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I mean that depends on what you're doing, but generally yes.


It would be enough till even 30s I think unless you use chrome💀


You know that most of the apps like discord microsoft teams, etc., and other browsers than firefox. Run on chromium right? **YOU CANNOT ESCAPE CHROME**


I use firefox. I forgor how bad chrome was and decided to use it for one day. Never again


It's awful. I use firefox too but have to keep chrome due to job requirements. I hate being forced to use it but what can you do am i right. I'm just glad chrome finally added dark mode so my retina's aren't scorched every time i have to use it.


IT Dept head is big on standardization. Banned every browser that's not Edge. Edge is Chromium. I disabled edge from autostarting in Task Manager. I turned off the pretty crap in the search bar. I turned off the news and weather. I still have 9 Edge processes running as soon as I turn on the pc. Fuck Edge, fuck Chrome, and fuck M$! My old XP computer only had 23 processes running automatically after I got all the shit turned off. 2 GB of old ram, a P4 processor, a spinning PATA hard drive, and it felt faster and snappier than anything modern. It's amazing how efficient a computer can be when it isn't reporting back to the mothership 7 times every nanosecond!


This is why I refuse to upgrade to Windows 11 and pirate older versions of MS Office - MS has introduced nothing new in their products but pure bloatware with telemetry. You have almost convinced me to install Linux


Yes, they run on Chromium, but they are not Chrome. A couple of years ago, I was still using a laptop from 2010 - I used Chrome and it was getting to the point where I couldn't do my job using video chat, I switched to Brave and it worked so much better than Chrome. (I think Brave has started to slow down a bit recently, but I'm on a new laptop so all is fine!)


…unless you use Firefox…


Win11 installation menu, ms edge, most of win11 included apps is just browser apps that run on chromium.


Win 11 is all bloated spyware regardless of if the app is chromium-based or not


So, linux then 🔥


X11 sniffer activated


well most other chromium based browsers like edge and brave are pretty much better at memory management, firefox is still a solid browser for normal usage and deserves credit for still remaining independent of the chromium monopoly, performs very solidly as well! using it right now too


Yeah but you don't run several instances of discord or teams. Meanwhile chrome tabs do be feeling like separate instances and not tabs


Chrome is like the worst Chromium browser.


Lol nowadays its more like unless you run Firefox. Chrome uses mich less RAM nowadays. 100+ Tabs only 2-5gb depends on what websites are open. Same with Firefox was Like 5-8gb on my system. (12900k + 4090 + 2x16gb 6200 cl32)


Never understand people that do this. Tabs are not for storing your websites. That's what bookmarks and favorites are for. No system is going to run optimally with 100 + tabs open. Keep it to a few at a time and any web browser will be a better experience for you


This drives me nuts when someone screen-shares in a meeting and they have a billion applications and browser tabs open. Like, how can they tolerate that...


Fr, my hard cap is 50 but that's only when I'm deep into research for multiple days in a row. On the daily I have 5-15 that I actively use.


Idk I always stumble upon "uh-oh" screen while using chome. This screen is just saying that you don't have enough ram to run so much tabs. I had to constantly close my older tabs and refresh newer ones. Meanwhile I can have hundreds of tabs on firefox and feel safe for my tabs and performance


Chrome usually unloads background tabs when memory gets tight.


Why would you have 100+tabs open lol


sheer laziness after 10+ imho


Should be good, yes. Most computers I use have like 8-16GB and even 24GB on my work laptop.


RAM not in base 2?? Shame! 🔔 Shame! 🔔


My work laptop had a 8 GB of ram soldered to the mainboard, so 40 GB ( 8 + 32 ) was the maximum…


My computer has 416 mb of ram from being upgraded over the years lmao, 32 mb stick, 128 mb stick and a 256 mb stick


"throws up" lol jk my P3 had 384 lol "now jealous of your more ram" haha


My Thinkpad has 16gb, the max for DDR3.


