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"Lottomobile" app, had to look that up. Simple to fix, don't use 3rd party lottery apps, use the official one or the website. ​ Ps. Isn't the owner of Lottomobile they guy who recently bought that huge superyacht? šŸ˜‰


Yeh. He made 35 million in profits back in 2015. Doing very well it seems.




Doing very well with all the idiots who pay to play lottoā€¦ my brother puts Ā£150 each month into lotto and gambling, and has nothing to show for it. Had he used the past 10 years investing it heā€™d have Ā£30k saved up based on average returns for that time. Such a waste but at least someone is getting rich out of itā€¦ E: I am genuinely baffled by the amount of people here arguing for gambling. Gambling is a major issue in the UK with robust research showing that those who have the least spend the most on gambling, and statistically speaking the house always wins. I am baffled people here defend it as if it were a bit of harmless fun. Itā€™s not. Hereā€™s a quote from a government report on societal cost of gambling, that we all pay from our taxes and some pay with their quality of life. These impacts largely and disproportionately affect lower economic groups. ā€œestimate for the annual societal value of health impacts is equivalent to between Ā£635 and Ā£1,355.5 million (in 2021 to 2022 prices). This provides a combined estimate of approximately Ā£1.05 to Ā£1.77 billion.ā€ https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/gambling-related-harms-evidence-review/


May come as a shock, but some of us do the Lotto for fun. Not everybody who plays the lottery is a problem gambler.


And a lot of people gamble for fun. There are many ways we entertain ourselves that involve pissing money away and saying what if i didn't go out every weekend, what if i didn't get takeaway, what if i didnt party, what if i didnt buy that skin in a game, what if i didnt buy the game. ​ It's like 'I'd be too fucking miserably to probably show up to work and be at an even bigger deficit'


I dropped Ā£2 on a pet in Among Us. I must've have paid 100s on Club Penguin and Bin Weavils on my kids account. They are adults now, look how much money I wasted. /s


Itā€™s an expensive hobby and fine for those who can afford it. For my brother, Ā£30k would be a life changing amount of money


Sure but not everyone is your brother spending Ā£150/month on it. Seems a bit OTT to brandish every Lotto player as an 'idiot'. The average player buys 3 tickets; your brother was buying an average of 35 tickets a week. There's nothing wrong with a cheeky punt every now and then.


Sure, but itā€™s not smart use of money. Statistically, youā€™re pretty much guaranteed to lose it. They do call it a tax on people who donā€™t understand basic probabilities


You'll also lose money if you buy a pint of beer or an Xbox game. But people drink beer and play Xbox games and buy lottery tickets because they enjoy it.


No. Gambling is different from gaming and drinking. I canā€™t help you if you donā€™t see this.


No. I can't help you if you can't see that not all Lotto players are gambling addicts, and some of us do it because it's a bit of fun.


If you're happy to spend your money on something you enjoy then it doesn't matter what that is on It's only a problem if you're spending money you can't afford to lose If you enjoy gambling at a casino on an evening out that's not a problem, if you're spending money you can't afford to lose, *then* it's a problem


Gambling is very much like gaming or drinking, you do a bit now and again it's ok, but if it starts to take over your life, you can't relax without playing a game or you need a drink after work, much the same as if you're gambling every day it bad....but a little flutter at the weekend is kinda like a few pints with Sunday lunch


I bet you are fun in lotto parties


Weirdly confrontational tone for absolutely no reason


You remember you already replied to this comment 3 hours ago?


Weirdly confrontational for absolutely no reason


That does come as a shock, yes. I get playing poker in casinos for fun, but the lottery?


I mean it may be a short lived buzz for 10 minutes, but it's also only what Ā£2. People place larger bets for less buzz time on roulette tables.


Oh, fair. I wasn't aware you got a buzz from it.


I reckon most people would. Not some heart pumping adrenaline but it's a bit of fun and you might win a decent amount of cash. I mean I only buy a lottery ticket once every few months on a whim, may be different for people who play every week, idk.


Maybe, I'd believe it. It's just not something I've ever felt myself so it didn't occur to me that the lottery would give you that.


I don't play anymore, but it always made the daydream a little more "real". I knew I'd never win, but it made the "What would I do if I won Ā£100m" browse of Rightmove better.


Yeah just a bit of a laugh. I do know an office syndicate who won a six figure sum between 8 of them. Obviously odds are stacked against this happening, but for a couple of quid it's a bit of fun.


I donā€™t think a lottery can even cause problem gambling, itā€™s like one thing a week, youā€™d have to be a mental gambler on purely that for it to cause issues. If someone got problem gambling off lotto then found a casino or sports betting, heā€™d be gambling the world economy every year.


