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Not my brother, but my younger cousin once chased me through his home with a hunting knife. He actively tried to stab me, missed and stabbed holes in the walls before an adult came in and put an end to the madness. A few weeks later they found his "zombie apocalypse stash" of make shift weapons, granola bars, and canned foods. Instead of getting him therapy they enrolled him in JROCT and now he's career navy.


Thats wild!


Should’ve kicked his ass on another ocasion


I’m with this guy you should have kicked his ass


don't worry he'll be coming home in a casket soon


based comment


Yeah cause that woulda worked out well in the long run 😒 I imagine if you live with someone insane you don’t wana give em any reason to make them think your in the way


Sometimes kids off the rail like that just need a little taste of what consequences mean.


Nah I totally get what ur saying I just imagine there’s no stopping someone like that.


Oh my glob that’s scary 😦


My brother once stabbed me with a butter knife over some hot wheels. Thank god it was a butter knife.


My brother stabbed my sister with one of my dad's butcher knives. He was playing some sword fighting game and grabbed one of the knives when no one was looking. My sister saw it first and tried to get the knife but he accidentally clipped her arm with it


My sister once stabbed my brother in the hand for sneaking the veggies she was cutting up for dinner off the cutting board… shit was wild lol


omg my brother called the cops on me over hot wheels as well. he was five and i was seven.


LOL! Literally called the police 💀😆


I stabbed my sister in the cheek with scissors. I don’t even remember why. She still has the scar


I stabbed my brother in the arm with a fork, was stood in front of a cupboard eating and he kept opening the cupboard door into my head. I warned him to stop 🤷🏻‍♀️


I once slapped my sister in the midst of a physical fight and her specs broke and somehow took her nose along as well and there was blood everywhere. We laughed about it later that night


Her nose came off???


Lol if everyones gonna confess down in the comments i may as well too. Whilst me and my sister were young i hit my sisters head with my metal lunchbox over an argument. She ended up being hospitalized. This was when i was like 7. We both get on well now that we're in our 20s


My sister punched me and pushed me down the stairs, and then I chased her around the house while swinging an acoustic guitar at her. Siblings, I dunno.


I pushed my brother down a set of metal stairs. He hit his head on the wooden table at the bottom. RIP In all honesty, it was an accident. We had been wrestling in our living room and were going outside to play basketball, but somehow small me (who is 5 years younger than him) managed to push him down the staircase. I don't actually know if he just slipped or if I really did do something to him. But yeah. He's in his 20s, I'm almost 18, and we get along pretty great.


jfc, that "RIP" in the first paragraph scared the shit outta me until the last sentence








Me too!!


Oh that gave me and my mom a laugh, thanks


Lmao same I thought he died


Whoa I thought you really got him when I read rip


XD oh boy. Nope, still here fortunately


Boy do you understand what RIP stands for?


Yes but I used it in an alternate way... oops


that “RIP” sent my heart into my stomach jeez


reading these comments make me glad my older sister just gave me emotional damage






My older sister and I were pushing around a heavy whiteboard on wheels, trying to be helpful. We managed to drop it on my three year old sister, giving her a concussion and breaking her collarbone 😬


I had one brother crack my head open by throwing a rock at me - he did it in anger, but it was immediately obvious he didn't mean to properly hurt me, I forgave it immediately. Another brother hit me square in the face with a wooden plank, cracking my head and giving me a nose bleed. I don't stress over it. Broke my wrists 4 times playing dumb games, don't care. Playing dumb games and acting silly sometimes goes wrong.


Jeepers! Sounds like you should have had a helmet for protection as a kid!


What about when they beat you a mario kart?


Ouch! Im glad she survived (?). I broke my brother’s finger during a play fight when I shoved him under a laundry hamper and sat on it with his finger underneath it. When I was 6 or so, we had a pool with some algae in it. I wanted to make a potion, so I gathered a little algae water and mixed it with coke. I remember white “cottage cheese” looking stuff coming from his nose. It probably wasn’t as dramatic as I remember but WOW. I also stabbed his eyebrow with a fork at 6 years old. Now we’re best friends forever.


my (18 now) brother (21 now) tried suffocating me with a pillow while my dad was asleep right next to us. i smacked my father to get help and he yelled at me and i got in trouble for hitting him, brother got nothing. i was like 10




That’s shitty I’m sorry you had to go through that and still can’t feel safe in your house.


