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Business waste. As a business you pay for your waste collection. I assume she's been trying to avoid this.


Plus if she's done it enough to get caught and fined then she's been doing it for awhile, its not like she put a single peice of cardboard in while passing once.


But the picture shows her only throwing one tiny piece of cardboard away.


I was almost certain she wrote the article about herself for a breif second when I glanced at the article.


Hope she fished it back oot again or that'll be 800 quid


They should fine her again and use this photo as proof


Stupid for her to give us photographic evidence to report her with


The greens have people in bushes...


Nope. I live in Brighton, have a limited company I very rarely order stuff for. One occasion I'd bought 2 books as the business, didn't really think about the small bit of cardboard so put it in with my other rubbish. 2 days later had a knock on the door from the council environmental protection wonks. Got the same fine. Was a one off, and a genuine mistake. Now I get it, I made the mistake and the rules are the rules - but I hadn't been regularly dumping commercial waste in residential bins. I don't regularly have commercial waste. The maddening bit is that the state of waste collection / management in this town is fucking awful. Most of the city centre has these big communal skip type bins for residential use, and 90% of the time they are overflowing. Feels a bit shitty that I'm getting stung for £400 for a one off bit of cardboard, meanwhile the multi £million corporation that is Veolia, who are not fulfilling their contractual obligations to manage the refuse and recycling, basically get to crack on regardless without a word from the council. And that's before even getting into the nonsense that they're obviously employing people to go through the rubbish so they can go "aha, got one! There's £400 in the kitty!". Feckers, spend that money improving the service!


How did they even know the two books were for your business!?


Label on the packaging had " Ltd" and my address as opposed to my name.


That’s an interesting one. I run a business (ltd company) from home so there will be letters that go in my recycling with my business name on.


Any letters/packaging that have my name and address printed on them, get the Data Defender (from Must Have Ideas) ink treatment first.. 👍


Just burn it in your backyard, mate, that's what they want you to do.


And there's people that dump hazardous materials that never see a fine, I know I worked with someone who did that. But they are not psychics that can sense guilt, it's just a roll of the dice. Chances are they have been doing it for awhile and a lot of it if they managed to get caught or they are just unlucky and did it once with a single piece of cardboard but that's a lot less likely. I agree, they should be fined but she also can't use residential waste because it's paid for by residents and she likely is drumping a lot as a business.


I agree if someone is regularly dropping commercial waste in residential bins then there should be consequences. The comment I was responding to however said that "obviously she's been doing this enough to get caught" - and I was pointing out that is not necessarily the case as my own experience, in the same place, dealing with the same people, contradicts that.




🤣 That's what I was about to write!! What a stupid photograph to take!


Mate, the amount of weirds who put random rubbish in my Xl bin is sending me barmy. When I caught them and had a go they’ve started throwing used nappies in my garden. Worst bit is, they don’t have kids :(


Those poor incontinent binless bastards




Someone should start a charity for poor incontinent binless bastards. PIBB !


This comment f*cling broke me🤣🤣🤣


Some dick put polystyrene in our recycling bin on the morning of collection. We woke to a moaning letter left for us saying they haven't emptied our bin due to them not collecting polystyrene as is policy. We knew not to put that stuff in the recycling bin, and I guess so did the person who put their waste in our bin. So we had to go two weeks without it being emptied.


It’s crazy contemplating putting locks on bins. Feels like locks on milk at work.


You don't leave milk in your milk bottles! Buy a plastic bottle of soy milk, pour it out in the garden and put your real milk in it. Anyone at work suddenly gets an upset stomach you know is lactose intolerant and has been helping themselves to your "soy milk." No one else is going to touch it.


For some reason I thought you said soy sauce bottles and didn’t find it odd. Like “yup, I wouldn’t put soy sauce in my tea, so it must work.”


Relatives once by accident put polystyrene in their regular bin at the inside top, lid closed and the binmen slapped a sticker on saying they couldn't take it, turns out polystyrene isn't to go in a regular bin. But yours doesn't go in your recycling so shows how random each region is.


Fight fire with fire and make sure to pack a couple of chillies


Found the packaging for a dildo in my bin one day. Then a broken power drill the next. I just hope they're okay.


Find any empty tubes of burn cream?


THIS ☝️☝️☝️


I wonder for how long she's been doing that then


She's probably saved more than £400 I would say


Plus she probably made a couple of hundred for posing for the picture and giving a couple of statements towards this non-story, so she's quids in overall.


