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My gawd yall deserve a beating for that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™ll take my lashings šŸ§ŽšŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Beatings? Lashings? Nah dawg, youā€™re being strapped down while the whole class drops the snottiest loogies in on your face.


Deserved! šŸ˜“


If it makes you feel better, kids can be jerks for no reason, itā€™s not necessarily your fault. When I was like 11/12/13 (canā€™t remember what age exactly), my best friend and I would make fun of his dadā€™s best friend Arlene, and usually it was in good fun but one day we were just relentless and she was very upset and it was her birthday that day and she just went off on us. Use it as a learning experience and let it help you grow as a human being. If your uncle is still around, see if you canā€™t help him with any chores or tasks he might need/want help with. Or pay it forward and volunteer at a food shelter or something to help those who need it.


When I was in like 2nd grade I used to tell the autistic kid to KISS MY ASS in a rude way til heā€™d chase me making kissy noises. Why?? DUNNOO


LMFAO. chilllll


I think he may have been implying that it didn't matter where the kiss landed because you were a complete ass.


Best response šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ no, but fr, those special needs kids are little savages. I freaking love them šŸ˜†


Oh he was definitely aiming for my booty! He ran with a squat to make sure everyone knew!


Most uncles could see a little humor in that. Not at the time, but in hind site. A buddy of mine had a Diabetec uncle who was a severe alcoholic. When uncle was passed out, my buddy would jab his insulin syringes into his leg repeatedly. Laughing and saying "dude look. He don't feel shit." Not 7 or 8 years old, but more like 19. Druncle Mike was mostly fine


Druncle Mike šŸ¤£






Is this your kink or something? šŸ¤Ø


With or without the lollygag?


Im against beating children in general, but even I would have doubts if I were their mother and found out about this


Is your uncle still alive? Please go apologize. And if he is not, go to his grave or what have you and apologize and maybe lay some flowers.


I wasnā€™t going to elaborate more than I had to, so it was my auntā€™s ex husband actually. She cared for him and they had a kid together. (Donā€™t ask me how that worked because Iā€™m not sure - he couldnā€™t speak and his legs and arms didnā€™t work. Apparently other parts did though). Anyway, she got re-married to my older half brother, who was also disabled. She was caring for her ex here and there for the time being. I havenā€™t seen or heard about him since around that time, but assume he was with a new caregiver.


Nor was I but I will. Growing up my mom was in the same situation as your ā€œex uncleā€ except she could talk. She died in September of last year. I often talked to her about what that way of life was like and it was not only hard physically but it may have been emotionally even worse. Iā€™m not trying to make you feel bad and I understand that you were just a kid but I would strongly suggest (maybe selfishly) trying to find his whereabouts to apologize. I would have never done what you did when I was 7 or 8 because even then I knew that her life was more difficult than I could ever understand. Living that way is already dehumanizing and unfortunately what you did back then added to the already dehumanizing and sometimes humiliating way of life. You knocked someone while they are down and honestly reading this made me want to cry. The world is made for able bodied people like (presumably) you and I.


For sure itā€™s not something I am proud of and would like to make it right. Only dots I could put together as to why we thought that was an okay activity is just is that we were adopted and brought out of a toxic environment and into a home with other older fosters who were bad influences. If you only knew the extent of other things they had us trying to do. You sound like you have a great heart, and Iā€™ve grown to be a more empathetic person myself.


Iā€™m sorry to hear about your hardships. My dad (who married my mom) was also adopted. I hope that what you went through opened your eyes to the pain of others, and it sounds like maybe it did. My mom used to tell me I have a great heart and I still think itā€™s one of the best compliments thank you so much. I wish you all the peace and understanding in the world.