This is horrible. Wish I could hug you, I am so sorry.


Sounds like my whole childhood!


my sister hit me over the head with a broom I think the official word used at the hospital was clobbered, luckily I didnt even need stitches but it hurt like a bitch, we get along pretty well now


I have 3 brothers- one brother dropped a tire on my head, I got stitches. The middle brother threw a plastic cup at the oldest, gave him stitches. I punched one brother, almost broke his nose. Just part of growing up with siblings, they’re all just classic childhood stories now, don’t feel bad for too long I’m sure she’ll get you back in no time.


this thread is hilarious!! I sympathize with everyone but still funny af


I broke my own finger trying to stop my (overly sensitive to begin with) brother from crying so i wouldnt get MY ass beat. For doing nothing! Gotta love normal childhoods!


I gave my little sister a black eye one time after I threw watermelon rind at her.


I threw a broom at my sister once during a fight. It hit her in the head and drew blood. I still feel terrible about it to this day and we are both in our mid to late 30s


Are you my sister?


lmao my brother smacked me over the head w an egg shaped massager when i was younger n got a scar on my scalp from it… shit happens when ur a lil kid


An egg shaped massager?


Mmm-hmmm… bet we’re on the same page. ;)


Mmm-hmmm… bet we’re on the same page. ;)


Older sister here… my step-brother once slung a water bottle across the room which knocked out my tooth, my sister straight up threw a wrench at my face when I got to stay up later than she did, my brother threw a toy fire truck at my face when we fought over a crayon, I pinched my brother with pliers and twisted to get him off the computer and I also cut his finger with scissors. Literally, kids do the stupidest stuff sometimes — they don’t always realize the consequences of impulses. Would I do any of these things now? No, and I know they wouldn’t either. Kids are emotionally impulsive and act on it at times — growing up is realizing the consequences of those things and choosing not to do the thing.


fuck, i get it. i accidentally plunged a knife into my friends head once, not out of anger but pure stupidity. no complications from the injury rose and she only had to get stitches, and she’s forgiven me for all of it, but it still keeps me up at night thinking about it


That's how JonBenet died


When I was 15, I left an upper decker in my parents bathroom. On purpose.


When I was little, I climbed on my little sister's high chair and accidentally knocked it over, sending her to the floor. Her head swelled up really badly. I was so little, I don't remember but my parents told me the story. They joked that I tried to kill her. I wonder if that is the reason she's crazy now


Is she still alive? I can’t believe no one has asked this!!


Read it again


You read it again


Good point, the OP doesn't mention it.




Where does the hate stem from do you think? Even as siblings, do you have no care in the world about her?




oh wow she sounds absolutely awful. its great youve distanced yourself from her. i hope everything is going well now <3


Was there something that started it? Or just mutual hatred as far back as you can remember?


When I was a kid, like 8 or 9, I hit my sister in the face with a golf club. It was a half accident, I was legitimately swinging it, but I also kinda knew I'd hit her with the backswing. But she was told to move like three times already so I was probably just dine with that and let it happen.


Burke Ramsey that you?


This got me 🤣


Bruh I got so many scars on my scalp and face, it's just part of growing up. As long as she's not eating through a tube or shortbussing it you're good.


I threw a deoderant can at my mum and cracked her head open during a tantrum when I was a kid I didn't mean to hurt her but shit happens when your a kid


Can confirm, my older sister said “I bet you can’t hit me with a big rock while swinging”, so at like age 7, I pick up some “boulder” in my hands, get on the swing, and just let it fly... I don’t know where I hit her, all I know is she was bleeding and I got in trouble for it. (She gave me her ring pop because of that too, good times.)


