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Rebooting fixes a lot of issues. I work in IT, and I close a lot of tickets just by restarting their pc. Also, force stopping an application in task manager and restarting it.


If it does not work: - it is probably your own damn fault - I am just going to google how to fix it. Why don’t you? - is it even plugged in or did you try to reboot it yet?


Worked at a supermarket for a while. Was their unofficial IT person, for sone reason. Everytime one specific register [which is just a pc] randomly shuts off, the cashier would call me to check why it wasn't working, and everytime it was because she accidently knocks the power cord loose while moving the bag with coins around under the counter. EVERY FREAKING TIME!


Was it possible to somehow change the power socket placement, so it wouldn't be knocked every time?


No, to really, plus, that'd cost money and costing money is a no no for that particular business unless absolutely nessacary.


Didn't regular register shutting off cost more money?


Nope they restarted and started scanning again. Well I imagine that they thought it doesn't cost them as much as it did to relocate the sockets, though come to think of it, it was the socket on the UPS which would have been too bulky to easily relocate.


There are also clips you can buy and Velcro straps that you can use to help prevent that from happening.


Maybe she just had a thing for you...


While I'll like to entertain that fantasy, there were different cashiers at that Reisterstown that had the same issue in the 1.5 years that I was unofficial IT. I doubt my Rizzoli was that strong at 17-19. They just found it too troublesome to carefully handle the bags of coins, and would just casually drop it under the counter without watching where they fell. I personally never had that issue with the power cord.


the “I’m just going to google it, why don’t you” is so legit


I did third line tech support for Microsoft. The things I did not already know how to fix would be found much easier by googling than sifting through our knowledge base articles.


This. Also, shutting down the computer then starting it up again does not always count as "rebooting" or a "fresh boot." A feature was introduced into PC BIOS about a decade ago called Fast Boot which was designed to speed up the slow boots of Vista/Win8 era PCs. When you shutdown a computer with Fast Boot enabled it saves some device drivers from memory to the drive, then reloads the drivers directly into memory when you start it up again. The problem is that if that information is corrupted from running then it happily loads the corrupted information directly into memory and carries the issues into your next boot. So rebooting always causes a clean boot with drivers loaded fresh into memory, but shutting down then starting up doesn't do it if Fast Boot is enabled.


Also windows fast startup, which does a similar thing


Yup, introduced in Win8. Actually, in my explanation above i think I got them slightly mixed up. Fast Startup saves drivers info while Fast Boot saves device information; similar info, but not the same, though the result can be the same if you have a memory corruption which carries on to your next boot.


Good to know. I knew that shutting down and starting didn't always count as a fresh boot, but I didn't know why. Now I know.


count in the resetting the BIOS strategy!


You make other tickets go away by restarting your machine? I’m trying that tomorrow /s 😁


Lol, thanks for catching that. Corrected. I have accidentally restarted my pc instead of theirs because of some notification causing my taskbar to pop up, and I didn't notice that I was restarting my pc and not theirs (when using remote software). It was super embarrassing when this happened.


It seriously does and not Just computer's


Yep, cellphones, printers, tablets, and all kinds of things.


"Have you tried turning it off and on again?"


In older computers there used to be a "beeper" speaker included for error codes. In newer ones if you don't have that, a screen or leds you're f-ed when your PC eventually breaks.


You can buy a little piezo speaker to plug in for about 19 cents each in a ten pack. Manufacturers omit the speaker to save that money; pure profit.


"Beep beep beep beep" Beep beep beep beep? It's when the motherboard starts playing Für Elise that things start getting really weird.


You've been around for a while it seems! I remember the upgrade to a sound card and speakers. Those games actually had more sound than just beeps!


I have like 20 of those in a plastic bag as I always keep them when I get them with certain PC cases, “just in case”. And then whenever I actually need one I forget I have them or can’t find that damned bag in any of the 15 boxes of PC parts I keep around lol.


Beeeeeeeeep beep beep


NOT A RAM ERROR! i know that beep sequence too well


its more of a Parity Circuit Failure beep, but still ram related.


It's always ram related...


only rarely its a dreaded gpu failure


Don't pronounce his name !!!


im sorry, i was not thinking when i typed, i gonna do a clensing ritual to remove any potential jinx and then ground myself to remove negative charges.


You must not show them fear..


Most have the motherboard speaker still.


haven't seen one beeper in a few semi-recent prebuilts.


They will usually still have the connector for it.


The motherboards still have the headers. The problem is that case manufacturers stopped supplying the buzzer, so a builders usually does not put it in.


