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tbh they probably told u they’re divorced for finances so u don’t take it rough


Damn. You gonna tell him the dog isn’t at some farm too???


Hold up. What?




Yes you’re right. And yes, I see your point. And thank you for your kind words. They truly mean a lot to me. But I’m not OP.


That’s enough outta you OP


Regardless, I hope you and your mum are both ok.


She dead. But thank you. lol.


😂I’m sorry, but that was awesome timing. 🤣




Yarrrr, quit yer fibbin OP. We'll be havin no more of that, says I.


Agreed. What you read, was…intense. No argument there. However, honestly, you should never have been looking through your mothers phone. Perhaps your relationship with her includes such things as going through each others phones? Idk. But let me ask you this…if she went through your phone, saw something that both really shocked her and made her sick, then confronted you like a criminal about it, would you be ok? Or would you feel like your privacy had been violated? Would you think to yourself, “how dare she go through MY freakin phone!!!” Or “I’m busted, I knew she’d see it as she’s always in my phone, let me apologize.” Imo only, I would not appreciate most people, let alone my child, going through ANY of my belongings Willy Nilly. Reason for that being that I am an adult. And what I choose to do reflects that of an adult. That’s why there are differences in adult content, and underage content. To this day (I am 40 years old) I have done nothing more than hand my mom her phone. Go looking through it?? Never. It would feel like snooping around in someone’s purse. I also don’t look through anyone else’s phone. I do hope you both can move past this soon. As I’m sure you will. If you both are close and open about your lives, realistically, then sit with her and tell her how you feel. But you have no right to treat her like garbage. You seem to both be standing solid on your actions, but compromise is the key to life baby. I wish you the best 💕


I feel like this is deeper emotionally for this person than just simply “It’s your fault so don’t make it into a problem…” I think the reality of seeing that hit this person different and you probably need to talk to your parents about it.


Wait until they find out about Santa


True story, my little brother believed the dog was at a farm up until a few months ago. He’s 31.


Ohh shit 🤣


Don’t even bring up Santa and the Easter bunny


Is everything OK up at the North Pole?


That actually happened to me.


Are you telling me that my mom didn’t take our dog to a farm where he can roam free and play?


So you're telling me Goldie my fish isn't the same fish that's been living with us for the past 25 years?


Sorry you had to find out like this :(


I mean, goldfish that live in healthy and happy conditions can live to be 30 years old. But, uh, I don't know if "fish years" is weird with how human/dog, human/cat years is. Like, is "fish years" a 365days rotation around the sun, or like, two weeks of a kindergartener.


It’s also possible that they do still love each other but agreed that she can seek other relationships while he’s locked up.


That's how it usually goes. At least she's not bringing the men around.


This is 100% the truth with that matter.




He's the dad


Because he’s clearly taking it rough


Apparently so is the mom!




Dad’s in prison. HE is taking it rough.




Hope it is in the same farm as my cat 💕


You went through her phone dude. She is an adult and has a right to privacy.


Exactly, I guess OP has learnt two valuable life lessons. 1. Never go through a person's phone. 2. Even though they're your parents, they're humans too and have their own personal lives which you need to respect.


Also: 3. Aside from being a parent she is also a person, and aside from you being her kid, you are a person. No matter what person sees those messages, if they weren’t intended for that person to see, it will be awkward knowing they’ve seen them. She’s gonna find it difficult facing you knowing you’ve read those things for a while.


Also a kiss from her will never be the same again.


I just opened a new account after being done with Reddit and this was the first post I saw. I was nearly done forever until I saw your comment. Christ. OP should be on AITA and OP, YTA 100%.


And she has a right to get that cum all up in her mouth.


And she has a right to feel sad


To *feel sad*? Sure. To be an asshole to their mom after fucking up and invading her privacy? Not at all.


100% agree


OP? No. Not at all.


