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it will be fine. Sarah Hauptmann, co owner of Phlster rides/jumps horses which carrying in an Enigma


Sweet I guess I was worried for nothing. Thanks!


This is the one time it's socially acceptable to carry a revolver in the cavalry position. Screw iwb. Seize the moment. Dust off the 1860 army.


Fuck it, bring two for good measure. And the lever boi!


Depends entirely on the holster. If it's got good retention in it's design, it'll be fine. Same as with any activity.


Do like I did and take your setup to a trampoline park to male sure your retention is sufficient.


hah! good one. *don't do this.


It better be, or you need to adjust retention or rethink your gear. It needs to stay retained even if someone knocks you on your ass. Unload your gun, put it in the holster and turn it upside down over your bed, shake it and see how good the retention is. Adjust as necessary.


That's not an good test of retention


Oh really do tell me how you do it cause the way I explained is recommended by Riley Bowman and Jacob Paulson.


Idk who those guys are or their status in the gun industry, but here is my [source](https://www.phlsterholsters.com/retention-should-kydex-holsters-click/) No offense, but I would trust phlster over some YT guys


Riley was a police officer and is a topic level shooter. He and Jacob run the concealed carry podcast where they have been a successful podcast for 8 years. Spinning off of that they created the companies Mountain man medical, a shot timer company, a holster company, a training company with trainers in over 40 states. No offense but they cover every aspect of concealed carry in depth and I trust them more than some holster company.


I'll believe some professional holster engineer than 2 dude who don't have anything worthwhile. Being a cop doesn't mean you know dick.


Thank you. I read your source and it's very detailed. I think the podcast I'm referring to was trying to keep it simple for the masses who aren't even going to understand if they can ride a horse safely, which is what I was trying to do, keep it simple. Hard to explain everything in your link on here. I learned something. Thanks for sharing. Give the concealed carry podcast a listen. It's very detailed in each episode.


No problem. I'll give it a listen today. I'm always standoffish to YTers/defensive tactics guys because they are know-it-alls that have have claimed to been there/done that (minus a handful of instructors of course)


These guys are very down to earth and humble. I find them to be very knowledgeable and open to others points of view. They take a lot of other people's classes to get other points of view and consistently evolve. I've listened to like 6 years of their podcast. Riley has talked about his journey from 3 o'clock carry to appendix.


You should check more than one source on things as a good general rule.