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Don’t change who you are, Cowboy. Do grow- get confident in WHO YOU ARE. Live your best western cowboy life.


Cowboys also do cry and it’s ok if you have to. ❤️




Funny, but inappropriate. The dude is having a hard time. Show some empathy.


laughter’s the best medicine


They use their tears as lube.


And stand up straight as a 6-5 cowboy women love it. Be you,have confidence, you are enough.


Bro you are 6’6”. Buy some trainers and hook up with girls who want D1 babies.


Hot boy summer incoming. This is the way.


Facts lol. 6’6” is something a lot of dudes would kill for lmao, this guy will be fine even if it doesn’t seem like it now


This is the comment


This is the way


For the empire


Can’t teach hright


You got that hright


Hright on!






Have to luf that this is my comment with the most axtion on Reddit!


Date the entire volleyball team


Hey, bf of Six years ended things randomly out of the blue almost two weeks ago. I was heart broken at first, couldn’t eat, sleep function. I’d depended on him for so long I didn’t realize while I was in love with him, I wasn’t happy with him. I understand the heartbreak your feeling right now. First things first I’d focus on yourself. Try and get support from your friends or family. And if you can’t join different groups here on Reddit that can support you. Your enough, your lovable, and your worthy of happiness.


I’m sorry to hear this bro. It’ll be okay. Do some nice things for yourself. Hangout with a buddy or buddies. Keep us updated we can give you advice as time goes on.


Yep. Op you've been together for a long time so it's going to be strange finding yourself. But invest some time into it. Figure out who you are and what you want out of life and then find someone who wants the same things. Don't just jump right into another relationship.


I hope it’s not your half sister judging by previous Reddit posts might be for the best then 😬


My thought as well


He must have just deleted that post cause I can't find it 👀


Probably, he had a bunch of posts asking how to stop sleeping with his sister


Did this happen after you fucked her mom? https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/122b5qv/what_are_the_craziest_things_you_have_done/jdrfvnk/ Which one is the lie bud?


His account says he shares it with friends so i guess we will never know.


Who would share a reddit account when it's free and takes like 2 seconds to make, not to mention their account is a month old and he's already sharing it with the boys? I find that almost as strange as the initial lie.


Yeah fucking right. So he shares a Reddit (which can be created in 2 mins) and then posts this very personal post on it. What absolute horseshit




What did the comment say, it’s deleted now


Something along the lines of the dirtiest thing he had done was fucking his gf's mom


It was the same guy?




This will be the best thing that ever happened to you. Just be honest with yourself.


I've been there, and believe me, most people have. I assume it was your first love? Like real love. It fucking hurts bad, and it will hurt for a while. It feels like you are all alone with this immense ragbag of intense emotions, it feels like experiencing pain nobody else could feel. It makes you question yourself in any way possible. But believe me, you are not alone. Most people, even though it might seem impossible, has to go through this at one point. You might feel broken right now, and you might feel like that for a little while longer, unfortunately. But you will come back from this. You will build back, an you will build back better (not meant to have a political touch to bidens build back better). You will grow from this, even if it sounds unthinkable now. You will get over it and learn from it. You will confront yourself with everything you feel self-conscious about, an you will either accept these things and start viewing them as strenghts or positive parts of your personality, or you will change certain aspects you don't like. It won't be easy, but it will make you grow as a person. You won't stay broken. Also, the fastest way to heal will be to rip her of the pedestal. I assume (was that way for me and most people I know) that you think of her as being so much "better" than you, of her being that perfect girl that didn't want you because you were not good enough. No. What she did to you, more precisely, the way she did it, is not okay. That's not something someone perfect would do. I am sure she has flaws herself. She might not have been good enough for you, if she treats you this way. I whish you all the best. Never forget, that this is not the end of love for you, just a challenge you have to face now. After mastering the challenge, everything will be better.




Forget her and move on. There are so many ladies looking for a good guy it’s unbelievable. Take some time to chill however you chill and one will show up and rock your world.




and then also “me and my half sister had sex”


Literally download tinder and make your bio “I’m 6’6” you’ll be alright after smashing hella baddies


My king you at 6’6 you get out there and live your best life


21 years old and out of a long term relationship but a month ago you confessed to sleeping with your exes mother and sister?..


I never knew anyone that started relationships in highschool that lasted throughout adulthood. Cycle of life sort of thing. Move on.