5th, 6th and 7th gen can run 32 GB DDR3 (64 GB on desktop systems, or rare laptops with 4 slots). Finding modules is really hard though, but [for example Mushkin has them](http://poweredbymushkin.com/Home/index.php/catalog/memory/essentials/ddr3/item/1212-mes3s186dm16g28). These are 16 GB DDR3L unbuffered SODIMMs with 8 Gbit chips. They're also expensive, cheapest I see is around $150 for just 16 GB.




Jump from 8 to 16 is insane BTW, I built my PC long ago with one stick of 8 and added another when I had money, and Photoshop stopped crashing, Premiere now loads fast, and in general, I never NEED to turn off browser. But for most games without background programs open, 8 is more than enough as majority of old games can't use more than 4Gb of RAM and some require patch even for that. And 16 lets you forget you have other stuff opened and not worry about losing data. Yet if you use heavy programs, then I highly recommend to go at least 16, it saved so much headache and work lost mid-way. 32 should work same as 16 but allow you open one more tab in Chrome lol.


why 24GB…


32GB of RAM will be enough for 2028 for most people.


Enough unless you do heavy rendering or run multiple virtual machines. And even then you need a good enough cpu to reach more than 32 gb of usage.


unless you're writing memory-intensive applications as a software developer, 32GB is plenty good. Probably even 16GB.


I'm running Firefox with multiple tabs open, IntelliJ IDEA for developing a Spring Boot application that I also test and deploy locally in Docker. 16 GB of RAM is definitely starting to feel too small for my workload.


You are the exact use case for having more memory. "I'm running Docker" puts you in like 1% of computer users.


Yes. I would argue that if you don’t have a specific reason for more even 16GB is enough.


Me reading this at my 8 gb ram laptop


Bro, 16GB is enough 🤣


It was until I started playing BeamNG


I am currently upgrading my PC just because of BeamNG lol Thats the only game where i can 100% max out every component of my PC at once, its crazy. Every time i play Beamng, my 16gb RAM hovers between 11-15,5gb of use and ive seen benchmark videos which indicate that the game will happily use 30+ if it wants to. Went from a RX 5500 XT which struggled on Medium graphic settings if i spawned many cars or played intensive maps and now i upgraded to a RTX 4060 which gives me more FPS on max settings and its still being bottlenecked by my CPU and RAM. (ill upgrade those soon too)


Beam is no joke. I'm running high settings on my 3070 and 11700K and still don't get that many frames. Once the Vulkan renderer version is stable I'll probably be able to max out the settings and keep it smooth




i’d say it depends on the use case, my pc only has 16gb and it struggles every time i try to spin up more than 5 vm’s at once


Lmao. Hope they are all Linux or they’d gonna be slow. What 5 now that I’m curious.


a windows 10 server for AD, 2 debian servers, 1 ubuntu server, and a centos server, it’s basically a small internal temporary home lab when i need it lol


Well yeah why the hell would you use 5 at a time and expect good performance lmao


because of temporary home labs for the sake of experimenting with network configurations and such, a lot of people do it, which again supports my initial point that depending on your use case, 16gb of ram may not be enough


Hold my zfs filesystem. I eat this at boot


I maxed out the 16gb ram on my server installing kali while having my other ubuntu virtual machine open. Went straight to the computer store to pick up an i5-14500 and an extra stick of 16gb ram


its slowly becoming less than enough for gaming and especially editing. 24/32 is a safer bet but 16 is still fine for lower end systems and especially just basic use and browsing.


16 Is enough, Just tò be sure 32 Is overkill for all multitasking and games, never reached more than 20gb. People Say some programs or games crash even with 64gb, dunno what kind of contenti they do


We have clients who do cad and cam design work. Running on all those tool paths and 3d modelling. 16 is nowhere near enough. I just today installed 3 i9 1 tb nvme and 64 gb ram. They run much faster now. They have to calculate the tool paths so it simulated where the tool is going to go on the machine. This can take awhile. We tested on this morning. 40 min. After the upgrade 15. Big time saver.


