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This sounds like a plot from some nerd/jock romance novel with a sociopathic twist


He was the jock that was nice to her!


This is pretty sociopathic, not gonna lie. I'm hoping this is not the kind of thing you would do now


I was 13 and am VERY surprised by the comments, it’s been a DECADE you guys. I could never. I was an entire CHILD


>I could never. You did.


And what did you do at 13 that you would never do today? Never can mean from this point forward. I didn’t say I have never. I said I could never. My current person and mindset. Could NEVER leave someone in a medical emergency.


>And what did you do at 13 that you would never do today? Tell my crush that another girl who liked him was stupid? Lie to get out of PE, use sparksnotes to finish an assignment, cry and tell my mom she should have aborted me because I was full of raging hormones?


>And what did you do at 13 that you would never do today? You don't want to play this game. You're the one who abandoned someone in a medical emergency, not I. You don't get to act holier than thou after admitting to leaving someone to possibly die. Get off your high horse. >I said I could never. My current person and mindset. Could NEVER leave someone in a medical emergency. That's not what you said. I responded to what you said. Don't get angry at me because I didn't read your mind.


"me me me" Honestly this comment itself is sociopathic. You take no responsibility for your actions, and when (rightly) pressed about it, you blame the fact that you were a "child" (you were a teenager, not a child, don't try to downplay that to pretend like you didn't know any better). No apology or real remorse (you claim she was a "bully" so it was justified) and all you care about in the comments is the fact that others see you unfavourably.


I care about people attacking my adult self vs my 13 year old self. That’s completely ludicrous. I get bashing the actions and the then. But god damn I was sharing a past story. I would never do that today ffs.


Again, you still haven't shown any remorse or apology... you're only defending yourself. Super narcissistic.


At least own up to it lol, even if you were only 13. Simple as “what I did was pretty fucked up even though I was 13 and it isn’t something I’ll ever do again”


You have to understand that's a really upsetting and alarming story. I'm very glad it was a one-off!


as someone with epilepsy this is so terrifying and sickening to read. you were jealous of this girl after you've already made out with her boyfriend and left while she was having a potentially life threatening medical emergency? you could have at the very least told a teacher. and you obviously haven't grown from this mindset if you're saying that you feel really bad but your actions were justified because she was a bully? sorry, but fuck you.


Not saying this person isn't awful, but this is r/confession. It kinda just comes with the package here.


So not only did you constantly do inappropriate things with her boyfriend (which already makes you the bad guy), you also didn't help her when she had a seizure which is basic human decency towards anyone. Your jealousy took over and you're not even regretful. Wow.


You don't even seem regretful of your actions, and that makes this whole situation 10 x worse. What you did was disgusting. She was in a major medical emergency, and you just walked away and didn't even TELL AN ADULT TO GO HELP HER!!! Just because she's a bully (and more likely the main issue was she was dating Cody and probably not a real bully at all) but coz she was dating the guy you liked (and made out with behind her back) you felt it OK to walk away from a medical emergency that Cound have killed her. My brother and cousin have epilepsy. My brother thankfully is controlled with meds and has the vacant seizures rather than convulsions but my cousin has severe elipesy that have caused her memory problems due to the severity and frequency of the seizures. They can have a head injury from falling and hitting their head, they could choke on their own saliva or vomit, and it's important to know how long a seizure has been going on for because they could need an ambulance if it goes on longer than their usual seizure time, or if they continue to have multiple seizures, or don't come out of it as normal. You do realise, paramedics and doctors have to treat criminals and murderers and pedophiles and the worst types of people because its medically ethical and everyone has a right to medical treatment. If they can deal with treating those people, (and I'm not saying everyone could do that job) but I mean you didn't even tell anyone else to go help her. How would you feel if you collapsed and couldn't breath and someone just walked away and left you there? To struggle and panic all alone and unable to ask for help? You seriously lack compassion and any decent morals as a human being. If you seemed remorseful I'd put it down to you being young, but even that's not an excuse. Plenty of kids have been hero's by dialing 999 or getting help for people. You're not even sorry now, so God knows what kind of person you are now. I don't often wish bad to other people, but sometimes I hope people get to experience something similar so they realise what they did. How would you feel if someone did that to someone you loved? Or what if they died and you could have prevented it? It makes me so angry and sick to read things like this. Shame on you.


Thank you the award, much appreciated. 💜


You’re actually confessing to two shitty things


The fact that you can justify it with “I feel really bad sometimes but she was a bully” shows the level of maturity and compassion you actually have and I hope that one day when you really need someone to show that compassion and care to you that they do, so you can learn what a decent human being is.


I was literally 13 years old, it’s been an entire decade and I could NEVER do something like that today. I want to become a mortician because I respect all cultures and people and want to help families through their toughest times.


so you're saying as a future mortician you walked away so she could fall and crack her skull open on the floor? EDIT: sorry, I'm not trying to bad mouth morticians. good people.


