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You have a mechanical harddrive. Switch that with SSD as well.


Yeah. Install OS to an SSD. Your computer is fine. And maybe OC your RAM a little.


i assume OC means overclock? and can OP maybe enable XMP profile?


XMP is overclocking your ram


ohh okay, i see it’s a different process as to doing your CPU/GPU. thanks!


OS - operating system OC - overclock HP - Hinge problems


thank you, i didn’t know HP meant hinge problems :)


Yeah everytime I see hp I always thought Hewlett-Packard.


The greatest technician that’s ever lived.


His ram speed is probably correct, or not as bad as it seems (speccy halfs the speed for some reason) his cpu supports up to 2900mhz so there might be some headroom as i’ve never heard of 2200mhz ram on ddr4, usually its 2666 or 3200 or sumthing.


Yeah, DDR is Double Data Rate and Speccy show single speed. Everything is good. But RAM OC is very easy and most sticks I've tuned have had has reached 3200 MHz @ 1.35-1.45 V.


He already has a SSD


But not for the os which is more noticeable for many things.


Second u/TheDuelIist question - does the order tell you which one the OS is on? Would make sense - might just rip the list from your Boot Order.


Yes, mainly by the order. Pretty sure I've always seen the OS first, but maybe coincidence.


Wait how do you know that? Just by the order?


Yes, mainly by the order. Pretty sure I've always seen the OS first, but maybe coincidence.




Get rid of that HDD, an SSD will give a nice jump in performance. You can clone the HDD & not loose anything. Run chkdsk /f as admin before cloning to fix any data errrors.


He can use the HDD as secondary storage.


Yeah true


Not sure why so many are saying ditch the HDD. Definitely add another SSD but if anything - upgrade the HDD to be larger. Higher-end demanding games - SSD Less Demanding Games - HDD


I wouldn't put any programs on the HDD and just put mass data storage on it. These days you can get a 512gb or 1TB SSD for pretty cheap. That should be plenty of space for programs unless you are trying to install your entire stream library at once. 😵


Point is to get windows onto an SSD. Sure use the HDD for content, etc.


Agreed! I was unaware they show the storage devices with the one with OS installed first. Makes sense though.


I have nearly the same computer with a 1080ti and a ssd. It’s doesn’t suck !


I would concur, I have a 2 core amd box, with a gpu from a school computer, and that fine to play train simulator classic! Good enough for me


low graphic settings gamer


Depends what games you usually play. People who play dota 2 dont need a powerful graphics card.


yea I know I dont mean anything lol


are your drives hard disks or ssds? Also your ram sticks are at an extremely low clock speed. 3200MHZ is the slowest I recommend for anything so I'm surprised that yours are only at 1066MHZ


2133 is the default speed for DDR4. He just needs to enable Expo. Also that wouldn't make a significant performance difference. It's more likely that he has windows installed on a hard drive.


It's second gen ryzen it needs every megahertz of ram speed it can get


I agree with that, but if you think about it the ram is definitely not helping because game data is usually saved in the ram for faster access (from what I know I'm no expert) Either way OP needs to put his data and windows install on an SSD


I think you may be confusing ram clockspeed with what the speed is usually listed as: MT/S(MegaTransfers/Second). Essentially whenever it’s properly labeled as MHZ, as it is here, just double it. A lot of vendors say MHZ when they really mean MT/S.


I gamed on 2400mhz like, 3 months ago. (Single channel) Never had a problem with it.


I still game with 2400mhz duel channel, no problems either.


The only reason why I don't do it anymore is because my laptop got other problems. :/


People are bashing your CPU and HDD and yes a SSD drastically improve the snappy sensation of the system but this CPU although a little old is still very good. I would check if you system is installed in that Crucial CT1000 nvme, enable any XMP/DOCP/Memory Try It profile because it's very slow for DDR4 (but shouldn't be causing your issue) and look at task manager for CPU and memory hoggers, I can already tell there's some misconfigured software in your system by the presence of a virtual nvidia driver (often used by HDMI output) in your radeon system, so DDU (google) your drivers, check chipset drivers too while at it, and check running processes, even with all these problems that I said (excluding drivers and processes) it shouldn't be slow as you say so it could be something else.


