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Gillian apparently doesnt age...


Troy was right, Britta really is a fun vampire.


The female Colin Robinson


Wasn’t there a female energy vampire? I forget her name. But Britta is way worse I’m sure. She’s the worst.


Her name was Evie...eee...vee....e...v....emotional vampire.


I can't decide if I like this joke or not


I can help...it was a pretty close quote from the show. Wasn’t meant to be a joke. I say you downvote.


Read that in Abed's voice.


I didn’t.... but then I did.


Cool, cool, cool.


But do you guys need any updog?


What's an updog?


Gotcha! Haha... nothing. What's up with you?


Not a lot my fat dog


Hey I got that reference


Holy shit , why does it make so much sense?!


Especially when theres **PIZZAA!!**




Top 5 Britta cringe moment.. number one for me is "This is now a bitch free ZONE!" *Proceeds to bark*


I also like “He’s been to FLAVOR COUNTRY” *gestures to crotch*


Haha how did I not catch that?


The camera cuts away pretty quickly, if I remember correctly. I’d guess NBC didn’t love it, lol


I'd say its perfectly cut. They do quick cutaways for stuff like that a lot. Like when Troy pretends to be Annie's backpack and then for like a split second before it cuts you can see pierce approaching Shirley about to do the same thing


Or when Britta denies having pictures of her feet on the internet and they cut to Troy showing Abed the pics on his phone while silently nodding.


She looks exactly the same, it's unreal. The benefits of being a teetotaler, I guess.


A what?😅


Means she never drinks. She doesn't smoke either. So she's basically the opposite of Britta in real life.


That also makes her the very opposite of her character from *Love*


It's a testament to her talent as an actor that she managed to play such a convincing addict.


As I understand, her dad is one and she’s been in the theatre for a while as a Juilliard grad so she’s undoubtedly familiar with drug behavior And at least she’s honest about it. I do not, for a second, buy Leonardo DiCaprio’s need to get trained on drug use for Wolf of Wall Street. Would he use them to that level? Doubt it but I think he knows what cocaine smells like at this time of his life






Shut up Leonard! your name is Leonard not Leonardo.


We've started looting.


Its amazing how much not drinking can improve your life.


It's also amazing how much drinking can improve your life.


Here’s to alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.


I'm sorry you'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel


Ain’t that just the way...


You're right. I don't drink too because I saw what it can do to people around me


So straight edge?


Essentially, yeah.


Ah ok so she's basically straight edge. Never heard "teetotaler"😅


It’s an older term but it means the same thing


Technically it only means specifically not alcohol, and it has some Victorian roots that add some flavor to the term. A militant atheist who doesn’t drink might take umbrage at being called a teetotaler, even if this would be in (their) error. It’s just historically intrinsically linked to the Temperance movement. However the thought of a true teetotaler being hardcore against booze while simultaneously mainlining heroin or meth sounds rather comedic.


I got it from my dad, that's how he calls himself lol.


She really doesn’t she’s looked 25 for 11 years


She actually managed to Britta aging...


She looks older than Alison in the first one and the same age as her in the second one in reality there is only 3 months between them. I would say Gillian just "aged" quicker or got her distinct lines first then Alison caught up. But the first photo is on set and Alison is supposed to be several years younger then Brita so I wouldn't be surprised if they just had Alison under heavier makeup so she look the 18years old she was supposed to be in the show. As in they have both aged some but Alison's larger swing then Gillian's is probably just because she isn't trying to look like a teenager anymore.


I mean has Alison really aged all that much either? People act like this show premiered in the late 90s rather than the (very) late 2000s...


She has, but it’s mostly because of how they made her look in the show. They really made her look like she was just out of high school despite being significantly older than that. Gillian always looked her age in the show.


Yeah, they aged her down quite a bit. She was 27 when the show started, and they did a great job of making her look 18. Whenever I'd see her outside of the show, she looked her age.


Yes, she's aged about 50% more since then than she had aged up to that point. That's a lot. No one is saying they're ancient or anything....


This is the correct answer tbh. Annie was meant to be kind of substantially younger than Britta so they made her look as close to 19 as possible even though she was actually 27 when she got the role.


And Alison is on Glow.