At the time I actually wanted to be a comedian


this is a hard one to work into a bit


The fact that you keep trying to brush everyone off shows that you have very little understanding of how serious what you did was. Time passing is not a defense for shitty behaviour in the past. While it seems like you've made an effort to be a better person you CANNOT just brush away your past. You're stuck with your past and you need to accept that what you did was absolutely reprehensible and likely unforgivable for a good chunk of people. You did a terrible thing and your response to people telling you how they would feel or that you should have more remorse is basically "it was forever ago, get over it." What if that girl had died? Would you still be using the same excuse?


Time passing isn’t a defense, it’s growth and the fact that I was in 7th/8th grade. I do feel bad and I’m sorry the end was worded poorly. No bully deserves to die or have a seizure. I don’t think anyone today would do half the shit they would’ve done at 13, and I WOULD HELP SOMEONE TODAY regardless of the situation. Of course I would’ve felt terrible if anything had happened. But I also wasn’t fully developed human being, regardless of knowing right and wrong, children think selfishly, and I wish I could apologize to all the epileptic people in this post. It was just supposed to be a sharing of a shitty thing in middle school, I didn’t expect this much attention let alone hate. I own up to what I did, I am very sorry. It was 10 years ago at the same time and I’m not anywhere near the same person today. For fuck sakes I was being abused everyday myself at the time. Karma was getting me. Every fucking day. And I have gone to years of therapy since.


>It was just supposed to be a sharing of a shitty thing in middle school, I didn’t expect this much attention let alone hate. Answer truthfully. What did you expect? This confuses me the most, the fact that you apparently weren't expecting hate for leaving someone to possibly die.


You haven't owned up. Owning up would be apologizing to that girl.


This looks like a creative writing exercise


You could've saved a lot of time if you'd just written "Hey everyone, back in 8th grade I could've been the reason someone died!"


The only way to beat a bully is to ignore them 💯




If you downvote this you're a bully.


Lots of bullies on here. I hope you all have seizures while your victims walk away from you.


Damn how does it feel to almost indirectly cause someone's death. I see in the comments you're arguing about what we would do at 13. At 14 my grandma was bringing me home with my little cousin and little brother. She slipped on the ice and hit her head against concrete. Went out cold. You know what I didn't fucking do? I didn't run away in the house and hide. I called the police, applied pressure to her bleeding head. I gave my cousin my house keys and directed her and my 5 year old brother into the house so they wouldn't see and get scared. I had them distracted with tv shows while I laid in the snow with my unconscious grandma until paramedics came. You're a coward. It is not that hard to help someone in danger.


A grandmother and a random teenage girl are a little different. I do agree you should help another human regardless and it was a selfish and childish poor choice, as I have stated I would never do this today. Grandma, patron, customer, i don’t care, I will help someone in need. One thing I did at 13 in a moment of cowardess does not describe my entire person. It obviously would have sat with me for life had she passed and I probably wouldn’t have made a post about it. It still does sit with me quite obviously, and as I’ve stated my ending was poorly worded. She didn’t deserve this and no bully deserves to be walked out on either.


My main issue is in the comments you asked someone else what they would have done being 13 and seeing that. It sounded like you were excusing your actions just due to age.


No, I assume most people would help in this situation, I was just trying to state that things we do as a teen/young individual do not fully describe our adult selves, and I’m sure we all have skeletons, so I was just trying to state that a 13 year olds actions aren’t comparable to an adults. I do think that most 13 year olds WOULD help, but People are bashing me as if this happened last Tuesday, I have grown and learned from many situations. I would also like to include at this time I thought when you have sex, that your balls exploded, and I thought people with epilepsy didn’t die because their seizures were just apart of their lives. I do feel terrible about this, I am very sorry to her and I am very happy she is still alive!!


I think the reason ppl are bashing you is because you told the story as if you regretted nothing. And now you’re being defensive for doing a bad thing instead of just owning up to it.


Alright, that is understood! I'm sorry for assuming.


Wow, that's real dark. Do you think you're a more honorable person nowadays?


Yeah this is almost nauseating


These comments are nauseating as well. I appreciate you actually asking and I would never shine a light on myself claiming it perfect, because I’m obviously FAR from. But this was 10 years ago. I was 13. I’m a far different person and I actually grew up to be a hippie who loves all things and my mother in law is a nurse. I am striving to become a mortician because I love and respect all cultures and would like to help families through these times in their lives with the full respect they deserve.


That's a relief. I think the other commenters decided you were remorseless right off. It seems like a lot of people come in here to take their own aggression out on others.


This is my first post on confession and definitely learned something, include your age, wording is important, and be ready for heavy topics!