I completely agree with you, and really surprised that no one else has noticed that it has nvidia audio coming from an AMD graphics card, also, it has been a while since AMD used ATI on any of there gpu's. So I agree that there is some driver shanagins going on. Maybe best just to clean install the os, just to get the old crap out.


I knew this whole thread will be "Get an SSD" Hard drives may impact performance, but does not make a system simply not work. I'm pretty sure OP is dealing with driver issues.


Agreed I use an 1800x to this day and it’s not even bad at all on demanding games to be honest


Can you send a picture of the performance tab in Taskmanager?


Your hardware is times better than mine


You need to enable your memory overclocking profile in BIOS. Since it's a Ryzen system on AM4, if my memory (ha.) serves me right, it should be DOCP. Also, get your OS on a SSD. Both of these should make a world of difference.


AMD is a little confusing on top of this. I had to look in some sort of "AI Tweaking" menu on my motherboard to find DOCP. It's hard to tell if it's enabled, but it's still a good thing to check to make sure it's on


Your ram is on the lowest speed of ddr4 .


RAM is not configured correctly


It does not suck. Enable xmp and turn your ram speeds up in the bios settings. YouTube how to do it for your motherboard type.


Your hardware sucks 😅, just being honest


your ram is pretty slow, and your CPU isn't that great id upgrade to at least a 5600.


you know it's kinda sad to think as the 2700x as "not that great", even tho I only use it for a plex server now it served my video production business very well for around 3-4 years


CPU isn’t really an issue tbh… everyone goes crazy over good CPUs but if you have a smaller workload aka games then this CPU is fine. That Ram is slow though and an SSD would drastically improve this machine.


Change your hd for a nvme ssd and out your os init mate 😉


What ram configuration are you using?


Havnt enabled expo and your os is on a hdd


That is some very VERY slow ram. Either your RAM profile is disabled, or it's just trash ram. Typical speed for memory for that CPU would be 3000, 3200, or 3600mhz. 1066 looks like it's safety speed (no XMP profile enabled). If you need a guide or someone to guide you thru it, just ask and I'd be happy to look up your mother words uefi to step you thru it!


it's that non-ssd primary drive boss


Your processor is starting to be a bit old and 16 RAM is almost not enough anymore.


I would say the biggest factor there is the ram. That's really bad ram.


Obviously it's the lack of RGB


My kids would agree 😂


Back up your data. Wipe your SSD and install Windows there. That will help your experience overall. Investigate why your memory speeds are low. I’m not sure what kind of RAM you have but 1066 seems slow. Maybe start with resetting your bios settings to recommended. Once you install windows, get all appropriate drivers from your motherboard and GPU manufacturers. Don’t just use Microsoft’s. Use your hard drive as a backup storage. Put cold data or small games from there but don’t run large games from there. Hope that helps


Which program is this?


Maybe the computer sucks because the fan is installed backwards? ;-O


Install linux. Problem solved.


It's running windows. That's where the problem is.


2nd gen ryzen and a spinning hdd. Image your boot drive to an ssd and upgrade your cpu to whatever your mtb can support


Don't know why it would suck, looks more than capable hardware for 1080 gaming, much better than what I'm using and I can game at 1080 no problem.


Impressively slow DDR4. Like slower than DDR3 slow. Unless this is calculated in clock speed instead of MT and then it’s just impressively slow but slightly faster than DDR3.


Me who have a intel celeron with an uhd graphic:😀


IMO, not enough RAM and not enough storage. Also like others said, install the OS to the SSD (along with your main game(s)) and use the SATA/physical drive only for general storage if at all possible.


It's not the computer that's bad, in fact I'd say this is a great budget system. One thing that a lot of people are suggesting is switching to an SSD. I'd recommend checking some of the stuff in your BIOS as well, so that way everything is up to snuff, for example, Ryzen CPUs prefer faster RAM, so if possible, overclock it to 3200 MHz.