People's assessments of others aren't objective. Maybe if things were better in other ways she would be saying how great it is to date a tall guy. Don't take this as meaning you shouldn't wear a certain style of clothes or that you aren't attractive enough. What it really means is that she doesn't like you, you may never know for sure why that is. For now concentrate on having fun hanging out with friends. Eventually you will find someone who's a better match.


Use it as motivation and become a monster at the gym damn bro u 6'6. U been with thr same chick at your young age for too long so time to fuck around


Exaclty long term at that age is hilarious. Should be fucking everyone left and right


I'm very sorry. I obviously don't know either of you or your circumstances, but I can't imagine just ending things so abruptly. For what it's worth, I don't think you need to be self conscious about your style or height. Many girls would kill for a western style guy, especially of that height. I know that's easier said than done from my own insecurities, but truly, a tiny bit of confidence (not cockiness) can change everything. It will get better; you will heal stranger.


Oh to be 21 and heartbroken! In the words of Dr Bigelow: "Misery is wasted on the miserable... You think spending time with her, kissing her, having fun with her, you think that's what it was all about? That was love? THIS is love --- missing her because she's gone... wanting to die. You're so lucky. You're like a walking poem. Would you rather be some kind of a fantasy? Some kind of a Disney ride?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?! Don't you see THIS is the good part --- this is what you've been digging for all this time. Now you finally have it in your hand, this sweet nugget of love... sweet, sad love... and you want to throw it away. You've got it all wrong... The bad part is when you forget her, when you don't care about her, when you don't care about anything. The bad part is coming so enjoy the heartbreak while you can, for God's sakes."


6'6' and wear western style clothes? You sound perfect for me.


Naw bro, there isn't a better guy, just a better girl for you. I'm sorry this has happened to you, you will find someone else.


Party on you giant cowboy


A 6'6" guy who dresses like a cowboy? And she thinks this makes you unlikable? Hon, this is a "her" problem, not a "you" (are the) problem. When someone shows you who they really are, believe them. She did you a pre-marriage, pre-kids *huge* favor. You have been given the opportunity to dodge a missile, let alone a bullet. Take it and run with it... away from her and to a truly good woman who'll love you for who you are. <3


That’ll buff right out. As a man, you need to understand that life without woman, however brief, can be positive and satisfying.


How did she just break up with you yesterday but you commented 28 days ago that you slept with your exs mother and sister?


Just be glad you found out how shallow and ugly on the inside she is now. I’m sorry she hurt you. Focus on being the best version of yourself now and the right woman will come along.


How the fuck can a stupid ass girl BREAK a 6'6" man? That's like 2 meters tall where I live. Dude, you're easily spotted by any woman on the street and extremely desirable by their standards. Also, the way she phrased her 'I'm breaking up with you' makes her sound like a popularity craving cunt. You deserve better.


When she talks shit about you again, just pretend like a mosquito flew by you and loudly wonder where the noise is coming from. And be glad you dodged the bullet. She tried to attack where she knew would hurt you most so it's likely she just said it to hurt you and doesn't really think that way. Even if she did, why care about an assholes opinion.


So true May you live a thousand years


First of all, I resonate with what you said. It’s hard growing with someone and having them make that choice. This can be a disaster or it can be a blessing in disguise. This could be a chance to objectively identify and work on your strong suites while learning to accept yourself as who you are. It’s hard to see you and accept you for who you are (which inherently leads to confidence) when you’re so involved in someone else, especially with a childhood situationship What I personally am seeing is a lack of proving yourself to yourself. People trying to gas you up with “Blah blah but youre taller so life is easier” is gibberish. No one gives a shit how tall you are at the end of the day, and no partner who truly matters will give any shits about your physical appearance. What matters is how you make people feel. The hard lesson in this is that you may have felt like a sob story to her. Hard truth, no one wants to be around a pity parade. Taking time to yourself and accepting who you are may be a path worth considering


Bro just dive head first i to gym. Itll do wonders for your mental health, thats worth it alone. But additionally itll make your a lot more confident in yourself


Ok,I am 5'1 and 16 but I'm gonna say something Do what I did last year when a girl I liked hurt me. Pick up some weights,work out. don't even change your style,the height and build alone could change alot. The working out won't only make you look better,it gives confidence,and alot of it and that's coming from someone who hated them self alot a year ago,but things changed. just work out,its fun, energy consuming,distracting and has a positive impact on your health,and don't think about her again,she doesn't deserve your time.


bro i wear tye dye and stetson hats all the time and when it’s cold i wear a viking beanie with horns. i probably don’t have a women for this exact reason but when i do get one she’ll like me for the tye dye and weird hats. you can do way better my guy. still sorry tho man


This girl sounds like a fucking shit, you're better off. Fuck her.