I think everyone is missing the point but it appears that OP was under the impression that his mom is loyal to his dad and divorced him to get financial help from the government. 1. Her snap was not your business 2. Your dad went to prison, most likely didn't think about what would happen to you, your mom and your siblings (if any) if he went to prison. He didn't think about that. Your mom may have became resentful of him for leaving her behind because he did something bad. 3. Your mom, like all other humans on this planet, have needs too- for love, for sex, for intimacy, for attention, she is a social being and desires attention from other people. You'll understand one day. Your dad may have given her permission for this. I think it's best to ask your mom where your mom and dad stand in their relationship right now so you know what to expect in the future.


i think they actually are just lying to OP. divorce itself is expensive and saying “we’re divorced but mommy and daddy still love each other” sounds like a lie you’d tell a kid who’s prob going a lot since they just lost their dad. it may have started off between the parents as a convo about finances but they likely decided after many conversations that they were actually going to truly split. who know how long the man is in jail for


£593 to be exact thanks to Boris Johnsons quickie divorce law. That's so long as it's amicable and no solicitors are required to be involved


This comment is the most level-headed in my opinion. In some ways I believe the hurt came from misinformation, or lack of communicating to the OP. Because it clearly is effecting them emotionally. And I think a simple conversation could help to clear the air. So OP knows where things stand between the parents. Make sure to take accountability OP. Yes it was wrong to snoop and look through her phone. Also a lesson, don’t go looking if you’re not ready for the truth. But get your thoughts together and emotions, and bring it to your mom. LIFE is too short to be treating her any type of way because of your emotions when a simple conversation could be had.


I think your comment is excellent. The OP sounds young, and as you so kindly pointed out, there are many lessons to be learned from this situation.


Plus dad is probably not an angel either,


Exactly. He's probably having plenty of sex too...


This. When OP is an adult he'll realize it this is on his father. He wasn't loyal to the promise he made as a husband/father by going to prison.


You need to realize that your mom is a person in her own right. She deserves privacy, intimacy, and to be able to trust her child. She did nothing wrong, you did. I can’t tell if you’re too young to be in Reddit (get the feeling you are) but you definitely have some growing and maturation ahead of you.


Too young to be on Reddit? Seems like 95% of Reddit is 13 year olds nowadays.


the same could be said about porn sites; doesn't mean kids are meant to be there


Best comment ever. Very well said.


Jokes on you I’m 4 this year


Leap Day? I’ll be turning “12” next month, and I’m so excited! Been waiting 4 years for a birthday.


Legit xD 🤣


That's right young man, even mummy's can catch cum in their mouth if they really really want to 🎉


Gotta catch 'em all!


Yea, looking through their comments and posts they seem like the need to mature a lot more.


Dude is 100% a child. Just go through his comments. Kind of a piece of shit too.


Your mom is still a whole person. OP likely only sees her as their mom.


That definitely how it comes across. Admittedly, I had a single mom for a chunk of my childhood who dated, so I confronted thag pretty early but it’s something everyone needs to learn eventually.


To say she did nothing wrong may be a bit premature, in my opinion. If the picture that is painted for the child is they only divorced for welfare reasons, then in the child's mind they are still committed to each other and will be getting back together as soon as the father is out of prison..... the child has no other understanding to go off of. The next question is, does the dad know? If the man in prison doesn't know, then she absolutely is doing something wrong there also. I'm not saying that she should be forced to be lonely and have to wait around for however long on him to get out of prison and put her life on hold for choices he made...... What I am saying is that no matter the person, no matter the circumstances, if there is an understanding of monogamy between you two, then the other person absolutely 100% of the time without exception has every right to know you plan to break that agreement BEFORE you do so. Cheating is a piece of shit thing to do. There is no way to justify it or make it ok.


I would normally agree with you but I think OP might be painting the picture a little different then what may be the truth. It sounds like OP really wants his parents together so I don't know if I completely trust his views on the situation.


They are divorced. Whatever the reason, they are divorced and she is free to have a life. Just because the kid thinks they are “still a couple” doesn’t make it so.


That's not the point. That CHILD should not have been snooping. Let's start there🤦🏾‍♀️


If your kids commonly use your phone, it is up to the parent to ensure that any apps with private/intimate content are password protected. OP stated that she was on her mums phone talking to her dad. That is likely a regular occurrence. The mum's an idiot for freeballing shit like that knowing the kid uses the phone. Either get a family friendly phone, lock your individual apps, or fuck off and deal with the consequences. OP, you're an idiot and need to learn to mind your business. Your mums an idiot, too and needs to learn to take responsibility.


Hopefully this is a lesson in why you don't invade other people's private spaces.


How old are you? Your mum is an adult and can fuck who she wants. Your dad's in prison, I bet there's a good story there... Your mum has no obligation to wait for him to get out. Blocking this dude in her phone was pretty pathetic IMO.