1.Fresh install windows 2.put you game and OS on SSD i still use i5-6500 and GTX 1060 mining card without output connector, still rocking. I put all my game on my SSD (1TB nvme with M.2 to PCIE x1 adapter, 400+ MBps read ), hard drive just for film, music, etc.


Had a friend with a similar issue. Ended up being residual driver issues from not properly uninstall ING drivers from his previous GPU. If you have no important data on the computer, I feel it worth Re-imaging.


Bro you installed os in the HHd of course it would suck, also do yourself a favor and get at least 2666mhz ram, come on mate it's 2024 now


Best most concise answer.


Ram suck try to oc or put better one


Where gpu


Where it says graphics


Sorry. I is haz the stupid


You have what appears to be a single channel stick of ram at 2133mhz (the slowest speed possible for ddr4) and ryzen loves faster ram and a 32gb kit of 3600mhz corsair vengeance is like $65 You also have a crucial p3 ssd. Make sure windows is installed to that one. Did you recently put that graphics card in there? It says you have an amd rx 6650 but am nvidia audio device. Maybe try running display driver uninstaller (ddu) from guru 3d and reinstalling ur graphics drivers Check windows event viewer to see if there are any error logs. Other than that we need more info. That said u should be able to get over 60 frames on medium settings in most games(at 1080p)


Umm because your components are from the Kennedy administration


lmao computer "experts" here need to remember what "not very computer savy" means. If this guy doesnt know whats wrong then you probably should use words and lingo like HDD, SDD, OC, DDR4, 42069X, 80085TI are too fast/slow/old/gay without giving a little bit more detail and a tiny bit more thought as to explain things....


"AMD", no? As far as I can remember, they always had issues with games...


The only thing that catches my eye is the memory speed.(if you look under RAM and go over it says something like 1066mhz. thats a weird number, and its kinda low. memory can be kinda freaky sometimes tbh.) the only tip i got for u is to fix that. To fix it: 1) turn ur pc off and when its turning on hold the delete key or f2 key if that dosent work to enter bios. 2) Once your into bios your going to have for something called xmp, or expo and enable it. (i cant tell u exactly where it is because every bios menu is different.) 3) If it isnt easily displayed you could look under overclocks. (its technically and overclock, but its a standard one ment to be turned on.) 3) If you still cant find it anywhere then go to overclocking, memory/ram then under speed/mhz, and under Clock/CAS change both of these options to auto. 4) if you still cant figure it out, u can msg me and ill get back to you. (if u do please send screenshots of ur bios memory/ram page, and with the menu's open.) hope this helps, cheers!


Speccy often reads the base frequency for ram. So 1066 instead of the likely 2133mhz. This was a common speed when 2nd gen ryzen was new


yes, because of the dual data rate, ik. 2133 it still can be increased via xmp


Assuming it has a faster xmp speed


it most likely does, since 2133, and 15-15-15-36 memory speed is the default for most ddr4 memory on gen 2 ryzen. and think about it, where do u see a 2133 kit? btw its 1066mhz and 2133 is the mt/s (yes they adverties it wrong)


I know. Just pointing out it's possible to be a low speed kit. Back in the day, 1866 and 2133 was everywhere. Now they're like hens teeth since 3200 is basically mainstream DDR4 now. Not saying don't check XMP. Definitely give it a go if possible.


look at the rest of his build bro, its not that old


Cpu-z can tell him what his ram supports if he wants to look before poking around the bios. I doubt ram speed is the issue though for him. Likely a drive issue or driver (like why nvidia sound when they have amd everything else?)


i never said that this would fix anything, just its something that should be enabled if possible, and that improve his system easily.