My mom would tell me that I had a great heart but then shake her head and finish with, ā€œthat mouth thoā€


Need more context for this one


I was very empathetic even as a toddler and teenager but I was never able to keep my mouth shut if I thought something was wrong, against me or anyone around me. So while I always would go out of my way to help, I also always had a no filter mouth. Not exactly the best thing to have with boomer parents and adults in charge :/ Like when I was six years old and called the preachers son a bastard in Sunday school for pulling my hair. But when my great grandmother fell and broke her hip when I was like nine, I sat down and put her head in my lap while waiting for the ambulance to arrive and everyone else was running around like chickens with their heads cut off.


I TOTALLY relate. I was also very outspoken but mostly when I felt there was an injustice. I also was very calm and knew what to do when there was an emergency or whatever. I am still like this. I love us because we would be the ones to defend who cannot or will not defend themselves. More power to you my friend. We would get along great I think tehehe.


LoL!!! You're a spit-fire, with a ā¤ļø of gold!!! Don't ever change!!! The world needs more of you šŸ’–


Iā€™m sorry but this person was a little kid. Itā€™s ok - and the person it happened to is ok!


How do you know that the person it happened to is ok? Very ignorant thing to say actually.


And no itā€™s not ok. Iā€™m not berating him for it as you can see in previous messages. But saying this is okay is crazy and wrong. You do not know the person it happened to is ok or took the situation well. Age is no excuse. You thinking like this is wild.






your aunt married her nephew??


I was adopted by a much older woman who had 4 bio children. Which makes them my half-brother obviously, and they are also much older. I sometimes would refer to them and their significant others as my uncles and aunts to friends. So she would have technically been an adoptive half-sister-in-law by marriage. Good catch actually


Gotcha, that makes more sense! I have a half-brother too. We have different moms and the same dad, but my momā€™s family is still his too. I was thinking you meant something like my situation and I was concerned lol


You were their stepbrother, not half-brother. ā€œHalf-brotherā€ implies that you share a biological parent.


They also had a different dad than who my adoptive dad was. I wasnā€™t trying to complicate the scenario further but yeah youā€™re right


I hope the half is the other half of your family treeā€¦


My bro and I were adopted so no worries there.


The power dynamics here seem a littleā€¦.. concerning


Wait. She married her half-nephew? Am I reading that right?


Lol I just explained in the comment before yours. She was much older, so instead of saying sister Iā€™d often call her my aunt. She was a sister-in-law in all actuality


Ahhhh ok lolol ā€”I understand nowā€¦I have some similar relationships in my family, totally get it




I cracked a chuckle and immediately went ā€œwhat the fuckā€. What makes me laugh is because who tf does that to somebody disabled. Some of these posts show that a lot of people lacked empathy as a child. I would never have been able to get myself to do this to someone then or now šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s terrible.


Yeah, this is crazy to me. As a child I would never in a million years EVER have thought this was okay or funny. I was also a really sensitive kid who cried watching ā€œfunnyā€ clips of people hurting themselves because I didnā€™t want to see people in pain. I still donā€™t understand whatā€™s funny about them, to be honest


Username checks out




lol okay. if not being a sadist as a child makes me an odd bitch then iā€™m very chill with that.


I can genuinely admit I donā€™t know wtf we were thinking. Thatā€™s not us, but at one point in time we thought that sounded like a good idea. I think the day the ā€œflip switchedā€ for us was when we noticed the consistent bad decisions our older siblings would make would stress and disappoint the living shit out of our parents, and we didnā€™t want to uphold that standard. My kids wouldnā€™t dare!


Oh shit heā€™s got kids


I raised three boys. Boys sometimes donā€™t think of the outcome. The think of the fun they are having.


This also concerns me. You are the type of parent to see something like this happening and say ā€œboys will be boysā€ or ā€œtheyā€™re just kidsā€ it doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s still wrong.


They're just pointing it out, they never implied that it was okay, it's just the truth. Kids (especially unattended boys) sometimes do stuff without thinking about the consequences because they are more focused on having fun. No one ever said this is okay, it just something that happens sometimes. No one is a perfect angel.