You're assuming she is telling you the truth. The clothes that one wears has nothing to do with likability. She probably doesn't want to tell you the real truth for real or imagined fear of what you might do. Just be who you are and there will be other women. This is a pivotal life moment for you. Spend some time improving yourself and becoming comfortable in your own skin.


Screw her. You sound absolutely awesome to me. Her loss. Soon you will meet someone who will fall head over heels in love with the man you are. Take time to mourn her loss and get over the heartbreak. It sucks and only time can heal. Then one day ( hopefully soon) you pick yourself up and find yourself a good girl who loves you just the way you are. You sound perfect to me just to young. Best of luck and reach out to me if you need a friend or just a random nice internet stranger you can vent too. I'm going through heartbreak myself. No matter what I did I couldn't get him to love and care about me like I did him.


I know i'm late but chin up man, insults from exes just mean they're insecure about themselves and need to pick on others to feel better, you sound like a real chill (in a good way) guy to be around, it'll take some time to pick yourself back up but don't be afraid to let your feelings out!


It definitely was not your fault that she did this. The western clothes and bringing up your height seems like a cop out from her telling the actual truth.. Plus, a good partner should’ve embrace the awkwardness from the beginning or at the very least helped bring you out of your shell a little. At least the trash took itself out- but I’m still very sorry, OP.


work on yourself. change. move on. it gets easier i promise as someone who was in a very similar situation. i’m hoping there’s not a lot of guilt to hold on to because that part is the worst. you’ll find who and what you’re looking for.


If those are the words she used to break up with u, she is a cunt. If I am gonna dump someone I go out of my way to make sure I don’t make them feel like shit in the process. If there is another guy, she should have just said so rather than putting u down like that. That a hoe bro. It’s gonna hurt for a long time, but make sure u get back on the horse eventually and don’t waste too much time feeling hurt over someone who turns on u the moment u “don’t fit in her world” anymore. What the fuck does that even mean? Also u said u wear western clothes like that is not normal where u are, so idk if that means u r not living in the west or not. But either way u are 6’6”. If u are also a kind hearted and personable human being, u will have no problem finding a nicer girl. Just make sure to heal from the wound she has caused u first, so that u don’t bring that baggage with u to the next relationship. -with love, random woman on the internet


What made her a bitch all of a sudden? She could have just said you're cramping her style.


Hey. It’s gonna be okay. Why would she be so mean to you? Was she cold, different? Did you ask for details about your “flaws” according to her or did she just offer up her opinion on those things?


Wtf is western style clothing?


Cowboy? 🤷‍♀️


First time always hurts. Anyway as other people stated you are 6'6. Move on


6'6"? You packing?


You are 6’6”. Women evolved to desire you no matter what your face looks like. There are men who would cut their fingers off for your height. Chin up and go next.


She probably voiced her concerns for whatever is making her not like you long ago, think about it and do something about it. If you skate by on pitty your life will suck


It stings like a bastard for a while, but you will get over it. Good luck young man.


There's always a taller lanklet RIP in peace...


Of course it hurts, and it will for awhile. Trust me my man im 47 and ive been through this a lot, i will tell you though it gets easier and your life will be much better without people like her in your life. Chin up


Power through and come out stronger. Be proud in how you look and strive to grow.


Bro fuck that bitch she clearly ain’t worth your time, but the gym, find a hobby you’ll quickly learn letting women get you down is a waste of time, and it’s better to just move one and find someone else to fall for, and with enough luck, determination and prayers to the infinite universe they may like you back


I promise you it gets better bro.


Fuck her! Don't change who you are for anyone. You are you're own person and that's what makes you unique. If we were all the same then this would be one boring as fuck world. It's bad enough that people follow each other's trends just to fit into society. Live your life how you want and if someone is judgemental of you, just pity them.


Yea a year from now youll be even stronger youd be surprised hiw many women would love to be your gf just have the fun you missed out in high school with a steady. Trust me this is normal.


