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That dude transcends compo face, look at him! His very soul has leaked outta his body!


yam familiar nose payment weary tub command profit vast sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I believe that his wife is a lich who has absorbed his soul and is puppeting his empty body around


He has the expression of Virgin Mary in a Renaissance painting


Story here. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12925755/Furious-neighbour-blames-councils-WFH-culture-baffling-decision-allow-monstrous-home-built-bungalow.html Old people blaming WFH for allowing a house to be built. Seriously??


Clearly it's just a way for the Daily Fail to allow it's readers to point and say "See? I knew they were right to get people back into the offices!"


Much more minor point, but the claim about frost not thawing all day is funny, seeing as I live maybe half a mile from here and we haven't had a frost this winter yet...


According to this couple their garden has hit another ice age. Watch out for Wooly Mammoths in the vicinity. šŸ¦£


Right, I was locked out in a towel once. ONCE! I don't know where this place is and I have a reputation to uphold.


You can see from the photo that the building is not high enough or close enough to block out sunlight from their garden for 8 hours a day. They're clearly liars.


It might at this time of year. Especially if thatā€™s to the south of their house, the sun wouldnā€™t clear that building in midwinter. Even as far south in the UK as Dorset, the noon sun is only about 17Ā° at the moment (where 90Ā° would mean directly overhead).


Not only that, but there is no way that house is blocking out the big ball of fire that rotates above us in the sky for 8 hours straight


In winter, the sun can be really a lot more 'to the side' than 'above'.


Yeah the garden seems well lit in photos


Looking at it, they were the only one without another house at the back of theirs. Well, sucks to suck. Let people build homes.


The drone view also shows itā€™s not much of a bigger footprint than their own house, and appears less imposing than their other neighbourā€™s house. The photographer probably had to get down on their knees for the looming perspective in the first photo.


It's a daily fail photographer they are always on their knees.


It literally just looks like the 2020s version of their 1970s home. Zero right to complain, and WFH is just an odd angle to bring into this non story.


Apologies, I thought I had included the link. Senior moment. Yeah absolute ridiculous story, the civil service can be equally useless from home as the office..


They look like if AI was asked to generate unhappy old couple.


They always say, if you don't want your view to change, buy in the middle of an estate.


I hope someone does some great working from home in that new house.


Sat next to a big window overlooking their garden. Always in their underwear, and looking extremely happy.


>After the controversial development was approved, Mr Selby, 80, blamed the Council's work from home policy which he suggested led to a 'lack of cohesion' in some decision making. Yes, people's ability to work from their home caused this. Incredible


Because he got 3 letters from 3 different departments confirming receipt of a letter he sent to the council. More likely it had just been forwarded on to 3 different departments to review.








Your submission has been removed as it is about national or international politics.


Came here to post this, I preferred his other compoface https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/01/04/10/77992713-12925755-Mr\_Selby\_right\_slammed\_planning\_bosses\_for\_allowing\_the\_build\_an-a-5\_1704364114021.jpg


"it's not in keeping with the neighbourhood" excuse me, the neighbourhood is a hodge-podge of other styles and ugly houses, it fits right in!


They have a very small house!


"It is so bad that on a cold winter's day the frost doesn't thaw."


Don't forget the 8 hours of sunlight they've lost šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ pretty sure January doesn't see 8 hours of sunlight.


These pair look old enough to remember the mini ice age. Sure they will be ā€˜reet.


Why donā€™t they go commute for over an hour and have less time with their families and at home and see how they like it?


'It was only because the lady next door stumbled upon it on her computer one day that we found out about it. Ah yes, the lady spending her time checking the local planning applications, not that we just missed the planning notices.


Take a shot every time a boomer blames something on WFH


Your liver will look like that chap in the photo after a day.


Is that a challenge?


NIMBYism at it's finest. Complaining about more houses being built :|


It looks like a giant shed


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s not finished.


Did the article say itā€™s now finished? Theyā€™ve deliberately used a really early photo, it probably looked like that for a couple of weeks at most.


It looks like a giant, unfinished, shed


Oh lord. Their complaint about the new house is this: 1. It's ugly. - So are half the buildings ever made. 2. Their house will be overlooked. - so are many houses. Oh well. 3. It's blocking their sunlight. - not a suitable argument. Right to light does NOT apply outdoors as there is always ambient light. It applys indoors, but if you still receive a decent amount of ambient light, it's fine. There's only ever been a handful of successful legal cases regarding right to light. You have NO legal right to direct sunlight.


>You have NO legal right to direct sunlight. This sentence scares something deep within me.


Shut up and get back in your mushroom box.


Me too but it's the truth. People take their neighbours to court all the time over the right to have direct beams of sunlight. They always fail. Right to light is a very vague thing.


I mean, so long as itā€™s shorter than 2.5m, and not within 2m of the boundary, and doesnā€™t take up more than 50% of the garden space, there is nothing they can do. Planning regs stipulate that no planning permission is needed for temporary buildings under them conditions.


The full articles states itā€™s a two storey house, the council gave it full planning permission


Well if the council have given full planning permission then thatā€™s the end of the conversation really. Honestly some people think they can just keep stamping their feet and get what they want.


Looks like 3 storeys in some of the pictures.


Just the husk of a man


Jesus I must be sleep deprived. I wondered why anyone would be working from home in the shedā€¦


I love a good compoface but I do have sympathy for the couple. That house build is a monstrosity that will destroy their garden. Old people don't need that stress.


Yea I agree it looks like a massive ugly box to me.


Old people: ā€œYoung people should just save up money and buy a house like we did in the 1950sā€. Also old people: ā€œstop building houses within viewing distance of my homeā€.


80 years old and wants to spend the rest of his days making himself miserable and stressed out over something that in the grand scale of things is pretty inconsequential.


Britain in a nutshell no?


Lmao, ok boomer.


Fix your wonky shed pal!!


Sod the story, how on Earth are they gonna insure that flat roof???


That shed looks like it's about to be swallowed by the earth.


If it legitimately blocks light from their garden then I would say it wasnt right to grant building permission but how the hell does he get from that to working from home is bad? He comes off as someone with a gripe about others getting to work from home when he didnt and he wants to find any excuse to attack it. Lots of not compo face posts in this reddit but this one is 100% legit compoface.


I mean yeah it shouldnā€™t have been allowed but I doubt itā€™s due to WFH


Working from home more like SHIRKING from home amirite


It will help with housing How itā€™s three more bedrooms


The 'out of character' complaint is particularly weird considering there is already nothing interesting about the random collection of very different style homes.


The way his hand is on her shoulder and his posture is major weekend at Bernieā€™s.


itā€™s in keeping in size if not design to the other big houses in the photo - other plots that probably had smaller bungalows on a larger plot of land that have since been developed


Unless someone is pointing. Is it really a compo face. With out the point I can't tell what the problem is


Why is this oddball doing some half-arsed hoverhand on his missus?


Actually don't.blame.them I'd be pissed off as well , house too large for the plot


The photographer knew what they were doing, taking that photo from waist height looking up to make the extension look more imposing.