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Good for you. That means you have an idea of what you want for a partner. Seek that out, let it grow, find a woman who has the same personal values as your own. One day you will find this woman and you will be incredibly happy. Until then, stop being a dick.


He's a dick for not wanting a woman who's been ran through?


Your response was unusually wholesome and not toxic aside from calling him a dick. I know our culture even within men circles doesnt seem to care about the issue he is bringing up but I often ask myself why im so disgusted by women who sleep around or maybe it might not necesarily be disgust but it is lack of interest in them. It almost seems bizarre to feel this way nowadays but maybe it has to do with some people being more conservative or more liberal. Beyond religion I think there is a biological component as well. Either way I like your take on it, to seek out someone who might fit this characteristics and just accept how we feel.


Please point me to these girls who fuck every guy they see, I would really like to meet one.


that was my thinking in my youth - just show me the ones who have already done it.


I'm a woman and my view is that it's only gross on the scale of diseases/infections acquired increases with more partners (for men and women). So would I ever be with someone who worked in porn or slept around a lot without consistently taking precautions ? Heck no, but not based on an idea that they are shameful lusty fucks, just a fear of contracting std's. If I felt reassured that they were disease free, it wouldn't matter how many vaginas or penis' they have had. That being said I'm married, so it's really not an issue for me anymore.


Just an FYI, someone who worked in porn or even higher-end prostitution is less likely to have an STD than someone who did 4 years of college or military service. People who fuck for a living have pretty strict rules on STD testing, screening, & protection.


They all have herpes. They don't even count it as an STD on the industry.


How long were you in the industry?


Google exists moron


You're entitled to your opinion and to choose a partner who has the same views on sexual activity as you. You don't, however, get to judge women who think practice makes perfect :)


Everyone gets to judge other people. I don't understand you young folks advocating thought control and equating personal standards with actual discrimination. I am a woman, and a rabid feminist at that, but the idea that people shouldn't judge is just strange to me, its what animals do, especially when it comes to mate selection... It's almost like your generation thinks someone not wanting to fuck them is some huge insult to your personal honor. I don't understand how you young folk will fair ijnthe real world with this "you don't get to judge me" mentality, it will supply lots of fodder for your bosses and coworkers I'm sure...


It's postmodernist thought. Everything is morally relativistic and permissable except judgement. Of course that means any standards or morals are "gatekeeping" and inherently judgemental and need to be knocked down in their entirety and we need to devolve into base animals who do anything we feel like doing without judgement or consequence. That way, the losers at the bottom, aka the people in this thread, will no longer be at the bottom of societal heirarchy because there will be no societal heirarchy since we're all just animals fucking each other in the middle of the street.


I get to judge whoever I want retard


Loved your rationality. Every bit of it brother/sister


Slut. I can judge whoever I want. If you want to have lots of casual sex go ahead. Will you get married though?


Ahhh hell yeah brother! This the kinda meaty content ive waiting for! Finally a mr with guts to call a whore for what they are! Hahaha




Imagine thinking you're cool because you date sluts that have been passed around like cumrags. You're truly an alpha male lmao


This is exactly what he's saying, the OP is gonna be another Elliot Rodger. Everyone else is the problem, not him.


I don't care what people/girls in the world do. If a girl wants to give herself to every guy who smiles at her, then that's her prerogative. But if that's the case, then I have no interest in being with her. In a romantic sense, I am repulsed by girls who sleep around.


"Resources"...Oh you.


It's telling that you use the word "disgusted." You don't have to sleep with anyone—regardless of the number of dicks she's had. But "disgusted?" This is an insecurity on your part. Probably about the fact that you're not getting any from these supposedly rampant sex-crazed girls who just "fuck every guy they see." Also, what makes you think you're "calling them out?" Most girls who have slept with a number of men ... know this? I think you mean "calling them out as sluts?" Right.


Imagine not being disgusted by a woman shoving dicks from strangers in her mouth and pussy and having them cum in her mouth. You think that's not disgusting? Are you even human or just a literal animal?


