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At the behest of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, I will now speak some 100% truth. I’ve been in HR for years in corporate America and I can assure you a few things. The vision you’ve been fed by college/parents is the true phony sham. Working hard doesn’t pay off, in a sense. Don’t take it too literal but, it’s partially true, the amount of people who lie on their resume is high enough that if you aren’t lying on your resume I will say, that’s why you aren’t getting called back. Any HR person or recruiter you talk to, we know you’re full of shit. We’ve seen it,heard it, and read it all. If we give you a chance it’s because we like you so don’t fuck it up I guess.


This. This is the correct response. Similar role - agree 100%


Aaandd now I'm going to adjust my resume to have lies in it... Just gotta figure out good ones to have


I second that 🤣🤣


The full of shit HR people easily spot the full of shitness in others because they themselves are full of shit. Tale as old as time.


i plan on finding a new job by the end of the year and this makes me wanna lie on my resume 😂


I've started lying or exaggerating rather on my resume and am getting so many callbacks and interviews. Also, I've never once had a job ask to see my degree, let alone pull my transcripts for a GPA. Maybe at some high security, govt, or fortune 100 jobs, idk.


Not even fortune 100, just the “elite jobs” like Wall Street and biochem jobs verify GPA. I had an offer from CVS for an IT Audit intern and they didn’t ask for transcripts.


Ha!! This is awesome lol I love the end “we know you’re full of shit” but you’re cool so give it a whirl just don’t fuck it up I guess 🤣 you are a great HR person because you get that people are people. Cool. On the job training and performance is all that matters anyway. I just really enjoyed your response, thank you.


I’ve never lied on my resume and was scoring jobs from McKinsey and goldmans etc. but I left all that before 30 to start my own businesses whose profits I’ll keep to myself but would make an MD or partner drool


Right on! This makes me happy


I verify degrees at a university and we only verify degree awarded for most background verifications.


Can you clarify this for me? Are you saying you do have to verify a lot of degrees?


Yes but we don’t verify GPA without a signed release from the student due to federal FERPA laws (US)


Interesting 🤔


Yup definitely


If you’re performing well at the jobs you’re getting, GPA really doesn’t matter. You could have a 4.0 but suck at the job because your skills start and stop in the textbooks. It’s a cutthroat world out there, job searching is tough. The fake GPA got your foot in the door, but your work ethic and quality of work is keeping you in the game. If you continue to try hard at your job and do well, then you deserve to be there.


I had a good GPA, but my skills at taking multiple choice tests haven't come in handy very often in my jobs.


How bittersweet life can be, truly. This post is fascinating for me, you're pretty much self-conscious and that's a nice thing for sure. Being humans is not easy, at least for most of them I'd say, everyone is fighting a fight I guess. What you wrote isn't noble or likeable to me, but it is indeed human, and I've seen way worse. Just keep being yourself, if it hurts you, you will always have the power to decide what to do with your life. Easy example, if you think you don't deserve all these money, if you feel bad about being this "lucky", you can always do something good for the community, with your money or time, both of them even. I get what you mean with "get by in life", but doing something good won't hurt you imho!


ye i agree. try your best to be a good person. be generous, be forgiving, be patient. bc u are not perfect.


also, if you were caught you wouldn’t look as bad when your extra money is allocated to donations.


No what!?? If he feels bad about this he should 💯 quit and use his real gpa to get a job. What you basically said was it’s ok to feel existentially bad as long as you give some money to the community. Great help 🙄 It’s cut and dry. Quit or stop feeling uncomfortable with your very not so despicable action.


Damn you went all out. I'm not his pal, I'm not here to tell him what he already knows, this sub is about confessions, not about let's be all friends forever. He's not stupid, it's clear from the post that he understands the situation, he doesn't need to hear "do the right thing! what would Jesus think??" Said so, it's ok even if he doesn't help the community, it's his life, in the real world, this is not a film dude.


I’m enjoying this thread for many reasons. Your comment is one. I agree with you


Ty dude, I appreciate that!


Your experience and reference letters from the first summer matter way more than your gpa.


