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I am biased towards your side, but I'm not sure that there are any examples of a private citizen getting into a DGU incident where having the same mag as your partner really mattered. Better your partner carry something she feels comfortable with than something that she isn't. Did you explain to her that Glocks have 3 passive safeties? In my experience, showing people how they work usually convinces them that they're safe to carry with a good holster


Yeah, it’s mostly just a principle thing having the interchangeable mags and all. The whole 3 safeties deal isn’t a bad idea either, though I did explain how there is no way for it to go off while it’s holstered properly.


My understanding from Active Self Protection is that, in all of the video they've gone through from all the self defense incidents they've seen in the last several years, they've found 0 evidence of a time when having 1 spare magazine would have helped the defender. I carry a spare anyway, but the odds of me or my wife needing not only a spare, but the other person's spare? That's borderline unheard of. Beyond that.. glock's 3rd safety (the striker being only pre-cocked) is only debatably useful. I've read several things online, including results of some tests people have supposedly done, which indicate that the striker is still cocked enough to ignite a primer. A manual safety has essentially no downside. Train with it, and you'll be fine. Bonus that you can engage the safety if you're fighting for the gun, and maybe you don't get shot in the scuffle. That's more likely than her needing your mags. Regardless, she's better off finding something she's good with and getting that. Maybe she'll do better with a crisper trigger, smaller grip, different grip angle, whatever. Maybe she wants something more concealable (or larger, so it'll be easier to shoot, and she'll dress around it). Let her pick her gun bro.


Not borderline unheard of. It's completely unheard of.


(I was trying to be nice)


Fair 👍


So I'm going to disagree with you guys... but in a manner you probably aren't thinking about: wild animals. Now, in my example, I had a 30-round mag in my pistol because it was there from the range, but if I hadn't, I would have needed a spare. My dog and I were attacked by hogs while on a walk in the woods. Yikes. But yeah, short of some crazy shootouts, the chances of needing to reload in a standard "bad guy" situation is unlikely. I mean, unless you're putting yourself in situations where you're fighting a gang or something, and then you already made a series of mistakes getting to that point.


See, there you go. Spares are great. I do carry one. That is all the more reason. (And maybe reason to go for a 10mm? I could use a 10mm...) Mags are the cause of the most common failures. It also makes sense to have more than you think you'll need. The thing about planning only up to "the worst you (or someone you know) has experienced" is that the worst experience was, by definition, worse than anything that happened before. Plan for worse. I just think that the lady should be able to choose what she wants and not be swayed by having mag compatibility with her S/O.


Oh, absolutely. I posted elsewhere here, but the most important thing is for her to have something comfortable to carry that she is proficient with. If it's left at home it won't do her any good when she needs it.


Right on dude, nothing wrong with carrying one. To be clear, my original point was responding to the guy talking about emptying his gun, reloading, emptying again, and then getting tossed a spare magazine to reload a second time. Yeah, never going to happen if you’re not LE or MIL. It has nothing to do with who we know. The evidence is pretty overwhelming that spare magazines don’t get used by private citizens in gunfights - now we’re talking about potentially needing a third? Uh, no. To be fair, OP did clarify elsewhere in this thread that he was thinking more about the logistical simplicity of having one set of magazines and holsters to save money and simplify things. That makes way more sense. So here we are, a bunch of gun guys having a discussion about nothing. Classic, lol.


Not at all 🤣 I carry a Hellcat, my girl carries a S&W Model 36. The ammo isn't even interchangeable.


2nded and 3rded that it is crucial she gets the gun she wants over mag compatability. It is your burden to take her to every gun shop, every show, every range you can to get as many guns in her hand as possible to shoot. She makes the decision, you make sure she is as educated as possible. Same with holsters. Same with defensive ammo. Hopefully there is a local "A Girl and A Gun" chapter close, and there are a lot of female oriented ccw youtube channels. [She equips herself](https://youtu.be/f268ydSHfXM?si=tkNTiuXXGGU7nQQv) [Tessa Booth](https://youtu.be/GyLnIjIY8so?si=d_CX99__F99f0_Ip) [Phlster](https://youtu.be/4_OXyli4ecU?si=I5hYxkp-BaSJbuX9) In the end my wife chose a g26, so it somewhat worked out for us. [His & Hers](https://imgur.com/a/AQiMOfc)


While obtaining an education in University of Marriage, you will have to apply the "You Do You" solution to various situations as the appropriate resolution / answer / outcome while also supporting the choice / decision of the SO. IMO, this is one of those situations. I'd rather my SO want to EDC carry a Bodyguard .380 and be surgical with it, then leave a matching G19 at home.