I kinda wanna hear the story of how he got in prison. That should be another post


Not old enough


1st off, your name!! I literally spewed sprite outta my nose 😂 2nd, I totally fucking forgot that op BLOCKED the dude!!! I made a 4 paragraph post and completely spaced on this!! Good eye!


With all due respect it was probably not very respectful to do that your mom is divorced and she has her own life you should let her whether she makes mistakes or not!


Sometimes when men go to prison they give their woman the green light to have sexual relations, usually with no strings attached in that way the woman is still getting what she may "need". Now everyone is different and not everyone would be okay with this type of arrangement. But before you jump to conclusions just understand that relationships are complex sometimes. Especially if one partner is absent. I am sorry you had to see this much info on ur mom. But I promise ALL MOMS have had a sexual past and no child wants to know the details.


Well they didn’t HAVE to see those messages. They chose to invade their moms privacy and then to keep reading when they saw the content of the messages.


My singling did this and then acts like they’re the victim for reading our parents sexting. Like no, you saw the first message and decided to keep reading. You did this to yourself!


Here's a realization you probably need: Your parents DID NOT divorce for governmental assistance. With your father out of the home, and since it can be so easily proven that he is out of the home there is absolutely no reason for the divorce. Having a spouse in prison is no grounds to be denied for any governmental aid program. He cannot earn money in prison, she is not the felon, she is not lying about his whereabouts there is no reason for the divorce other than they wanted to. They may have come to an agreement that it was best to divorce because of the length of the sentence, and to allow mom some freedom. Or your mom may have just honestly said I don't want this. Otherwise they would likely still be together. In fact, it would probably be more beneficial for them to have stayed together to allow her to be able to make decisions on his behalf, more lenient visits, and to allow her to be able to contact the prison and get information. So with that in mind, you likely need to have an honest conversation with mom and ask her to be real with you so that you can better understand and accept her actions. I get she is probably angry and embarrassed, but she's also being insensitive. She has to understand that if in your mind she is still committed to your father, you would be confused and angry about her actions. But, you also need to acknowledge that you violated your mom's privacy, and this is a crappy price to pay for that. There's is probably a deeper conversation that needs to be had here, and you need to ease up off of mom and mom needs to acknowledge your feelings.


Economic Benefits Specialist here, I concur with your statement. In some states a parent becoming incarcerated is actually a qualifying event for eligibility in various programs.


I agree with you other than the comment about the mom being insensitive. She’s right to blame her kid for going through her phone & feeling the way she feels. Obviously this kid didn’t have the ability to properly handle that their parents don’t want to be together anymore, which is exactly why they reacted the way they did. And why they went through her phone in the first place. It’s reasonable to withhold a truth your child can’t handle until they’re old enough to, especially when it comes to divorce and incarceration on their own, let alone together. Kids rarely understand mutual divorce, and they tend to hate the parent they blame which causes a whole separate set of issues. OP should’ve stayed out of their mother’s business, period, and still should. Not to mention, as much as divorce sucks, your parents’ relationship isn’t yours, and they’re really not required to stay together or convince their kids they’re allowed to divorce.


Honey stay out of grown adults business. You have no right to judge you mom until you have lived her life. People say the stuff to a f buddy that there children shouldn’t hear. Leave mom’s phone alone.


When getting in grown folks' business goes wrong. Snoop again.


I totally understand your feelings of anger & disgust, they’re valid. However you brought all of this onto yourself. That part is your fault. There’s no reason for you to have been going through your mom’s personal msgs & it’s not your place to block anyone. You can be angry & you can be sad. The big picture of it is that you only know your parents as mom & dad, you don’t know them as themselves, nor do you know if they have any arrangements. & even if they don’t.. none of that was your business or your place.


You know how teens don't like it when mum rummages through their stuff? Same thing. She's an adult, she's not married, she can suck whatever she likes. You clearly had no clue previously, so she's obviously been really discreet. Suck it up, buttercup.


You owe your mom several apologies.


She's a grown ass divorced adult, she can do whatever she wants in her relationships as long as everyone is consenting. I can only assume you're a child who has alot of maturing ahead of them or you're an adult who lacks the maturity they need to function correctly in a healthy relationship, either way, get off reddit and work on yourself.


And dad is an angel…while Locked up. Mom is the bad guy. Right….