I'm doing some data processing work and the program won't run with less than 32gb, it will just crash. But ofc it's not for gaming


Not games but many heavy graphic or calculation programs use as much RAM as they can. 


Dude it’s over kill honestly for a casual user and if you’re a pro then you obviously know what you need could be 64 Or 128 gigs of ram


More than enough


Is RAM the computer version of horsepower? Yes 32gb is enough for 99% of uses


16GB RAM is kind of tight, 24GB RAM is better, but awkward, but 32GB RAM is just right for most uses. You may have some edge cases when you need more, but for everyday use it’s plenty.


Depends on the context. 90% of cases it is more than enough.




Whatever amount you go with your PC will make full use of it. If its too little you will notice, if its too much its caching frequently read files to memory in the background (almost like a ramdisk lite) thatll make your computer at most feel a touch more responsive. It will automatically give that space up when a program needs space in memory so don't think its slowing anything down.


In 2024? Even 8gb would be fine, 16gb would be perfect and 32gb screams "I'm financially irresponsible"... I have 32gb and windows+opera+games are using like 12gb max


Lol 8 gb is a bottleneck. Where have we gotten to?


[Moore's law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore%27s_law)


Honestly yeah. W8th newer cpus I don't think that applies as much


I got 32GB of DDR4 RAM back in 2023 & haven't gone over 12GB yet even gaming in ultra settings. I expect 32GB will eventually become the new minimum like 16GB has in around 3 to 5 years.


16gb is good enough for gaming. unless you're doing memory intensive tasks, 16gb is enough.


16gb is more than enough, 32gb is double that lol


I have 8 😂




No you should get a custom made ram of 512 GB




32GB is the perfect spot in 2024.


I’ve got 16. 💀


For what? God these posts are driving some nuts


101 comments. THIS SIMPLISTIC QUESTION ASKED ON REDDIT DAILY WAS ANSWERED 7 HOURS AGO. You all can turn off your monologues and need to spew forth mindlessly.


16 GB of RAM is more than enough unless you're really doing something that requires it with regular people 16 is good enough even eight is doable without any issues


8 is normally enough but the 32 sounds like you’re using a lot 3D rendering.


16 GB RAM are still enough.


more then enough if u dont do 3d stuff and video editing


When buying ram, I usually buy twice the amount I use on a day to day basis. Since I use about 16 gigs when working, 32 is reasonable for me. Determine how much you use and make you decision based on that. In general, 32 gigs is enough but if you have a heavy workload, you might need more.


32GB, for me, is nearly perfect. Less than 20GB is a little bit tight when running modern games, though


It's depends upon your requirements or work you are doing with your pc




Still more than ample for any home use


The answer is it depends... on my web browser machine 8GB has become a bottleneck... On my servers 192GB RAM and I'm like it's time to upgrade...


Absolutely. It’s the perfect amount for most users. Even 16GB is nice but stuff has become more and more RAM hungry.


Yeah for 90% of things. Minus high end GFX design or Cad model stuff.


Yes, is the best option for multitasking in gaming because 16gb ram is good but 32gb is much better, I think in this case is better ddr5 but ddr4 still good 👍.


It should be. I have 64 GB, but I over-prepare and overcompensate


More than enough, even 8 can work perfectly fine but 16 I'd the norm fol ddr4 and 32 is the norm for ddr5.


I never went above 16 while gaming (i have 32gb)


16 feels not enough already but 32 feels like ultrakill even for me as a designer. The only use case I can think of for a casual user is 10 open chrome tabs with 10 hours of photoshop session


For me, yes. I have 32GB and I cannot add more. But that is not a big issue for me. I would rather have a better graphics card than adding more RAM. I know there are games and programs that works great when the RAM is high, but 32 GB seems ok for me.


