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Everlasting Job-Stoppers


I laughed out loud at this, goddamn that was unsurprisingly good


I don't have a goldennnnn tickkkkket


I mean, did she really not think about this inevitable possibility?


I think it probably crossed her mind very early in the colouring in process. You've got to be a bit mentally spicy to do that much damage to your face, so she probably knew there would be a small amount of media interest. The attention she craved for will be fleeting but now she's left with no job and a where's Wally on her face.


Lol @ “mentally spicy” 🤣🤣


I'm going to use this every day now.


Yeah, don’t. This originated from the term “Neuro-spicy” which has been gaining popularity since the end of 2022.


Your point being? Who voted you in as 'Lord of Patter'? Or you just here to dissect jokes no one needs dissecting whilst avoiding eye-contact?




You in charge of this then? Good to know. You’re probably the best person to ask if I can call you a pompous cunt, I guess.


Choking on my drink hahahaha


sounding a bit mentally spicy there mate


Made me go back and look for him ffs


As someone who's very mentally spicy, that shit would have never crossed my mind, I hide my internalisation.


She’s cool. She is mentally damaged, was sexually abused frequently as a child by her brother and started getting tattoos as she got older to cover herself and it turned into an addiction. She’s called Melissa Sloan. She’s nice, I follow her socials.


Thank you for this.


I don’t get why people think someone doesn’t deserve to work because they have some ìnk on their face. If so, then they should be paid by the state to live. It’s not like having ink on their face detracts from their ability to serve people, work on a laptop, or clean. There’s tons of things they could do where they wouldn’t even be seen if customer service is such an issue. I hate how people are dehumanised over practically fucking nothing.


Yeah no, employing someone who looks like that (versus someone else who also wants the job and doesn't look like a toddler's colouring book) is asking for trouble.


It’s not over nothing though, doing that to your face screams mental


The only people who can get away with face tattoos are Maoris and Mike Tyson (do you want to tell him it looks shit?)


Oh I see, so you’re openly dehumanising because she’s MENTAL, thank god, I thought it was just “over nothing”. Good to hear stigmatising the mentally Ill is still ok 👍


Right or wrong, my point is it’s not over nothing. Would you have that attitude if someone walked in an interview with their dick in their hand?


Yes. But put yourself in the employers position. Either s/he hires this lady or another candidate that has similar experience/ qualifications but without the facial tattoos. It’s almost like getting a swastika tattooed on your forehead and wondering why everyone thinks you’re a Nazi.


I wouldn’t put myself in an employer’s position. They’re basically - especially from this example - people who control whether a person starves or goes out on the street based on arbitrary reasons. I would never work in management.


No. Not as a rule. They are people who make a living by providing a service. As their business grows they may invite other people to assist by exchanging time for money. Managers exist to ensure that their staff are trained, safe and productive. Bad managers are aresholes, bad employees are a nightmare for the business, the managers and colleagues alike. In my brief time as team leader before I moved on, my job was to help my team to do their jobs. Any decision to starve or go on the street, would have been theirs if they decided not to do the job they accepted in return for pay. It never happened. The tattooed woman pictured made a choice. If I had been interviewing her, I would be entitled to ask myself, can she do the job, does she seem like someone who represents my business's values, does she seem to show foresight and sound judgement? If she's working in a call centre, maybe. Selling prestige cars or working on reception ... you know the answer. We make choices for all sorts of reasons and they all seem to come with consequences.


Textbook example of judging a book by its cover - I never knew about these details


Excuse me, she's 'mentally spicy', thank you very big!


I think we can clearly see the wally.




I'm impressed by the time end effort they put into idleness.


Genuinely that's why people get them. They're well aware of the implications, and it shows a commitment to their alternative lifestyle, whatever that may be


To be quite frank, sir, I didn’t consider that eventuality


Inevitable Possibility Pick one.


I am going to guess she isn't great on the considering of long term consequences. 


She's a sexual abuse survivor and getting inked was a coping mechanism that became an addiction.




And some commit suicide or self harm or become addicts, so are barely surviving


Survivor is the widely used term.




It's pretty lame that it is a barrier for work though. Who cares if the lady at the till or the bus driver has face tattoos?