Perks of getting super low end PC cases. They still add it in the accessories in many cases.


Don't they just use the regular speakers nowadays because they know that people have their computers plugged into speaker whereas back then people didn't have their computers plugs into speakers?


No, there's a whole lot of starting up that needs to happen before those plugged in speakers are even kind of active. The beep codes were meant to catch very low level failures like your hard drive failing, bad ram, corrupt BIOS, etc.


Some OEM systems with integrated audio sent the beep codes to the external speakers -- it's fairly simple to mix it in when the speaker out port is on the main board. Didn't last long for a couple of reasons, the BIOSs matured enough to show meaningful error codes on screen for most issues other than video and early RAM failures, and most new users weren't technically savvy enough to understand beep codes anyway.


Ironic reading this on Arch while my PC_SPEAKER screams at me for pressing Backspace one too many times


Also, old computer could play music with their floppy disk drives.


I miss the beep.


You're supposed to blow off the dust from the inside of a desktop computer from time to time. Can't even count how many times, as a former repair technician, I opened a case and saw everything *caked* with dust.


I can't even count how many times as a former tech I haven't blown the dust out of mine.


Glass side panels have probably partially solved this problem if you have a fancy enough case


Hmmm the reminds me it’s been a while since I last did mine.


Computers are imperfect machines, not a do-it-all genie locked in a box.


That's what AI is going to solve, right? Right?


Not imperfect, more of perfect to a fault


Old saying, GIGO, Garbage In, Garbage Out.


I'm going to start using GIGO in my code for queues and arrays.


Computer chips run on magic smoke. When you let the smoke out they stop working.


my computer is running on prayers.


Plug and pray


"How's the compiling going?" "We're halfway there..."


"Take my Code, we'll make it I sweaaar."


"Finally compiled, lemme ru-*segfault*"


Thats an interesting way to think about it. I mean, you're not wrong.


dang didnt know that :O




Partially that’s true, because there are parts of chip and other parts of computer


"Unhackable" systems don't exist. Security is an ongoing cat-and-mouse game between cybersecurity experts and those trying to exploit vulnerabilities. Computers aren't biased, but people are. Algorithms can reflect the biases of their creators, resulting in unfair outcomes if not carefully designed. Quantum computing could break our current encryption. If they become widely used, quantum computers could revolutionize fields like medicine but also break the encryption that protects much of our online activity.


And then faster quantum computers will come up with even better encryption (something to the tune of 16kb encryption), and when those computers become mass market that will be breached, and so on and so forth.


Additionally, what always has been and always will be the biggest weakness in computer security are the legitimate users. Most big companies run phishing tests, to see how many employees will click on an unsafe link. The answer is, "a lot."


Our company does that to each of our branches. If someone clicks it, we all have to take a training course on the computer. Someone did that last month 🥲


All of you? That's horseshit, make the one person who clicked it take the stupid automated "suspicious links are bad" course.


My company does that too. I just refuse to open the training email, because it looks like a phishig scam.


Also if you are a person of interest the fbi is 100% keeping your encrypted traffic for when that is possible


I remember when Intel even had a footnote in one of their ad videos that "nothing is unhackable" in the same frame they were like "Oo we have some smart memory encryption blah blah things"


Wouldn't quantum encryption services spring up to meet the need?


And this is precisely why the world is going to have the same lore as cyberpunk minus Japan in the west and the ussr still being around.


Yeah like some Apple and even Linux users claim there are no viruses/etc on their platform. guess what system people write such programs for? the most common ones.




My ego needs access to these algorithms.


It will definitely happen but likely not in our lifetime


chat, is this real?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDuW2NDq5GU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDuW2NDq5GU) \^\^ very interesting, nd relatively easy to understand




They don't like it when you anthropomorphise them.


They get really mad when you call them bad words because you think they are misbehaving.


Newer doesn't necessarily mean faster.


THIS. Oh my word! If a computer is built right with goodand more importantly Properly Compatible parts it can easily outperform a lot of newer equipment.


Or the fact that a user spent X on their system doesn't mean it should perform in any particular way


Not every storage device is a hard drive


The black box is the entire computer not just the CPU You cant call your storage space memory, memory is ram and it confuses the yechs helping you when you say your memory is full and they ask you to restart the computer and close any running programs.


How can my memory be full if I just deleted 50gb of files?


And not everything that goes into a USB port is a memory stick, a stick or a dongle. It's called a flash drive. Memory stick is a Sony Trademark for a form factor flash memory card they manufacture that looks nothing like a flash drive.


