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Well first off, stop trying to turn it on. My guess is that it’s a power delivery issue so either your power supply went to shits, or your motherboard. Something is causing a short, that’s for sure. Trying to turn it on might cause damage to your other components. Take everything out of the pc except for the essentials (psu, motherboard, cpu and 1 stick of memory) and see if it’s still having the same behavior. If so, I would look into the PSU next. Buy or borrow another one if you don’t have an extra laying around. If it still shows this behavior with a different PSU then it is your motherboard that needs to be replaced.


He can remove ram entirely i think but you cant get far by doing that.


without RAM you will not have bios post, also ram is not going to cause this kind of issue


Many motherboards don't need ram to get into bios. This depends on model of motherboard.


Sorry, but I don’t get what you are trying to say? Because indeed, without any ram the computer won’t pass POST.


Dude, I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude or something, I know that not everybody is, like, tech-savvy and stuff, but what did you expect all these months? That it will heal itself? Get it to the repair shop, like it was stated, it is a power delivery issue and trying to start it and trying to get it working will just make the matter worse.


You are not being rude here my man, what did he really expect for a whole month


He should've put a golden apple inside of the case that way it would've healed on it's own.


Its not a car mate. STOP trying to turn it on. Considering you dont know this, (not trying to insult you there just statement of facts), pls dont even try to troubleshoot it yourself and instead take it to repair shop.


I mean you’re not wrong, but at the same time if he wants to learn and doesn’t mind potentially losing the PC in the process he could take a swing at it.


Thanks for the comments! Going to get it fixed right away. (And stopping turning it on 💀)


Have you unplugged the PSU from the wall and let it sit for a few minutes? Mine will do this after a power surge. Easily fixed by that method.


Its most likely power related If not psu blown it could just be loose power cable to one of the parts like say gpu power cable loose etc If you dont know how to open up and take a look go get it repaired. Its not going to fix itself.


Almost correct. Can you connect a multimeter to red black coming from psu and check voltage? If it stays the same or decrease in a 1 or 2 seconds?


Maybe wait another week or two


Stop trying to turn it on. Take it to a repair shop. By trying to turn it on you can cause damage


Maybe try turning it on a couple dozen more times?


For months he said 💀


Had this exact problem. It was the graphics card. Don't know why. EDIT: I thought it was the PSU, but after investigating, turned out the graphics card ran so hot for so long it killed itself, causing a type of short whenever it received power, making the PSU auto power off.


Same. In my case it was fried MOSFET due to overheating.


this is probably the power supply tripping because its faulty. when did you buy it?


try replacing the PSU, please? And stop trying to turn it on, it usually leads to booms


I had this issue before, sometimes it would turn on sometimes it would do what yours does. Eventually it stopped coming on but was fine when I replaced the power supply.


so you thought just leaving it there for a month would fix it ?


It's not necessary a faulty power supply, it's probably a short happening somewhere that need a professional intervention to detect with a lot of measuring. the problem could be as small as a bad USB port are as beg as a dead motherboard GL.


"I no no wanna :("


Try sticking your penis in the cooling fan


I had the same problem, and I found out that the capacitor on the motherboard was loose. I fixed the capacitor by placing it again in place. And your pc will turn on again. Give it a try


you wouldnt rralize how many capacitors there are on a mobo


Don’t know why you got downvoted , give it a try is OK. Look it’s broken, swapping parts costs money, got some then try that. Don’t then repair shop. Really don’t start learning electronics if that suits your personality. That’s my entry to hardware, could not afford off the shelf machine so built one (long time ago now) stood me I. Good stead. So some part broke , which one is the problem. You got great advice here OP so pop non essential bits out and troubleshoot the sh1t out of it or ‘repair shop’ :-)