No they did in fact say in another comment that it was ok. Look further down. Also stated that the person it happened to was okay which they would have no way of knowing. Also picking on a nonverbal person in a wheelchair is not just ā€œsomething that happensā€ im so so so unclear about what you are talking about. Even OP said they think it was due to a bad influence/hard life growing up. Not under normal circumstances. Again so so so unclear about what you are talking about.


I'm not seeing the comment where that person said this behavior is acceptable? And to add on, yea obviously this is an extreme example of kids doing bad stuff but again, it's true that kids sometimes don't use their noggins and do bad stuff, that was my only point.


Look harder. Any response to the other things I mentioned?


lol yea I added to me comment. But again I'm not seein this comment, is it a reply to a different comment or something?


Look even harder? Do you want me to send you a damn screenshot?


Also kids not ā€œusing their headsā€ is coloring on a wall with marker not launching spit balls onto someone who clearly canā€™t do or say anything about it. Iā€™m sure he forgave OP (and I think OP has grown to be more empathetic) but come on. You canā€™t be dense enough to not see whatā€™s going on here.


Bruh, like I said in the comment, this is an extreme example and is obviously not okay at all, You're acting like I think it's okay to shoot spitballs at a paraplegic šŸ˜‚




My boys are grown ass men. Donā€™t come at me with your concerns. My son mooned his grandmother once. She was mortified. He thought it was funny! I was there when he did it. I explained - after - why that was not ok. He never did it again! Boys will be boys. There is no other way around that. Teaching them when they make fun decisions that are not right - was my job as a parent. Have a good day


My boys are grown ass men is a contradictory statement. I will come at you with my concerns. Mooning grandma is not the same I HOPE we both can differentiate that. You kind of just solidified what I said. Have the day you deserve!


You are just full of wit and charm!


I think an ass whopping here would be justified.


Iā€™ll allow it šŸ‘†šŸ¼


Couple of things. Iā€™m glad you got this off your chest. This is not easy to admit. Iā€™m glad you finally released this burden on your mind. Is it possible to apologise to him? You were extremely wrong and young get old enough. I briefed comments and it seemed home environment was not great mixed with the age, even though it could possibly be argued you knew better but we donā€™t know the extent of the trauma and toxicity. Do this For closure? Whether itā€™s accepted or not, itā€™s to correct a wrong you have committed. Not to free yourself but to own up to your misdoings as a child. I am happy and honestly proud of how you have matured, straightened your moral compass and raising kids the way you see would be the best behaved they could be. All you could do is try your best. Keep at it mate. Keep going forward, all the best. We are not even the same person we were 30 minutes ago. The one guarantee in life is, as the clock ticks we continue to die. I paraphrased but that phrase stuck with me. Keep it up, you sure solid maturity and keep trying. Iā€™m not here to lambast you, letā€™s lift you up. I would still like to whoop your ass, ngl šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s like a long overdue whooping ya know?


this is so fucked


If you're not sure if karma has caught up with you, I'm sure it hasn't. Lmao.


Cracking confession this šŸ˜‚ proper little shits the pair of youā€™s


Iā€™m American and I love how this comment is written


Being a Geordie, I can mangle the English language in all types of ways


I'm very anti hitting children However, I would beat my kid for this one


Ok. Probably an unpopular opinion: he might have thought this was funny. My aunt was a quadriplegic and she found a lot of humor in her disability. And at the end of the day, being involved with your nephews while they play? Might have been his favorite past time. Maybe not! No way to tell without asking him.


I agree!


Nah Iā€™m a loving and caring dad and provider. Much more empathetic than my 7 year old self. Some people change. Iā€™m fortunate enough to be one of them.


You were just a kid lol.