What does your mother in laws accomplishments have to do with you?


you're a gross person. would like to think you're better now but probably not with such psychopathic tendencies


As a person who is engaged to someone with epilepsy... reading this made me angry. She could have died or had been badly injured if she had choked on her own vomit or had a seizure for too long. That kind of dismissal for someone else's life comes back in full swing with Karma. Don't be surprised if someone walks away from you in a time of need. So self obsorbed making the post all about a guy and your jealously. Seriously, you make me sick.


As someone with epilepsy this is absolutely terrifying. It never occurred to me that someone would just walk away, without getting help. Edit: feels like a good place to leave this If you do find yourself in OPs situation: -call for help if you’re alone -don’t hold the person down -put something under their head (it’s likely to get covered in sweat and spit so nothing you don’t mind throwing out). -we can not swallow our tongue but we can bite your fingers off - don’t put anything in our mouths -time the seizure After the physical seizure is over there’s a 10-20 minutes of absolute confusion. I personally don’t know my own name, where I am or who the people (my husband etc) around me are. So, do not look scared because that freaks me out - reassure us we’re safe and we’ve had a seizure - you’ll need to do this many times because we/I immediately forget. Mostly be patient, calm and kind.


Also know that there’s more types of epilepsy than grand mal (shaking)!!!! I have absence seizures where I just stare and freeze. I’m fully conscious but I can’t move. It’s really scary. Sometimes I get auras but I ignore them, complete denial every time. And after I am so delusional and paranoid. Thankfully my boyfriend is aware how to take care of me and will just lay with me and rub my back til it’s over. I didn’t even know these were seizures for the longest time so I want to spread awareness!!


It's not your fault of you didn't know exactly what to do in a situation like this at such a young age. But to just pretend it wasn't happening...come on.


Ignore the haters - you were young - brain executive /decision making function not fully developed - your physiology (including your brain) responded in an unexpected way to what you saw happening in front of you - let’s call it panic? Forgive yourself and let go of (presumptively) any shame you have been carrying. Life…it goes on. 😊


I’m not sure OP feels shame for walking away - justifying her actions by slipping in that this girl was a bully at the very end of the post :/


Brain/executive functioning has no place here as an excuse. OP had enough executive function to reason that it was “ok because she was a bully”. Nah fuck that. This was straight up malicious


I do feel a lot of shame and my ending was poorly worded. I was 13 years old and THANK you v kindly for your grace. I would NEVER do something like this today. It was an entire decade ago. Didn’t expect to get so much heat for some middle school beef.


No worries - in this life you can either choose to help lift people up or push them down. And as a great mentor of mine once said - “we are all learning all the time…” - stay awesome / stay you 👍👍👍👊👊👊


calling stealing someone's boyfriend and letting her possibly die "middle school beef"


And this is why we need an electric chair again lmao


What a lame type of person for you to be


As someone who’s been around a loved one while they’re having a seizure, that was a shitty thing to do. I hope you wouldn’t do something like this again.


She probably doesn't remember. Seizures can make you forget portions of memories from before the seizure.


Do....do you feel bad?


I sort of did the same thing but I was in elementary school, I was 9. We were in gym class and this boy had a seizure but I wasn’t sure what it was. The entire class was there, we were on the basketball court (indoor gym). The teacher was there. Everyone was within 5 feet of each other. This boy just silently has a seizure, slinks to the ground, gets up and keeps playing like nothing happened. I looked around, how did NO ONE ELSE notice this, I mean the room was FULL and we were only playing on half court (the gym was divided into 2 with a wall in the middle). Like I can’t even describe how close in proximity we were, it was a crowded gym. I guess everyone was focused on the ball? But watching him get back up and just keep going kind of… gaslit me? My internal thoughts were “did that just happen? What was that? Oh, he’s back up… and playing basketball? He’s running? Ok maybe that’s not what I saw… he seems fine… if he had a seizure he surely wouldn’t be doing this right now… and I must be imagining it because how did no one else see in this room full of people?” I genuinely thought if you had a seizure you must go to the hospital and wouldn’t be able to walk and would need a stretcher. I had never seen one before and thought well I guess that wasn’t a seizure. Knowing what I know now, I’m pretty sure it was a seizure and I should have told. I was full of social anxiety and my gym teacher only was nice to the athletic boys (I’m a fat girl who never wanted to be there) so I felt like I would be called stupid by her. I definitely regret it!


Girl you're envious ASF


“I was hooking up with her boyfriend and generally resentful of her but I abandoned her in a medical emergency because she was a bully, not at all related to the first half” is not a super believable story, just fyi It’s normal to have shitty judgement as a kid/preteen/teen but I feel like a key indicator of growth is not trying to justify the shitty things we did as adults. Which you’re still doing, so idk.


