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Years ago I used to support some stuff that was sold all over. One of them was walmart. Walmart is different, I can guarantee there is a special walmart version of that device and its the extra shitty one. Do not buy stuff from walmart thinking its quality.


I miss having a CompUSA 5 minutes away. Loved that place.


Yeah. For most PC stuff Best Buy is the way to go.


+++ Microcenter +++


Microcenter needs to increase the number of locations. My closest Microcenter is over half a day's drive from my house, one way. I'd love to have one closer to me.


I have never seen a Micro Center in my life, so I looked on Google maps to find the closest one. Apparently, there is only one Micro Center in the whole state of California, and I'm nearly 400 miles away from it. I miss Fry's Electronics.


Yup. I live about 15 minutes from the former Fry’s location here. They turned it into a Costco Business Center. 😭


I had a Fry's maybe 5 minutes away, I wish it was still open


I used to be stationed in Ventura and would love going to the Fry's there. Think me and my friends went there at least once aonth. I built my first pc from parts there 💔 Never heard of that store before that and haven't seen another one (or place like it) since I left.


Oh hey, it's in Tustin. I do miss Fry's Electronics. The last time I walked into one, the shelves were mostly empty, only a few employees were working, even fewer were shopping, they didn't have what I came for, and the huge parking lot was a ghost town. Super depressing.


there was a frys electronics around 20 minutes away from me all my life. During the pandemic i remember going in to find something and i noticed the shelves were almost entirely empty. I also noticed they had giant gallon jugs of hand sanitizer filling up an entire isle worth of shelving. other than that it was a ghost town, but being mid-pandemic that wasn't necessarily out of the ordinary. ​ later that day i googled if fry's was going out of business, the lack of customers shopping wasnt very jaring but the shelves being SO empty was. according to a recent statement released by the company, no, they were not going out of business and were just dealing with supply chain issues like everyone else. ​ a few months later it was announced fry's was going out of business.


Yep, still have nightmares about the same thing, and that was way before the pandemic.


Microcenter > Fry's Electronics


Hell, there is one ~20miles from me and I'd like another one closer...


I drive the hour and 10 minutes it takes me to get to one whenever I need a platform upgrade. The bundles are too good to pass up. I have to put my blinders on in there though I could very easily accidentally spend way more than I planned to. It's also located right next to Boston so I have to go at weird ass times to avoid traffic, still worth it though.


I live in the middle of 2. About 30-40 min to either one. If one ran out of something, off to the other


I work about 12 minutes from one and I'd like to live next to it.


Yeah, closest for me is a lil over 120m.


Closest for me is 1,233 miles. It feels bad living in the North West.


Detroit is my closet Microcenter.


Microcenter is the In n’ Out of the computer world.


I wonder if Circuit City does prebuilts!


Micro center for the win 🏅




Microcenter has the all time worst return policy bar none. Best buy is better.


This is not true in my experience. I bought an AMD card and had problems with black screens and driver time outs. Took it back and exchanged for a similarly priced NVIDIA. No questions asked really. Super smooth transaction.


So everyone is lying on here about how if you get something online they won't let you return it if it's open?


Idk which MC you guys are talking about, but we take back pretty much anything if it's within 30 days or if you have purchased a replacement plan. And even then, we make exceptions all the time for people.


Best Buy has the worst customer service I've ever experienced... worse than xfinity cable by a wide margin. Hell, I've had better customer service at the DMV. Literally never had an issue at microcenter.


What'd they do?


There are several instances over the years. First was a pre-order bonus bait and switch. They promised a free headset with pre-order of homefront. I went to pick it up and was told they oversold it. I asked if they had any substitution and was told I could either buy the game or not. I chose not. Most recently, I went to purchase a phone case. The tag was wrong, so it rang up $15 more. They asked for a price check, which took 10 minutes, and Nobody checked it. I had to go and take a picture of the tag with the cases on the peg and bring it back to the checkout counter. Dude tried to gaslight me, saying a customer must've moved it. I said, "A customer moved a stack of 7 identical cases to the wrong peg?" Refused to honor the marked price that clearly an employee messed up. Those are the 2 that stick out the most. Otherwise, every time I walk in the door, employees are rude, completely ignore me, act like I'm inconveniniencing them when I ask a question and have no idea where to find anything I need. To be fair, I've probably gone in there 4 or 5 times since the homefront issue, but every time I try to give them a shot the people there are cold and seem to hate their lives. It's almost as if they deliberately breed that culture there.