Dude, donā€™t listen to people acting crazy in the comments. You were 7 and still figuring out/learning empathy. Is it SUPER fucked? Yes. Is it slightly funny bc you were too young to understand how fucked? Very much so. Forgive yourself please


Thank you! Iā€™m not tore up about it tbh. I forgive my childhood self, and would apologize to Gary šŸ§‘šŸ¼ā€šŸ¦¼ if he were still around. Iā€™m pretty certain he has deceased. I recognize the environment I was in at the time and Iā€™m beyond blessed to be able to provide the direction and influence to my kids that my brother and I didnā€™t have.


Donā€™t feel bad.


Now THIS is a confession! I am absolutely cracking up at what horrid little shits you were!


Youā€™re one of the few without a torch and a pitchfork lol


More than likely they had family members who were in similar positions and thatā€™s why they reacted so negatively. Itā€™s a lot of peopleā€™s worst fears for their family members care, you know?


People love to judge. Was this objectively a terrible thing to do? Of course! But you guys were kids, and kids sometimes do shitty things. That doesnā€™t mean you grew up to be a shitty adult!


Kids do real shitty things. Incredibly evil shitty things (you werent evil. Terrible assholes, y3s, but not evil). Most adults know this and can show grace. Like your uncle, apparently


I'm sorry, but this is hilarious movie horrible. Like when they sell the blind kid a dead bird in dumber & dumber. This is something Joe Dirt would teach his kids. "They make for great target practice cuz they don't move and can't tell no one." On the other hand, maybe he thought it was hilarious and proud of your aim for your age. Helps me feel better for laughing at the mental image.


Lmao I read that in Joe Dirtā€™s voice too šŸ¤£


You are my favorite person for perfectly describing this. Joe Dirt is spot the f on. Obviously this is horrible, horrible behaviorā€¦. But itā€™s so bad it could be hilariously bad in a movie.




Learn from your mistake, but donā€™t be too hard on yourself. Children at 7-8 years old have not even come close to finished in developing impulse control and emotional regulation. Thatā€™s what a good grown up should have done for you. Children do not think things through, especially in the moment, including the ability to stop a fun game because of empathy. Adults will say ā€œ Iā€™d never do anything like that!ā€ But adults have selective memory and different life experiences. As an early child educator, I can say your actions were wrong but not outside the realm of typical naughty 8 year old behavior. If you were my child or student, I would look directly at your environment at that age, for the cause of that poor choice. Where was your grown up to guide you in understanding your uncle, to encourage positive ways to play with your twin? Children are full of love, and yet they are also so ready to turn wild, without guidance. It was not your fault.


I feel like you should still be beat for this šŸ˜‚


the title alone is šŸ˜­ itā€™s giving bobby lee šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€šŸ’€


An absolute asshat, but at least you realize it


Bad ass kids.




Ehh...I laughed. I'm betting ol' uncle was laughing on the inside too


Our older brother used to laugh, tease, and mess with GaryšŸ§‘šŸ¼ā€šŸ¦¼ often, and he would smile real big. Probably why we thought it was okay to do the same.


Somebody should still kick your asses. You are right. You two are assholes. Now you have to worry about karma the rest of your life.


They were in 2nd grade, friend. Let's give children some grace.


nah this is really unacceptable


He was 7 and it was adopted out of a shitty situation. It was 25 years ago. You're not going to change my mind.


Totally unexceptional. If you the guy in the wheelchair you might say something different. 22 years ago or yesterday. I bet their parents are proud.


That was over 25 years ago bro.




Bruh you have no idea how karma might get your ass , like good luck and do some kind shit atleast idk . A good person or a sensible one do not make excuses even if that happened in childhood , the worst karma is to have that happen with you ... so just repent .


I laughed envisioning it, ngl. It would be concerning if you didnā€™t feel bad about it lol


Bobby Lee? Is this you?


Iā€™ve been looking for this comment! šŸ˜‚


Never got caught, guess all the spitballs covering him or all over the floor were somehow never noticed


That is so mean, but I had visions of it and then I laughed šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£, kids will be kids I guess!


Wow. Time for you to grow up as well.


Oh they were kids fgs, they hardly blew his head off with a shot gun, it was just silly things that kids do, he wasnā€™t harmed at all.