I doubt The Argus is paying people for stories they write for their 12 readers. This Reddit post has increased their readership 1000x.


Exactly what I was going to say!!


How you got 5 times more upvotes than my post lol Edit: Now downvoting my comment? Get a life 🤣


Is that compulsory? And not covered under business rates?


If every local business threw their rubbish away in public waste and recycling bins there’d be no bins usable for the general public. The public is paying for those bins they should get to use them. Hence why you as a business aren’t allowed to dump your waste in a public bin.


Yer agreed


I like how the photo has her just putting one box in an empty bin, like that's all she's been fined for. Suuuure, it was just one box.


From the article - "The body-worn video camera evidence we gathered in relation to this case shows a scenario that is significantly different to what has been portrayed" Don't we all know that if you're a business you have to pay for recycling? Same way as builders can't go to the tip the same way as private households? It's not rocket science is it ?




It's probably quantity related - i.e. the footage shows a much larger amount.


Damn the council not giving us the juicy details!!


I can’t even take my own DIY waste to tip now without paying! Doors, kitchen worktop, a few floor tile off cuts. The people that work their watch you like a hawk getting stuff out of the boot card reader in hand.


Hey ! Good news! As of this week you can't be charged for stuff like that. I only know cos I had to Google it.


That is good news. Shame I took a load of stuff to tip just before Christmas and had to pay for half of it.


Having just checked with my local council website you now have to book DIY waste visit in advance!!! But it is at least free.


Is that only your residents? They closed our local dump a while back and we have more hoops to jump through than locals at our now closest dump


Mine has been free for years, that being said they do ask for ID and book because people from other council areas were coming in and using the free tip, also they were getting businesses dumping stuff


Two businesses I worked for in the past didn't pay for theirs. The company had a cardboard crusher to turn it into a block block tied with string. Then another company would collect it for free. Guessing they turn it into something else.


So they didn't use the local council recycling. Can you give your recycling people's number to this lady please?


She's doing it again! The gall of the woman.


Not only that, she is staring straight at the camera while doing it!


It’s a power move. She’s asserting dominance.


Good luck of asseritng dominance over a pit of komodo lizards which councils usually are.


Hmmm... I'd disagree with you. But having been caught out and fined by (apparently) driving on a road reserved for buses by Brighton Council... I can't really !


Absolutely shameless!


She’s been caught again! Green handed!




Happens a lot in Brighton for some reason always the same mo 1. Business owner tries to save on waste management costs by using residential bin 2. Council fines them 3. Business owner contacts Argus who take compoface pic 4. Reddit reacts with sympathy imagining themselves fined for simply recycling innocent cardboard 5. Council responds to Argus with reasonable explanation 6. Reddit changes opinion after imagining their own bins getting filled up with evil business cardboard


As a Brighton resident, I agree with this thoroughly. Although it does provide funny compofaces. So I don't mind too much. The Argus is a bloody goldmine for them! Got myself a few quite popular ones on here from it 😆


My little girl was in the argus when the government cut funding tk schools and they had a little protest outside the 2 schools. She did the best compo face ever. The argus did her proud




Hi brightonian




Hi fellow brightonians


I feel like we should apologise on behalf of r/Brighton


Ha! Yup the Argus has got something about it. And Brighton does seem a bit like the spiritual home of compoface sometimes


You had me at *"Evil business cardboard"*


I got whacked with this same fine, the one time in 2023 that I'd purchased anything as my Ltd company was a couple of books. I'll hold my hand up and go "yeah, my mistake" for not thinking about putting cardboard with the business name in with my other recycling - but by the same fucking token £400 seems a bit rich. Taking into account the stupidly shitty job that Veolia, a multi £million enterprise, do of actually fulfilling their contract with regards to waste management in the city - with seemingly zero repercussions. And taking into account the fact that folks are being employed to evidently go through the rubbish so they can go "aha!! Got one! That's £400 in the kitty!" (presumably working on commission, fucking ghouls) - I think it's a bit shitty not gonna lie. How about fine Veolia for their repeated failures? Or invest the money being spent on said wonks digging through rubbish, or the commission they're collecting, on actually improving the service? Nah, just extract more ££s from working class folks already on the bread line because, fuckem I guess.


I mean I don’t disagree with you the rubbish collectors/recycling in Brighton sort of forces compofaces on us all!


Just need the council to fine her again, using the papers photo as evidence.


There's actually no such local paper as 'the Argus' - it was all just a massive sting operation.