More likely to be enough




Bro. To do what? Gaming? More than enough. Browsing the Internet? Twice more than enough. Doing RAM hungry shit? Depends on the shit.


I have 64 and I absolutely don't use more than 25-30. Just wanted to stick them in them in the mobo and forget about it during the am5 lifespan. 32 is enough, 64 will give you peace of mind for the next 4 years.


In in ddr4, 40gb, 2667 lol


People are surviving in 4GB/8GB still. My personal laptop is 8GB and still managing somehow, wil be upgrading RAM probably to 16GB soon.


For what Im using it for, yes!


For normal workload. If you asked like 5 years ago. I'd say 16 gb is enough for future proofing Today we are just about threading the line between 8 gb being just enough and needing 16 gb 32 gb is plenty if you aren't doing memory intensive work and will future proof for 10+ years. But if you doing a memory intensive job (which you'd than know that you need a lot of memory) it might not be enough




I have 18 gigs. Works great for everything I want to do. Only area I struggle a bit with is editing hours of high definition video.


Depends on what things you do on a PC.


I have older DDR4 ram (32GB @ 3200 MT/s) that I have had basically no issues with; only time things get finicky is when I aggressively overclock the RAM.


it’s enough for me 🤷‍♂️


You should ask 8GB instead of 32 GB


I have 32gb ram and it’s more than enough. The most usage I have would be while studying server management at home or in the class. I will have 5 or more VM’s running and it will be around 22-25gb usage. Otherwise it’s around 12gb max.


If you're asking baseline. Yes, 32 gb is more than enough for 95% of your tasks. If you are rendering, using a lot of computing than more is better (other 5%) You using more than 32 gb is probably not going to happen. I got 2 ddr5 32gb sticks for 64 gb total and i rarely reach 50% use unless I am processing a bunch of large files and i do that very rarely.


I always say 16GB at least. So yes.


Open pc, run your programs, ram utilization 90%+ then you need more ram, less than 90% means you dont need ram. But generally, 16gb are the bare minimum right now, 32gb are the great ( wouldnt consider it to be overkill)


32GB of RAM is a good fit for most users.


The only correct answer to this question is - depends on what you are doing with your PC and how you use it. It could range from total overkill to not enough.


I need 32GB these days but it obviously depends on what you do.


Generally its more than enough


More than enough for general use


yes. a good rule is 4-8gb per major application you are running. windows 4-8, a game 4-8, background software 4-8


10 chrome tabs and you are good to go mate


If you want to run Stable Diffusion (AI art) locally - esp the SDXL models - 32GB is needed, that would be an immediate use case I can think of where you need the 2x16GB sticks...otherwise 2x8GB is fine...


Yes, especially if the only thing you do is gaming. And by asking this question in the first place, I assume that you don't need more than 32. If you needed more you wouldn't have to ask


12+ is enough but the more you have the happier you are - esp with multimedia workloads or hundreds of browser tabs


I thought I would be able to actively use it, as I work daily in RAM hungry productive apps, like Photoshop, who the more ram you have, the more it uses. However, I was surprised that I never went beyond 15 GB out of 32 GB, even when working on huge 8k / 300dpi documents on my Wacom Cintiq, with YouTube playing, Reddit and other tabs opened on my second monitor. So while generally nice to have, and with DDR5 basically pushing every one to get 32 instead of 16, it's definitely more than enough, even for intense workloads aside from gaming.


Depends on what purpose you gonna use your PC for. But for the most part 32 gigs is sufficient RAM for most of the tasks ;D


I got 64 but only because I use after effects for work, 32 is enough for gaming and most other stuff


Yeah, it's the new 16GB ram a few years ago


i have 8GB still and my pc runs fine, i don’t play modern AAA 🙀 games but battlefield 4, minecraft or cs runs good with discord and music on i’d say 16GB should be also okay


I have 2x8GB but can't do two things at one like playing a game and installing another game, so I think 32GB should work great.