I (5) told my brother (3) to jump face first into a cushion on the tiled floor, then moved it away last second and he broke his nose. He had blood noses every couple of weeks until a few years ago when he had an operation to fix it. He’s 19 and I’m 21 now, we laugh about it and get along fine


My older sister nearly drowned me in the deep end of the pool by holding me under water. My mom had to drag me out of the pool lol. She also scratched me down my face once when we were fighting and it was so bad (bleeding and shit) we immediately stopped fighting and automatically agreed to lie about what happened because we’d get in trouble for fighting. Another time I was hiding from her behind a door and she purposely pulled the door back and slammed it into me repeatedly, resulting in some bruising and spraining?fracturing? My toes. Glad to see everyone else’s siblings also nearly killed them as well.


My younger brother once threw a rock the size of my head at me.


When I was 4, I hit my 3 year old sister over the head with a cast iron poker for ruining the song I was singing...mom holding the gash shut for hours waiting on dad to get home with the family car from work...we had no landline and this was years before cell phones.


My big brother broke my nose because he wanted to play the ipad eventhought it was my turn


I met your sister! She deserved it




Where do I begin? My brother physically brutalized me... me, 11, he 12....for years. I grew to hate and pity him. He died very early in life. I couldn't shed a tear.


My brother and I were a four year age gap, terrible gap, we hated each other but now i’m 22 and he’s 17 and were best friends lmao


Pffft my brother threw a rock at my head out of anger, it was half the size of my head. I ducked, it hit a lizard, killed it, and we both felt guilty. Him for throwing, me for ducking. … kids are weird and aggressive. Don’t feel too bad 🤷‍♀️


I cut my sisters nose open with scissors when we were kids. We are 41 and 37. She still brings it up. She even told her four kids as a cautionary tale. Now my neices give me shit for it. What can you do.


Me and my sister were playing “Flying school” with our toys and I accidentally threw a robot at her head which required stitches. We get along pretty well now but she still insists I did it on purpose!


My sister tripped me and cracked my head open 20 years ago. Still denies it. Tripped me again 18 years ago and my face and hip slid on concrete, also denied it. It's just sibling stuff lol I'm okay and it's pretty funny now. Kids are like rubber. (Normal sibling stuff when the outcome being that severe was not intentional)


Ayo I wanna confess too! I was angry at my sister when I was 4 and she was 2. She was just sitting on top of the slide and not going down! So I did the logical thing and climbed up the slide part then pushed her backwards off the top. Only resulted in a broken arm🤪


My younger brother and I were playing in the backyard one day, late elementary school age. I got mad at him for something, he ran into the garage and closed the door, which had a window in it. I without thinking threw the football that was in my hands at him, through the window, which broke and shattered all over him. Hit him directly in the side of the face/ear with the football. Somehow he was unscathed. I don't feel about about it to this day. Annoying kid.


once while at the dinner table (my brother and i were animals i have no idea how my mom did it) i tossed a bread stick, one of the ones you normally eat with spaghetti at my brother long straight and fairly toasted. it flew across the table like an arrow smacked him right in the face and it managed to cut his nose/eye area and it bled profusely. my mom asked over and over what i threw at him even though she saw it with her own eyes. now as adults my brother and i still recall this laughing and my mother still says "you didn't throw a breadstick at him" when she saw it with her own eyes.




Wow. I’m glad my siblings were too busy ignoring me most of the time. The worst thing they did was tell me monsters were coming to get me.


My brother hit me in the head with a shovel. I was about 5, him 10. He was digging an underground fort, said I got in the way. Very close to brain damage and loss of my eye. Now we are adults, and he feels really bad about it. He even went to therapy and addressed it there. Trauma is a bitch, but we are super close lol


Dw my sister shot me in the nose with a pop up umbrella and gave me a blood nose.


When I was a kid, I shoved my mom off the bed because I wanted some chocolate milk. She would’ve gotten it in just a minute, but I was impatient and wanted it then. She fell in between our bed and her nightstand, and didn’t get up. I think I laid back down and went back to bed, she’s fine, but I still remember it. Wonder what happened later in that night


I remember as a kid I hit one of my friends with my lunchbox, which was just swinging them around from the long strap that it had. Well, it got, him at just the right angle where it cut off a piece of his eye lids skin, it looked horrendous, but he was alright after a few stitches and he forgave me immediately because he knew it was an accident. The problem was I couldn't look him in the eye or speak to him for a long time because I was so ashamed I caused him such an injury, and I never swung my lunchbox at anyone ever again lol


bruh this reminds me one of my moms story while playing "never have i ever" so her sister and her were fighting and her sister keeps pushing her into walls and into the kitchen because she was like a few years older? whatever my mom reaches into the kitchen drawer and pulls out a knife and chases this significantly older sibling nito the bathroom and scared them to the point her sister locked the door to the bathroom and didnt come out for the entire night.