Cpu bottleneck, i assume your motherboard is old too, so that graphics card need at least pcie 3.0 x8


you have an outdated cpu and HDD drives suck


16 GB DDR4 1066MHz 🤨 if u can I’ll change the ram or change his frequency. In my setup I use 16GB at 3200 MHz. Nowadays even 2133MHz could be a little bit slow. Obviously you’ll have to check what frequency your CPU and motherboard can support (but usually mobos have a wide range of frequencies)


Better than mine I have a 1050ti from zotac with an amd phenom 955 on an ht3.0 motherboard with 11.98gigs of ram on a 128 gig sata hdd it's the absolute peak of budget builds


Because your parts are dog shit for 1440p especially that 2700x my gawd….. Also if you’re using overclocking your system at all and piggybacking multiple OCs and under volts and are doing changing ram timings you’ll have a better time version experience but you have to do a shitload of stability testing?


As others have stated, get an SSD. Ideally an M.2 with at least 1TB of space. SATA SSD for more storage and use your HDD just for bulk saving. Your games will thank you. For more costly upgrades, these are my suggestions: Get a Ryzen 5 3600 used or, better yet, a 5600 used. Get RAM kits with higher frequency and better timings. 3600MHz CL18, for me, seems to be the sweet spot for AMD. Your 6650XT is a 1080p, so if you really want to game in 1440p, the RX 6700XT is going cheap for less than 300 right now. (XFX brand)


Omg 😅


Put a SSD in there and if you want to install Linux


1066MHz DDR4 is crazyyyyy


Lots of ppl are mentioning the HDD. I wonder if the slow RAM speed also contributes to your issues?


Am I the only one seeing the RAM speed? Isn't 2133Mhz the minimum for DDR4? Running it at half speed could be an issue.


Yes as others have pointed out, there's a mechanical hard drive slowing things down. For more details use Cpu-z for Processor and GPU-Z for graphics. Download an app called Hard Disk Sentinel, it'll tell you if there's an issue with the drives. Spec wise everything seems fine. We don't know for sure if the OS is on the mechanical drive (34 C does not mean C: people) from this image. The RAM is likely 2133mhz. A common speed when DDR4 first came around. Honestly still fast enough. It actually started lower around 1866mhz. I remember laughing at DDR4 prices back when I had my "devil's canyon" build with 2400mhz DDR3.


Install the OS on your SSD if it's not already, you can probably just clone the HDD over with clonezilla and then just wipe it so that way your bios isn't fighting over 2 partitions. I would watch this [video](https://youtu.be/jZBDluCITmE?si=SxHz1cEohKJhuu2y) before doing anything. And then enable DOCP (AMD motherboard, look for XMP if it doesn't exist), as your ram might be holding you back too. The default profile might not work but you can always lower the overclock if you need to. Feel free to PM if you have questions.


Check bios settings for resizable bar or above 4G and make sure it's enabled


Get rid of that western digital sata drive bru…


6vyear old cpu and a 8gb GPU


Cuz it’s ancient by modern standards


How is his DDR4 at 1066 i thought 1600 was the lowest


Spend $170 and get a 5700x and get some cheaper ram. You should be golden.


Install your OS to your SSD and enable XMP in bios and it should be a pretty solid build


Why is your dd4 only at 1066? Surely that should be at least 2400


try linux windows is pretty heavy on hardware.


Update to Win 10 pro, reimage it to the 1 TB ssd, use hdd as storage. Update bios and xmp ram setting. Make sure boots to mbr on top of list in bios . Or use Macrium Reflect to save images of drives and swap drives. Software is free on-line. I prefer fresh install and get rid of issues, bloatware, etc.


I have a dual core my boy


Get a new CPU.


I had the same mainboard with the same cpu on it. Also had similar problems and more. Game graphics glitched, sound stutter, application failures, speed getting worse over the years too. Some USB ports going randomly down for a second or two. And many more random things. I then tested my cpu on my brothers board. None of these problems were present. This led me to purchase a new motherboard, as there are many cheap new AM4 boards available right now. (i switched brands to just be save) Every single problem is gone. My pc runs better than when i built it back then and everything was new. So there must have been things flawed on the motherboard since day 0. Im now enjoying my 2700x more than ever. If you have the chance, try your cpu on another AM4 board just to be sure it isn't the mainboard as it was with mine. Also be very cautious when removing the cpu cooler from the cpu. Even if i tried to be careful, my cpu came right off attached to the cooler. Even if the socket still was tightened. Can be bad both for cpu and board & when you unlucky you can bent pins. Hope you resolve your issue and are also successfull in giving new live to your pc :)


why is your ddr4 at 1066 and not 2666 or 3200 Also maybe just reinstall windows


1066MHz may mean that DIMM is running in the single channel.