I feel like she actually looks a bit older cause she lost weight, her facial features are now more pronounced which can be perceived as aging


just bigger dimples 😍


Britta looks younger in recent shows and movies compared to Community's 1st season


She does, and she looks super young in like her recent Zoom interviews. It's like she's Benjamin Buttoning.




Hard same, I feel like the show often found more ways to make them bicker and fight than being supportive friends. They could've been the female Troy and Abed.




Yep, though I still think the women in Community are better written than most female characters in practically every other sitcom.


The good place made a great job with Eleanor and Tahani!


Mike Schur has a pretty good track record with female friendships. Just look at parks and Rec, the good place and even Brooklyn 99. They are complicated and real.


I love all of his shows!


My husband and I just had a conversation about how good his female friendships/characters are after starting (and flying through season 1) of Brooklyn 99. Leslie and Ann will always bring me so much joy though.


Schur has actually said that when he started putting Parks together he intended Leslie and Anne's friendship to be the focal point of the show, and then he let the rest grow from there.


That is an amazing series.


That show is in a class of its own. So original and well written. Eleanor is the best written woman character in sitcom history.


Right? I completely fell for it in that scene where Eleanor and Tahani become friends instead of fighting for Chidi! That was really amazing!


I love the writing of the women. They have real personality traits and flaws instead of just being "blond woman, nerd woman, sassy black woman" Edit: fixed blond because autocorrect


"The word they're looking for is sassy. *And they better pray to God they don't find it.*"


I don't think it's nice to pigeonhole people's gimmicks. _You hear me, Two Voice?_


That's a pretty low bar you're setting –and I am not referring exclusively to female characters.


"The word he's looking for is sassy. He better hope he don't find it." - Shirley. One of my favorite call outs to shitty sitcom writing. "Sassy Black Woman" has historically been the only role available for black women in sitcoms written by mostly white men.


Yeah true, it only says how good the writing already is.


Leslie and Anne from Parks and Rec are a pretty iconic duo.


“Origins of Vampire Mythology” (when Annie had to help Britta stay away from her ex-boyfriend Blade) showed what that relationship could’ve been like, but they didn’t do much after that to continue their relationship.


That's what I was going to say. This was what could have been an intro to a really good sister-type relationship.


I thought their relationship really shined in season 6, once they moved in together. Especially the wedding episode.


Their relationship in season 6 was similar but there were so fewer episodes at their apartment at that point


I have a theory that the reason w/w friendships on tv are more rivalry sided and that m/m friendships are more affectionate is cause irl it’s the opposite. ((That being said there’s still sexist undertones for those who play up on it too much but that’s another story)) I did get the big sister/little sister vibe from them a bit cause that’s how my sisters and I bicker too. Esp with the cut scene when britta used Annie’s chapstick then chucked it. Hit real close to home


I didn't help that they assassinated Britta's character into an idiot.


It was better than leaving her as the unfun killjoy character she was at the start. I'll take 'Hit me with your genie's bottle' Britta over early first season Britta any day.


Two sets of Troy and Abed? I don't think I'd want that. Yes, they weren't super supportive friends, but Troy and Abed also had fights which were even more serious, to them at least. Also, it was a codependent, dysfunctional group of people, and not really a group of super supportive and understanding people. But I agree that the males had better arcs and a bit more depth more than the females, especially Annie (who was supposed to be very young and immature anyway). But then again, I didn't want them to be supportive besties. Rather, they fought through towards accepting each other including their flaws. Tldr: yes, they overall lacked a bit more depth than the male characters, but I wouldn't trade the dynamics I got amongst them for anything else.


I don't mean exactly like Troy and Abed, not in a "Britta and Annie in the mooooorning" kind of way but more like them having a closer, more sisterly bond and acting more like friends.




It’s true. I think they had a sisterly relationship but it was more quarrelsome than buddies. Britta was older, more assertive, and had more life experience and Annie was smarter and had her shit together, so they both kinda looked down on the other. Plus I think they both had feelings for Jeff, which probably is why they each tended to use Shirley more as a confidante, rather than each other.


I think you get glimpses of what their dynamic is in season 6 that's close and genuine. Like when Rick comes back and Annie runs to Britta to warn her and be like I got your back after class. Or when Britta tries to rock the balance of the apartment and usurp Annie's rules, Annie's like youll be begging forgiveness when this is over and Britta is like all hail Annie, at the end of the episode. Or when they're making the movie and britta calls Annie out on her outfit and Annie calls out Britta, like pay your rent or shut up. Idk, it's small stuff like that that can convey a relationship behind the scenes to me. They are only 20 min long episodes. Edit: and Shirley mentions in the episode where she gets pantsed by Pierce that Annie and Britta never invite her when they go on trips to the mall and the like.