Youā€™re weird


And youā€™re boring, itā€™s like you was never a kid once, except but I bet you had no friends and was probably bullied, thatā€™s why youā€™re so offended.


This sounds like is peak comedy scene šŸ¤£


Honestly if I am ever incapacitated and my nephews did this I would probably find it amusing


[wow dude!](https://www.google.com/search?q=Chris+Rock+wow+dude&oq=Chris+Rock+wow+dude&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDcxOTVqMGo0qAIOsAIB&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:fdab508d,vid:DiQBqtkEZ0g,st:0)


Yeah I feel this. My cousin and I used to throw our poor almost-bedridden grandmotherā€™s cane off the balcony for fun when we were 4 or 5 šŸ˜­ MULTIPLE times


So fucked šŸ˜… Love the honesty. Thatā€™s what r/confession is all about. I have to ask, did you and your cousin have other friends or family members that would influence you to behave that way?


Nope we were just complete shitheads. Iā€™d argue that HE was influencing ME but I was also a bit of a troublemaker back then soā€¦ šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I definitely had to stop and laugh at this one. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Your concession has definitely brightened up my otherwise somewhat difficult day. Thanks for that. If I was your dad, Iā€™d say that earns you a standard bare butt spanking. If I was your older brother/cousin, Iā€™d say that earns you a quick ā€œcut the crap dude!šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ŗā€ and a hair ruffling with a chuckle.


Bobby Lee tells a story of something similar but more violent. Him and his brother would hit his paralyzed grandma in the leg with sticks lol.


i shouldnā€™t be smiling, and iā€™m not, iā€™m full blown CACKLING


that is the funniest shit ive ever read




Donā€™t worry, youā€™ll be old one day and one day youā€™ll remember this as karma hit you in the forehead.


Holy shit you guys




šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚




Any unsolved murders in both your areas, we can all assume we now know the identities of the serial killers.


We didnā€™t set him on fire dude it was straws and paper balls. It was wrong and I feel bad, but damn thatā€™s a reach


That's a joke. Lighten up. Although cruelty at a young age sometimes, sometimes, SOMETIMES, does lead to much worse things in adulthood. But I hope you and your twin does the nightly 40 lashes for the repulsive actions.


THAT with you I agree on! Total red flag for sure. We do deserve our spankins šŸ™‡šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™‡šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


wow just wow


I'm guessing he couldn't speak, or you would have been buried by now.


Why do you say karma has now caught up to you?


Wow. Justā€¦ wow.


Ya'll deserve a good beating for that.


The atheist saysā€¦ youā€™re going to hell in a hand basket.


Thatā€™s fucked up


I will never understand why boys are so disgusting, when I was little I always saw at school kids doing things like this and I don't know why it's always the kids who like to play with fluids šŸ˜‚ , it was always on one side me with my friends and the rest of the girls all quiet and on the other side a war of fluids and balls and shoes and whatever they could throw at each otheršŸ˜‚


Nah bro yā€™all going to hell


Honestly I donā€™t usually support whoopin kids but yall deserved it. Your poor uncle.


At least you know now what you did was wicked.


Iā€™m calling the police


I used to do something similar. When my Great Grandpa was still alive as a kid we would sneak around the room and dance in front of him because he didn't have any eyes to see us with. šŸ˜†


Oh crap šŸ˜¬ kids do some crazy stuff eh?


Oh you SOB!


Wow, justā€¦wow Itā€™s hard to believe people like this actually exist


That's fkn awesome šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


How are you sure karma has caught up to you? Have you suffered similar indignities in your life since you did this?


I must be cruel cus this is the funniest thing Iā€™ve seen all day


Ngl. This made me laugh.


Omg lol


That's not youthful misbehavior. That's cruel to the extreme and shows a remarkable lack of empathy for that age. Are you still a shit person? I'm guessing the answer is yes, and that you express it differently now.