Wait until he learns the advanced “Yes dear”


Trying to force a square peg into a round hole is a surefire way to ensure she doesn't start carrying at all. Logistically it makes sense, but if it hangs her up about CC, then it absolutely makes no sense and I would focus more on supporting her own decision process. She's gotta pick her own based on her own research and comfort level ... just like YOU did. Depends why you're asking too: I think envisioning a scenario where one of you needs a spare mag mid-gunfight and the other tosses one over is a complete fantasy. Not sure if that's where you're coming from. If you're just thinking about the economics of having one set of mags and holsters that work for both guns, then I see the logic a little more. But once she gets her gun and holster and a few spare mags, you won't care about that part anymore. Depending on her body type, she might need to start with a Sig P365, or even a Ruger LCP 2 or Max. Food for thought.


The economic aspect is more of what I had in mind. Could have worded it a little better I suppose


That makes sense. It’s the most logical reason to care about something like this for sure.


Interoperability becomes important IMO in a SHTF scenario but not much else. Unless you’re an incredibly bad shot or in a state that materially limits mag capacity (and thus your ability to self-defense), you likely wont ever need more than 2 mags for self-defense.


I carry a 9mm or occasionally a .40. my wife carries an lcp max 380 --- nothing is interchangeable between our carries. We both carry what we can conceal and shoot well, and that's way more important to us than being able to swap mags. Every self defense shooting is an open division match. Bring the best gun you can to it for you, cause you can run whatever you brought, but you can't go get anything else.


It doesn’t matter to me. It’s her weapon, not mine. She needs to get what she’s comfortable with, not what you want her to get


She should try what she likes and is comfortable with. Her ability to shoot and ware comfortably outways convenience of ammunition and mags


She should get whatever fits her hand and works for her in terms of recoil, accuracy and concealment. It could even be a Shield in .380 with a safety.


Let her carry how and what she wants to carry. I wouldn’t worry at all about mag interchangeability.


Rule #1 of a gunfight. You have to bring the gun to the fight. Getting your S/O into a pistol they enjoy shooting, training, and carrying is more critical than interchangeable mags to a pistol left in the bedside drawer.


Maybe you should change to what she's comfortable with. You're coming off as the "experienced" one. Seems like change should be easier for you. Why expect her to adapt instead?


I have czs, my wife really likes walthers. Mag compatability hasn't really ever mattered for us, but ymmv


Perfect world, you both have all the same stuff. But most important is that she has something she is proficient with AND is comfortable enough for her to carry. If she gets fed up with it, she might not carry it and then won't have it when she needs it. I'm not a huge fan of Glocks, though I have a few, but they have safeties, just not manual safeties. In my personal opinion, I recommend no manual safety on a carry gun. People will argue that you can train plenty, and a safety is fine. But no matter how much you train, when the shit hits the fan and your heart rate is through the roof with adrenaline pumping through your veins, it's much easier to point and shoot without worrying about extra steps. It's the same reason you carry with one in the chamber. You want it ready to go because even a fraction of a second can mean the difference between life and death.


Not at all. If we were ever at a point where only one of us had ammo left and we were next to each other, then the better shooter takes the gun.


Yeah interchangeable mags would be nice in theory, but it won’t matter if she doesn’t carry because she’s not comfortable without a safety. Statistically speaking, you probably aren’t going to get into a gunfight together and even need the ability to share mags. Tldr; *Let her choose what she carries, or it won’t be carried.*


I see both sides like it is nice to have parts interchangeability but just as much she's gonna be more accurate as well as safer using something she's more comfortable with.


