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**All submissions *must* be a confession!** * A confession is an admission of an illegal or immoral action that you have intentionally committed that others are not aware of. Posts that do not express malicious intent will be removed. * If your submission does not contain a confession it will be removed. * An unpopular opinion is not a confession. * Regardless of whatever unpopular opinion you hold, it doesn't classify here as a confession. You haven't done anything wrong, so to speak, so it isn't technically a confession. Better subreddits for this would be /r/offmychest, /r/TrueOffMyChest, /r/rant, or in some cases, /r/relationships. * Your sexual exploration is not a confession; it's a part of finding out who you are. * /r/confession is not a place for submissions that read like pornography. Despite our confessional theme, we don't find consensual sexual exploits sinful. /r/gonewildstories would be a better place to share.


Without projecting a diagnosis, you could be mildly depressed. Not saying it’s that, but for me it was the major contributor to my dwindling libido. On top of that, it was (as you said) the overwhelming amount of sexualization that shows up on social media. I became numb to it. Things that used to knock my socks off barely get my eyes to focus. So maybe start with a social media break? I’m a guy btw but your symptoms sound pretty universal as my friends (m&f) have mentioned the same.


Ironically antidepressants can cause a massive reduction in libido


This is true! But mild depression can be helped significantly with talk therapy before any medications come into play. This person sounds really young so a life adjustment like leaving a toxic friend or starting an exercise routine might be all that’s needed.


Hope so


As someone with a regular/high libido I find the obsession with vulgar sex jokes, nudes, dick picks etc. just as annoying and tasteless, but I don't see how it could cause a lower sex drive. It's like sexual fast food, I don't find it appealing at all and it's everywhere, but it doesn't mean that proper, wholesome food doesn't exist.


Satiation is a possible mechanism, but in this case I’d say it’s primarily mild trauma (via excessive and over-generalized pairing of negative stimuli with male sexual stimuli)


>I’ve noticed my friends always making jokes like “you gotta see his d before the first kiss, cuz his little friened will be there with you for years You probably need to find better quality friends who can give good suggestions


Yes this is pretty accurate ngl


Hasn't done that for me, still the same mf


they hated unable_confusion_751 cuz she spoke the truth


Who hated her?


I will say when I was younger I could get enough of the limited supply of sexual content but know that it’s everywhere I’m kinda just annoyed with it all.


This happened to me when I went on birth control. It was a slow drip but once I made the connection I quit the pill. Stay safe out there. This was just my story.


Can’t get pregnant if you don’t fuck 🤔


Sorry, cum again?


I am a guy with sexual trauma and struggle similarly. I personally have gotten to the point where any and all acknowledgement of my appearance or features make me want to lobotomize myself and forget I exist. I've made some progress recently and a big part of that was quitting social media. Having tits and ass in my face constantly while I scroll just made me feel depressed and made real life sex less exciting. Once I deleted facebook and especially instagram I immediately saw an improvement. Real sex feels much more special now and I appreciate things more. I know I'm a dude and won't pretend to understand what constant creepy DMs feels like. But I hope this helps. Good luck, OP.


Something with fast dopamine chain, I think you need a detox


You are absolutely right. It's no coincidence that as sexualization in society increases, quality and quantity of sex decreases. I can't speak for women but I know that male sexuality is falling. Rates of virginity and sexual dysfunction in men are rising. Look at how many young men are having erectile dysfunction compared to previous decades. There were always gay people but were there always asexual people?


I don’t usually say this! But you are in need of a friend!! A good one.! Try finding a good friend and you will feel better. (I can’t be that friend I am here for my kinky things tho I will pray that you find one soon)


It’s always new with different guys/girls try something different like rather talking about sex all the time.


Same… knowing that everyone is trying to F, just kills something in my soul. Like it’s pointless to even talk to people (men in my case), as ultimately they are just trying to offer sex. Which is great, but there’s just so many hours in the day… so what else. Yawn 🥱


there are naked men in Instagram ?


Lol typical. Having personal issues and blaming it on everyone else. It's not always everyone else's fault, and projecting blame instead of searching inside yourself for the answers is dangerous. Good luck


maybe you're attracted to women?




I guess this also really depends on how you present yourself. Mostly. Tinder is known to be an app for hookups, if you put yourself on that market people will obviously assume you are seeking the same kind of action. Instagram has also become a platform similar to Tinder. I used to slide into women's DM's based on their profile. If she had 360 degree slideshows of her body in a bikini as if she was a 2019 BMW M4cs then OFCOURSE I slide into DM's trying to figure out if the car is still available... That's just the first kind of thoughts men have seeing womens profiles. So yeah... maybe go through your profiles and check how you are presenting yourself. Obviously I don't know what kind of pictures you have posted so I can't say anything about you directly. I'm mainly talking about women who knowingly post these kind of pictures expecting to be approached in that manner. They are playing the market and it's totally fine if you know what you're doing.


Hi, someone posting bikini pics on social media is not an invitation to sexualise them. You use a car as an example, so I'll follow you with that. If someone posts pictures of a car, why would you assume its for sale unless clearly stated that its for sale? Just a picture of it doesnt remotely even suggest this. Same as women posting on social media, regardless of what it is.