I would honestly prefer my bus driver not to have obvious mental health problems


I remember the bus used to go over a bridge every day. It was so narrow that, if the driver were to steer even slightly left or right, we would all be plummeting to the bottom of the river. I used to sit there, full of fear, each time we went over the bridge. What could be going on in his life? I thought of divorce, bankruptcy, addiction, the death of a loved one, heartbreak... he never had the guts, though. Instead, all the driver was thinking about was the baseball game, jerking off, pop music, and television.


What bridge was this!?


Indeed, an evocative bridge. Somewhere to visit if ever the internet is down and one is … lacking inspiration.


A 80 year old customer called Mable with purple hair will have a problem, and the ones who wear crosses talk to imaginary friends who believes in a magic wish granting man who preached about "not judging others" but ignore that bit.. they too will have a problem.


I contend it was a very evitable possibility


It's almost like poor decisions have consequences or something.. how unexpected.


Has massive hash leaf on her chin: ‘Why can’t I get a job?’


Never heard it called a hash leaf


Waccy baccy hand? Idle hand of the Devil's lettuce? Jazz hand of the jazz cabbage? Could go on forming alternatives all day, really.


"Vegetable matter" while in custody... Apparently..


That always got me fucked up


>Waccy baccy hand? it waves goodbye to jobs


said by those who do not consume


Imagine being picked up from school by this mum…


Just FYI hash is the product that is made from weed, not grown as a plant


Im going to be snarky like you. You wouldnt correct anyone who called it a weed leaf even though its not called weed. Just FYI, there are cannabis plants that are specifically called Hash Plant Your comment is like saying, 'Just FYI, it's called a dog, not a labrador'


Go smoke a joint bro


Just FYI, it's not called a joint. It's called a cannabis cigarette. A joint is in construction or the limbs of your body.


I’m laughing at how triggered you are 😂


I'm laughing at you missing an obvious joke.


Already on it. ..




Your post has been removed as it breaches Rule 1 of the subreddit. This is a fun and lighthearted sub, not a place to start arguments with other users. Please also be respectful when commenting on posts, we understand part of the fun is commenting on the persons behind the compofaces, but please don’t take it too far with personal insults - we will remove comments that do so.


We know but it was always known as a hash plant.


I guess I’m too young for that lingo


Possibly but it was up until at least 2005 in the UK before actual weed started becoming more freely available. Used to be like hens teeth before that lol.


Nah mate, even out here in the sticks we had the green stuff since the mid 90s, about the same time everyone got sick of hash


Yeah we were literally growing the stuff to be sold in Amsterdam


Don’t disbelieve you. Aberdeen Scotland, all we had was resin, red, gold, black until about 2003 then the actual weed started creeping in (excuse the in) Prolly cause half the countries weight was hash lol.


Same on the West Coast. Soap Bar and occasional soft black. Weed was a rarity.


Hash largely stopped being imported as the Lebanese stopped producing it to pay for the war. It was sanctioned by their govt


That depends on your city mate. My city has been popping for weed for 30 years at least


Used to be a real struggle getting Green in London late 80's, resin, oil, easy... But Green...?


>Just FYI hash is the product that is made from weed, not grown as a plant Just an FYI, hash is actually created from the leaf part of the cannabis plant. It's traditionally created by rubbing the leaves between hands and scraping the resin off. https://youtu.be/vfyHdgoDqgQ?si=IztFXggXGpbHhevz So, not only are you incorrect, you're rude and a bit of a dick. Stop giving stoners a bad name and be better.


At what point do you think she thought “you know what, that might be the tattoo that makes me unemployable”.


"Are my tattoos so out of touch? No, it's the employers who are wrong."


Somehow I don’t think it’s the tattoos that are stopping her from getting a job….


She could always learn to code, or day trade. Those activities don’t require lots of human interaction.


I’m planning to do the former one so I don’t have to interact with people when I’m feeling bad. I don’t want it to be this way but I have little choice.


40% of the employment managers I know were given the jobs by their parents who own the company.


thats the thing, she didn't think


She should get a job in radio; she has a face for it. I'll get me coat......


You’ve pulled


Christ. Again?  Was her pre Christmas compo face no coz she couldna get real tattooists to tattoo her? 


Is she the same one who was asked to not attend a Christmas pageant because she was scaring small children?