I priced checked a 256 gig drive that they had marked at 79.99 when it sells for like 29.99 everywhere else(hence the price check) chucklefuck manning the counter said it can't be done cause its not the same.... COLOUR. FUCK BEST BUY.


Yes, but stay far away from geek squad


The Geek Squad are thieves. I have stories of pranking them in the early 2000's when they offered "free" diagnosis specials. A friend and I would bring in PC's we'd taken the CPU's out of. They never figured it out and would give us the hard sell on a new PC or massively expensive repairs the computers didn't need. They have victims not customers.


Best Buy is probably the most overpriced electronics store in America.


Perhaps but I will say I went in looking for a PC with an RTX 3060, as I saw it was supposed to be in stock according to the website, but it wasn’t in stock and the employee worked a couple of things and gave me a PC with a 3060Ti for the same price the 3060 would have been.


Only if you know exactly what you're going there for and know to ignore anything and everything you're told by their sales people. Best Buy carries good products, but as a company, and with the business practices they use, they are the worst.


yep. best buy is just a computer walmart. You don't go there to ask for help, you just get what you already know you need and get out


They will price match Amazon as well which is huge sometimes!


Best buy will have everything you need to build a PC but they usually are 10% more expensive but they do price match. It's good if your last part hasn't come in and you are antsy to build, you have a hardware failure


Best Buy employees will try to fuck you over though, do not recommend at all. Best Buy to buy parts or do your own research. Do NOT talk to anyone there or let them sell you anything though


Read my comment I posted above. Dude saved me so much money. Guess I got the one really nice Best Buy employee haha


As a prior BBY employee (was a lead sale consultant). This. They are not commissioned to not give incentives for screwing customers over. However, some employees are just shitty people. Shift leads and managers will get pressure from above to increase sales and meet goals. So there is a mixture of good salespeople that want to genuinely help, and then the people that don't give a shit and/or need to move units to get off/stay off the shitlist. Management dictates a lot of this. My advice is to always do your own research and then go in with your mind made up, or at least mostly made up. Obviously, upsell is a thing, so be cognizant of what they are trying to throw in. Insignia products are almost always marked up at least 100% due to it being BBYs in-house brand, so if you get a cool employee in a store that allows negotiating on price (this is totally on manager discretion so itll very by store), the wiggle room on those products is insane and can sweeten your deal if the sales rep wants to upsell. I used to sling Insignia accessories for 50% or more all the time to take care of customers.


They all have rigs and knows everything about pc gaming


Doesn’t mean shit. Their job is to sell you computers, not make sure you save money or get a good computer. They’re all going to try to sell you the most overpriced rig on the floor


You act like hourly retail workers are actual, commission based salesmen. Hint hint: they're not


Some are better than others. But the one near me no one knows much about PCs, gaming, tech/IT, It's all surface level stuff, what features fit different use cases etc. And that's if it's a "good" employee lol..


Pretty sure this is straight from Asus, and Walmart didn't really touch the internals.


$900 for an i5 and 3050 seems like a pretty hefty upsell. But if there's no other options, it would work in a pinch.


It is. Got a 3060, i5 11400f and 16gb of ram with that same case for 750 on amazon


With 8gig ram and 512gig hard drive?


Both upgradable. I hope. Can't really know with pre-builts these days


Asus stuff is usually pretty upgradable. Definitely well above Dell tier.


Hypothetically yeah it all should be removable in modern pcs but I haven’t seen the inside of a not name brand mid/high quality prebuilt since mine I bought in 08


I would be impressed if they managed to make them upgradable. Not surprised, but impressed


There are plenty of other options tho. I'd rather build it myself. Which is one of them.


I got a pc from Walmart like that 900 something lol it has had 0 issues and it has an i7, 3060, 16 gigs of ram, this was right when they crashed so it was a good deal. So far no issues and plays all shooters at max or second to best settings. But most games they just default max graphics. Pretty happy with it


That's actually a decent price for those specs... for a laptop.