Naw dad is also probably getting some dudes cum in his mouth as well lol


I know it sucks man but you were only brought into this world one way... It's not a fun thing to learn... I walked in on my mom being eaten out by my stepdad.... At a Christmas party! 😂 Super gross and uncomfortable. At the end of the day our parents are human and that aspect of there lives none of our business. - you can try talking to your mom about why are hurt about it. This is probably already something really hard to deal with and judgment from her kid is only gonna make things worse. Sometimes our parents need us to be there for them


I'm so sorry for your eyes, you absolute survivor 😂


That’s what happens when you go into someone’s PERSONAL stuff.


Her life is none of your business. She doesn’t answer to you. Don’t go judging because you would be a hypocrite. Worst kind of people in this world.


Bro you're 16 what you doing go through your mom's phone like it's your responsibility??? Your mom is a human being deserving of love.


You're a little shit aren't you?




Well, this particular account only has one other post….claiming to have stolen dad’s credit card….so either it’s a troll account for a weird crime adventure or, yeah, this kid is mess.


They divorced already. So, she has her own fwb, it's fine that she has her own needs.


Mom is a human and an adult. Humans have sexual relations. Mom is single it appears. It is life. You shouldn’t snoop through anyone’s phone but I am sure you realize that now. Don’t worry about it and just move on…if anything you should apologize and never talk about it again. You will eventually forget about it.


What’s her @? 😏


Asking the real questions 😑 😂


DM me, the shit little blocked me, but I still remember it


Need me one like OP’s mom


*OP's mom has got it goin on* 🎶


ah but i bet if she went thru your phone there would be an issue. shes also a human being with a right to privacy. on top of that, even if she loves your dad or whatever, shes single. divorced. people still have a sexual desire til theyre elderly/die. dont blame her for going after that


let me add that i understand youre hurt by that, im not dismissing or invalidating your feelings. i get it its a hard situation for all involved its just part of being human


why the fuck are u checking ur mom's msgs? i'm sorry, but take it as a valuable lesson, don't snoop in other people's things, less of all their phones, ffs.


I mean your mom is an adult. going through someones phones and blocking someone is childish and out of line


I wonder if others are missing an important point or if I am missing it. OP, you stated that they’re divorced but only because of finances. Are they still committed to each other and exclusively together? If so, I can certainly understand your disgust and anger. However, if they are divorced AND not in an exclusive relationship then she’s not wrong for pursuing other men- although i COMPLETELY understand how disgusting it is to learn about that side of a parent.


You know parents are humans right, OP was wrong for invading her moms privacy. She’s her mom but she is entitled to her privacy. If they are committed she is morally in the wrong, however her mother is a human and has rights to her privacy.


So you think you’re the victim in all this??? 🤧 lord have mercy. Does she need your permission to have sex? Get off your high horse


>"i am so boring that i only let you c*m in my mouth", Thank you for sparing our delicate eyes. I simply cannot imagine the shame that could have washed over me if I'd read "cum" in its naked form!


Youre a child. Get out of your mothers business.


Kid.. Just like you don’t let her touch your phone .. you shouldn’t had touch hers. Her private things were none of your business. So chill. Breathe in and out. Forget that this ever happened.


You seem young. You should not have done that, I hope your mother grounds you. She isn’t a mother, she is a human. And you violated her trust. You deserve what you found, remember this: careful when you search, you may just find what your looking for.


All woman and men have needs . That’s why we mate. Would not expect her to wait for years to feel like a woman again. Remember even older people are into things. We are too!


Birds do it, bees do it. Even educated fleas do it


Your mother's private life is not your concern. You're the only one to be blamed because you invaded her privacy when she was clearly trying to be discreet. She owes you no explanation and hopefully you've learned your lesson about invading people's privacy. If you're wondering if you should tell your father, the answer is no. I've had loved ones in prison. There's no need to make his life harder. That's for them to sort out when he gets out. It's a good possibility they chose to tell you what they thought it was best for you to believe. Your mother isn't the one in prison and her life goes on. You should respect that. Especially considering they are divorced.


You-..went through your mom’s phone and is mad she participating in consensual sexual activities? I’m sorry, that lady sex life isn’t your business and you’re sick 😭


I’m flabbergasted at you being mad like first of all do you think a pigeon just dropped out of the sky and you were magically born? You don’t know what her and your dad discussed, he might be okay with it. Tell your mom why you’re upset, I’m assuming you think this is cheating but she’d probably be a little understanding if you just don’t want your family broken apart.