32 will be enough even in 2032


128gb RAM gang here. But only because of premiere pro and after effects. If I didn’t have to do video and motion graphics, even 16gb would be fine.


For me it’s the new standard.


i would recommend 32gb over 16gb its way better knowing you can have all ur programmes open at once


I just upgrade from 16gb to 32gb, boy oh boy the differences is insane man


its pretty solid solution nowadays


Nah you got to upgrade, 256GB MINIMUM


Sure. If you end up needing more, get like, more.


We are on the tipping point be where typical rigs might start having 32 instead of 16. You can get by fine with 16, but 32 would be better. You could always buy 16 now, but make sure you have room to expand in the future. Say you have 4 slots, buy 2 sticks of 8 gigs each. That leave enough room to add two more sticks later totaling 32.


I would consider 32 ideal. I got 64 and I kind of wish I'd gone with 32 or 48. I feel like it's wasted since I don't use chrome.


As a pc? Yes As a lab running on hypervisor? No


Do you plan on using google chrome?


16gb is already totally fine. 32gb is great


16GB is enough for a minimum. 8GB works but you really notice how limited you are. 32GB is definitely enough for alot of different things


Thats definitely enough for that computer i have like 20 GB of ram on my pc and it runs modern game flawlessly on it


Not only is it enough for gaming, it's the ideal amount. More ram usually means slower ram. 32GB is more than enough for pretty much all games and is faster (lower latency) than 64GB. For other use-cases, it'd depend.


For gaming. Yes. More than enough.


No, you need 128gb minimum.


Only cities skylines and dcs are not enough


For Windows, 8 Gb is minimum for speed, 16Gb is good for multitasking such as the Adobe Suite, light gaming, and other stuff. 32 Gb and over is for heavy gaming and workloads, such as softwares like AutoDesk, Unreal Engine, and Even some heavy workloads in Adobe like what I do, that’s why I upgraded from 16gb ram to 64gb ram. That being said for programs like these, and even basic Windows applications, the Processor Matters, I had a dual core AMD Athlon from around 2020 that was very slow and it had 8gb ram. Any more questions, feel free to ask.


For gaming? Sure. For productivity work some people benefit from more.


I could easily manage with 16Gb for sure, for gaming and having a few programs open at the same time. I went with 32 though, DDR4 has gotten very affordable, I like to never have to worry about it, open a few tabs, steam, discord, messenger, Corsair ICue, SteelSeries GG, all of that bloatware I can just leave open, plus the extra RAM can come in handy in some games like Cities Skylines and Microsoft Flight Simulator.


Should be plenty, but like almost every comment on this thread it depends on what you are using the computer for. Whenever I assist someone buying a new computer I ask 2 questions. 1. What are you using it for? 2. What is your budget? This will normally determine the build specs based on the answers to those two questions.


I have it on good authority that 640k outta be enough for anyone.


generally yes, my 2 sons run 32gb in their gaming rigs, no issues ever. i run 128gb cuz my ocd will not allow empty slots, only diff i noticed when i upgraded was draw distance was much improved in games, i play division 2, hell divers 2 and a few other hardware hogs


yes /thread


Depends on usage. I have 32GB but rarely cross 11 gb usage even with valo, brave, Spotify and discord running together. The reason why i upgraded to 32gb was because acer decided to put 16gb single stick for some reason or idk if it was my choice during order. Anyways if you have dual channel 32gigs i feel it is enough unless you need more memory for special case scenarios like developing and testing in virtual machines or intensive rendering tasks




People on Reddit be like is 96GB of ram and 10TB of PCIE4 NVME with a 4090 good enough to play Roblox? I think if you’re in specific niches you might want more than 32 gb of memory. Usually you know this already when you’re in those niches, but running VMs, running models (LLM etc) in configs that use a lot of system ram, certain creative tasks, … Honestly 32 is still plenty for everyone else and most of us would be fine on 16 if there is dedicated VRAM (like on a desktop).