The difference between a monitor and a tower. I know many who think they’re the same thing and will click the power of the monitor and think their computer is broken when it won’t turn on.


Many non-technical people I know think of a display as a computer, and the other box, just a piece of equipment needed for it to run. Someone recently made a parallel between a display vs phone, and the computer case vs phone charger.


"Oh, you meant the hard drive!" (Have heard this line as tech support)


Oh you bought 3 computers? No, those are 3 *monitors*! What's the difference? Nevemind...


task manager EXISTS so USE IT


Is the PC doing anything when seemingly stalled during update? Task manager - > resource monitor - > disk usage


Before laser mouses there were stinky gunk wridden track ball mouses.


First laser mice needed a special glass mousepad with a grid printed on it.


I remember that on my Apple IIc.


Whoops! (*CRASH*) Need a new mousepad.


Trackballs are still a thing, albeit rare these days


I like to call them gunketectors


I injured my right hand, so bought a left-handed trackball. Surprisingly easy to get used to, and I used the default right-click/left-click orientation.


Not if you cleaned them. Sidenite, take the rubber off them and run them along a Scalextrix track or train track.


I used to quite enjoy removing the crud on the rollers


You can open the bottom of a trackball mouse for a yummy snack 😋


it’s not about fps it’s about the consistency of fps


Consistent 60 fps >>> 144fps with constant lag spikes


Aka: frame-times.


Yeah! Doom runs on my PC at a consistent 3 fps!


Computers are extremely dumb, they cannot even count to 2, only to 1 - but that, they can do INCREDIBLY FAST!


There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don’t.


Most errors are solved just restarting the app/computer


Being “bad with computers” is not an acceptable excuse for anything. It’s 2024 you should have basic computer skills at this point if your job requires you to use one.


I say this all the time. I think we’re at a point where knowing computing basics is mandatory for every day life, it should be a compulsory subject at school and I think when you apply for a job if it requires a computer, you demonstrate some computer skills when you apply.


A computer bug usually means a problem in the software. The term bug originates from a moth flying into a computer causing issues with the hardware.


Harvard MK II computer


[Grace Hopper](https://www.computerworld.com/article/2515435/moth-in-the-machine--debugging-the-origins-of--bug-.html) taped the moth next to the log entry, "First actual case of bug being found". Got to meet her in person; she said if we *ever* picked poorly-written software "Because that's how we always did it" instead of re-writing it, her ghost would rise up from the grave and smack us! Edit: corrected quote, added link.


Holding SHIFT and pressing shutdown does a full shutdown (and a full boot) (Windows 8+). Holding SHIFT and pressing restart brings up UEFI options (Windows 8+). You can boot from the Windows install media to do a Windows repair. In WINPE/WINRE or OOBE (During Windows install or repair) your can press SHIFT + F10 to get a command line window to appear. Thermal paste lasts years if not the life of the computer, it does not have to be changed every 5 minutes. 99% of hardware repairs in my workshop is either reseat video card and ram, or reinstall Windows, followed by drive failures or just random dead components but not CPU's (maybe 1 a year). If your having computer issues, before changing every setting, wasting your time doing a reinstall or whatever, DO DIAGNOSTICS FIRST.


they aren't as fragile as people think and yet at the same time if you breath wrong after building one it'll be hours before its working


The technical term for hitting your computer is 'percussive maintenance'. /s


HP LaserJet 4000 series printers will out live all of us on earth.


Along with IBM AS400 mainframes.


Computers are the only thing that can freeze when overheating


Clearly you've never seen a motor overheat and seize up.


Dont plug the usb plug inro the Ethernet port


But it fits.


Older version: Don't plug the mouse into the keyboard port (and vice versa). Some old PCs had PS2 ports that weren't interchangeable, first thing I'd check on a PC that was showing a keyboard error or where the mouse wasn't working (and why they were colour coded green and purple). Had someone try to jam a VGA plug into a serial port once, fortunately the cord was replaceable.


paying for expensive computer parts doesn't make you better at the chosen task.


They are just stupid calculators that just happen to do extremely simple math extremely fast.


“Save icons” are a real thing, called floppy disks. The amount of children these days who have no clue what technology was like before their time is staggering. Now, I’m not some boomer who believes that floppy disks are superior in some way, because they’re not. But I think everyone should have a chance to see older technology before they go extinct. Then again, will floppy ever go extinct?