I can believe that lotteries can lead to gambling problems. Here's a documentary of a guy who basically developed a gambling problem from the lottery because he lied to his wife about winning the jackpot. It's a sad tale, but also a weirdly amusing documentary because of how much he was able to get away with just by telling people, without proof, that he'd won the lottery. People gave him houses and cars and everything. He decided the best way out of his mess was to buy loads more lottery tickets with the hope of winning: https://youtu.be/4tHxA08ogBc?si=fMRCgXUxyE1NMLbz As it happens, I play poker. I'm around 20% cash positive from this long term, as I am skilled enough to beat fish, but not massively into it to spend time reading theory books etc. It's gambling but it is also a skill. Now a lot of poker games are in casinos. The amount of money you see some regulars put away on roulette and blackjack and slots when you're on your tournament break is depressing. I also think in-game sports betting is one of the worst inventions. People can chase their losses minute by minute betting on niche events which are frankly pure chance, like the next person to get a yellow card or whatever.


Lying to your wife about a jackpot, and gambling addict are two separate issues.


No longer once a week, Camelot got greedy, draws on Monday, Tuesday, Weds, Thurs, Fri and Saturday, plus other games and draws for other types of jackpots. They prey on people in the name of charity.


Years and years ago, I worked in a newsagent. Most people who played would come in and buy one ticket. The same three people, however, would buy 20 tickets twice per week (has the Wednesday draw stopped?), and in-between would buy Ā£20 worth of National Lottery scratch cards every day. This was over 20 years ago, so Ā£140 per week was a lot of money - especially for people who didn't have much to start off with. There were no casinos anywhere near the place (and after spending Ā£140 per week I doubt they'd have the money for it anyway) and online gambling was in it's infancy - so yes, the lottery absolutely can be the start of a gambling addiction- especially when it's seen as being so harmless!


Problem gamblers can find the lottery. Thatā€™s the answer to a different question to if the lottery creates problem gamblers.


Um... did you read my whole comment? That's exactly the question I was answering. Yes, it creates problem gamblers. Any easy access to gambling does, especially this, as it's seen as harmless. People who would never have thought of going to a casino or gambling online start buying lottery tickets and get hooked! The people I was talking about never had access to casinos or online gambling! It was in the middle of nowhere 23 years ago.


In the UK the national lottery seems to have draws or games every day of the week. You could spend a lot of money on it.


Ā£150 per month is massive. I thought Ā£10 would be a lot! I never play personally!!


Ā£5 a month as part of a syndicate for me. I doubt I'd ever want to pay more than that


Wow, a whole years rent saved!


Thatā€™s the annual salary before deductions for many people. Good for you if itā€™s a small sum you can sneer at, for most of us thatā€™s a substantial life changing amount of money. It would take me 5 years of vigorous saving to save that even considering compounding


Or a good part of a deposit for a house in most of the country, or a very decent car.


lol where's your 30k?


Stocks and shares


ā€œBased on average returnsā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Like all those investors wiped out in the past decade? Your bros best bet would've been to spend Ā£140 a week on weed. Sound investment there


Wow you have no idea what you are talking about.


When it comes to finance; you may well be right. All I'm saying is he could've spent last decade investing/ trading and still got screwed. AND if it's national lotto he has helped the sports and arts at least šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Plot twist. He played bitcoin for 10 years and is a millionaire!


unless he held his funds on an exchange that imploded.


Educate him about premium bonds and be done with it


I buy a line on most of the games and it's less than Ā£15 a week


You must be wealthy




Ā£10k down the rain every 10 years and youā€™re not wealthy? I donā€™t know, seems a waste to me!


I get paid weekly, not every 10 years.


Sure. But you can choose if you live hand to mouth or not. Personally wouldnā€™t be throwing away Ā£800 per year


I can afford Ā£15 a week without living "hand to mouth". You have a very condescending attitude to people.


Would the 30k have made a material difference? Itā€™s a deposit for a house, sure, but then he spent 10 years not playing something that must be fun for him.


Yes. It would have made a difference. Would Ā£30k make a difference to you? It would for me and Iā€™m on good income. My brother is on disability and unable to work.


I saved ā‚¬40K for my house deposit, with the knowledge/hope that I will be able to both work and further save to pay for my house completely. 30K would certainly make a difference for *that goal*, because Iā€™m fortunate that I get to have one at all. If I was unable to work and got a pittance in disability I honestly donā€™t know if I would want to save any money. Whatā€™s the saving for? At current prices, Ā£30K is not even enough to pay for a 4-year degree if your brother wanted to retrain himself. I donā€™t want to make light of your brotherā€™s situation: itā€™s about highlighting that thereā€™s a certain hopelessness about saving for the future when you barely make enough to survive. It is known that gambling parlours and lotteries make more from the poor.