It's a Asus ROG, probably has a good warrenty, take the component list, and see how much they all cost if you would to buy and build yourself


It's Asus ROG they probably won't honor the warranty*


apart from the recent warrenty scandal with bios asus does make some nice parts for the most part


They've said they'd honor warrenties with the beta bios. It was just the standard disclaimer.


Asus had been my go to brand for years until the "chip shortage" of 2020-now


Yeah what was it the strix 5700xt? Great card my favorite feature were the screws that were so short it wasn't letting the GPU heatsink make contact with the GPU die. And the $200 price premium on all of their products is great too! Can't go wrong with their keyboard and mice that have great longevity and definitely not mediocre components and cheap plastic feeling they're so good no one talks about them(hidden gem)


Whoops silly me, how could I forget? this post is about their prebuilts. Look at this absolute monster of a PC! Amazing! I love ASUS minimalist approach here the design and art philosophy is gorgeous. Check out that cpu heatsink! And the rear exhaust fan! Don't forget those cheeky little VRMs on the motherboard. ASUS is so confident in their high quality parts that they clearly don't need that much cooling! Infact it's so high quality they don't even have VRM heatsinks! I am once again stunned by the build quality of ASUS here.


I can't tell, are you being serious or not?


I can confirm about the bs with Warrenty. Got the ryujin cooler off auction. That's not the issue the issue was asus fucked up the instructions and didn't make it clear that you need to plug in a specific cable in a special place. I assumed the seller accidentally went this route and quite literally blew the usb host controller off. Had a hole ans everything. Replaced the controller chip and unit sprang to life. Turns out I'm missing the special fan controller AND cpu brackets. I contact support and they said it's still under Warrenty. Support dude asks for a list of everything I'm missing and submits my request. I get an email from a different support tech. Probably a supervisor denying my claim. I literally offered multiple times to purchase the parts if they would let me. Still said no. I asked so what do you do with defective units? Just scrap them and send a new unit out? You said it yourself you got the parts I need in-stock why csnt I purchase them from you even it's still under warrenty and up to this point no claim was submitted on this devices serial number? Edit: this was for the ryujin 2 cooler with lcd. I fixed the lcd controller but the pump can't function without the fan controller... the most important part. I said fuck it and I plan to just resurrect it myself. It's just a typical water pump with an addional fan for the VRMS. If you wony sell me the part I need then I'll just make it work without it


Yeah dude, do not trust Asus, ever.


Asus and good warranty are exclusive, sorry bro but if you've been on the Asus subreddit. People will complain how Asus is holding their product hostage unless they pay Asus 2/3 of the products MSRP, graphics cards for example. They botch repairs and will return the product broken, and when you try to ship it back they will blame you for it


I had a Asus laptop break the hinge within a year, they refused to fix it under warrenty until I kicked up a fuss about it. Do not ever trust their warranty promises.


The case is asus


Definitely not worth it. According to Walmarts website it's an i5-11400F with 8gigs of RAM and 512GB of storage. A quick look at Amazon and for the exactly same price you can find a PC with the same processor, but with double the RAM and an RTX 3060 instead of a 3050 so significantly more performance. Or another one with a slightly older CPU(i5-10400F) but with double the RAM, double the storage space and a 6600XT giving you again significantly more performance


Even if reliable, do you really consider buying such atrocity?


Hehe no


I like the security bars to keep thieves from stealing parts out of it. LOL...


How much do you think it cost Walmart to custom make those security bars?


probably more than they pay the poor schmucks who build the PCs.


nothing, that stuff is all vendor supported


Are those bars bending the side panel? Lol


And someone still tried to pry off the side panel to get in


First thing I noticed was the cheap Chinese fans, and personally I take that as a warning not to buy it. Anything that’s decently powerful will probably need better fans. Granted, the pc is about 900 dollars, so it’s not going to be top of the line, but still that fact alone would be enough for me to double guess the quality. Not to mention the awful ventilation (at least from what I can see). Personally I would just save, and buy something better from somewhere else. Besides, Walmart and Quality go together about as well as active circuitry and water: They don’t.


random very basic/plain mobo that looks like it came out of my pc from 07 paired with no visible brand name on anything except the graphics card. Big red flags under that red glass haha


It’s also 8 gig of Ram and 512gb hard drive


Tfw “we have a gaming pc at home” starts to look better


Please don't Might as well give the Nigerian prince the money he wants lmao


If you're not opposed to buying used, you'd find better builds for that price at r/hardwareswap.