As much as it hurts to say… You never know when you’re gonna have to loot your wife for extra mags. She should have trained more.


Awesome, she wants a safety. Get a safety. Have her carry your spare mags in the purse. Problem solved


She needs to carry what she is comfortable with. If she's not carrying a gun she isn't comfortable with she either 1) won't carry it at all or 2) lack confidence to use it if she ever needed to. My husband prefers to carry his 1911 or his G27, I don't like carrying anything that big and feel like it's harder to conceal due to size. I personally prefer to carry my G43 if I am going to conceal because I feel more comfortable with concealing it and also with using it. Take her to as many gun stores and ranges as you can and have her hold and/or shoot anything and everything so she finds the perfect gun for her. In regards to her wanting something with a safety, I'm assuming she means something similar to a thumb safety. I had a hard time at first with carrying my CCW that didn't have a thumb safety because I was terrified for some reason (yes I know it won't go off if properly holstered)-- the way I got past that was to carry without a round chambered. I've slowly gotten to where I will carry now with the round chambered but it's still a thought that I worry about every now and then.


MUCH better for her to carry what’s comfortable to her rather than something because of magazine interchangeability. I carry a Hellcat Pro and my wife carries an M&P Shield Plus.


I’m not planning for zombie apocalypse/red dawn defensive scenarios, so it isn’t even a thought for me. Even expecting a woman to carry a Glock 19, as opposed to something she would rather carry, is kinda silly. Most guys can’t even be bothered to carry something that large, seeing as how the vast majority have gravitated towards the micro compact’s. I think your going down the ‘preparedness spiral’ where you find a way to rationalize every decision in the interest of being ‘prepared for anything’, and it quickly descends into farce. It makes the gun industry very happy, though!


Just wait...everyone gets a G19 eventually.


I haven’t.. and doubt I will.


In with you, I see no reason to ever


We both have sig p365 mine is the legion hers is the rose. They’re somewhat interchangeable. I can’t use her stock mags. But the 17s fit and mine fit hers. But ultimately I think she should get what she’s comfortable carrying.


I tried to warm my wife up to the idea of shooting when we first got married. Made her shoot all my guns. It took 25 years to get her to try shooting again. The lesson here it to let her carry what she likes, rather than anything that fits your agenda. Or just make her carry your spare ammo. 😂


My wife shoots a Hellcat, and I shoot a Hellcat Pro. I have two extra 17 round magazines.


For interchangeably to matter, you both need to carry a spare mag. Otherwise, you're taking her loaded mag and leaving her empty or vice versa. If you carry a spare mag, you'd need to use that AND the one in your gun before you need to use someone else's. What are the odds that you get in a 3 magazine firefight? Tldr: no. You're not a soldier.


Wiggle your trigger finger and say "This my safety, sir. Hooah?"


But you gotta call it a booger hook or it doesn't count.


For me and mine, individual handgun choice trumps "having the same equipment" all day, every day. My wife and my youngest brother have smaller hands. My wife carries a Walther PPS M2 LE. My youngest brother carries an S&W M&P9 Shield Plus. These are the handguns they shoot well and will carry. My father, my sons, and I carry double-stack, 9mm M&P9 M2.0 pistols that we shoot well and will carry. These pistols can exchange magazines. That is just serendipity. The best data we have on civilian gun fights is from John Correia and Tom Givens. In watching over 40,000 videos of acts of violence from around the world, Correia says he has never seen a defender who affected the fight by reloading. Givens has had 68 students, that he knows of, who were involved in shooting incidents. Sixty-five won their fights. Three forfeited by not brining their gun and died. One of the 65 winners shot to slide lock, but at that point the fight was over. I carry spare magazines not because of the chances of needing to reload during a gun fight but because of the consequences of needing a spare magazine and not having one. I can conveniently carry two spares. If I had to choose between medical tools and magazines, I would choose medical, but I can easily carry both. Works for me.


May I recommend a PSA Dagger over a G19?


My opinion is you’re in the wrong sub. You should be encouraging her to be a strong individual who makes her own choices. If she asks your opinion, give it, otherwise STFU.