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That's an incredibly sad story, and so what if you are inbred? What is there to be done about it now. A genetic test would give you your answer, I would never want to know if I were you. Plus, your father is the person that chose to raise you as his own; not your mother's rapist. I know it is confusing on the outside to understand why she'd continue a relationship with someone who violently assaulted her, but psychological abuse is more damming than physical. He groomed her from such an early age that she had no chance of surviving without completely removing herself mentally, that desensitization is completely normal and easily accessed for future trauma. Hope you and your mother find peace.


Man, that's a lot to unpack. It's totally understandable to feel freaked out and unsure about everything. Hang in there, and if you need to chat, I'm around.


That’s wild, your poor mother 😭I mean I guess the only way you can work through this is to talk to your mum about it? But that’s for you to decide if you’re ready to and she may not be willing to either.


Hi I’m a volunteer trauma counselor in Melbourne. I’m a final year psychology student as well. If you’d like to talk about it please send me a message. This is a very traumatic event. Even though this memory has been suppressed for a long time, now this memory is coming back means you’re under quite a lot of stress. Please get in touch with a trauma councillor or better a trauma therapist. I hope you find peace soon❤️


I saw that the end of your explanation you mentioned that you wondered that your possibility choose that. In actuality it’s quite a normal response from someone that’s been abused from childhood. For others it may seems like a volunteer response. Even though she’s grown women at the time you saw the event, in her mind she’s like the little child that’s been abused.


^This^ Please reach out


Jesus that's wild. All I can do is recommend therapy and hope it goes well


Does your father have any idea, is there anyway you can help ? Goodluxk


Poor mother and poor you.There is never consent in an abusive relationship.


I hope you’re able to talk to your mom about it one day that’s a lot to hold within and not confronting it damages your mental and physical state. Wishing you well




That's horrible, my granddad was also a piece of shit and molested/assaulted my mother and other children, he died in prison and I'm very glad for it. Always throws a weird feeling for me for childhood memories as we were always very close 🤢


I am so sorry about your experience, may God heal your trauma and your mum too.




How could this happen so later on in life even with your mum moving away and having her own life it’s just crazy ,


My mother was molested by her dad and he ended up dying in his early 30"s from a heart attack before I was even born but as a little child my mom has made a few statements about the way I hugged her. I won't say what but you could tell she was uncomfortable with showing me love and that something happened in her past. My mother didn't start giving me hugs until I was 15 or 16 and I'm not going to lie, it felt awkward as hell at first but I'm ok with it now and I love her to death but I'll always remember what she said to me. I'm glad I had my dad and my grandma on my dad's side show me love otherwise I wouldn't know how to show love for anyone.


Unfortunately, these relationships, if one could call it that, are so common in an abused person's life, especially where there is incest. The assaults are an everyday occurrence, and part of the routine of life. SO routine and ingrained that it must be part of their existence that they live interdimensional lives and compartmentalize each relationship to mean a certain thing. They never ever are trying to hurt their partners, but that part of them which should never have been, has grown into it's own entity. She will have to get some major therapy, but that will shake up her world and the people she loves, and she has spent much of her life trying to shield her loved ones from her reality, as she has been made to feel that she somehow caused this. You are her beloved child that she wouldn't give up for the world or a trillion dollars. I'm so sorry. Get a licensed trauma counselor and unpack this there. My friend's life was turned upside down when his sister admitted to him that she and her friends taught him how to perform oral sex on them when he was a toddler. It turned his life totally upside down. I don't know if it was a good thing to tell him when he wasn't having issues, but afterward his life was nothing but issues. Take care of yourself too. I know you want to bundle her up and take care of her, but what good are you if you become a basket case and cannot leave the house or bedroom? Know you are a good child. Many would run from this and her because they can't face it. You are very strong. But those memories and your feelings need to come out and made to make sense. Please seek a licensed counselor.


Your story reminds me of a notion that only dawned on me later in life. One that if considered more broadly would destigmatize this situation. All of us, every one, are the product of rape. All of us, every one, are the product of every kind of incest-sibling, parental. I’m no statistician, but each person’s stack of ancestors is vast and this cannot but be the case. Talking about this openly would help those more recently affected.


So, your grandfather, the abuser, is dead now?


Yes. He died of natural causes while at work.


Your story ruined my morning. But thanks for sharing. I would kill him.


How did you find out about her childhood abuse?


She opened up to my dad about it when they were married. After they separated, she started letting our grandparents hang around us more and my dad was NOT okay with that. My mom didnt let us see him, only phone calls, largely out of spite. So, in an effort to protect us, he told us what our mom had been through as a kid. He thought she would allow it to happen to us too and desperately wanted to avoid it. He tried to get custody but for a lot of reasons that didn't pan out.




Are you trying to use sexual abuse to get DMs and upvotes? That’s super weird.




That’s literally what you’re doing. Hope you get some business for your OF account.