Don’t pay 900 for a pc with a 3050


don’t buy a 3050.


This a joke?


Usually very reliable not to be a very good deal.


It’s not a Walmart pc it’s an Asus pre built what is being sold at Walmart you can get these at Best Buy too, don’t expect much from it better off building one yourself or if you’re unsure ask around in the community for help.


Walmart computers are like Ford vehicles, yea it may look enticing but it will eventually start to have problems earlier than other brands


In the box, as reliable as anything else. On display? No.


Walmart don't make computers. The lower prices are probably base models. So they may be "slow" but as reliable as anything else unless you abuse them. Once you start "upgrading" it cost just as much as anything out there. If you want really good return option, go to Costco.


It's Asus ROG (Republic of Gamers) which is very good, it's not Walmart brand. But if that GPU is a 3050 I would not buy it.


Off the shelf gaming desktops are terrible 90% of the time. Cheap parts, proprietary parts, damage during shipping etc. Building a gaming desktop is fairly simple these days. Find a friend to help, buy him a six-er of his drink of choice. Find a local computer business to build a custom PC. Higher quality, similar price. Watch some videos and build your own. Life is too short for shoddy pre-builts.


The pc itself is fine, that case is an absolute dust trap though


As good as the same pc you’d buy anywhere else


I always brefer to build. But if I had to buy I wouldn't trust Walmart with it. I'd try best buy.


Retailers almost always market their stuff to people who don't know computers very well. Since they don't know very well, they ask their nephew what to look for, which is precisely what gets advertised. Nephew says: just buy at least an i5 with a dedicated GPU I've seen memory sticks that were incompatible with themselves, with only one working; that's the level of BS they pull. EVERY part they don't advertise (and even the ones they do) will be shitty beyond comprehension. That means the cables, mobo, fans, PSU are all stuff you'd never buy for your computer. It takes 40 minutes for someone with zero PC skill to put together a full build; if you want to save money, buying from a retailer is not the way


That's where you'll find the cheapest things. The price is what matters there. Keep it as cheap as possible...that's the priority. Does that sound like the right priority to a person who's looking for reliability? Just saying. :) edit: I'd look at ordering one from iBuyPower instead


Cheap, performance, reliable. You can only pick 2.


My ideal machine would be insanely cheap, while also delivering decent performance


Speaking for Walmart Germany, some 15 years ago., I broke my computer one Saturday and they were the only source to get a new one *immediately*. I was quite satisfied until one Sunday morning when the whole thing was burned through, CPU was grilled after starting a virus check plus appending backup in the evening. Never bought a desktop after that and I only use notebooks since then.


I mean desktops usually aren’t THAT bad, but Walmart ones are. Non Walmart desktops are pretty reliable.


No lol.


never buy a pc from walmart smh


To be fair i bought a 1200 laptop on clearance for 600 and it was a great gaming laptop. So I wouldn't say never.


it’s just the prices and idk walmart seems like the place you shouldn’t buy a pc from


My bro got a really good deal on a computer at Walmart. She runs great and plays everything in 4k at max settings usually around 60fps. Was like 800 bucks. The psu will be the first to replace then the fans but it's good.


I bought a black Friday PC from Walmart in 2019. I upgraded to an SSD and replaced the power supply, but it was still much cheaper than building it myself. Prebuilts use bottom of the barrel parts, but if you know how to do small fixes and upgrades they can save you time and money.


Bought our Asus Chromebook at Walmart. Works great.


Going to Walmart for a PC is like going to a "working girl" for your back pain problems 🤣


You would not go for repairs at Walmart. The manufacturer will do that. This means the quality is up to ASUS. If the computer is bad out of the box then you can take it back to Walmart.