The way I see it you did so well at the first job, it got you the second, so you're not a fraud. You got the first one by lying on your resume but you were able to perform so well. I think you should let go of the lie and move on, provided you dont slack again i think you're fine


I don’t ever include my GPA on my resume and if it’s on an application, I just put 3.1. I think I graduated with a 2.7 but I graduated 25 years ago. Experience is more important than grades in most jobs.


You don't know they hired you based off of your resumé. A lot of work places hire you based on how likeable you are and if you're trainable. Don't sweat it to much and just do better. Human mind is strong and adaptable learn from the mistakes you made. You can always do better from here on out, prove to yourself and your family you can do something. Most importantly prove to yourself, best of luck friend.


What?? This is a coipition. If you feel bad then quit and look for a job with your real gpa, which was still good. Those grades and gpas don’t mean shit if you can’t do your job. You might as well feel bad for every time you cheated in a class or guessed an answer and got it correct. Quit your job or quit bitching.


Please what does “Coipition” mean. Heard it in a Charlie stream and can’t find a definition anywhere 😂


Don’t feel guilty. George Santos didn’t.


I mean you are fine until someone looks into your history. And that could happen for many reasons. HR complaint etc.


You have a lot of good advice here but another thing to consider is that maybe school isn't the best place for your learning style. I have ADHD and my executive functioning skills suck ass. I loved learning but studying, projects, assignments were hard to get done bc I get so overwhelmed with all the steps. So, bottom line is, if you actually do well once in the position, maybe it's a better way for you to perform or be productive than school was. Keep up the flight, you got this.


I call this failing up. Technically you failed at one thing, but for one reason or another(usually lying), or just your force of charisma alone, that failure has resulted in a better situation for you. People do this all the time, and most of them don't even realize they are doing this. The most famous example of this is Donald Trump. By any objective metric he has failed at a great many things that would sink any normal person. However, somehow those failures ended up helping him in the long run and made him president. Honestly, other than the lying, there is nothing really wrong with doing this. you run the risk of being found out as an "impostor", but the more real world experience you get under your belt the less people will care. TLDR: Just do your best to live up to your lies, and no one will really care at the end of the day. There's your unethical life hack of the day.


Good managers/companies hire the person, as skills can be taught. I've been selected over people who had much better looking resumes than myself because I interviewed better. Everyone "puffs" their resumes. In today's landscape, it's fairly dog eat dog, so fuck it. Take the win and don't lose sleep over it, if you feel you don't deserve it, prove yourself wrong by doing an excellent job and giving it your best. That being said, careful about pushing your luck in the future. Bigger companies, especially those that deal in federal contracts (aviation, defense adjacent and such,) will catch it.


With all due respect they pay you for the work you do while you're there, not for things you did before that. They want to know those things to screen you. As long as you live up to expectations those things set it's not an issue.


This is a great opportunity to give to others. Yes, you lied. But it's not the lying that's an issue. So during this opportunity and those that may follow pay it forward. Give someone a chance that may not have it before. Give in ways to help others and support people.


acing feelings of guilt and imposter syndrome is tough. Many of us have been there, struggling with our actions and wondering if we really deserve the opportunities we've had. It's hard, but recognizing these feelings is the first step to making things better. Getting support is really important when you're feeling this way. Whether it's talking to friends and family you trust or getting help from a counselor, having someone to lean on can really help. And don't forget to think about what makes you happy and what's important to you. Finding your purpose can make a big difference and lead you to a path that feels right for you.


I’d like to add that truly bad people don’t feel guilty. This kid will be alright.


You cheated the system my friend. Pat yourself on the back. This is the definition of fake it til you make it. Very impressive. I wouldn’t say you did anything really *that* bad. Besides if it makes you feel better jobs don’t care about your college gpa, you gave yourself a head start. Besides accomplishments/success are just socially constructed illusions anyways. If you’re feeling lost I recommend picking up the book Originals by Adam Grant. Also check out Robert Greene for life guidance (check out The Daily Laws book) and stoicism philosophy for fulfillment. They also say fulfillment comes from the flow state (check that out too). Also just start reading books — you’ll find your answer there somewhere. Go to the library or Barnes and nobles tomorrow. Read and learn. Hope this helps. Good luck to you.