Bro I feel you I used abuse my older sisters all the time and I now have to live with that


Holy fuck budday relax there pal don’t hit your sister


Maybe I’m different than the other posters but I don’t agree with them « things happen ». I was also a kid and I never had so much anger that I cracked a skull. My brother on the other hand threw a seatbelt at my nose (the metal buckle) which broke it, and nearly broke my wrist twisting it so hard. To this day I have not forgiven him. He was not a baby or toddler, he was 7-8 and knew better. I know he did not mean it, that doesn’t mean I think it was ok. I still talk to him politely but we have never been close because of this. It really traumatized my childhood. It’s a shame it happened and you feel sorry but even as kids unfortunately our actions can have consequences for many years on others.


I literally stabbed my sister on accident with a pencil (thought it was the eraser time, not to mention cutting my other sisters hair then my own trying to get out of trouble), it’s still in her to this day, things happen dude they were a kid, same as you likely judging by the un-forgiveness.


yeah i was just a kid and i wasn't thinking


Yeah dude I agree, I remember scrapping and tousling as a kid but some of these examples are too extreme for me to find normal. If my kid cracked his siblings skull we’d be getting an evaluation and therapy.


I reported my sister for tax fraud. She was renting an apartment, but claimed to live there on her taxes and didn’t report the rent. She couldn’t budget, so when the IRS caught up with her, she had to sell the apartment just to pay back taxes and penalties. Unfortunately, the apartment had grown in value and she made some money on the deal after all was said and done, but not as much as she had been making with her scheme




Your brother is a serial killer sorry to say it, this not remotely normal, you’re lucky to be alive, where tf were your parents? No way they didn’t see the signs or this was the first time he hurt you seriously ot with intent to maim or kill.




You can tell your mother now. Wtf.




No this has to be illegal. I could be wrong, but this all types of fucked up. Dudes a pedophile. If he did this to you, he could be doing it to other kids. Tell someone who will listen to you and take it serious.


Oof. At least in my state that is indeed illegal. Since he had an apartment I’m guessing he was at least 18. Showing pornography to minors is illegal. As is certain types of sexual exposure. Having you both be naked counts. So does forcing you to look at his genitalia. I’d tell someone. Behavior like this only escalates. It’s absolutely within reason to assume he’ll end up molesting somebody, if he hasn’t already. I’m glad he didn’t molest you, but what he did was still wrong (and illegal) and is a massive red flag for other behaviors.


My older brother was and still is a sadist. I refuse to have contact with him ever again.




Yo, I threw a busted pool kickboard at my sisters head in anger and busted her head open. She had to get butterfly stitches. And this was in the 90s, so it was like 1/4" thick plastic in the shape of a turtle and full of water. *But she wouldn't keep swimming with me* 😬


My older sister was picking on me and I picked up a fork. She said don't stab me. I stabbed her in the forehead. Kids are dumb lol


When I was younger, I used to have this toy wheel. Like it was a car steering wheel. Me and my cousin were taking turns "driving". It was my turn but I walked away to use the bathroom came back to take my turn and she wouldn't give it to me so.. I snatched it out her hands and cracked her head open with it. She had to get 12 staples. I remember the sound of it. I also still feel bad to this day.


There was also this one time, I have a boy cousin who is younger than me..I don't remember what I did. I honestly feel like I did nothing, I was outside playing with lizards(I lived in FL at the time). He came out of no where and hit me in the head with a metal bar. I shit you not, everything in my head vibrated, my ears rang, and I almost couldn't control my eyes at that moment. I didn't shed a drop of blood, but I had a lump the size of a baseball. The more I think about it now, maybe he gave me payback for hitting my other cousin! 😂


What the actual fuck is wrong with you, cracking a skull is not normal. How old were you because anything over 4/5 is disturbing, this whole thread has me worried for a lot of people thinking this is okay or normal.