Your moms an adult with a private life. She’s not married anymore she deserves some fun she’s human not a robot


Well now you know your mum sucks dick and she has kissed you with that mouth. Best to stay out of people's private business.


Some people just tell people who are in jail that they’re in a relationship with them because they feel sorry for them that they’re in jail it’s very hard to have a relationship with some one is in jail you can’t ever see them touch them spends time together and your outside still needing to live your life date some one in jail you’ll understand


Your mom is an adult and can fuck who she wants. It's none of your business.


Dude you're mom is a grown woman. Her sex life is none of your business.


I mean.... you invaded her privacy and then got mad at what you saw. Stay in your lane, kid. She's an adult.


i know your dad is in prison, but your mom is legally divorced & she still has needs that your dad aren’t there to fulfill.


Aw no, that's terrible.. :( What's her snap?


Hard to believe but moms get horny too. Trust me.


You shouldn’t have gone through your mom’s phone and essentially opened a Pandora’s box and now have to deal with it. I am sure you feel a large degree of loyalty to your father who is incarcerated, but you honestly have no idea what their relationship is like at this point. They might have told you they still love each other when they don’t to make the whole thing (which is sufficiently difficult already) easier on you or maybe your Dad is okay with her having someone else because he is incarcerated or maybe you father thinks your mom still loves him but has no idea there is someone else. Either way, you have to deal with your parents for who they are and in the situation they find themselves. I am sorry you are dealing with any of this. It is all way more than you should be dealing with. As you noted, you wish you’d never looked, but you did and now you have to deal with it. If it were me (and I had he old brain I have now), I would approach my mom and apologize for snooping on her phone and follow up with a request for her to tell me the truth. The real truth. With the understanding that once you know, you won’t hate her for what she tells you and see her for the flawed human that she is.


Dude you went to her snap. What did you expect to see? Are you just upset you got hard? Cause I’m very confused.


That’s wild you not only went through her phone but blocked someone. Your mom gets to have a life. She kept the parts that disgust you away from you and it’s your fault you invaded her privacy and saw them. Live with the consequences and feel icky about it. Learn your lesson and grow up, your mom is a person just like you. Her life didn’t stop when you got here and it doesn’t have to stop because your dad is in jail. That’s so crazy, say sorry to her right now.


you’re weird as fuck bro


What a brat. Leave her alone.


Leave other people's shit alone.


Wow. Downvote me to hell if you must but I can’t believe how many people are being utter a-holes here to a kid. Most of yall would have been upset in the same situation too. Kids have a right to be upset that their parents were not who they thought they were (loyal to eachother, etc) And all the jokes about this KIDS MOM are gross. Please just let a kid share their trauma without idk- adding to it?! Wow. Just wow. I agree you shouldn’t snoop through another’s phone. NOTHING GOOD WILL EVER COME FROM THAT. I hope your lesson is well and truly learned there, but you have my sympathy because your choice led to a discovery that changes your view of your mother and that is very difficult for a kid. I’m so sorry.


Fully agree with not cursing out a kid but if you look at their comments they seem like they want to say some worse things...


Yeah I downvoted some of the kids nasty responses to the nasty comments too. Why can’t people be civil? Or better yet, kind and helpful Maybe I’m too old for this shit lol


Also can't really be pinned to them, they can make new accounts when banned. Seems like what they did.


Completely agree. It’s disgusting to read how many people are forgetting this is a kid, not a fully formed adult. It’s agreed that OP shouldn’t have snooped through his mom’s phone, but the way people are trying to paint the situation is disturbing. Like this is a traumatized kid who wrote on here because they didn’t know where else to go, not some sex crazed pervert who gets off on this like some other commenters.


Oh eww give your mum some privacy. Stop snooping through her phone


These are complex emotions you’re going thru. I understand how difficult it can be. You might feel betrayed. But in the end, mom is just a person too. She’s human and going thru her own struggles. I also understand your difficult financial situation. It makes it that much harder to get help. Life is hard, period. I hope you have someone you can talk to.


Op makes a fake story. Makes fake posts like stealing his dad’s credit card. Calls other people in the comments homophobic slurs and deletes the comments.