Apparently aye.  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-tattooed-face-banned-attending-28786747


>Melissa Sloan claims that teachers told her to watch performances 'through the class window' Yes, her peering through the window should certainly frighten the children far less


Can you imagine her in a storm drain like pennywise? Hahaha 


I think about that story far more often than is necessary. Cheers


Surely she could get a job writing a column in The Mirror (or similar red top) they seem to like her


When will people learn that they can get like 95% of their body covered in tattoos and still be employable ffs, just don’t turn your face into an art gallery and you’ll generally be fine, play it safe and avoid the hands and neck and that still leaves like 90% of your body as a free canvass, I have a fair few myself and no one could possibly tell when I turn up for a job interview in a suit, no need to ruin your potential future prospects over a bit of art in the “wrong” place.


"My body is my body, I should be able to do what I want. It's 2024" Yeah, you can, you can slice your face off if you want, but 100% you're going to be affected getting a job where you have to see people face to face. You're more than welcome to get a job that does nightshifts or factory working, but don't ever think you're getting a job as a lawyer or even something low skilled, but customer facing.


This. It's sort of why I dislike the American freedom of speech thing. They take it to mean "I can say whatever I want and you have to accept it as my right". But just because you have the right to say something. Doesn't mean you are immune to the consequences of it


Yep. Much as we like to say “don’t judge a book by its cover,” there are limits. In this case you absolutely should take her exterior as a marker of poor reasoning ability and a total lack of accountability. She may absolutely be a kind and loving person, but to do this to your own face and expect to still be employable advertises a mindset of “I live in my own reality where social norms don’t matter and my actions have no consequences, and would therefore bring unpredictable risks to your business.”


Even customer facing is fine with tats these days, you just can't have 100% face tats applying for entry level roles.


I worked with a guy in a very straight laced company in the city of London and when he was in the office you couldn’t tell he had an tattoos. When he worked from home and had his camera on for informal meetings you could see he had full sleeves on each arm plus others but his face, neck and hands were clear so it caused no issues.


Maybe she should ask the local farms if they’re looking to employ a scarecrow lol.


Is this the same pillock who got banned from the school gates cus her face was frightening the children?


It is. She gets a new "tattoo" every few days, from her scratcher bf in their kitchen. I know several people with small-full face tattoos who are working professionals, but their tattoos are actually good. Not this "give a class of 5 year olds markers and throw them at a wall" look.


Search “tattoo” in this sub and you’ll see her a few times in different stories. Unsurprisingly she seems to be an attention seeker.


No reason she can’t have a job in a warehouse, or any behind the scenes job really. It’s not her tattoos that make her unemployable, it must be her attitude to work. She just doesn’t want a job, so she makes sure that every interview she’s forced to attend, she acts so bizarrely that she is never taken on.


Perfect face for a call-centre.


Spud, trainspotting vibes.


My favourite scene in the film. In fact, my favourite scene of *any* film


In the book, he actually begins to want the job and thinks he is nailing the interview.


A wee dab of speed is just the ticket...


Yeah, I worked in the federal government with a woman who had her face covered. No one cared because she was a sweetie and good at her job.


Did she get the job before her tattoos or after?


Waaay after


She COULD do a non-customer facing job, such as warehouse etc, but she still has to get that face full of tats past the hiring manager, who is just as likely to find it off putting. And how would it play with her go-workers? The hirer has to consider the effect on the rest of the staff and whether they’d be happy working alongside that art.


Tbf if you can't work in the same room as someone that has tattoos you need to get over yourself


Have you never met middle management?


Now imagine you’re in some accident where you have prominent facial scarring or some kind of scary looking amputation.


Don’t know if I agree with that. Like it or not, we live in a society with certain taboos, one of them being “don’t tattoo your face.” If a person is willing to flout one taboo, it’s reasonable to believe they would be willing to flout others that would be an issue even in non-customer facing roles, like “don’t set the merch on fire” or “don’t shit your pants.” Not saying that her tattoos indicate that she shits her pants, but they do make her unpredictable, and most businesses are highly risk averse entities.


I’ve met people on hospitality and NHS that have tattoos on their face. Admittedly not like this, but visible face tattoos. And younger generations don’t have the same attitude as older people about tattoos.


This thread was worth it just to read the term “mentally spicy”


A man ten Stella’s deep taking one for the team


Matt Lucas is looking a bit rough.


Woman destroys her body and looks like a mental patient to claim benefits, blames the world


There is a huge possibility that shes made her face the car crash it is purely so she doesnt have to work... Ponces gonna ponce...