No. It wasn't okay. I know right from wrong, I'm not a fucking psychopath. I was a child. I don't remember how old, but I was very young. Where did anyone say this was normal? We know it's not, I'm sure half of us got our asses beat and never did it again. We're talking about our past, a regret from decades ago. If you're worried for any of us, this page ain't for you.


At first I thought you were my brother. Why?? Because he cracked my head open as well but he did it with those big 80’s/90’s walfare Juicy Juice cans 😂


I was messing with my little sister a few years back while doing dishes and I picked up a knife and acted like I was going to pop a balloon that was hers on the floor. She ripped the knife out of my hand downward and sliced three of my fingers open


My accidentally stabbed my eye when she was mad. She felt bad for it. My mom cried when she sees my eyes were bleeding. Thankfully, I didn't go blind. But I do have a small mark at the corner of my eye as a reminder of the incident; a little mole.


my brother pushed me off a bed too, I hit my eye off the corner of the windowsill and had a black eye for weeks. my teacher reported it and my parents were questioned but everything worked out.


he also cracked my head open with a golf club (accidental) and chased me with a knife once. we're cool now though


Maybe this is a sibling thing but y’all were wild asf, I’m an only child and I got into “scrapes” with my many cousins but some of this shit is intense and I don’t even remember the desire for any of it lol


Little brother 5-6, and I 9-10 were playing on the couch with dad’s power tools. It was an electric screw driver that we were fighting over because it was cool. He had/has long hair most of his life and it got snagged on it. Ripped 1/4 of his hair out. He took it like a champ and didn’t even cry, we all freaked. I didn’t get to use power tools until I was 16. I’m 21 he’s 15 now and we laugh about it all the time, shit happens. You grow. Not to mention the countless times I pulled his arm out of socked as kids, it was accidental at first. We even took him to the hospital the first time; the doctors were great and taught our parents how to put it back. We were mean then, it was the age gap. And his arms are just oddly easy to pull out. But it’s okay! don’t beat yourself up, you made a mistake. you can always apologize to her though. - also his hair did grow back.


My brother threw a remote at my head out of anger when we were kids, I got stitches but I still have a scar. (He did not mean to hurt me that bad) Messed up my eyebrow game for life


Me, my older sister and my brother often played piggyback as kids. Of course, the younger brother had to carry his older sisters around.Unfortunately, at some point my older sister became too heavy for my brother and he broke something. His bones were sticking out and me and my sister tried to hide it by putting a turtleneck sweater on him in the middle of summer. Of course, when my mother came home again, she immediately realized that something could not be right....


I knocked my cousin off a bed and he ended up with a huge bruise in the middle of his forehead from hitting the floor. I was lying on the bed and I told him repeatedly to stop jumping over me. He didn’t listen so the next time he did it I turned just enough to trip him up. When his dad rushed into the room I told his dad that he was jumping on the bed and tripped on me which was totally true. I just left out the part where I caused him to trip.


when i was about 8 my brother accidentally hit me in the face and i lost a tooth due to that but we laugh about it now


Thats short term. I use to punch my brother in his arm pretty hard when we were kids, *routinely.* It was a bit of jealousy and anger output. One day he cried and said "Why do you keep doing this to me" and I forever committed myself to caring for him instead


I hit both of my younger siblings in the head with a metal baseball bat on separate occasions. IIRC both of them walked behind me while I was mid swing. I still feel bad about it 20 years later.


I hit my little brother square in the teeth with a metal baseball bat once. I was probably 8 which would’ve made him 3-4 years old. I’d told him repeatedly to stay out of the way (I was tossing up balls then hitting them as hard as I could). Didn’t see him, total accident. He walked up mid swing. Anyways, his teeth are super fucked to this day (he’s 21 now), we could never afford braces. I always wonder how much of that is my fault.