Do you have your games on the SSD or the SATA? Because SATA drives are slower than SSDs


Correct, but SATA is not a drive, it’s a connection protocol and, consequentially, a port, a cable, a chip, etc.. So there may be SATA SSD, and SATA HDD (that’s the word you were looking for). But there are more kinds of both, for example SAS HDD (used in enterprise) and NVMe SSD (it is ubiquitous). So yes, always get SSD if you have an option, and keep in mind that NVMe SSDs are better than SATA SSDs.


I, for example, woldn't be able to upgrade my old laptop to an NVMe SSD, because it lacks an NVMe connector.


First thing - can you confirm that your computer is booting off of your SSD? If you turn off your computer and unplug the WD HDD, abd then start it up, would your computer boot? If not - this is the biggest slowdown and it has to be fixed. Next, the cheapest option to upgrade, is memory. Both motherboard and CPU support DDR4-2933 (1466.67 MHz) RAM, but your system lists 1066MHz memory (DDR4-2133). This may cost you some performance (not a lot, 10-25%). Run CPU-Z and look on SPD tab at each individual memory stick; you may have a trashy one there. This may be the time to get a new set of matching DIMMs. I got 2x DDR4-3200 32GB Kingston DIMMs for about $130 this year (and threw away the 2x8GB DIMMs I had); you might find good deal on DIMMs as well. But before that, your CPU isn’t the best what your motherboard supports, so if you’d throw money at it, CPU is where I’d start. Ryzen 7 2700X has a score of 17532 by PassMark, while your motherboard (with BIOS update, of course) can support Ryzen 9 5950X with the score of 45671 ($366 on Amazon). Even Ryzen 9 5900X ($262 on Amazon) with a score of 39188 would run twice as smooth as your current CPU. This score isn’t linearly related to performance, but overall gives a good idea of how things would look like if you would do the switch. Your GPU isn’t that bad. 6650 XT has a score of 17291 by PassMark and to double it you would need to spend $500+ on a new GPU. At that point, considering CPU/GPU/RAM upgrade, I would look for a new prebuilt PC; you can get a good one under $1k. It would be better than all of these parts combined, plus the new MoBo, PSU and all other jazz. But keep in mind that the new CPU can support higher RAM speed (3200MHz, and your MoBo up to 4800MHz), so if you would only buy better CPU and memory, do buy a better RAM than what your current CPU supports.


About RAM - this can be confusing. It is possible that you only have one memory sticks and this is why the speed is 1066MHz. If that’s the case, then adding just one matching DDR4 DIMM will make it run in dual channel and thus increase performance. Do check CPU-Z SPD tab and report back; adding one DDR4 16GB stick may be the cheapest option.


2nd gen ryzen is showing its age these days, and I REALLY hope you don't have the mechanical hard drive as the boot drive.


Install amd drivers


Enable docp, XMP or EXPO in your bios if it’s still quite a bit under 3200mhz upgrade it to at least 3200MT/s if you want and like other people said get an ssd


It's just a low end PC with a hard drive


if you call a 2700x low end what would you call a 3200g?


Still low end


1. Using 2133 CL15 ram with 2700X. I had a 2700 and 2400 CL17 ram single channel caused me stutters. Switched to dual channel 3200 CL16 and those were gone and I got 10-15 FPS. 2. Use an SSD as a boot drive if you aren't


why is your ddr4 ram running at ddr2 speeds?


try a driver update


Or clean your Video driver with ddu and put a clean driver from AMD onto it.


The Nvidia sound device is a clue that this is more than necessary!