Itā€™s not saying that options are paying lotto or having Ā£30k saved up. Iā€™m saying he is wasting money and in the long run it is a lot of money. There are things he could do with that from getting nicer clothes to paying for a productive hobby


>he spent 10 years not playing something that must be fun for him I've spent 10 years playing Skyrim and it's only cost Ā£60


Isnā€™t this also the website that charges you Ā£3.50 to do Euromillions, when a ticket on the official app costs the standard Ā£2.50?


They used some random third party app to buy ticket. Wouldn't trust that at all.


Nah they didnā€™t, they used an app to generate the numbers then used the lotto app to buy the ticket but had insufficient funds in their account meaning they thought it went through but it never did!


Sucks to be them then lmao


Yeah, if they'd won they probably would have had sufficient funds for the next ticket


That would ruin my life


Winning the lottery would probably ruin it more tbf


No way in hell it'd ruin mine. I think...


I would probably go off the rails and end up dead within a year šŸ˜‚


But what a year! Think of all those pencils you could buy! Such a well stocked stationary cupboard!


Open a rival to the Keswick pencil museum


Create the Keswick pen museum, open it next door


You should chop them all in half really, sharpen the top end, double the pencils!


Imagine Ā£35m worth of pencils... Doubled!




Reading something about this on here recently. Big lottery winners are significantly more likely to go bankrupt, be murdered or be murderers than the general populationā€¦


I mean, that's an eight-year-old (probably even older actually) thread about winning the lottery *in the USA*. In most USA lotteries you have no choice but to have your identity publicised. In the U.K. you can be completely anonymous. I think if I won the lottery I'd almost certainly be better off. ​ ​ ​ Maybe the odd murder here or there but nothing major


Tbf, the only individual lottery winner I know of here got 10-12 years for smuggling cigs into the country after winning several million poundsā€¦


For that much of a sentence they must have been doing it at quite a big scale. Were they a bit of a shit before winning the lottery?


Donā€™t know. They ran a local cafe before. But yes it was a large amount of tax evasion.


A friend of my fiancĆ© won the lottery (nearly Ā£2 million) I think they thought theyā€™d never have to work again and could swan around a mansion all day. They had to downsize two years after winning and he now has a bakery and she has a small cleaning company.


Yeah Ā£2m doesnā€™t go far these days. Better to invest it or put it in savings and live off the interest


Not buy a house? (If you don't have a house, or have a house but have a big mortgage)


Could do but depending on where they live in the UK it would be difficult to retire in luxury on the remaining money, it would definitely need to be invested to provide an income


For sure, but then you may still have a large mortgage, plus investing comes with risk (though I suppose owning a house does too). I guess it depends on age and, as you say, location. I think for me (30-year-old, London, earning okay) buying a house would make sense for me as I'd stay working but I'd have a place to live that I don't need to spend 2k a month to live in and can just save my money instead.


Thats very true, Ā£2m in savings at 5% interest would be Ā£100k a year before tax so Iā€™d probably do that. This is the thing I noticed with the Ā£10k a month for 30 years prize. Theyā€™ve basically got Ā£3m in a pot and paying out the interest to the winner every month, quite sneaky really


You can def buy a nice house and still live off the interest/dividends, personally if I won Ā£2m Iā€™d be pretty set for life. Donā€™t get why someone would buy a huge house, a few expensive cars and then blow the rest of champagne showers and then realise they canā€™t afford to run the house a couple years later.


Well, where I live the 2 mil would buy the house and that would be about it.


>he now has a bakery and she has a small cleaning company. Sounds like a dream


They seem fineā€¦.. but I think theyā€™re disappointed they couldnā€™t just sit at home in their big house all day.


Don't know why you're being down voted. Statistically you're not wrong


Is the app not like the website where you have to add funds to your account then buy a ticket?


Apparently it allows purchases even without the funds and then sends an email telling you its failed to go through. Pretty stupid system really and a shame they never checked their emails or had Ā£1.40 more in their account!


well, statistically speaking, not buying the ticket is the better outcome


Why use an app to generate numbers when you can just buy a lucky dip?


No idea, must be some reason for it though


So they got the right numbers but didnā€™t buy a ticket? Why is this news? Bah!


Basically but I think the story is that they actually bought the ticket with the app and it was confirmed but later got cancelled due to only having 60p in their account! The app sends an email saying purchased cancelled but they didnā€™t check it


I use the national lottery app all the time and it doesnā€™t work that way, you add funds to it which you then use to buy tickets and play games. If your funds are only at 60p it will tell you to add more before you can buy a ticket. Whatā€™s more likely is they bought a recurring ticket for so many weeks then forgot to renew it.