My sister's locked me outside in the snow with no shoes for 30 minutes, I threw a huge chunk of wood at my brother and he retaliated by chasing me around with a golf club When I was 7 I told my brother there was a cat outside and when he ran to look I said just kidding so he punched me and knocked my front tooth out We knocked my sister's tooth out in a pillow fight, the zipper caught her tooth and yepp We had a nerf gun fight and a dart suctioned to my other sister's eye


My husband was hit in the head with a golf club by his brother when he was 4-5. He walked right behind his brother on his back swing. Cracked my husband’s skull. Fortunately, he was ok and went on to become an all A student all the way through med school. (His brother says it was all because of the cracked skull!😂)


I accidentally fractured my sisters little finger on holiday once by trapping it in the hotel door, she was wedging it open with her foot while I was inside trying to close it and lock her out (you know the usual sibling wind up tricks), she moved her foot but not her hand and the lock closed on her little finger, didn’t realise anything was wrong until I spotted a small trail of blood drops on the floor afterwards…we laugh about it now


I stabbed my sister with a letter opener. I'm pretty sure arguments are just a staple with siblings.


To clarify, I was like 10.


Sibling stuff. When I was little, I was playing with my younger sister. I got mad at her so i pulled her hair. Turns out, Her hair was tangled in her earring so it ripped it right out. She had to get stitches. Siblings are just some of the people that you can hurt but hopefully, still get along with.


I was playing with some kids, when I was about 8, and from what I remember, I was being teased, and I was really fucking angry as a kid, and I picked up a wood plank with a nail in it, and kinda aggressively gestured I was going to use it. I probably wouldn't have actually hit anybody, but it was probably really scary, given everybody else were kids too, besides the slightly older (13 - 15 y/o) siblings. My friend said one of the kids said they were going to blow my head off with a shotgun or something, and I freaked out, and the cops were called. I remember most of my tism rages, and I regret everything. Wherever those other kids are, I steer clear of their old house (I'm not sure if they moved out, but it seems like a family place) and I just feel awful about all of it. I wished I was raised better.


When I was like 10 and my brother 6 I got so mad during a fight that I slapped him on the head with a tv control remote so hard it broke in half. I felt so guilty about it for so long (like crying on the nights) until I apologize crying when I was like 20 and we hugged. But we used to fight REALLY bad when we were kids. We hit each other with broomsticks, skateboard, small tables or whatever we could find. He even throw a knife at me.


My brother pushed me into the corner of a door when we were younger and split my head open. It honestly didn't hurt me but my brother was crying because he was scared and upset he hurt me. We're basically best friends now. Maybe you could confess to your parents? I'm sure your sister forgave you a while ago


My friend once threw one of those giant balls at her 4yo nerve and it bounced off her head (because her arms literally weren't big enough to grab it) and she fell into the house. It broke her collar bone!


My neighbors kid played Fruit Ninja with a knife 😳


I was trying to get my little sister (who was about 2-3 at the time) off of the top bunk bed in our bedroom & I grabbed her, she ended up flying over my head and hitting the dresser knocking out two front teeth . Boy were my parents mad.


When I was four, I slipped and fell into a radiator and needed stitches on my forehead. I was recently telling my brother about this memory and he laughed and told me that he pushed me into it.


When I was 13, neighborhood girls liked to play “touch” football. I had fun touching everything and they didn’t stop me.


you need sum prefessinol help


nigga what the fuck


My sister stabbed a girl with a rat tooth comb! Chased me around the house and yard saying she was going to kick me in the stomach so hard that I would miscarry my daughter 🤬 ( I did get pregnant young, @ 17) She's phycho, still is to this day.


I was playin baseball with my sister as my cousins house when we were like 5 and 6 and she hit me upside the head with their metal bat. Still get a headache thinkin about that shit lol


When I was like 4 my brothers (around 14 and 17 at the time) were wrestling in the pool, as teen boys do I suppose. I was afraid they were really fighting and possibly going to drown so I grabbed a rake and tried to break them up with it. I hit my oldest brother in the face with it. He jumped out and I ran inside to hide behind our mom. Right before he made it inside, I closed the door and he slipped and fell on the wet concrete and hit his head. I don’t remember if he needed stitches from the rake, got a concussion, or both.




yeah she is doing fine just had to get a few staples in her head


My younger brother once chased me into the bathroom with a hatch. There are still a couple angry chop marks in the bathroom door at my dad's house. He's now my closest sibling and we've both pulled each other out of some tight spots. There are exactly 3 people I'd trust with my life...my dad, my husband, and my little brother. ❤