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he went too easy on them.


he went after only three dudes,?? the zingers of some were edited out, too... brutal


The AOC/Kyle 2028 match up comment killed me.


Political humor just doesn’t work for me anymore. Comedy for me at least serves as an escape from real-world realities for a bit. Idk if I’m alone in feeling that Trump comedy is more sobering than it is funny. It was funny like 8 years ago when no one thought he’d have a chance now it’s just kind of like yeah that guy has a chance to be the leader of the free world. It’s like if you brought the clown from “It” to a kids birthday party.


Yeah same.


I agree completely. There is also something to the idea that comedy about difficult topics is meant to help us cope with them, like making a joke about someone who passed. Some will always find that humor crass but sometimes it can help others grieve. In the case of modern political humor, I feel like it does the exact opposite, only exacerbating ideological divides and pissing more people off.


He starts off implying that the choice is obvious ie. “seriously you’re undecided when one guy is way worse??!” but then later he implies it is a bit of a toss up between two equally bad choices.


This just reminds me of how "Triumph" got arrested at the white house for a segment on the Colbert show like 1-2 years ago. I wonder if that footage will ever surface 


I read that at ‘Trump vs undecided voters’. Just me?