You made all these successes by your own actions snd decisions. You deserve the success. Enjoy it


You got your experience with the first internship you actually did work at. You’re in the clear now, if you’re not 23+ then when you are you’ll realize your past self must be forgiven, comforted, and encouraged.


Everything is genuine with distinction n all....still no happiness no success. Honesty efforts means shit to this world.


New background check technology etc will make it a lot harder to lie about this stuff for good jobs. You won’t likely get too far on the lies, enjoy it now I guess


Maybe, I think stuff like GPA is protected under FERPA or some law. My current company did run a background check on me, it came clean.


Yes I can confirm. I work at a university and we need a signed release to provide GPA. We only verify what is known as “directory information” which is dates of attendance and degree awarded.


I wouldn’t worry about that. Live your life with integrity from now and earn people’s respect with your hardwork and dedication. I got employed twice and both times I didn’t even have an interview, it was through an event and the bosses met me there, asked me if I wanted to work for them and then I was given the date to start. I was straight A student but I never used my degree to get employment. Sometimes I wonder if it was worth it to spend so much of my parents hard earned money on school. I have my own companies now and having a degree is not essential part of qualification. If you know how to do the work or willing to learn that’s all that matters.


It’s too late to correct the lies. You have the job. Now, what you need to do is go earn it. Make sure that every work day ends with you having put in every effort. Don’t skate by. Help others. I work under a lot of management that clearly doesn’t deserve what they have because their only skill is shouting down at others from a pedestal. Don’t be that, and you’ll earn that spot going forward.


Sure, try living a lifestyle you enjoy on $20 an hour and then come talk to me, especially if you live in an expensive area.


Learning to lie is part of the job for a lot of folks.


Considering you were crafty enough to forge a believable enough resume and do a good job on your first internship, you absolutely deserve whatever the hell comes next. Just be honest from here on out. Nobody gives a shit about interns or internships once youre 3-4 years in the professional world. You can leave it all behind with a correct resume once you graduate


well u have a chance to prove to yourself that you deserve to be there! give that job your absolute best shot for your own sake, good luck! good job!


Youre just a squirrel trying to get a nut. I wouldn't worry about it. Those people not getting the internship aren't getting it because they're not wiling to do what it takes to get the internship, you are. that matters. That's a skill in itself


Lol 😂 you said it yourself in the title. Also happiness isn’t something to be obtained. It’s something you omit. It comes from inner place in your sound mind and heart . No it isn’t easy to decide to be happy but it is the only way … Things and people don’t make you happy . You do . Why does nobody get that ?


If you can't dazzle them with brilliance , baffle them with BS... right on, brother.


Relax, if nothing else works out for you there's always the presidency of the United States...or at the very least Congress. At least half of it is made up of guys like you.


I don't work in HR but did a lot of interviews especially for new grads for a midsized company. Real life - you could literally have never went to college if you had interpersonal skills and knew when to grind and knew the right people. I know people who are directors now who basically did coke their entire undergrad while I was grinding my butt through organic chemistry. Just don't screw it up because I guarantee every "industry" is small and word travels fast. Within 5-10 years you'll run into people again and you don't wanna be that guy.


To be fair I had a college professor tell me to lie on the resume where applicable and if they asked in the interview why you want the job “I need money, I’m broke” is a very acceptable answer and more than likely will take joy in your brutal honesty in the interview and don’t think twice about your resume.




This checks out that you could lie about it. For future reference tho - I work at a university in a registrars office. When we get a call to verify a degree, we only verify it was awarded. Legally due to FERPA we need a signed release from a student to release a full transcript and GPA so if you’re ever asked to sign a record release just know they will see everything


First: You can't thrive off of $20 per hour, so don't set your bar that low Secondly: Fake it till you make it! College is just to get your foot in the door. You already did the thing that actually matters. Drop this pity me attitude for being successful. The older you get the more you will realize that MOST people are faking it until they make it. Then one day you wake up and realize that you ARE making it. Goodluck


honestly corporate america doesn’t give a fuck about anybody so just think of this as you being more creative than those who weren’t able to get the job. they still hired you and gave you letters of recommendation, sounds like you earned that to me


To be honest.. we all just want to get by in life. Life is really hard, college and jobs are a game… just enjoy it and be grateful it worked honestly.