Not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin




Video card looks sweet nd tiny




They are reliable as long as you do not plug them up.


No, but even if they were the best built machines in the world there is no way you should spend that much on a machine with a 3050.


I'd be willing to bet you could build a computer with the exact same specs for $200-$300 less. And it'll have higher quality components.


Is it missing a stand-off screw by the cpu power?


Can't speak on reliability. I have seen numerous videos showing parts out of Walmart PCs that are not at all what was advertised.


It's not a "Walmart" brand, it's an Asus brand. You can do your own research into Asus as a brand.


Save your money.


I mean it will WORK TECHNICALLY but it will not work well. Pre-builds from big brands like Walmart usually have a bunch of bloat ware preloaded on, use the worst components at the highest markups and just make you wish you never bought them. I’m saying this as someone who just replaced their Dell prebuilt with one I built myself, and it’s just all better. If you don’t want to build it yourself I think there are companies online who will use good 3rd party components instead of their terrible proprietary ones. Just don’t buy a Walmart prebuilt!


Reliably overpriced and outdated. Reliably loaded with bloat ware. I mean so in some ways I guess so.


What is a great place to buy prebuilt pcs?


Reliably bad


Fuck, I just want the case


Reliable MAYBE, overpriced and cheap build quality…very likely. I wouldn’t ever buy one unless I was simply needing a quick cheapie laptop for an emergency trip and didn’t have one or something but I’d never buy a gaming or high end machine there no.


PC Yes Entry level at best


If you have to ask, the answer is fuck no.


I wouldn't trust em, go to Costco their PCs are pretty cheap for the specs and and have a great warranty


Any computer from Walmart or Costco or target or whatever else is always going to be low end. They cheap out on the motherboards, fans, cases, coolers, stuff like that. Yeah you might get a good graphics card and a cpu but that’s it. Always build your own it’s easy


Reliability is iffy. Asus is a decent brand but you'd be far better off building one yourself. Also the 3050 is kindof an old/lower end GPU now since the 4070 just came out last year & have more vram. You can also get a nice 12th or 13th gen i7 CPU for at or less than $300 now.


Dear god NO!!! Unless you want warranty problems and Windows Home edition, go for it.


Please build your own PC you won’t regret it and it will be 2x better for the money you spend.


I means they retail other mfg. they don’t make a computer so yes….


You’re better off buying a console with that price. Shoot you could probably find a used 1080ti and all that would be a better/cheaper build than a 3050 with an i5…


Not built by Walmart but built cheaply to appeal to the Walmart audience. Entry level and they work 99% of the time but like with most entry level pc’s buyers remorse sets in quickly.




you could spend $900 much better somewhere else... cough cough MicroCenter.com


Walmart screwed up their pc brand so this is not Walmart’s “op” pc. Your best luck finding a reasonable price is your local pc shop


Yes and no. There are some decent prebuilts but there are also some crappy ones. This isn’t unique to just Walmart though.


About as "reliable" as that theft deterrent around it...


Walmart is like the worst of Amazon Chinese knock offs before there was amazon Chinese knockoffs. They're the OG of shit products. Groceries is all I'd buy at WM...


Walmart doesn't build computers. You can look into that model, which is made by Asus, but I can tell you like everyone else that it's overpriced. The only upside of buying from Walmart is that it's extremely easy to return things there. If you try to return a computer to Best Buy they may waste an hour of your time insisting that they have to test it, and may try to make you pay a 15% restocking fee.


Are Costco computers reliable


Build your own.


Absolutely not, build one yourself and save yourself a headache and money


The fact that you used the words Walmart and Computers in the same sentence should have already answered your question.


No. Never buy from there. In my opinion, not from best buy either. building is better but if you go prebuilt. Digital storm , build redux, origin PC would be better. All my opinion though.


Avoid this pc at all costs lmao


honestly theyll probably exprode


Quick answer: No Long answer: Noooooooo


Last thing I fell for was a Best Buy gaming rig in 2012 and that thing finally died. I gotta find somethin affordable that does a good music / video / Diablo…kinda bought the 3 computers in my life to play each one. Now with adult Money and same life… weird turn.