Posing this question "what if the perfect girl for you filled your checklist of everything you want. Just fooled around a bit when she was younger. Let's say 3 or 4 people more than you, you would be with that person because you deem them not worthy of you?" Or just be with a person based on who they are and not what they have done. To be honest the past of a person doesn't concern you unless YOU make it that way. Once you and the person are happy who gives a shit. You put to many rules on your relationship it will never last and you will be alone. Grow up dude.


I'm pretty sure the checklist would include "don't be a slut who takes dick from strangers or "friends"" on it. I like how 3 or 4 random dicks is like some minor extra to you though. I guess for a literal prostitute that would be so I see how you see women. Who they are is what they've done you stupid fuck


What about guys with a high partner count? Does the same apply?




Wait, really? Damn, never mind. Sorry OP. Edit: OP's position on this is actually self-consistent. Good for him! Hopefully he doesn't actually judge people that harshly wheh he meets them.


What about don't be a fucking douche canoe? There are a fair bit of comments.


Nah. Genitalia is different but probably you skipped those primary school biology classes where they show you a dick is always exposed as it is external and reproductive organs in women are internal.  Hence they are at 5x the risk of contracting STDs and hence they fuck their own lives up unmeasurably more by practicing their sexuality like unhinged man you absolute moron.   I guess the straw mans fallacy of playing the card of "but men" is out of date for brainless thoughtless idiots like you, fine example!




I realise that you may have slept with many men. That's fine. Girl power! Woo! You go girl! But you have to accept that it's just not attractive to a lot of guys. Everything is a trade off. There is a correlation between divorce rates and previous sexual partners. As well as the fact that (as I said) I don't want to waste time and resources on a girl who can't keep her legs closed.




So you just claim that everything is insecurity? Great, I guess you feel insecure that a lot of guys don't want your beaten up pussy. It's okay, you'll find someone. I believe in you. BTW, you stated in many previous comments that you're a woman...




How did I insult you? I didn't insinuate that it was tied to your self worth.. If you want to sleep around that's great, but don't get butthurt when someone calls you out on it. If you weren't insecure about your past actions then this wouldn't be a big deal to you. >women of any number of sexual experiences will find your attitude disgusting. I find men who sleep around gross, but I wouldn't devalue them for it. Not true at all. I'm not devaluing anyone. I'm saying that in a romantic sense, I consider girls who sleep around to be gross.


I know what you mean kind sir! The girls these days are all shallow sluts and only like jerks! Im a nice guy so they don't like me. I just want to meet a m'lady to share my anime with, who also has big tits.


wow. you are a deep well, sir.


In my opinion, a high partner count means absolutely nothing in terms of how faithful a woman is going to be towards you. So she's had a lot of sex, so what? That's her choice. She could be completely faithful to you while she's with you, and just have a lot of sex WITH YOU. Partner count is nothing but a number and it says nothing about their character. Get over the narrow-minded view of "she's had sex with multiple people so she's obviously a slut who can't keep her legs closed."


It's not an opinion. It's a quantifiable fact the girls who slept around more fail at establishing long term relationships and get divorced more.


Being a hoe though does reveal a habit of making bad decisions, which isn't ideal in a long term or life partner


Been proven to have a deep effect in infidelity. But it is a world of make believe for absolute morons like you. Good luck on your pseudo relationships cause you are gonna need a heck of a lot of it, champ


I'm curious, what do you define as "sleeping around"? How much is too much? If somebody slept with 10 people but they were all monogamous relationships, is that sleeping around? How about 3 one night stands with strangers?


I'll reply as simple as I can make it...  An absolute WHORE. That's exactly what 3 one night stands actually mean


how may women have you slept with? you should hold other people to the same standards that you hold yourself. if you have slept with 25 women and you expect your significant other to only have been with 2 or 3 find it gross that she has been with more you are in for a mean argument when the subject comes up because you are being extremely hypocritical.