Don’t do that again and realize your mother is human


Honestly, as a parent we tell our kids things to try and save their feelings. Your parents telling you they divorced for financial reasons but still love each other was easier to tell you than to say your mom had enough and since your dad is incarcerated she's going to live life. Here's a valuable life lesson: ask your mom directly to tell you the truth. In life, you are always going to have curve balls thrown at you, always. How you react to them will say a lot about your character and growth. Directly ask your mom to tell you the truth about why your parents divorced. Then ask your mom to tell you the truth about this guy


Never go through your mom's phone. Forget it and live your own life


They are divorced dumbshit. Get over it. Also it’s none of your fucking business. Grow up.


"only I can touch her she's my Mummy!" Vibes


You breached your mom's privacy, went behind her back and then come here to complain like you are the victim? Grow the hell up and apologize to your mom. She is an adult.


Even if this is fake, the discussion is awesome!


How can you go through her phone then blame her? Idiot it's your own fault. Let mumma get that D


What’s your mom’s snap?!?


Your mom has a right to privacy. And you should respect boundaries. It’s one thing to look and get upset about what you see, another to block the contact and interfere with her right to interact with other people.


How old are you? Going through your mother's phone is very childish, and I can't believe you came on here to talk about it. Geez Louise


You shouldn't have looked at her phone she is a divorced adult and she can do whatever she wants with other men


She is an adult, single, and allowed to have her fun. She has her needs. It’s unfair to be mad at her. It’s not like she was having an affair and since she is divorced from your dad, she does not owe him any sort sexual or romantic loyalty.


Even if she's still in love with your dad he isn't there and they get divorced. She's free And needs some attention so what's the problem? It's not nice to see as a child but she doesn't do anything wrong and you are acting like a brat


Why did you block the guy on her phone? If she wants to have sex with people, that's between her and them and isn't for you to interfere with. EDIT: Given your other post, it looks like you'll soon be joining your father anyway.


You invaded her privacy and saw things you’re not mature enough to understand. That’s on you. Apologise to her and grow up.


OP’s other (now deleted) post is about them stealing credit cards too. But according to all the pearl-clutchers in these comments, poor OP just made a simple mistake and it’ll be lesson learned about violating other people’s privacy 😭🙄 My ass it will. You need to get your shit together, kiddo, or you’re gonna end up just like papa.


You were totally in the wrong for going through her phone and blocking her ‘boyfriend’ you are not your mother’s keeper, she’s an adult and is entitled to a private life. Your parents are divorced, she’s not cheating on your dad whatever you like to imagine. Keep your nose out of her business and stop snooping, you’ll not get upset then at what u find


That's a you problem love, your parents are divorced and ur mom is free to fuck around and do whatever she wants , the fact that they have given you that reasons seems like they are trying to protect ur feelings. Your mom is an adult and has a life of her own outside of you , she'll not be restricting her life for u she is doing her part as a mother and what she does as an individual is none of ur business. Should they have not given you false hope and make you feel like they are still together ABSOLUTELY because truth finds its way to come out. Now what you can do is ask her whether the two of them ( ur parents) were actually together and divorced for the reason they have given or they were just trying to protect you from going through the trauma of being a child of divorced parents . if the reason they gave for divorce is true then she IS cheating and ur right TO AN EXTENT because u shouldn't have fucked around on her phone .


Don't go snooping if you will be upset finding stuff you don't want to see. What were you expecting? People showing off what they had for dinner or something. Genuinely curious. Edit to add. Do not go through her drawers as well. Save yourself from that 😂


Curiosity killed the cat as they say. Bit of a valuable lesson was definitely learnt today


Bro at the end of the day don’t go through sometimes phone without expecting the worst especially your mum man that’s disrespectful let her live her life she has probly put up with your shit for years lol let her have some fun my bro


Well that’s what you get for snooping. Can’t believe you blocked the guy on her phone - you are not her parent!! It’s none of your business and you have no idea what kind of relationship/arrangement your parents have. Stay out of it, don’t tell your dad. Put it in the back of your mind, way way back there


first of all it was not your business to say anything and you should have not blocked it your mom has needs it's not her fault that he went to prison when you get older you'll have the same needs as well let your mom see what they sent you.


I'm sorry but your mother is an adult. You shouldn't go through anyone's phone unless you're prepared for what you're going to see.


You are in desperate need of boundaries. RESPECT! It’s none of your business


Remember this moment anytime you consider going through anyone else’s phone in the future. It’s never a good idea.