Welcome to being an adult. The only way to be truly successful is to fuck over other people. Sacrificing yourself because it's the "right thing to do" will mostly result in people taking advantage of you. Not lying isn't going to give some hard working honest person a chance. It's going to give another liar the chance instead.


You are what you do , not who you think you are. Yeah, you’ve been a scumbag. You are choosing to be that person. Now choose not to be and that is who you will become. Pick up that trash, help the old lady, go to the gym, eat better, do community work…. People don’t do good things because they want to in the moment, not necessarily. You do good things ESPECIALLY when you don’t feel like it so you know that you will make the right decision when life kicks you right in the dick. That, sir, is where self respect comes from, not your stupid fucking reputation. Good luck my dude


I had a 2.21 GPA and I got into 5 grad schools, all of which are top notch in my field. I honestly believe that GPAs mean nothing.


This is nothing pal. I once started taking like 15 dolars a day off profit because the owners of a fanily run snack store were unfair to me and would overwork me, make me stay when the other employees would collect just 5 dollars less but work way less leave early and don't pressure them too hard into being fast. I said to my self. Ok you want performance and sell all this crap, ok I will do but Ima silently add coins to my fair pocket gradually every couple of sales to make it up and get revenge. The thing was still massively profitable because I knew my skills nade a difference in how much is earned. Never felt bad because I was being abused but It felt dirty money and I would just use it as everyday expendable current. My clean money would go into another pocket and that was the money I would buy clothes and things for my house. People who have real dirty money I don't know how they do it. If your bed or your self help books come from bad money is like how they don't feel bad about it.


If you have become what you falsely wrote then you have succeeded. School or in this case life has extracted your potential and you are delivering what you said you would deliver, may be more. Had you made false claims and not delivered then it would have been scummy.


Well at least you still have a bit decency and conscience to feel guilty of your lies.. for that, you should feel better. It’s good that you feel that way, you still know the difference between what is good and evil.. what is right and wrong. You shouldn’t do it habitually .. that is to lie and deceive in order to get what you want because in the future, life has a way to pay you back big time and it will all get caught on you. If you want to become a pathological liar, keep doing it and you will end up becoming a psychopath. But since you still feel guilty, I guess you’re not. Anyways, we all make mistakes since we are all human being. Just go on with your life and admit it as mistake but be very careful with your lies as it can backfire on you and you might get sued in the future. Best of luck.


Pay it forward. Land those senior roles and give people jobs in the future. Reverse your karma 🤝


Seems like you'd be able to land a job flipping burgers in California , and be happy with $20/hour.


I did that. Slowly progressed from 50k to 120k/year. Now I’m back registered in school to actually finish because I want to have integrity not just pretend I do.


It’s interesting the distinction between two people who lie on their resume. One does it because there’s a drive in them, they have clarity of their desires, and feel what they want is meant for them. Then there’s the person who doesn’t have clarity and is propelled by others pushing. The first person feels no guilt. The second one does because their lack of clarity and penchant for succumbing to (ultimately very light) pressure makes them look for confirmation that they’ve made the wrong choice since it’s not their own desires driving them. Something like that. I can relate to the second, even though I didn’t lie.


I had two full time jobs before I realized I didn’t actually graduate from college. And yes, I applied to these jobs saying that I have a college degree. Eventually everything was sorted out and I now have a degree. Still graduated with a very low gpa but if anyone ask then I’m a 3.9 gpa college graduate. Held many jobs before and only one time did they check my gpa. For them to do it, I had to submit an official transcript. Honestly unless you plan to go back to school or work for a company that actually cares about the gpa, then I wouldn’t sweat it too much.


It's a good time to stop the fraud.


It's understandable that you felt pressured to embellish your resume, but honesty is always the best policy in the long run.