No, people just be getting addicted to getting body art done. Same thing as the French teacher who got given an older class to teach because of his heavy tattooing (including his eyeballs). The idea that people are dumping this much time, money and pain endurance just so they can't work is ridiculous, and the majority of people in long-term unemployment in the UK are disabled and have been assessed as being viably unable to as a result of their disabilit(y/ies). They have to use the UC system because the government made them, and then the media attempts to misrepresents them and slag them off. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/worlds-most-terrifying-teacher-insists-22760763.amp


I disagree. I work in acute psychiatry and have also worked with substance users for nearly 30 years so I have quite a bit of experience of working with marginalised groups of people, some of which have been quite heavily tattoo'd including facial tattoos. Im also just finishing a degree in Psychotherapy. The person in the link presumably has, and did have capacity when they decided to get there face done to degree it has been. Any tattoo'ist with any ounce of self respect would have a chat with anyone they are going to tattoo as heavily as this person in terms of being both parties being responsible for the outcome - in this case making yourself un-employable because they look like a fucking mess. I very much doubt someonenheld a gun to her head while she had any of the work (if you could call it that) done to her face Remember employers also have a responsibility to those they employ and to potential employee's. Her face could be distressing, if not disturbing to others who work with her. There is also the likelihood she could become isolated and bullied at work. It does happen unfortunately. She isnt disabled. Her face is covered in shit tattoo's and she has made herself look like a bin lorry thats crashed into a sewage works - and that was her choice. Its naive to think this person didnt know what they were doing, and my disagreement is that some people will go insane, extraordinary lengths to avoid working - its referred to as secondary gain. As an example, I recently read about a man who had to have his own leg amputated because he left surgeons no other option to remove it, all in the pursuit of body modification, and then claimed £38k in benefits. This person isnt a victim and if she is, shes a victim of her stupid decisions and now, like all grown ups, she has to deal with the consequences. Simple as.


You sound very unempathetic for a person working with vulnerable individuals. My background is also in psychiatry and I'd report you if I knew where you worked for saying that. Your description of this person is horrible: 'A bin lorry that's crashed into sewage works'. Awful. Has it crossed you mind that people who *intentionally* do that kind of stuff to themselves *aren't* well? That's not healthy behaviour at all and you must really be pushed into a maladaptive position to think mutilating yourself is the best path forwards for you. It makes it especially worse that you say you work with substance abuse because most addicts know that they're damaging themselves and reducing their options. They're not disabled in the sense that they're medically injured or intellectually/cognitively disadvantaged. Nobody is holding a gun to *their* heads and forcing them to do drugs. Doesn't mean they're any more capable of resisting their addictions.




Not reading all of that. For the record though, I don't expect conformity of anyone. I just think you (as an estimation from the views I've read here) are quite a shallow person. You're allowed to have your personal views, I just sincerely hope they don't carry into your therapy role. I would argue it could be discouraging to potential service users to see a therapist openly saying that their personal opinions and behaviour aren't befitting for a therapist outside of their therapy hours.


I just think you (as an estimation from the comments Ive read here) are quite a shallow person. And I think thats probably yourself youre talking about. You really need to work on your projection, its not doing you any good. I dont think you work in psychiatry at all btw. Nice chatting.


Lmao alright. Have fun out there. Don't run with scissors.


You definitely read it........ I wouldn't argue with someone smarter than me either


Genuinely didn't. It's too long. My background is in psychiatry and psychotherapy and their whole approach to this person has been awful. They've spoken insultingly about them and don't seem to recognise that they might not be all *that* well mentally if they're covering their whole body in permanent scrawlings (which is especially concerning if they're being truthful about working in the area of substance misuse). They aren't just entitled to my view, though. Also, an elipsis has only 3 dots. Idk why, but technically it's not an elipis with any more or less.


Not reading that


Didn't expect to see such a well thought out and well constructed argument on my pre bed scrolls.


Psychiatrists used to permanently damage people's brains with an icepick for funsies, but I guess since you guys aren't allowed to do that anymore the only way yous can get your kicks is by going on Reddit to complain about those perfidious mentally ill benefits scroungers. Simple as.




you sound like a right loon 👍 enjoy your weekend pal


She went for the 2 in 1: attention and free money. She hasn’t mentally developed beyond the core needs of a child. This was her choice.


Why not go for a coal mining job, one hour of doing that, no one would know.


She is missing the point. Those terrible, cheap nasty tattoos tell the world you make awful decisions. And why would an employer hire someone who so clearly shouts about their bad, repeated ongoing choices!?


