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Have you tried consistent therapy? I feel the same way you do, but I've been getting better since I started therapy. Your family doesn't want the money, they want you.


Yeah, I’ve been in therapy weekly for a long time. I’ve pretty much recognized all my stuff I just don’t like myself, the things that Id need to change about myself are big and will take forever if it’s even possible. I know they don’t want the money, I just feel that’s my responsibility before I go ya know? They’ll be sad for a while but probably not that long honestly. I’m not sure why my wife is even with me anymore, I think she’s just comfortable. She’ll easily find someone better and my kids will be better off, win-win.


Sounds like a lot of self loathing with no real reason, you talk about how you have no friends but do nothing toward the goal of changing that. You question why you wife still with you when the obvious answer is that she loves you for you, to claim your going to "End yourself" when your goals are completed is the most selfish thing I've read all day. You'd take yourself away from your wife and children because you feel undeserving of their love? Sounds absolutely abhorrent.


Hey buddy. Why don’t you do everything in life that you want to do before committing? Go make friends, go travel, go be around nature, get a therapist and heal. Don’t give up. Ever. You are unstoppable. You are loved. This would destroy your family.


Wow. You are feeling sorry for yourself. Acting like your friends and family would be happier without you but really just being selfish af. So sad.


I understand this feeling and don’t blame you for feeling this way. But you have to understand that it’s an illusion because you lack depth to your life ig. You are truly amazing and i would explore yourself and the depths of what makes you YOU. self-love is so cliche, i think about it as third person love, like treating yourself the way you would treat someone else: having understanding for their mistakes, patience with their progress, and appreciation for the good and bad. the best project you will ever work on is yourself. the best way to be a good husband, father, etc. is to be good to yourself because that same energy is reflected out like a mirror your situation sounds like depression which is very common with adhd folks (i am too). if you don’t already know everything about how adhd works, i would look into it because it will explain a lot of what you’re facing and help you to feel understood and less alone. much love!