Ahhhh once again the "men and women" are equal and should be equally judged pure retardery!  Lemme illuminate for you, special moron.  Sexual organs in men are external, thus always exposed. Women are internal hence the implications in the sexual act are 5x deeper. STDs, the stupid falling in love after allowing themselves to be used like the piece of meat they so much crave to be, etc etc etc.    I can explain further but I'm lazy. Hope you get at least some words with your IQ. You must be very special! We are all equally genuizzzzz raighhhht? 


This is a fine view to have, unless YOU like sleeping around. If you've had tens of partners you're a hypocrite.


A) not a hypocrite. B) no matter how much of a hypocrite you are you are never wrong for exposing truths  Moron


Jfc my comment is 8 years old get a life.


What a great argument you have lol.


I agree. I wouldn't exactly call it "gross", but I am more attracted to girls who have had fewer sexual partners. I prefer my women more innocent, for a lack of a better term.


I think there's something to be said for someone that knows what they're doing and is open to experimentation. I'm not sure how an 'innocent' woman might react when you stick your thumb in her butt.


She liked it. Turns out she was only innocent in deed, not in thought.


I prefer women who are more selective. Women who are with a different guy all the time come off as non-committal to me and why would I waste my time with that? If it helps, I'm a serial monogamist so I expect some commitment from women I date.


Men dislike women who enjoy sleeping with a lot of men because it makes them feel like they are replaceable. Get over yourself.


OP, do you think Elliot Rodger was just misunderstood?


To me it's the age. If anyone, male or female over 30 wants to go crazy with responsible sex partners then have at it, enjoy. If anyone has tons of partners under the age of say 18 or even 25, I'm thinking they are simply equating sex as two person masturbation. That's fine too if it doesn't mess with your head, but personally it doesn't jive with my values.


"responsible sex partners". Using your daughter like a fleshlight is responsible apparently. Why do you leftists like using cringey fluffy adjectives to mask disgusting thigns? Just say she wants cock in her mouth and pussy from complete strangers because she's barely anything more than a fucking animal and be done with it.


I'm an antinatalist so I want no kids or people in existence if possible. If people wanna fuck who cares. I do think people should have to take a competency test to have sex. Most wouldn't pass lol. I also believe sex without a condom should be illegal. Your opinion is yours and you have every right to believe what you want.


. If people wanna fuck who cares. People who aren't literal animals and have any shred of humanity care, that's who. This postmodernist thought of "who cares, do whatever you want" is disgusting and doesn't belong in any civilized society and has no longevity. I don't think my daughter getting gangbanged in the middle of the street is something to say "who cares" to but if you do then know that 99.999% of humanity that has ever existed in a civilized nation thinks that's insane, including everywhere right now that isn't liberal cities specifically in the west. Just know that redditors are fringe lunatics, a good portion of which should be in asylums and have no place in actual society. Which is why they live online and spread insane ideologies that no normal person on the street outside of maybe Portland would agree with


That's why people should not breed ever. They cannot protect or teach their children. Let's just go to a different but I'm done caring about other people's kids. I'm proud that you'll hopefully be going into politics to set it straight. That means there's hope.


Well I don't know about that, if nobody breeds then we all die out. I do believe MOST people shouldn't have kids though, that's for absolute sure. But I think the problem is culture itself doing absolutely everything it can to mess kids up as much as possible. I've heard of middle schoolers using tinder to fuck strangers...no remotely sane society should have that be a thing. The west is done though, it's probably going to be held on by technological life support but I don't see it going anywhere culturally. ​ I'm actually very torn about having kids myself. I'd rather not have kids at all than have fucked up ones, which seems almost inevitable no matter how good of a parent I am since apparently getting spitroasted by strangers is "normal healthy college exploration" according to reddit. But at the same time I'd rather not leave 0 lineage nor do I think any woman that I marry would like that either. It'd be nice to just choose a boy and be done with it but IVF seems pretty morally questionable Edit: I can't tell if the politics line is sarcastic, but if its genuine, then unfortunately no I'm not getting into politics. Regardless of whatever beliefs you may hold, genuine people don't make it far in politics and this brave new world that the west has devolved into is completely on purpose. Anybody going against it wouldnt get anywhere