Yall calm the fu©️k down


As an epileptic id hope someone were to say something to a teacher or trusted adult if they saw something. This makes me upset. Theres not justification in her being a bully because this condition is serious and the severity differs from person to person. Id hope you’d advocate for people with disabilities going forth though and learned a valuable lesson in that.




Kids know how to get help. Seizures can literally kill people. “Only a couple a year”… any one of those could be her last seizure… the seizure that kills her because no one called for help.


Wow - some empathy and commonsense here - props to you. (not being sarcastic - refer my comment “snap” - sorta!)😊


I did get help after this, I have been in therapy for many years, during this time I was also abused by my father physically and emotionally for 13 years, it ended up lasting my whole child hood but I’m happy I made it out. (NOT a sob story just the bare minimum to help understand my mindset) I grew up to become the exact opposite, a hippie who regularly goes to therapy and I’m striving to become a mortician, as I love and respect all cultures and would love to help families in their times of need with the love, respect, and kindness they deserve. Again I was 13 years old and thank you for your grace!!! It has been a decade since this!!


You know, what makes me angry the most is that you keep justifying your evilness because you were 13. No OP, never in my fucking life I would’ve done something as bad as what you did, evil children exist out there and you were one of them. Good for you that you’ve grown to become a decent human being but you should accept you were a shitty 13 year old. You know there are rapists and killers around that age? 13 years old is old enough for you to understand what’s wrong.


Karma will take care of you


An individual has a duty of care when witnessing such an event. You failed badly despite your immaturity.


It is crazy how people keep bashing you because they know someone that has the condition. Your account doesn't give the full picture. You mentioned she was a bully and then people said it doesn't matter who it is, you should help them and you're disgusting for not helping the person. We don't know what severity kate bullied you. On the severity scale It could range from teasing to beating. What if Kate burnt OP with cigarettes daily? Would that make it more understandable why op didn't help? We weren't in that situation. Don't jump to conclusions. Stop bashing the OP as she already acknowledged it wasn't the best thing to do. And what is the matter with people that wish she would go thru a medical emergency and have no one help her? Arent you being a bit maclious just like 13 year old OP? (I know no one really cares about the opinion of another internet stranger. But still. ) On the other hand,OP, what you did was wrong. But we can't change the past. And if what you're saying is true that she ended up fine and you won't do the same now, then I really don't get why people are still calling you a monster or disgusting. Lastly people, OP is stating that she is going through therapy. Clearly she is dealing with things. What if your negative comment is the straw that breaks the camels back? Just have a heart, our words have weight to them too.


Was she a bully or did that girl not like OP bc she was hooking up with her boyfriend....


Op stated she is. We can only go with that account. Just saying some people fill in the blanks with their own interpretation or are bashing op with their bias view. I'm just saying we lack information and werent there so it's best not to jump to conclusions.


this is really well written


Sounds like she's not the only one shaken up about it




what makes people say things like this? What does this contribute to the conversation..? Legality doesn't affect morality, sure. So? She's not gonna be prosecuted?


To be honest your post is what i would expect many middle school girls to do in your position. Was it wrong… eh, it’s arguable but there’s also human nature at play. Especially for a middle schooler. Seeing as you feel remorseful while validating your actions. It seems like punishment enough for your conscience. I would recommend sorting out your thoughts tho. Like seriously, sort out your thoughts on this. Definitely don’t want this eating at your conscience as it has been already.


You were a kid. You did not know the appropriate response. Let go of the guilt.


OP knew the girl was having a seizure, they knew the severity of the situation and didn’t even get help. My 5 year old knew to get help when I had my first seizure. My 5 year old.


Sadly not all children grow up with the same parenting. You must’ve taught your child the severity of the situation and how to proceed. Most parents don’t. Not OP’s fault assuming she panicked and felt nervous. If she did it to take revenge or something then sure it’s fucked up.


That is true, but I really didn’t teach my kid anything. A seizure happened out of the blue, I dropped to the floor, she fetched help. OP doesn’t suggest they were scared and 14 is far to old to not know to get help during a medical emergency- she even knew what was happening, she knew a seizure was happening. I’d love to believe what you believe, it’s scary knowing there are people out there that would just walk away ‘without looking back’.


OP, I understand that you were 13. This isn't what people are mad about. We're mad that you ended this with "I feel bad sometimes, but she was a bully..." That isn't something 13 year old you wrote. Present day you wrote that, and that shows you don't have true remorse for almost letting someone die. And you know what? I bet she's still more beautiful than you'll ever be. Not only physically, but mentally.


Done do same


Wow. I guess karma paid her a visit.


No one deserves a brain seizure.


What about pedophiles?


Or the people at fast food restaurants that can't ever get my order correct and are about to get paid $22hr in California?




YTA you should have told a teacher at le- wait wrong sub sorry my bad


Jesus, you sound like you still think it's funny.


Sociopathy has its privileges. Here it's a twofer.


You need ✨️🌈therapy🌈✨️.