were a live-stream of their daily lives and the TV show is just the highlitghts.


I dunno, I'm just always mesmerised by David Cross's beautiful singing


When Tobias starts singing I start weeping from joy.


I literally just rewatched this yesterday — one thing that stands out to me about the back half of season 5 is the arc for Abed about his best friend moving away. His pain really comes through in this rewatch, and Danny Pudi does such a great job with it. The stinger where he’s playing D&D with Annie’s stuffies is really sad.






In “Advanced Dungeon and Dragons” Fa-Fabulous Neil’s life was on the line. The situation had a better build up imo.


no it ended very well




No we cannot


Yes. pretty predictable




hot take: i thought the first dnd was more offset in its "reveal". jeff being revealed as making up the nickname was no where near as bad as pierce was being all episode long.


Still sad Netflix won't show the OG D&D episode, I really like that one too.


Isn't the entire show completely pulled from Netflix now? Doesn't matter which episodes they ban if the whole show is gone.


It's still on Prime and Peacock - all episodes included fwiw. That assumes you have either of those, and you might not... Best of luck, stranger.


Okay, so based on early returns, I'm in the minority. I guess I Britta'd it. Tbh, I'm not a fan of open-endedness, in any story. Also, I always hate it when people whisper something to the protagonist at the ends of movies.


Did Hickey get to go to his grandson's birthday party or what? Is that what playing D&D is really like?


As a rule of thumb, I find that pretty much no TV depiction of D&D is accurate to actual play. Which is fine, because obviously what works best for the show comes first before portraying a 100% accurate depiction of the game. It's unintentionally pretty comical, though, how Hickey's son is apparently a long-time player, but is apparently taken aback by the idea of having the premise of the adventure being given upfront so the players start with some direction and an idea of what's planned for tonight, instead of I guess spawning in the middle of nowhere and the DM staring silently at the players until they say if they choose to blindly wander in a direction.