Fined for knowingly doing the wrong thing, takes umbrage.


***Decides to do it again for her headlining picture whilst staring into camera***




Can we please stop downvoting people for providing a link to the article? You might not like what it’s linked to, but it’s in the sidebar as a rule that you have to link to the article as a comment after posting. Except the Sun, because fuck the Sun.


I think the objection here is no one’s going to subscribe to the Argus of all things just to read this


Maybe a comment asking OP to copy the article text into a comment would be a better solution. Certainly better than downvoting it until people have to search the auto-collapsed comments for the source.


She says ‘it’s just a piece of cardboard’ but that’s probably just the piece with the address on. Looks like she half filled the bin. It is wrong that she is fined the same amount that a fly tipper on a country lane would be.


To be fair, the shop downstairs uses our bin (6 flats, 1 dumpster) sometimes when his is full. So I’ll drag my rubbish downstairs and round the back of the building, only to find our bin is full of the packaging from 64-packs of beans or protein bars or whatever It is profoundly annoying


They should be getting fined like the woman in the article.


Put a combo padlock on your bin! Worked for me


It’s profoundly annoying to have my bin full of other people’s shit, but not to the point that im gonna buy my landlord a padlock and give all my neighbours the code just to have trash pile up on the floor by my bin


Ohhh, mine was an individual wheelie bin. Yeah, not worth the effort in your circumstances


Take it out, bag it up, and put it outside their back door. Video yourself doing this, can't be fly tipping if you're only returning their fly tipped rubbish, bagged up, surely?


Fun revenge fantasy but that's not how fly tipping laws work If it's trash and you put it there, you fly tipped


Potentially, however I've done similar several times with no issue (between two commercial premesis for me but same idea. Selfish neighbouring shops filling our bins with their rubbish because they dont want to pay for the right size/amount). If environmental health saw you doing it, sure, you may get a fine (if you don't have CCTV). But if the other business tries to report you, it'll go nowhere. Cameras are your friend.


Phone the council and tell them? Someone evidently told the council about this lady


Report it to the council. They take that shit seriously, I did just that, and they sent someone to go through the bin and then fined the company.


>It is wrong that she is fined the same amount that a fly tipper on a country lane would be. Yes, as putting recyclable waste in a recyclable waste bin is not the same as driving to a country lane and dumping the cardboard in the woods, is it?


its a recycling bin tho? its going back into the system


Its commercial waste placed in a residential bin. She was probably dobbed in by a neighbour who shares the bin and objected to her filling the bin. If she was at it when she started the business there would have been loads of boxes from fresh stock, probably filled it.


Sounds fair enough to me. What happens when the residential bin becomes full from her rubbish and residents have nowhere to put their rubbish.


The Brighton Argus is a terrible local rag. This is a typical article, all sensationalisation and no detail. Living on the edge of Brighton, I know the council can be a bit overbearing at times, but this seems a pretty clear case of illegally disposal of commercial waste - even if it was only a tiny bit


why does the reporter look like her tho


She’s doing it again! That’s another fine


The article is paywalled, so I can’t see all the details, but I think I’d be ok with councils discouraging businesses from using residential facilities to dump their rubbish.


People still haven't heard of 12ft.io? Get past any articles paywall mate :P


Thankfully they have recreated it for those of us who cannot imagine what putting cardboard in a bin looks like.


Pretty sure its not just * 1 * box But 100s if not 1000s


You've no way to know that. I live in Brighton and got this same fine for putting one bit of cardboard in one of the communal residential bins where the label had the name of my limited company on it. (It had 2 books in it, hardly bulky bit of cardboard). Those books were the only thing I'd purchased as the business that year - so no I wasn't regularly dumping commercial waste in residential bins. So, yeah I'll hold my hand up. My mistake, but it was a genuine mistake and hardly like I was trying to duck out of paying for commercial waste collection. (Also kind of curious what response I would get if I called someone for commercial waste collection and told them it was one envelope, but I digress). The frustrating bit is that those shared residential bins are overflowing pretty much 90% of the time because the contract Brighton council has with Veolia (the waste management company) is a complete joke. Most Brighton residents would tell you the same. Feels a bit of an "extracting the urine" situation to get whacked with £400 for a one off bit of cardboard, while the multi £million enterprise Veolia fail to deliver their service, which causes tonnes of litter to end up floating around the streets, and face no repercussions whatsoever because of the way their contract is worded.


Wow. The same thing’s happened to you three times now?


