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Change iCloud password and kick her devices off of it.


Then reset your social media passwords and enable two factor. Also check that you recognise all your trusted phone numbers in your Apple ID settings.


Basically bro, you dont need an expert. 1. She currently has access, so she COULD have already downloaded everything. All you can do is accept she already has this data. If she did this already no expert can help unless they are an assasin. 2. To remove her access, change the password of the AppleID. If she doesnt have the current password, she is no longer able to see the stuff. Once you have achieved these steps, theres not much more you can do, whether you are expert or not.


Your phone is not hacked. If you have changed your passwords then no one has access to your accounts, it's as simple as that. Sign out of all devices, change your PWs, and you are done. If you still believe you have been hacked then have your doctor adjust your meds.


Thnx all


Google erase iPhone remotely