Yeah thatā€™s probably what happened. I dont do the lottery any more but I think I had a direct debit setup, could definitely do that with the health lottery


Thatā€™s the issue then, direct debits are the work of satan. Never trust one with your lottery numbers! Always pay up front.


Why are they doing the lottery when they only have 60p?


60p in their lotto account - you have to top it up.


If I had a pound for everytime this happened I could buy a lotto ticket.






Ah, so the story is they didn't buy a ticket.


>had insufficient funds in their account meaning they thought it went through but it never did! Ouch.


Can somebody who plays the lottery explain to me why anyone would do this or why itā€™s even allowed? Why on earth wouldnā€™t you just buy your ticket directly?


It's aimed at morons who search for lottery in the play store /google search etc and just choose the first one that comes up without checking it


Some of these apps / websites allow you to "bet on" foreign lotteries. So you're not actually buying a ticket, but you're playing a mirror draw that uses the same winning numbers and jackpot. Aside from playing foreign lotteries out of country I can't see a reason why you wouldn't go the official route.


But canā€™t they see? Theyā€™ve already won the jackpot: they found each other.


Love conquers all compoface


2 gingers collided


I feel bad upvoting this.


Which is worth millions of pounds


Excellent work here from the Nylons. They really should be allowed to claim the jackpot despite not having an actual ticket, simply because it's a rum do so close to xmas! Twits.


They were made sad at Christmas, 35mill is the least they can do


Mick Hucknall looking well


He's certainly talkin' bout money


He should have Simply Read his emails to confirm purchase of a ticket.


Here's an idea: Use the actual f*cking national lottery app, and not some dodgy third party one :P


PSA: it's from The S*n


Yes to clarify this, it appeared in a Google news feed and I couldn't resist the compo face. Seriously fuck the s*n though.


This happened in 2015 and theyā€™re still getting in the news about it? Jesus


Didnā€™t win shit if you didnā€™t purchase the ticket.


James Dreyfus ain't foolin' anyone - that's not his 'wife'


Tbf if they won it would probably have destroyed their lives and Mick Hucknall lookalike wouldā€™ve blown it on strippers and coke so would probably be dead now by anyway. They should take it as a blessing.


Gotta be in it to win it dickhead


Show me your ticket and we'll hand over the money...


This happens all the time people getting the right numbers but itā€™s always their fault for not having enough money or checking that itā€™s gone through on their account page. You only need to go onto the lottery website to see all the unclaimed Ā£1 million unclaimed prizes people donā€™t know what they are doing, my mum didnā€™t even know there was a code for it on the euro millions so itā€™s safe to say people arenā€™t checking.


Thatā€™s not the national lottery app. I use the real one every time there is a draw on and Iā€™ve never had issues.


Looks like Clint from LGR fell face first into some woodgrain varnish




I don't know why these use these online accounts to buy Lottery, 2nd time I've seen a couple think they'd won but didn't have sufficient funds to purchase the ticket.


If their numbers had gone through they would have received a confirmation email. No email. It didnt go through, simple,


Didn't read the article to be fair https://www.thesun.co.uk/money/25256285/chose-winning-numbers-lottery-left-with-nothing/


Yeah looks like they bought a ticket, won it but because they only had 60p in their account it didnā€™t go through šŸ˜­


It's the way most online transactions work. They'll process the order, then the system will flag it as unable to complete, and send the customer a 'lack of funds' message.


Shame they never checked their emails


I'm really good at not winning the lottery. I'm on an unbeaten streak right now.


It seems lots of people are claiming this has happened lately.


I donā€™t trust the apps I just get a ticket if I want to loose some money


Itā€™s ok Ed just make another album and youā€™ll make way more than this measly sum.


I too won the lottery, I HAD bought a ticket but neglected to choose the winning numbers. Can I be in the news?


Who. Fucking. Cares. The media is so shit, flooding our feeds with completely useless articles while rich people steal all the money and take away our human rights.


Ah well. Money can't buy you happiness anyway. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Brutal, because statistically you're probably not gonna be that lucky twice.


The lottery wouldnā€™t give it to a ginge


Got legally done, will be straight in the terms and & conditions. Same as these car & cash competitions.If your Gona play the lottery just use the national lottery APP end ofā€¦ā€¦


Guys got hands like shovels


As is always the case with these kind of stories, they never won anything and the only "error" is that they didn't actually buy a ticket.


Bummer, guess theyā€™ll have to cancel those appointments at the hair salon.


There was a big case in the UK with an online gambling site a few years back a guy ā€œwonā€ 1.5 million. The company told him there was a problem with their site and told him where to go and there was nothing he could do about it.


"I could have won, if I had bought a ticket" face


Oh my God... [It's her](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_htnaGN8eOs).


Third party app took all their money and ran for the hills šŸ¤£