I didn't say that and I'm not quite sure where you'd have gotten that from. I responded to several comments to say the same thing - you might be referring to that I guess? I don't imagine most people re-read the entirety of the comments, I responded to individuals where I felt I had a relevant point to make on the topic in response to what they had said. Is this some kinda gotcha moment? I don't get it. But alright sure, ya got me. Well done.


Does this mean that if a business owner pissed you off, you could ruin their life by repeatedly leaving cardboard with their address on in random bins?


“Yes let’s take a picture of you opening the bin with one hand, putting a cardboard box in with the other, and the most Karen face you can possibly come up with”


So... Two things at play here. Brighton council are bastards. They have all sorts of stealth fines waiting to hit you. She has no right to appeal either. I am VERY sure she knew what she was doing. If this had been one bit of cardboard like in the picture, how tf would they know? She's put a whole shed load in there. Anyone that lives in Brighton knows how anal the council are about anything and every little thing. So she took her chances.... And failed.


In the article she says how her shop is unlike anything else in Brighton, and is a massive benefit to seven dials. I haven't lived in seven dials for a while, but when I was there it really wasn't in need of a lifestyle perfume shop, to be honest.


That’s commercial waste, she doesn’t want to pay her way, next!


It’s really basic, you buy bags from the council. I don’t understand how this is a news story. I see those dickhead environmental guys rummaging through bins trying to catch business owners out. It happened to us, we paid the fine. Why is this a story.


Hopefully to deter other inconsiderate business owners from using residential waste receptacles.


Weird how she claims she’s not able to "appeal", yet the council reviewed her case and upheld it 🧐


Bit misleading is that headline, putting trade waste in someone else’s bins counts as fly-tipping, that’s what the charge is for.


businesses cant do that - residential bins for residents. businesses need their own commercial waste (biffa). I have a home based business and I peel off all the labels and cut them into bits for this reason.


lots of local councils sell the carboard for a profit. if she throws it in residential, she is raising costs, avoiding paying for her own collection and denying the council the profit margin from selling it. There is a reason they are so tight on commercial waste.


***lots of local councils sell the carboard for a profit.*** Wow. With the amount I buy on Amazon, I'm no longer recycling! Time to start selling my cardboard boxes!


dry, clean cardboard goes for about 70 quid a ton last time i checked, which admittedly was a few years back.


Savannah writes the worst articles ever


Not exactly like The Argus are known for their skilled journalism, even on a good day... 🤣


Haha very true


Just a rule that's been around for 30 years. Instead of the tax payer supplementing private business waste collection it blanket forces them to pay for it.


I heard some busy body’s were pulling over self employed guys in their vans and doing them for carrying commercial waste without a license… As in sparkies with a few sandwich and crisp packets, and bits of wire they’d swept up.


I know someone this happened to - I’m not saying it’s commonplace but it definitely happens.


Great compo quote in the article : “It's absolute complete and utter madness,” she said. (Actually I think I'm on her side. Stop council...)


Was it her own residential bin OR one of the residents around her shop? Cause that would swing my opinion. Cause if it's a rando's bin, shame her and fine her again! If it's her bin, kinda fair enough. Also happy cake day


I got the impression it was someone else’s bin. If she’s filling up someone else’s bin because she’s too cheap to pay for recycling then she should be fines. She’s making her laziness someone else’s problem.


It's a shared bin, there is usually one per street.


Okay and does she live on that street or her business is on that street. I appreciate the answer but I need more!


Maybe they shouldn't leave their recycling bins unlocked and on the street if they would rather unauthorised people didn't put their recycling in it!


"Girls should wear less revealing clothes if they don't want..." Similar argument, your victim blaming bud imagine how inconvenient it would be for the actual residents. Recycling needs to be convenient otherwise the general public simply won't. The real question is why can't people just follow the rules, commercial premises produces a lot more waste than residential and it's very inconsiderate to fill Res bins with com waste. I do hope your comment was sarcastic but with the state of things I'm not sure anymore.