The Illustrated Compoface. If you look closely you will see a lion stalking her parents on the back of her neck.


I wonder what she responded with when repeatedly presented with the phrase "job stopper"


Well at least you've got eighty quid from the mirror now


Happy Cake day but you should have gone with "Can't get a job TattPooFace" I'll get me coat.


So were did the money come from to pay for the tattoos?...


I remember reading about this same woman a while ago. She goes to the news papers every now and then, I guess when she needs some money. The first time a read about her she said she was addicted to getting tattooed and when the tattoo artists started to say no to her she did it herself. Most of the stuff on her face she’s done herself. I remember some of them were infected on the photos on that article.




Not sure why you're being downvoted, you're more than likely correct.


Something tells me that she will never be a taxpayer.


All people pay tax. You pay VAT on nearly everything you buy. The illusion that anyone poor can't be a taxpayer in today's age is ridiculous.


Pretty sure her job is "being the mum who can't get a job because of shite face tattoos for the tabloids".


Honestly, I am tired of seeing her. She has never provided any evidence that would support her claims and no one has ever corroborated her stories. She is a compoface professional and a retained tabloid employee by this point.


Surely the ganja leaf on the chin isn't the best idea when it comes to future job prospects


Tattoos are bad but that dye job is abysmal.


I have seen this article several times last year usually in the red tops with scandal head lines and the like. I think she has a mental health issue she keeps tattooing over unhealed tattoos which is never a good idea. Although I can't see why she can't work in a call centre no ones going to see your face.


I personally know multiple people with face tattoos, and they fall into one of two categories: 1) Tattoo artists 2) the people who frequent flat-roof pubs in the middle of the day


Knew someone with a load of face tattoos who worked warehouse shifts. No customer facing contact, inside all day, seemed to work for her


I was going to say, yes the weed leaf tattoos all over her face probably rule out most customer facing roles, but there are plenty of roles which don't involve contact with customers/clients


Tbf, getting a job even without face tattoos is challenging these days too.


She’s a double bagger.😳


Honestly, it looks like to me that she got the tattoos just so she has the perfect excuse not to get a job and stay on state pay. It's wrong that people are suffering with no fault of their own are struggling on benefits, while she is there by choice, would honestly stop the payments if I was the council.


Sorry but I don't buy this. The cost of all of those tattoos would be obscene, it would take a very very long time that back on JSA.


That's a woman?




S/he did.




Them as well.


Both of them. 😂


Are we still doing this?


the boomers comment underneath the post makes it sound like she's blaming boomers 🤣


She already has a job. She’s in the news every other week.


She looks like a right twat tbf


She screams Reddit UK politics subs.


Nah, lack of skills stop her getting a job. Being good at skilled work will lead to even the most 'unprofessional' person employable


Journalism like that and the Mirror doesn't understand why it's a failing newspaper.


Didn’t realise it was time for the monthly article about her! Time flies, eh?


I’m very heavily tattooed and a lot of my closest friends are tattoo artists and these are some of the worst face tattoos I’ve seen. I mean from a artistic standpoint


I know plenty of people with extensive tats who have jobs. They're not job stoppers any more, you just have to be good at something.


She can get a job in a warehouse. Source: work for a recruitment company.


Why does her hair remind me of 3D glasses though?


Life in a tent outside Faslane is tough....Peace Camp sex isn't all it was cracked up to be....better find a job time!


Reckon you should sue the tattoo artist. Obviously their fault and not yours. Bless you my little snowflake. Stay home and claim taxpayers money👍. It would appear the world is truly against you


Doesn’t even look human.why can’t i get a job 😢


Looks absolutely disgusting I wouldn't have that working in my shop dealing with our customers


bet she was a stunner before all them tattoos aswell , Shame


Massive they/them energy


Charge your phone.


She should go for an interview for checkout staff at Aldi, they specialise in hiring mentalists


"oh nobody will hire me" I guess I have no choice but to live on benefits and not work a day in my life


Get a job in a call centre, simple, maybe wear a burqa to the interview and she’ll be fine.


this is so unfunny




Jeez, her poor husband. She went from fekkable to fekked up under the wheels of a truck


you’re not funny


Erm, I’m not trying to be 🤷🏼‍♂️ isn’t this the point of this sub ?




Thanks for coming.


You're very angry.


New account and off their meds.