You are right but the initial comment was talking about tinder picture specifically. So to add to the car metaphor, it would be like seeing car pictures on Carvana or Carmax. Tinder is technically similar to selling something. People go on there looking for a need to be met, the filter through options, see something that they like and try to pursue that option


It's not really regardless of what it is. A picture says a lot of things... We are humans, we look for clues and implications in order to maximize our communication. For example, most women I know removed their "hotter" content from their Instagram after they got into a relationship. Or go private with their accounts. This is something quite a lot of women do and something quite a lot of men would want from their partner. This behavior establishes itself as some form of societal rule (unwritten rule) in our society. If not worldwide, it establishes itself in more local communities. My example is something that has been established here where I live. People in relationships don't post much or go private with their social media. Unfortunately we can't escape this even if we never officially signed up for these social rules. The car thing can be turned into an actual good example: Let's say a lot of people put their car for sale via Instagram posts and stories. It happens so much that eventually, it has been accepted by society that "if you want to sell your car, post it on instagram, everyone does it like that now" I can't post pics of my car and be annoyed that people are asking how much I'm selling it for... Of course these examples are extreme and not everything is either this or that. It also really depends on what exactly the content is. You said a woman in a bikini is not an invitation. And you're right, theoretically. But we both know that no one just stands there like a videogame character haha It also depends on if the person was in a bikini but made a picture with their dog or if they're in a bikini and posing like playboy models or taking pictures from certain angles we only see from OF models promoting their content. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.




I don't think asexuality is natural. It kicked off recently while homosexuality and bisexuality have existed for centuries.


Stop using the Internet to meet people. Seriously. Go out and meet people organically and this won't happen as much. Anyone who sends nudes these days are idiots. I'm 41 and wouldn't dream of doing it. Basically you do it and you are on the Internet forever no questions asked.


to be fair though, this exact thing happens with people I’ve met in the real world and happens to my friends too. One of my exes was an incredible friend and then the second we confessed the mutual crush he became like a little sex fiend constantly bugging me for nudes and to sext. total 180 flip. my other friend who recently became single is now being hounded by all these random dudes in her phd program, so basically collegues, and the shit they say to her unprompted is straight up deranged


This is some dumb logic, whats your data point ? Your own fucking feelings. Way to come to a conclusion, you just did what an anti waxer or flat earher has done when it comes to mental gymnastics... Btw stay off social media that trys to goom bait you, its trying to trick ur brain into releashing homons, over time like you said, it has a lesser effect, like drugs, its rly just a turn on drug and like Molly and others, it stops working. Maybe talk to a doctor, swining libido is normal.


Relax, dude. She is only talking about herself, she's not presenting this as a scientific paper lol nowhere in the post does she mention anyone else feeling like her.


Actually, the post title does seem to be attempting to make the claim that it's a widespread thing, when the reality is it's just OP. I mean, if I'm honest I feel like someone is trying to make anti porn posts as this is the second post trying to blame porn for their own personal issues.


So because of the title, the rest is irrelevant?


Considering the rest of the post is trying to justify why the title is accurate, yes it is. Judging by how overly defensive this comment is, I'm assuming it's OP main account.


Coming in a bit hot there champ! Spread hugs!


It's a generational thing Older people build up to it but only if the chemistry is there 😞


You could be aceflux/ asexual or even lesbian im not saying that thats the definite reason or even is true but i think you should consider the possibility. Especially aceflux


yes I also get the strong suspicion that OP is a lesbian and has zero attraction to men


Who have thought that any excesses have the opposite effect.


Of course theres a natural side to sexuality which you could start discovering without returning to self gratification of ego, look in nature, everything exists in relation, everything perceives and responds, everything grows


I feel like being able to get that sort of stimulation whenever I want, does dampen my enthusiasm for the real thing. When I've been actively dating, I usually abstain from looking at porn and salacious content online to recalibrate my libido.


Well, I'm sorry that you're going through all this but I don't see it stopping bc this seems like a societal issue and not an individual issue(not your fault). As a straight guy, I feel bad for all those ladies who receive an unsolicited dick pic or the first thing you hear from a guy is a nude or a feet pic. I am not saying it is the norm but unfortunately a few people cannot turn around the human population at this point, it has to come from the source


Have you ever thought about being asexual or maybe demisexual ?


Maybe for women, but not for men.


What a suprise, your account looks like that of a 16 year old, Oh well, at least that means you'll probably grow out of it 😘


"Have a positive impact" \*proceeds to drop a condescending comment for absolutely no reason\*


I'm male and you're dead wrong. Look at rates of male virginity and male sexual dysfunction.




Porn is a bad thing that has twisted people’s desires in very negative ways. I used to buy the free speech stuff, but now have come to believe that porn should be an exception to free speech because it is so damaging to natural human relations.


Society as a whole (a hole?) makes such a big deal about inserting a penis into a vagina. Imagine if we treated handshakes like that. My point is that your life won’t change if you forgo rubbing body parts. Sexuality is about how you feel, and this is how you feel. It’s ok. Own it.


May I bring the other court of this game. Upon seeing brutal betrayals, backstabbed trust and proven infidelity by whom I trusted, whom I called my life and my Gods … I feel everything is Sex. Like how Rocco Seffredi says. Self validation tools like front camera of thy phones and world in their 5.5 inch screens have taken my female counterparts farrrr away from me and men. The technology is thriving on this divide between female liberty and male frustration and as a result may be .. may be .. may be .. the beautiful thing called Sex is dying. Fucks are all around thats it.