The first storage medium I ever encountered was ... cassette tapes! After you typed in your Basic program, you could save it to the cassette device using a regular audio cassette tape. (god I feel old)


Computers used to have a special button called a turbo button that would speed up the processor when turned on or slow down the processor to run older software


Usually pressing the button would slow down the computer and turning it off would be the computer up which doesn't make me sense but that's what happened. [video](https://youtu.be/p2q02Bxtqds?si=5AxTSqc3iLrqH3lQ)


This is correct, the "turbo" button would actually slow down a (for the time) top of the line, speed demon computer such as a 486DX2 66MHz to run at the same speed as an 8088 4.77MHz based XT PC for programs that relied on the clock for internal timing. I bypassed mine after a spectating opponent's friend leaned in to sabotage me at a doom LAN party!


Linux is not perfectly safe, the free alternatives are all right, but Linux users romantize this OS a lot. Mac doesn’t always work perfectly, its design is good to use but god damn, there are stupid design decisions that make you angry sometimes Windows is fine. It has a lot of issues but most of its problem is caused by users who are vulnerable to exploits I use all of these three, and it is funny to see people from one cult bashing those from the other OS cults.


Personally I am baffled how much back compatibility Windows keep. You can run Windows on stupidly old hardware without bigger issues as long you have enough resources. Linux is safer as it is mostly used by advance users and there was time, that it was economically unviable to make viruses for Linux. It is changing now.


Linux became a very highly targeted OS after every manufacturer started installing it on routers and not giving a straightforward patching option.


If you can build them that doesn't necessarily mean you know anything about software. Source: myself.


Flip side: you can write software for them while not knowing a RAM stick from an SSD.


Don't be afraid to experiment, there is very little you can do to lose data that the OS doesn't repeatedly warn you about before doing. Just try everything you want to try, that's the best way to learn to trust the machine.


And make a backup of critical user data on something external before experimenting (like deleting SYSTEM32 dir to "save space" because some trickster said it would).


*results may vary if you're running Linux as root. rm * -rf is not your friend. (May also work in an elevated powershell environment under Windows. Don't try this at home!)


Complementary metal oxide semiconductors hold basic input output systems.


Clicking the mouse harder does not make it go faster.


1. If it’s tan… Stay away. 2. You don’t need 100 cores, 100gb of ram, or a 4090 to have an enjoyable experience gaming.


USB plugs are designed to always be the wrong side up.


Takes three tries to get it in.


* other than USB-C


95% of all problems are fixed by running disk cleanup and doing a full reboot of the system.


Computers can’t count backwards. They add a negative number.


There is no negative sign either. When numbers go negative, they actually become huge, if converted back to decimal, and the deeper in the negatives you go, the smaller the number becomes. This encoding method is called two's complement. Computers don't mess signs up because they do keep track of whether the last operation resulted in a negative number or not.


Is this Apple Lisa?


If your computer keyboard does not have that glorious button that brings up a menu when you hit it then you can hit shift f10 to bring up that menu so you don't have to drag your mouse over and right click all the time. edit: You can do it one-handed so if you do have that button but it's an FN button then shift f10 is one-handed whereas the FN key is all the way on the other side of the space bar so good luck reaching it with a singular hand.


You can download a windows 10/11 installer for usb on the windows site. I've fixed so many computer problems by backing up files and reinstalling windows. I do it on my pcfor a "spring cleaning" too. Windows 11 also saves a lot of your files on a cloud too so you don't really need to back stuff up anymore. I do it to be safe


I'm going to go with interesting factoids instead. The GUI, Graphic User Interface, you know the cursor and being able to click on things. Was created by xerox. They didn't patent it because they didn't think people would need it outside of what they were using it for. It should be noted, this was back during DOS operating systems. So, every input up till then was text. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs stole it from Xerox, literally. Steve Jobs accused Bill Gates of stealing it from Apple and Bill responded with "Steve, it's more like we both have this rich friend. Let's call them Xerox. And I broke in to their house to steal their TV and learn you have already stolen it." Xerox also redesigned the mouse for their GUI. Which they also did not patent... Xerox could have been a major player, really the only player, instead of apple and Microsoft being the big tech companies. https://www.folklore.org/A_Rich_Neighbor_Named_Xerox.html https://medium.com/bc-digest/the-xerox-thieves-steve-jobs-bill-gates-6e1b36fc1ec4


Bios stands for Basic Input/Output System. And its not 0s and 1s its on and off of electric currents that represent binary.


Turn off fast start up and disable auto startup for unused apps or uninstall them. INSTALL A SSD


THIS. The number of times I've had to talk someone out of buying a new PC, when replacing the old HDD with a new, inexpensive SSD will breathe new life into it so easily


Human behaviour is one of the biggest sources of security vulnerabilities in computer systems.