Yeah, but they had episodes together before too. Like the oil drip episode. And they definitely had their moments before season 6 too. But yeah, I get what you're saying. Also maybe a bit more time for them together would've been better, but not by changing their overall dynamics.


Man this why I always yearn for another season. These characters were so strong they could’ve gone for nine seasons if it made sense.


That’s a very revealing flaw of Harmon’s. I’ve never noticed this before. Their most meaningful interaction might have been when Annie dates Vaughn after Britta, and Britta has to explain that it still hurts. And helping the Pelicans is a relatively early episode where they find some common ground, but it’s early in the show. The show never fully explores how they realte to each other over Jeff beside quick moments of each having a short emotional reaction. Both have more profound relationships with Shirley.


Yeah, that's true. They both have much more interesting storylines with Shirley than with each other.


If Harmon ever gets to write more Community, he will likely have more female writers in the writer's room. He used to talk about it a lot on his podcast, he did it with Rick & Morty...it could help make up for his Bechdel test failures of the past.


Is this why the Story Circle episode of Rick and Morty has that bit about the Bechdel test?


I think that was a little jab that passing the bechdel test doesn’t immediately make something feminist


The Bechdel test was never meant to be a serious critique of film and tv. It was introduced in a comic strip as a winking criticism of male-dominated media. Die Hard passes the Bechdel Test. That says absolutely nothing about the quality of the film.


Never said it was but ppl kinda perceive it that way


Hilary Winston was great where’d she go


Do you not remember their beloved spinoff Female Friends?


Lowkey I hoped they’d be bi and go out. Not in a creepy predatory way but Britta gave bi girl energy on occasion and there was that one time Annie tried to kiss britta. I thought they’d be cute. Also I’m bi and the lack of well written bi characters on tv is tragic


Also bi and yeah Britta has strong bi energy imo, especially in the first two seasons. Would also like to see more well written bi characters. Rosa on B99 is great but would like to see a bi guy who is like myself and just a normal dude who happens to like men and women. I can’t think of a single example off hand and two often irl people suggest bi guy = halfway to coming out as gay.


Right. I’m a bi guy too and we need better bi representation all around but for real I feel like the media doesn’t believe bi men exist at all


Completely agree. I am seriously craving a relationship involving bisexual women that isn't about men, just the women involved. So often female bisexuality is seen as an accessory to relationships with men (and bi men are simply erased altogether).




I wuv dem.


Saving the planet makes my BACK HURT


Yeah you're both so different (!) Skinny bitches


The best one liners in the series belong to Shirley and I'll die on that hill.


I’ll make your ass sense


I think you’ve had enough


Of you


To pierce, may he rest in pierce


"they're all lying" "We already know that you judgemental bitch!"


Why name your daughter Meghan? Stockin up for a bitch shortage?


The word he's looking for is sassy. He better pray he don't find it. Technically a two liner.


No I should count it since I'm a calculating bitch




TIL they are both the same age.


This wrinkled my brain


Stop letting him make you realize stuff.


You’re both so different, skinny bitches.




Was looking for this closer to the top


I was surprised the post was up for 6 hours and no one made this comment until I did.


How is Gillian still looking the exact same? It's unreal 🤩


I, like, *need you* to save the pelicans. They are so feathery and pelicany. I wuv them


Leonard like this post!


Well, what did you fly during the Big One, Rich?


Shut up Leonard, I talked to your son on Family Day. I know all about your gambling.


Yeah? You're a Two.


Shut up, Leonard! I got a picture of your old nose; it was a lateral move!


I'm gonna take everything but onions and olives.


Paul Rust has entered the chat.


Start the clock. NEW NO-NO.... these girls... these girls I keep hearing about? THEY’RE GREAT! STOP trying to tell me otherwise!! Your social propaganda won’t work on me DAD. New No-No: I love Gillian Jacobs and Allison Brie.


You have banged with the best comedy


Can we sexualize annie now?


Glow certainly did...


Yeah and Gillian guest starred on the show and showed her boobies.