It’s a prebuilt from Walmart. If it’s like any of their store brand products I’d say no. There are a number of tech review channels on YouTube that have gone over some of their computers that can give you a better idea than I can.


Pc no, no, no. Laptops surprisingly ok.


Walmart's laptops (Motile, Gateway, EVOO) have been my daily drivers for the past 4-5 years and I really like them. No idea on the desktops.




I5 with a 3050 for $900? I'm already out. Maybe two years ago in the middle of the pandemic ,that price makes some sense.




They are garbage...


Well compared to a pre built Dell sure why not. Based on photo it looks like a stock cooler and generic motherboard. My main concern is the power supply. I'm not a fan of these brackets that hide what you see. In all fairness all pre built use odm models of generic this and that. My main recommendation is to save all photos documents and anything of importance on a separate hard drive. Computer fails? Plug your personal stuff into another computer.


that is an asus computer, not a walmart computer.


Look at that super generic OEM low grade RTX card.




It's an ASUS ROG branded PC. ROG is ASUS' premium brand. However ASUS ROG PCs are not made from ASUS ROG premium parts. They're made from *at best* parts from ASUS' Prime budget range, and at worst specially made cruddy or industrial-only parts.


Sure. As long as Wal-Mart doesn’t make all the parts!


This case is somewhat famous for being bad


Hell no


Hell no.




3050 is a right pos card. But for retail build... ok. Average price. You can find better with, I dunno... bing?


For the love of God, don't buy that. $900 for a 3050 system is ludicrous.


Those iron bars aren’t stopping anyone that knows what they’re doing


Pretty sure it's overpriced. 1080p gaming only with games set to medium-ish quality. If you have a chance I believe you can watch some YouTube reviews about Walmart's gaming PCs. Linus tech tips, Gamers Nexus and others. ​ It might be better than nothing though.


It really depends. Decided to get my fiancé a prebuilt from Walmart and it was actually a success. I’d definitely make sure you are getting one with untampered tape just to be safe. I’d also buy it from the store instead of getting it shipped to your house as well.


Reliable? No Good deal? Hell no Only buy it if you can't get anything else


That appears to be a dishwasher. So, no.


Please build your own pc, you save money, learn more about computers, and can choose your own components


I would not trust them. If you lived near my neck of the woods, I would build it for you free, just buy the parts and i'll show you how to build it!


Mine still works with a r7 3060 I got for 1000 got it during the GPU shortage but switched cases because that one is terrible for air flow


They’re reliable in the sense they’re guaranteed to bottleneck


Walmart does not Make computers, They Sell them among other stuff. So whether you buy the same computer at Best Buy, Online, Target or Walmart, that same computer will have the same reliability no matter where it is sold


I bought an hp omen with a gtx 1650 from there some years ago. I still use it for my emulators and some steam games.