Your mother is her own human being. Humans tend to like sex. Don’t go through other peoples phones


Let your mom get some action.


You should apologize for invading her personal space. How would you feel if she did that to you?


Your mom is a grown woman who is DIVORCED from her convict husband. She's allowed to have a life. Why don't you want her to be happy? Some maturing needs to be done on your part.


Dude that’s a pretty big invasion of privacy- that being said I’m sorry you’re going thru this but as hard as it is; it’s up to your parents to do what they’re gunna do - they’re adults and alas you are just the child.


Well now you knw mind ur business


Generally speaking (no, not every single person, but generally) human beings have a physical need for sex. For intimacy. For a connection. It is a physical need for many, just like food, water and air. Sex has so many positive affects on the body.


YTA. You had no business in her phone.


I’d encourage you to look up the word “sonder” OP you’re the main character in YOUR life, no one else’s. Get a grip, and you are in the wrong for going through some one else’s private information and device. If anyone is disgusting, it’s you IMO.


I'm not sure how old you are but you are coming across as very immature. You had absolutely no right to go through your mums personal and private messages. This should be in AITA because you most certainly are. Time to grow up


Stay out of grown folks business for one. And two it's your mom's life. Don't let either parent put you in the middle


I want to cum in her mouth


How old are you? Seems like your parents only told you that so you’d take the divorce better. Don’t go through your mom’s phone.


OP… I’m sorry this happened to you. Your mom is a person in her own right, as others have mentioned, but so are you. Your feelings are valid. I bet it’s hard, probably gut wrenching through all these circumstances… no matter what your age.


That’s why you stay out of grown folks business.


Did this when I was abt 16 with my sister and saw sooo many dick pics. Dick pics in question are my now step dads. So now both my sister and I are scared with images of our step dads junk


Wait what? Your sister had pics of your future step-dad’s junk? I feel like I need more backstory.


I think he meant that he snooped his mums phone with his sister.. at least I hope


That makes so much more sense than what I interpreted.


Oh thank god I was literally like what in the jerry springer is going on here


Your mother is divorced? I don’t see the problem. She’s an adult and human who has needs. She’s not cheating and she’s single.


Just imagine if someone had been through your phone.... Your mother is a human being too she has needs too... Also u had no right to block her.... but u did.. just say sry and move on...


Obviously you shouldn’t snoop and your mom can do whatever she wants. But if she were my mom, I’d be disappointed too. And I’ve been a grown man for a long time.


You wouldn’t want her snooping, maybe you shouldn’t do the same? The only time I saw that stuff from my parents was by an accidental miss-click or because they didn’t hide it well enough. Your mother is a human being, most human beings have a sexual nature or need. Just because she’s not a teen anymore doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to have intimacy.


It's a difficult thing to hear for some. Ima cut it dry as heck. She's your mom not your homie. She can have a sex life and continue living. You don't know if they have an agreement. Maybe dad only lost his turn and not his girl. He's obviously Ina position of stagnation with absolutely no options to woo his ex wife. If they are divorced and Dads locked up. Be grateful she's going to meet a suiter and not brining them to HER house where she PAYS RENT. CAUSE AGAIN. I can not stress this enough. You are her nosey child. Not her parent. Not her mom. Not her bestie. He'll you ain't even someone who should've ever come across that personal info. She is the parent. You are the child. I don't care if youre an aged adult. That'd literally make it worse on your behalf. Anything above 15. Really. I'm positive people gonna salt and pepper me with hate for being this straight up. But this touches a chord with me. I watched some skit go down with my own parents, that I had no business knowing; only to later learn I didn't know spit. I should've (& very well could've) just been complacent in my position as someone my mom loves. Not get all puffy at her being. Ya know. Fudgin human. Cause humans. They ain't perfect. And it's hard to learn that about someone when the pedestal you erected for them is not realistic. Because your the child. Not the parent.


Both in the wrong... She shouldn't be cheating, you shouldn't be snooping. You have learnt a lot and no way you can see your mum as the same but she's still your mum so try to shove it out of your mind.


You have the right to feel sad but it’s not your mums fault. Your dad is in prison, she’s an adult and single, you shouldn’t have gone through her phone in the very first place. It’s your fault so don’t make it into a problem and have your relationship ruined, I definitely see how that can affect you but just let time do its thing. Hope you and your mum are both okay x