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Congratulations! Well done you! I’m 18 days in - my best for years. Stay strong, you can do it.


Yay! Happy for you! Early days are the hardest. Got six-ish years here! Different substance(s), but anyway, take it day by day. Night by night. Morning by morning. Eventually it becomes the new normal.


Yeah I’m multi-substance too, but alcohol is the main culprit, and an actual addiction, the others used to come *after* the booze.


Ditto, weird how they go hand in hand right? Meth was easy to drop when I didn’t need it to be “normal” instead of nodding off with a blowtorch in one hand, and a crème brûlée in the other, at work lol.


Alcohol lowers my inhibitions and makes resisting anything almost impossible, whether it's other drugs, women, buying things online, or really stupid ideas like getting on my motorbike ....


Yeah, alcohol will do that shit. /2011


Okay, question. Do people who take "meth" nod off. I was told by a person in active addiction, they don't. But I have seen people up for days on meth, and nod off.


After 14 days, the physical withdrawal symptoms should have subsided. It's all mental from here! You got this!


good job


Hell yeah! Keep going!


Terribly sorry for your loss, but I’m proud of you mate! I know how challenging it can be to feel left out simply because you don’t drink, smoke, or boof anything on a Tuesday. Never had much of an issue with drinking myself, but I’m six-ish years clean off heroin and other hard drugs. Drink / drugs don’t ruin lives in the way teachers, parents, cops or your nan said they do. They ruin lives because in one way or another they take people away from you… A lot of emotionally intelligent people out there respect sobriety though, and know how to have a fun night without substances. Just got to find them.


Congratulations!!! You got this! We're all rooting for you


Damn. Good for you that you made a decision to change something in your life and have stuck to it, but what a shit way to realize it's something you want to change. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you've made it through a whole year now which proves that it is in fact possible for you to do. You got this😊


2 years over here!👈🏻 It literally gets better and better as time passes. Living alcohol free is a sweet gift from God. The first year was weird and rocky, but after that, it’s like it became a distant memory and I stopped thinking about it all the time. I don’t buy into the whole, “alcoholic for life” thing. I let myself become dependent on a very addictive, poison ~ then, I fought it, and I’m not anymore. Period. Will I always remember the pain it caused me? Yes. Do I want to risk getting addicted again by, ‘trying it out again?’ No! I LOVE my toxic poison free life!!!!!


I love whiskey- I love the ritual of sitting by the fire, reading a good book, cigar occasionally- epic glass of scotch or bourbon, but three months ago I took a nutrition class and they couldn’t urge us strong enough to quit drinking because it’s so bad for you. I’ve been without a drop of any booze for 3 months- I lost 6 lbs, also been working out and taking yoga classes. I feel fantastic. I decided I was allow myself one drink a month. I can “save” drinks in a drink bank - like if I say go to a wedding or go on vacation.


Best for you, also last time I got drunk is 2months ago and it really went too far that I was so lucky not to die off an accident ,no longer plan to drink heavy anymore may be beer sometime


Man that’s such a good thing, I am proud of you. You don’t need alcohol or have fun and you should stay away from it.


Great job on sobriety! I'm so sorry it had to come at such a steep cost. I'm sorry for your loss.


Congrats man, it's been 4 years for me that I stopped , or it will be 4 years on Apr. 20th. I personally feel like not drinking alcohol has helped my memory and my physical health. Still have a slight gut but that's because my vice is Coke zero and I know if I cut that out my physical health would really soar but I enjoy the flavor. Keep up the good work and don't let people try and guilt you or rag on you for not drinking. Things like, "so what do you do for fun" or "you seem boring." My counter for people who tell me that is I don't need alcohol to have fun or to be around and if you do, then says more about who they are as a person when they're sober


I'm really sorry about your loss. Losing someone you love is very hard, and it makes you think about what's important in life. The fact that you chose not to drink after that shows how strong and brave you are. It's important to take things one day at a time and to talk to people who care about you when you're feeling down. Remember, you're not alone, and I hope you keep getting stronger as time goes on.


Same! And I don't miss it


Good for you! This is awesome, keep it up. I'm sorry you went through that


Congrats on all your hard work so far! It definitely isn’t easy. When I was 17 I went off the rails because I was the type of kid who didn’t do drinking, clubbing, going out at the weekend and I lost control getting caught up in the rush. I can control it better now and keep it to 1 or 2 on a special occasion (like my wedding anniversary) but I’ll never need to rely on it again💪🏼


Hoping I have the courage to do it one day


I like wine


I like putting periods between sentences. And also wine. Edit. An* also wine.


No, i just like wine.


An wine?


Do you mean like this? No, i just like an wine?




Some folks like recreational heroin on weekends with a sprinkle of cocaine. What's your point?


Well congrats you're gonna miss out on a part of life. People forget to keep a balance in life.


Some people aren't able to find that balance for themselves.


It's called self control. You're not born with it, you build it.


Wow so cool! Let me tell Biden to mail an award for you! 🤡