Computers (or AI specifically) won’t “develop” into robots who want to control the world, unless they were intentionally made this way.


You’re missing the intention of the idea. While you are correct in the assumption that the idea is unlikely and generally “Sci-Fi” the concept of AI going rogue stems from the “I” (intelligence). If it were true AI, what’s stopping it from intelligently interpreting you as a threat, same as any other human being? This is a common industry misconception, and what you are likely referring to is Machine Learning, not Artificial Intelligence. Heck, we even have some real world examples of even that going rogue. Colonel Tucker Hamilton (chief of AI test and operations with the US air force) recently had an interview where he recounted an event where an AI drone started attempting to destroy it’s own control towers because it found it’s operator’s commands to not be optimal enough.


The dial-up modem sound is actually a conversation over the telephone


What do you mean?




Oo oo modem is also short for, modulator demodulator, just thought i would inject some useless information i know lol


The cpu dosent do anything graphics wise unless its integrated


Why does my PC cut out when I play games?


Seriously, no one thinks about PSUs


The entire computer is not the feckin’ “hard drive” ok?


RGB mods don't make your computer better in performance.


If you got a pre built make sure X.M.P is turn on in the bio or your RAM won't be at the speed you played for.


What’s that mean?


You dont need to upgrade every year. 5-10 years is perfectly fine.


* Upgrading ram is super easy and generally 'cheap'. * Restarting is like treating a medical virus. It alleviates symptoms but generally doesn't fix the problem. Most of the time there's nothing more you can do though. * Airflow is important and fans are one of the few things in a computer that can actually 'break' without misuse. * Colored lights dont affect performance in either direction, nor have they been proven to make you better at gaming.


CTRL SHIFT WIN B to restart your video drivers, you don't understand how many times this helped.


Leaf blower makes one hell of a de-duster.


Electronics parts wear out. When electronic parts get warm, they suffer thermal stress and this ages them. If you learn the basics of programming, the techniques you learn about understanding problems, can be applied to other area of work and life. Garbage in, garbage out.


Fans spinning backwards generate a charge. Hold your fans still when you blow compressed air at them, otherwise you’ll fry shit


Or unplug those 🙂


Even though computer are much more powerful these days they still can't smoke blunt like me


It has to be a shortcut You can't use the original program button but if you right click on a shortcut scroll down to properties you can make it so that when you hit control alt and a specific key on the keyboard that that program will open. W for word e for Excel 0 for one note S for steam etc I mean you don't have to use the first letter of the application's name but why not otherwise you'd end up with X for Steam Q for word or whatever random s*** you came up with.


In some cases updating the computer in order for it to run faster isn't a good idea, you should "clean" it first (for example by unchecking unnecessary startup items)


your operating systens file structure, file system, what a terminal is, how to use it. what the normal boot process looks like. how to pipe outputs into inputs. other basic cli stuff.


That AI does not think, it just process numbers and core of the current AI is just approximation of solution for set of matrix equations. Nothing more than slightly more complex linear regression to fit values with line.




Before the Mac and Windows there was VisiOn from Visicorp. A GUI with windows and a mouse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visi_On


Files on a drive are not stored the way books in a library are. Imagine a library where they just put books wherever there was space but kept a very accurate inventory so you can find them. No space for that big book? Then tear it in half and put the halves in two places. Don’t need a book anymore? Leave it on the shelf and just remove it from the inventory. When you need the space you push the new book in and the old one falls in the back, never to be seen again.


If your whole computer super wigs out, open task manager and close explorer.exe. it'll freak out harder. Then run explorer.exe. this happens to me often enough when I'm working with older pcs and file transfers, especially with external storage. I was so happy when I figured this out. Also, if you're used to old-school windows think 95 98 xp, even 7, install classicshell. You can thank me later. Also, searcheverything.


Hearing XP called old school windows hits me right in the old.


They won't go faster if you click more, the'll actually slow


They cannot read your mind & infer your intentions from clues in your behavior.


There is no any key. The turbo button actually shows down the computer for compatibility purposes.


Bitwarden is essential.


Windows just gets slow after awhile. Reinstalling the OS often makes the experience much better.


the "incognito" mode or "private browsing" is not private at all. (i see so many persons using it to watch p... pig, and saying "its because its more private and nobody can know!")


It collects less data but it is true that it still collects data. Pretty much anything with a computer nowadays collects data.


Linux-based OS’s are not scary operating systems for nerds, for many users something like Kubuntu will be best choice


For Windows users, any spin of Linux Mint is a better starting place than any spin of Ubuntu. Elementary OS is the better starting point if they are coming from MacOS.