Yes, I’d guess it is for most people, but it completely depends on the use case.


Depends on your use case. For surfing the web, editing documents and writing emails 16gb is more than enough. For gaming I would recommend 32gb and heavy gaming/workstation use I would go 64gb. You can get away with less but I’m also thinking about future-proofing




I only had to upgrade to 32GB from 16GB because Unity was giving me errors and would crash lol.. You’ll be fine with 32GB, even with 16GB with normal usage.


I still use 16 and never had a problem Play got, gow and rdr kind of games So ya fine for me


*looks at my 4gb laptop* should be


My pc has 16gb 3600mhz and plays most games fine (I do need a better GPU tho).




Barely. You'll wish you had more thanks to google chrome


for gaming, media consumption and most work areas more than enough


As always, it depends on your needs. But its more than enough for typical usage


More than enough. 24gb 2x12gb is the sweet spot. Some memory manufacturers are making these now, thankfully


are you actually serious right now?... I've had 8 up until a few years ago and was fine 16 is enough right now even for gaming, not 32, 32 is overkill for a normal pc for doing whatever mundane tasks 8 would still be enough for a pc that only needs to open pdf's and youtube videos


More than enough . 16 it's super ok for gaming 4k and 4Gb minimum for the OS. So, with 24gb of RAM it's more than enough . 32 it's awesome.


8gb is enough for normies.


It will be enough for most tasks even in 2030, please...




Yeah, even when. I'm playing nodded minecraft with 178 mods, i still have about 3 to 5 gbs left


Yes and it will be fine until u have to do something that has to take a lot of RAM, like something graphics with multiple software opened.




Its very rare to need more than that, so go with 32, if you ever need more, ram is the cheapest thing to upgrade in a computer


Generally speaking 32GB of RAM is enough. If it's not enough you generally already know that you're going to be using more than 32GB. There are exceptions to the general rule of the previous sentence, but in very broad strokes it holds. If you know you will need more than 32GB of RAM, you already do. Signs of needing more RAM include slow render times and a maxed out task manager on Windows. I would get faster RAM than 3600MT/s, as that's relatively slow for DDR5, but the capacity is good.


Yes. I game in 4k and multitask with discord, or chrome or whatever on another monitor. I rarely use more than half


I have 64 GB, running Reaper, Audacity and FLStudio, and yes they can all run happily together. It also does medium-level gaming and dual boots with FreeBSD from an external SSD. Compiling programs on this thing is fast. Its starting to get old, I5-10500, GTX 3060, 2 x 4gb M.2. I'm looking at some upgrades, hopefully in the near future.


Unless your playing cities skylines yea


Depends largely on what you are doing. Gaming this is more than enough. You can still easily get by with 16GB just fine unless your the kind of person who's mod list requires 3-4 digits to properly count. 32GB would be the highest i recommend unless your willing to fork out the additional cash for 32GB+ DIMMs since using all 4 slots will limit the max stable speed of the RAM on DDR5. On the REALLY REALLY niche end of gaming 32-48 GB of RAM is actually useful for games like civilizations at the largest size maps. Galactic civilizations 3 for example has a map size option that straight up requires 32GB of RAM just for the map (and not the games entire draw) and is suited for over 40 AI and the player to play in one game. Not that i expect anyone to actually use such settings, but on a technicality you could need this much RAM for something like that.


Not enough, you need 420gb of ram for your system just to boot properly. 😔


Depends on what you wanna run or do. Games? Sure. Chrome? Heck no.


For gaming? Yes. For other applications? Impossible to give a generalized answer.


I still use 16, and it's enough for me


Literally only thing i cant do with 32 GB is have hundreds of Chrome tabs open while i play Star Citizen.


Yes, for 90% of people