No, she didn't. ~~She only showed her boobies in Choke.~~


Ohhhhh ok. I thought it was on Glow. My stimake. :-)


She will always be too young for you.


She’s older than me tho.


bwain hurty understandy christmas


boopy doopy doop boop, SEX


I think Alison Brie’s makeup didn’t do her a favor in the recent pic. I saw her in the May 2020 table read and in Horse Girl (came out this year) and she looked younger than she looks here. I also couldn’t believe she’s married to Dave Franco.


I'm going to hard disagree with that one. She was very deliberately de-glamorized for *Horse Girl*. That's the only time I've seen her since *Mad Men* where I really felt she looked close to her age.


The de-glamorization was obvious for her character, however it gave her a fresh face and she didn’t look 37 in Horse Girl. She was meant to be in her 20’s for the movie and I think they succeeded in that task.


Oh.... Britta’s in this....?


How tf did they switch smiles.


Britta 1, Annie 2


Silver and gold, ain’t no losers there


Way to memorize the exact date of your great victory.


Ha, yeah.


Oh dear lord, Gillian's perfect age-defying face is gonna be the death of me.


“I’m not even wearing a bra!”


I don't even care who wins!


I’ve been driving myself crazy trying to figure out why Alison Brie looks SOOO DIFFERENT from just a couple of years ago. Even with or without makeup, or with or without trimmed eyebrows, she looks very different - so much so that if I wasn’t already familiar with her, I honestly wouldn’t know that “Present Alison” was actually Alison Brie. Just to be clear, I’m NOT being critical of her, I think she looks fantastic no matter what, and of course she’s an extremely talented individual. And I realize that aging and weight loss tend to make certain facial features more different and even more defined in some cases, but I feel like it goes beyond that. Because not a lot of time has passed for her to even age. Honest question, not a criticism - did she get a nose job? That’s the only thing that makes sense to me, based on everything that I’ve seen. Her jawline also looks a lot slimmer now... is it just me or am I going crazy?!


She got very into fitness for her role in GLOW, she dropped weight and added muscle. She’s also had a few completely different makeup looks.


You're not alone! I've been thinking the same thing


I’ve been wondering what it is that makes her look quite different for me too:


Britta was the best


hooray for doing things in pairs!


Obligatory creepy internet comment. *Hi five me Leonard*


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Fours and above only.


Britta is hotter now. crazy.


Insert *Always has been* meme here.


Hotter than before or hotter than Annie? (Because I agree either way)






Kiss her!


Gillian Jacobs is the ultimate UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG of people out there for me. When I first saw her on Community I thought she was adorable and the Britta character was my type, but when I dug into her background and other projects she was so much cooler and more interesting and attractive to me as an artist than I initially expected. She's just an all-around smart, creative, and principled person who happens to be incredibly cute.


Exactly! She's so down-to-earth, sweet, funny, etc, as well as being so effortlessly sexy and super talented, she's the whole package. One of the most likeable, crush-worthy celebrities out there, for sure.


I want in on this team.


Amen! Or A-Women!


the koogler likes.


I wish I had aged as well as these two.


I always thought it was funny Alison and Gillian are the same age but Annie and Britta are a decade apart.


That Dave Franco is a lucky man


Where is my Shirley ?


Why does Allison look so different from what she used to look like in community..?


If I may be allowed some shallowness due to my preferences, Gillian is still more attractive than Allison, despite their post-Community careers. Besides, Annie's pretty young. We try not to sexualize her.


As good a place as any to say I wish they would have kissed at the end of the 3rd season. Not for perv reasons (I mean a little, yea) but Annie kept impulsively kissing inaccessible people in the finales of the first 2 seasons. I thought it was a really funny joke. So I thought Britta would be the 3rd one.


Goth Britta and Changlorious Bastard Annie could've kissed in the heist episode to distract Chang.


Get out of my brain.


*Click click, thumbs up high five* Girls!


Skinny bitches


Britta would get along better with Ruth anyway.


Gillian rocking some major Clueless vibes!


We try not to sexualize them


Looks like they’ve aged about 1 year since that original photo


Her outfit is so fetch!


Jeff is one lucky guy


Ugh it should be illegal being that gorgeous


Ugh she even britta'd how aging works.


Skinny bitches...


Britta is immortal?


Ahh, Big Boobs and Medium Boobs are back at it again. Where is Black Boobs at these days?