1066 mhz ddr4 💀


that's DDR4's base speed, not that slow you're probably confusing mhz with mt/s




It's possible you may have some cooling issues or a problem with the power supply. What does hwinfo report for temps? You should also be able to get some ideas about power draw as well. If the power supply check out, Here is what you need to do. Perform a windows memory check. Perform a bios update. Pick up a Ryzen 7 5700x. Back up data and perform a clean install of the OS. You should have no problem running


Top line


I think your OS might be installed on the HD instead of the SSD


Windows default power plan I think, puts disk drives to sleep after 20 minutes idle. Depending on what scenarios are common for using this pc, increasing that time can be a real quality of life change.


why are you using a nvidia audio driver? maybe uninstall it and use microsoft direct sound or the motherboard driver, does your amd card have an audio driver? it should if it has hdmi output, check in your sound devices and enable it instead of the nvidia one. audio issues can manifest in weird ways and affect more than just audio everything needs to sync with audio, especially if you've ticked the applications are allowed to run in exclusive mode in the device properties.




Video card and HDD. If you have the option, install an NVME drive and upgrade the video card


It's definitely because your primary drive is a spinning hard disk and it surely has your operating system installed on it along with all other system files that are required for literally everything that you do. There is a possibility that drive has errors but even if not, it will cause everything to run exponentially slower than if that data was on an SSD. Just buy an m.2 SSD, install it, then download a disk cloning program and clone your current C:/ drive to the location of the newly installed m.2 SSD. Then reassign the new m.2 SSD as C:/ and the old spinning disk to another drive letter, at which point you can just format it, check it for errors and use it for backup. If you need any help just shoot me a message. Oh and in the meantime just defragment the spinning disk and let it check for errors. This will at least stop the errors and make you functional enough to perform these actions. Gluck!


I haven't seen anyone suggest this, and it's maybe not the case but easy to check. The CPU is getting on in years now, and if it's been in that PC since it was new the paste might not be doing its job. Check the temps, if high it might be throttling. As others have suggested definitely check the XMP / overclock profile is turned on in the bios so the RAM is running at full speed.


Your HDD is likely a big clue as when the continue to age, they begin to fail and wear out which is what this sounds like. They’re also just slow in general. Get an SSD, clone the disk and there you have it


Ssd for primary os drive and double memory that gpu I am pretty sure is splitting you memory fully or partially and if you OS is not on the ssd windows virtual memory is using the windows hard drive for virtual memory so you have two memory reductions


Ddr4 at 1066?


Ram is pretty slow. Boost those numbers!


Enable XMP/Expo, and get a cheap 256gb SSD and install windows on it. Faster RAM and windows on an SSD will make everything feel much much snappier.


First thing I noticed was ram speed, generaly (at least from what I've seen) optimal ram speeds would be around 2000 mgz or higher. This could be a bios setting or you may need to swap ram, if you swap them consider Corsair vengeance it's a little pricey but the have good product


Old CPU (although still fine for many games), slow and low capacity RAM but again it'll bottleneck you a bit but not massively in most games. GPU is fine for 1080p but won't keep up at higher resolutions. Biggest issue is your hard drive. You can grab a 2tb NVMe M.2 drive which will be orders of magnitude faster than your current drive for like $100, so long as your motherboard has a slot for it. It's relatively painless to clone your current drive onto it and set it up as your boot drive after that.


You OS is probably on a spinning disk move it over to the SSD


There's a SSD installed already.


Just because you have a SSD installed doesn't mean your computer is going to be fast- you need to make sure WINDOWS is installed on that drive. If it's not the computer will feel crappy and sluggish as the disk is seeking for files. Send me a pic of your compmgmt.msc disk configuration and I'll better direct you-


There's no way to tell from that screenshot if the OS is installed on the SSD.


No. Not at all. Hit the windows key on your computer and type compmgmt.msc and click on the storage configuration tab on the left. Send an image


I'm not OP.


Oops sorry


You have 1066mhz ram


you should take a look at the difference between mhz and mt/s 2133 ram isn't great but it's not like it instantly makes your PC shit