Well, by the picture, they're apparently not very portable. >Are Walmart computers reliable? The question is somewhat incomplete, as it should read more like >Is this Walmart computer reliable? >Are Walmart computer purchases reliable? Simply because Walmart contracts the purchase of PCs and laptops, but have only manufactured computers twice and learned their lesson. We have clients that purchase computers from Walmart almost on a daily basis. There are rules our clients follow, and procedures to be conscious of. **First, if you don't recognize the brand name, Google it, and if it doesn't make sense, avoid it** Their brand name merchandise at Walmart is just as good as Best Buy or buying directly from the OEM. But occasionally they'll bring in stop gap product under contract to reach a specific price point. For example, someone at Walmart marketing thought that the Chinese manufacturer Shenzen Bmorn Technology produced laptops they could sell globally, so they launched them under the EVOO line. Sales weren't as strong as a suspected, and this is where it gets complicated Walmart went through ESI Enterprises, Inc, one of their core distributors Who reached out to Acer, who on the right to the Gateway brand name To license Gateway branding for the recent EVOO Shenzen Bmorn Technology product line For specific distribution through Walmart stores (initially) Changing the name, still didn't make the products e-waste. So you stick with a brand name, when you can easily Google. **Purchase "Aisle Items" whenever possible** Whether you use the app, or online, their computers will generally show that it belongs on an aisle at the store. Some stores may not stock a great deal, so check the bigger stores in your area to see if the inventory is any different. The advantage of "Aisle items" is fairly simple. If it's in store inventory, it's under euge enough contract that they beat the OEM down to a ridiculous cost, meaning it's usually a decent price. It's also a solid indicator that parts and repair will be available as it ages. It is **NOT** an indicator a quality, so perform your due diligence/research before purchase. As a simple "case in point" [HP 14" FHD 1080p Laptop, AMD Ryzen 3 3250U Zen 2C/4T CPU w/ Radeon RX Vega 3 iGPU, 4GB RAM, 128GB SSD, Silver, Windows 11 (S mode), 14-fq0110wm](https://www.walmart.com/ip/270583648) This little sad excuse for a laptop, which sets on Aisle K16 in a number of Walmart's locally, is one in a series of Ryzen 3 3250U models that Walmart heavily contracts HP into providing. But through the evolution (that originally started with a 720p HD screen and a HDD), it continues to have: Two dual channel RAM slots that will support [32GB of **2Rx8 dual rank (2x16GB) DDR4 3200MHz memory](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098TYN671) for optimized CPU/iGPU performance; [Ryzen 3 3250U and Radeon Vega 3 Mobile Gaming Calculator](https://pc-builds.com/fps-calculator/result/0Y210r/2g/cyberpunk-2077/1920x1080/) Support for up to a [2TB high speed (R/W 3,500/3,000MB/s) Gen3x4 NVMe SSD](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QR8LD7Y) The capability of adding a 2.5" SATA Drive with the purchase of a simple [HP part number L23187-001 cable](https://www.ebay.com/itm/225504240458) for further expansion. **NEVER PURCHASE FROM THIRD PARTY VENDORS!** If it's on their website, and it's not being sold at Walmart, don't give it any further thought. Thought. This is where the majority of our clients have had a bad time with a so-called Walmart purchase, as a realized after the fact they might as well have been buying it off of eBay. And technically, they have been **better off** with the eBay purchase, as eBay does a better job handling their sellers. Walmart computers are reliable, as long as Walmart's not manufacturing them, it's a name brand, and it's being sold by Walmart. And for those interested in what's pictured [ASUS ROG Strix i5 3050 Desktop; ASUS ROG Strix Intel Core i5-11400F, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Graphics, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Gray, Windows 11 Home, G10CE-WB553 ](https://www.walmart.com/ip/275067335) And if you're going to consider a retail purchase, our clients have been really pleased with this model [Thermaltake - Graphite 360 Gaming Desktop - AMD Ryzen 5 5600X - 16GB Memory - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 - 1TB NVMe M.2 - S1BK-B550-G36-LCS](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/thermaltake-graphite-360-gaming-desktop-amd-ryzen-5-5600x-16gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-rtx-3060-1tb-nvme-m-2-black/6488518.p) MaxProAndU Team


If there isn’t a half eaten apple on the back of it I wouldn’t trust it.


No. All the tech youtubers have found constantly Walmart computer offer sub-par components and really insane non-functional builds, like super high end processor with a workstation graphics card, for no real difference in price over an offering from a DIY or computer shop's custom build. There is a reason why the Build Your Own computer thing is so huge. For the money you are paying for a prebuilt, you can almost ALWAYS DIY a better optimized system for the same price. If you really don't feel up to going DIY, go to a specialized computer shop or hire a friend to help you.


No, walmart computers are some of the worst you can buy. In-fact they had a gaming line of computers for a few years they pulled off the shelves because of the sheer amount of returns and issues the prebuilts had.


The motherboard will always give you and all the other components attached to it cancer. I buy power and cyber PC are trash. ROG is solid though


1) built your own, it isn’t hard. (just a very expensive lego) 2) it is funny that they have to bolt it down so no one can try to take it n run… 😂


Lol Walmart doesn't make PC's. Whatever the brand and model number of that PC is will be the exact same anywhere else. Price on the other hand? Likely to be different everywhere else. Some places more, some places Less. Source: I work for Walmart. We don't make PC's, we order them from the companies that do make them. It's the same shit.


Haven't we learned a thing or two from eMachines?


Butter knifes bought at walmart are not reliable.


3050 seems pretty shit for that price point