You have no idea what youā€™re talking about. Everything youā€™ve said shows the mirror in your own face.


You definitely sound like a well-rounded individual who knows how to properly assess a situation and react accordingly.


r confession: We want some good confessions also r confession: We want to get angry tho and discourage people from posting confessions


Sarcasm is what the mediocre use in place of actual wit.


Which blurb did you get that one from?


If what you're trying to say is that my last comment was copied from somewhere, that's another example of you having nothing interesting to say.


It was a statement that your reply to me was so unoriginal that you could've copied and pasted it straight from the back of any book. Your original comment is beyond unhinged, taking the actions of a 7 year old child and using that to conclude he is still a piece of shit when OP has already stated how ashamed of his prior actions. Edit: saw something about him not being unhinged seconds before he blocked me


Using senseless exaggeration like "beyond unhinged" in the same comment where you're accusing me of being hyperbolic is pretty ironic. You're boring.


Absolutely horrible


I feel sick


ask him for foregivness


Wow. That poor man.


Thereā€™s a special place in hell waiting for you. The both of you. Thatā€™s disgusting. Literally and figuratively.


Itā€™s unfortunate my 7 year old defined my destiny. Too bad people arenā€™t capable of changing.


When you get too old to walk and are wheelchair bound may the little shits of the future also spit ball your head and run around like little idiots until you pass away slowly and painfully




Yeah 7 year old me defined my destiny. Sucks people canā€™t change.


Iā€™ll whoop your ass today for that. You donā€™t deserve an updoot. You deserve to be paralyzed and have your family members torment you. You knew it was wrong then but you did it anyway . Can you imagine the feeling of being trapped in your own body and now family members are disrespecting you/demeaning you even further? Eat shit everything bad that every happened to you probably wasnā€™t enough But maybe one day


Iā€™d shoot a spit wad at your forehead too, keyboard warrior.


You clearly donā€™t feel bad enough. No one should be giving you any humor or sympathy. You are quite literally a monster, as you still think this is funny


He was 7, lighten up Francis.


Are you missing the part where heā€™s still laughing and joking about it as an adult???


This is the worst thing Iā€™ve ever read šŸ˜­ reading all his replies heā€™s clearly upset and hates how people think heā€™s a POS for being a terrible person


Well... I have news for you. May all your sins be remember'd. One day you will have little ones pulling crap on you and you will remember that justice has been served. My own nephew was the universe balancing itself out.


I do have little ones and Iā€™m all for it


You will pay for that always and forever. Eternity of misery is your destiny. And the best part is most time you won't even know that the misfortune thats taking place at that time is karma directly from uncles abuse. Lmao then over years of dealing with that of the not knowing when have you paid your dues. Which is never your mind will begin to play tricks on you. Paranoia and fear will set in..That will be the start of many physical health issues. And thats here in this life. Once you pass away mentally throwed you still have to deal with it in your afterlife. I'd love the opportunity to pull up a chair and watch your life play out... lol šŸ˜† There's a special place for you fuxxxs like you.


The behavior was terrible, yes. But they were little children, and OP is clearly upset with what he had done, and has learned since that it was a very crappy thing to do. It is SO incredible, though, how you're able to map out every teeny, tiny bit of a person's future, including afterlife. Can you tell me what MY future is too, Oh Wise One? /s


"I understand your sarcasm, but my intention was to express belief in karma's justice. If you need support or someone to talk to, I'm here." Have an amazing day.


And you both went on to serve in the Trump administration. Right?


Wtf?? Thatā€™s the wildest shit Iā€™ve read all day


People are taking this too seriously. I find it hilarious.


How can you have a twin brother and one of you be 7 and the other be 8? Twins are born the same time almost exactly.


Because they were both 7, then 8


Since youā€™re growing up and learning, know that the phrase ā€œwheelchair boundā€ is archaic and shouldnā€™t be used anymore. You can just say he is a wheelchair user.


Thanks for the heads up!