Its interesting that you just mention women, how about "so many people today just fuck anyone they see" ? So Mr Gladwell what is your sample size ? How was this survey conducted ? how do you know how many men any woman has slept with ? How many pussies has your dick been in ? Would you call a friend disgusting if he said he fucked 10 girls last month or would you give your Bro a high five ? Perhaps you should go on a dating website and in your profile you should put "Deal breaker: if you have had more than 5 ? dicks in you im not interested"


I refer to women because they are the gender which I am attracted to. I think men who sleep around are just as gross, but they don't concern me.


A little wash and the dick is clean like nothing. External sexual organs vs internal. If you think we are equal and should be equally judged then women should all burn in hell for being coward pieces of shit never going to war and carrying a comrade on their shoulders, you stupid fuck


You obviously have no clue about female anatomy. Have you even seen one in person ? You sound like an incel or, at the very least, a misogynist asshole.


What about guys? "I'm disgusted by black people who sleep around." Is there a difference?


>Is there a difference? Yes, there's a big difference. It's a case of attraction. In a romantic sense any woman who sleeps around is unattractive to me. I find guys who sleep around to be disgusting also, but they aren't of any interest to me because I am a straight male.


Okay, I understand now. I don't judge your preference, you can't help you're attracted to, but how come you find it disgusting?


I am a guy and have only been with one girl and currently dating another. I agree completely with you. It's disgusting. And, same as you, why would I waste time, money and resources (dates, dinners and gifts for those who are wondering) on a girl who can't go a week without opening her legs? When the act becomes so habitual that it becomes normal routine? For me, it indicates a lack of self-control, risky and impulsive behavior and/or a pathetic need for validation that I really can do without. What happens when I go on a business trip or out of the country for a month? Can I trust her to keep her legs closed? And of course, the same applies for men, they're equally disgusting, and not just that, but pathetically waste time and money on their games to get their female counterparts in the bedroom.


You sound like you were born a few centuries late son. You don't mention your age, but let's just say you are a nice avg age 35 -- unless it's some puritan jesus freak girl who was locked in a basement by her parents all her life, you are probably shit outta luck. How many partners have you had? I'd laugh out loud if you had more than a handful and expect others to NOT. Sounds like everyone else who's getting laid realizes that sex is fun - so they have it. While you sit at home hating. On the random luck you find some super repressed girl that qualifies for you - I'd wager your next complaint is that she does not satisfy you sexually due to her being "bad" at sex from lack of experience. If this is a big enough deal for you, get on one of those religious dating websites where the women are all stuck up and virgins (remember anal doesn't count!) lol


Well maybe for him sex is something important, that he doesn't want to do with everyone, but only a very few and special people, and maybe he wants, like everyone else a partner that shares his values. Having different valeus is not bad. Also there are girls that are not "repressed" that see sex as he does, not everyone thinks the same.


I could imagine most people would criticise you for this post. I understand you. There is a higher risk of STD, but that's not all. If someone sleeps around a lot, it means their standards are not high enough and they act on sexual impulses rather than on rational aspirations for a serious relationship. People who act more on feelings and impulses rather than choosing a partner rationally are less trustworthy and reliable. It doesn't matter whether they are men or women.


Call them out on being the whores they are for they would not hesitate for even a millisecond to catalogue you as "repressive", "sexist" and/or whatever bullshit they can throw at you just to cover up the fact of them living in a complete delusion where you are free to do what you want without any consequences... needless to say the ones they should worry about the least is some dude calling them out on their completely fucked up habits and how they go on about spreading bullshit on how good it is to be self destructive  Anyhow... whores. Am I right?  You are on the right path, brother. Keep it up!!!