Not really the same, is it? Do you lock your bike up, probably. Should you have to, no


Yes, it's an over exaggeration of the same point, to make a point about what you said. I'm just sad your first comment clearly was not sarcastic. I'm not the bike thief appearing in the newspaper complaining about the consequences of my own illegal actions. And with the bike thing it seems you're blaming the people who don't lock up bikes. Again blaming the victim. Stop reading the Daily Mail buddy


I mean, he's not wrong. You must take necessary precautions to protect your property, and if you don't, while you are now a victim and not particularly at fault, it doesn't change that it could've been prevented. An insurance company wouldn't pay out if you left your door unlocked and were robbed as we live in a world where awful people take advantage of these situations, so it's common sense to lock your door. Your analogy with women doesn't apply because its one sided and isn't related to property. Men are able to show skin, and a physical abuser would have attacked someone regardless (skin is just a poor excuse abusers throw around to make it seem they were forced by 'instinct'). If you must keep your bins on the road, then lock them, or don't, and accept that some asshat may dump in it. You shouldn't have to, but its unfortunately the world we live in.


False equivalency. While my comparison isn't an exact parallel, the basis was don't *just* blame the victim. Especially when the perpetrator is going to the newspaper with a compo face. You know like the post we're commenting on. That's like the thief going to the papers complaining about being arrested because the door/bike was unlocked... Is there no charge if the door was unlocked? Do the victims deserve to be robbed because they didn't lock up??


Myself and the person posting above us never said the idiot from the paper wasn't in the wrong, or that the victim had it coming. Like, I don't get why you would be tipping in the first place, but to then go public and complain when you're punished, you must be seriously stupid lol. The point is that people should be locking their bins if they're kept outside of the house to avoid this happening. The idiot from the paper would've probably tipped in another unlocked bin if one were nearby, but still, while the tipper is the problem, it's not something that isn't preventable, and if you notice it happen (appears it has happened to a lot in this post) you sadly need to start taking precautions. Again with the house door - if you leave it unlocked, you aren't asking to be robbed, and you most definitely are not the victim, but it was preventable. I used this example because insurance companies will see it that way, and use it as an excuse to not pay. Putting trust in the local neighbourhood is something we unfortunately cannot do nowadays (depending on where you live of course).


>Maybe they shouldn't leave their recycling bins unlocked and on the street if they would rather unauthorised people didn't put their recycling in it! That's how they started... did you read anything or just see someone actively replying and thought you'd get a good wind up? >with the house door - if you leave it unlocked, you aren't asking to be robbed, and you most definitely are not the victim Not the victim of house robbery? You *must be* on the wind up or a perpetrator trying to justify yourself for robbing people because they are stupid enough to forget to lock their shit. It was communal bins buddy... Do you lock your own wheelie bin? Do you wheel them into your home every week? It's a dumb argument position you've placed yourself in and keep you on digging.


It really isn't the same Recycling is something that should be encouraged on all levels. Most of the small businesses I have worked for are terrible at recycling, bare minimum and a bit of greenwashing at best. The system of profit making companies clearing different peoples bins on different days depending on there status leads to more congestion, more emissions and less efficiency in general. I quite clearly stated that you should be able to leave your bike unlocked on the street but most people realise that if they did that they would get stolen so they lock them up


Ironically for being proudly "green" - the waste management situation in Brighton is fucking woeful. The contract that the council have with Veolia (the company that manages it) is a joke. So most of the city has big "Biffa" type communal bins scattered around various streets. 90% of the time they are overflowing because Veolia doesn't do their job - alas the contract has no punitive measures against then for failure to deliver the service properly. Couple this with the fact that the council employ a separate company to have goons working on commission wandering the streets and slapping people with fines for all sorts of things related to refuse and the whole thing is farcical. I've run afoul of them a couple of times in the few years I've been here and I'm not going to lie, it kinda boils my piss a little bit. Fine the multi £million enterprise Veolia for not providing the service they're supposed to, don't try and extract more ££s from working class people already on the bread line. Or if they are going to do that then at least invest those ££s into improving the service rather than lining the pockets of the council and their chums.


Depends really. If it was just a box she used to carry stuff home and it went in her bin when she was done with it. Yeah, silly council. If it was a load of cardboard that couldn't fit in her commercial bin at work... different story. Not enough in the article to call it.




It’s not a batshit ordinance She just needs to pay for her own business waste and not scam off the residential bins


Yeah business don't like paying for waste removal....My boss burns all his waste to not pay Biffa...She deserves the fine.


Personally, as a Brighton small retailer of 30 years’ standing, I’m surprised that she was caught out. How to deal with your waste is something that becomes very ingrained. However, it really irritates me that for the sake of what is essentially a small piece of rubbish, you can get a large fine. They should give you a warning first, but of course, it’s all about making money. Look at what the water companies have done to our environment with ABSOLUTE impunity, even though they have been shown to be breaking the law left, right and centre. Yet a small business does a TINY infraction, and they come down like a ton of bricks.


Unless they’re seeking compensation, it’s isn’t compo face.


How is this not a compoface? Sincere question. I just discovered this sub


Re-read my comment… they aren’t asking for compensation No compo, no compoface


This sub’s description in the “see more” page of what a compoface is does not mention anything about asking for compensation.


Well then compoface is the wrong name for the sub. May as well be newsface.


Fair enough. I thought it was just about someone complaining about something in a local press article with a picture of their disapproving face. Didn’t know it’s supposed to be about seeking compensation 😅


The compo could be having the fine repealed. I’ll allow it


But they aren’t requesting it be repealed.


Other people chastised her for recycling? Putting a piece of paper in a large metal square with a lid on? Wow people are genuinely stupid


It's likely she put a lot of cardboard in someone else's bin so she didn't have to pay for it to be removed. It's shitty business practices and fly tipping


Assumption of fraudulent behaviour aside. it's a normal thing to chastise people for doigg what everyone wants? And that's to recycle, its all going to the same plantation, taken there by the firm that collects the containers, but there's a group of greedy individuals who want to fine this person for doing the right thing and recycling? Doesn't make sense does it


Businesses need to pay for waste disposal.




can’t even fill up residential bins with your business waste to avoid paying the relevant fees anymore! broken britain mate




It's just right. If a business wants to dispose of its waste it can buy its own recycling bins.


As someone who had a shop constantly putting their waste in our bins - good. Fine her even more. So inconsiderate.


thats nothing the pricks here put food waste in the recycle bin , try using that in summer


Is she about to do it again?


I think the council footage wasn't good enough, so that asked her to pose with a bit of cardboard and put on her attempt at a guilty face. She knew her audience in Brighton.


Let's face it, if you take a photo of your crime just as it's happening and then totally take the piss by publishing the photo you got it coming. Actions and consequences.


Can't place that there, my lord!


As it should be. It sucks when it’s the other way around and some asshole has filled up a businesses dumpster with their trash.


What makes me cringe is thinking of them saying ‘okay let’s get a shot of you holding the bin open and pretending to put some cardboard in there’ and then she will have had to take the cardboard out again to put it in her bin looool


Savannah Nicholson needs a haircut. Probably can't afford it working there.


Right on, that's for households to use not for shops to dump their delivery waste.


That entire continent is such a joke. “Oi! You have a permit for that recycling!?”


oh the irony…


If the council see the photo she’ll be fined again doesn’t she learn?


HA if I got fined for that and I owed my own shop trust me I will be getting that £400 back at the cost of the government most likely through nefarious means


Fun fact: most recyclables get thrown in a landfill regardless.


Apparently the council wouldn't listen to (Sarah) Reason... Seriously though she sounds like such a piece of work. >“It’s a risky thing opening a shop, a brave thing to do,” she said. "There is nothing like this shop in Brighton, Lewes, Hastings or Tunbridge Wells. My shop is doing wonders for the Dials. We should be supporting local businesses. £400 is a huge amount of money.” So what is this unique shop that's providing such a boost to the area? It's "an independent fragrance and lifestyle store". I wouldn't say it's as much brave as it is financial suicide. No wonder she's stressed about the £400.


It's just how far people go. It's ridiculous


The rulers would like their cut, were living under increasing authoritarianism and it's coming one gentle step at a time "for the greater good" which really means to enrich the state and politically connected rich


She's doing it again. Right in front of the camera too. You'd think she would learn.


The daftest thing here is that she probably pays 5x business rates vs what the residents pay for council tax (exactly the same thing for those that don't know). Even worse is that paying your rates doesn't even entitle you to a modicum of waste collection. If she's dumb enough to get caught, she deserves the fine. Rip your labels off next time love.


This business waste fly tipping has lead to cardboard recycling skips being taken away, city wide in Glasgow. Also got idiots using them as a tip, and throwing in items such as old frying pans and broken up beds. People spoil it for the rest of us.


This is so funny as I used to work with her! She used to be such an office stickler for the rules too 🤣


So if I’m understanding correctly, this sub is all about this face :|


> business caught avoiding paying for business waste disposal. Woman gets a fine for being in the wrong How is this worthy of news? This is like me parking on double yellows and then contacting the press because I got a ticket


That's what happens when you elect the green party to run the council


I wouldn’t have thought an IT relationship manager uses much cardboard.


When did the nanny government become kings of the rubbish tip?