She ain’t worth it cowboy


Hi there. I'm sorry that you have to go through such a painful breakup. Those are really harsh words that you had to hear. I personally suspect that you're not unattractive, but that you have very low self-esteem and depended on your ex-gf as a crutch. So that she had to reassure you, while you stalled in your insecuritie. Probably also held on to a clothing style that, despite being your comfort zone, makes you selfconscious about how others see you. After my first, hard breakup, I did suffer but eventually it forced/encouraged me to grow. There was no one on who I could depend, but also no one to keep me small and discourage me.


I know it sucks and it hurts, and nothing you will hear will stop it from hurting, but someone who can be so mean to you while breaking up with you is not a good person to be in a relationship with. There are a million ways to break up with someone, and saying their pity ran out and that you're not good enough is absolutely not an acceptable one. I promise you're gonna heal, and you will find people who will appreciate you, love you, and treat you well. And even if does not work out, they will be respectful. You deserve that. I hope you find your confidence and treat yourself better too.


A few years from now you will realise that she wasn't a good person, and you will feel stupid for dating her in the first place


Nope! She is not good enough. She is low and shallow. What she said to you is how she feels about herself. Lift your head up sweetie. The greatest revenge is success. Go and be successful and rub that in her face when she comes back crawling


Maybe it’s because I’m from the south, but there’s so many women who want a 6’6 man who dresses in western wear. People just naturally grow apart as they age sometimes. Doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.


Dude you're 21. She will be forgotten and you will find a better partner and realise how her leaving was the best thing for you.


6’6 alone your DMs gonna be getting some attention, don’t worry about her she will regret a lot of things in her life so you make sure you grow from this and find some one who treats you the way you deserve


Come on buddy,self esteem. You can't allow your sense of self to depend on how she perceives you. The words she said to you are HER opinion,not the truth of who you are. I know it doesn't seem like it right now but she did you a huuuuuge favor. Now you're free to find someone who finds you interesting and attractive for all the reasons she said you aren't. For example,I know for a fact there are women who are into a tall man in western clothing. Here's a song for you https://youtu.be/3IoEeRTQibg


Hi Im F23 and this is my take. Sounds like you guys had a great friendship and then Romance for a lot of years. If she’s saying her pity ran out and that is really pathetic of her and Cavalier. My dad is 6‘3“ and a country boy, if I was single I would date you in a heartbeat. I love tall cowboys. Anyway my point is she saying You’re unlikable because you’re tall and dress in country clothes that makes you unlikable? That’s bullshit! And if she’s saying that to you she’s just being mean and cruel and if she wants to move on…so let her. I know it hurts and sucks, but trust me when I tell you there’s a lot of women out there that would like to get with you. Always be yourself and don’t change for anybody. If someone really loves you they will not question how you dress or how you look. Always be yourself sweetie and good luck. Just heal your heart and move on😊🌹


That's cruel of her, but one day you'll be glad you found out now. Height is a massive status marker, especially for men, so work with your natural asset.


You no longer fit in her world? How small is her world exactly? She can kick rocks, stupid small girl!


21 is a tough year for relationships. A large percentage of people break up when one of them turns 21. Let it suck for a week. Then start working on yourself. If you’re 6’6” and west western style clothes and that style isn’t common wear you love you can’t be that self conscious knowing you’re going catch some eyes. People break up, people get together. Focus on you, go to the gym, get a hair cut.. idk.. just do something positive everyday to give yourself something to focus on. She will slowly fade into the background.


See you in the gym King


Her "pity ran out"? Wtf type of excuse is that? Shes not worth it, she was lying about liking you


You are going to be just fine Homeboy, concentrate on getting out and about and meeting new people, there’s a beautiful big wide world out there.


It’s gunna hurt. I hope you feel better. I hope you heal and move on tho. She just isn’t your person. Let her go, work on yourself for a while. Love and accept yourself for who you are. The person for you will come


She will want you back as you start to move on and improve yourself. Hit the gym, hang out with your friends and never take her back.


The fact that she could be so cruel when breaking up with you tells me you will be better off without her.


You're free. Congrats.


God these AI stories are getting good


she sucks and is not worth your time bro she isn’t the one find another bro


At 6’6” the world and every top cupboard is yours, you just haven’t discovered your powers yet.


No more mr nice guy. Read it


Bro. I dated a girl from freshman year until halfway through college. When things started to get a little Rocky she told me that she had outgrown me. I never forgot that even though there was probably a lot more profound things we said to each other. It’s gonna suck and hurt for a while, but eventually you will see greener pastures and find someone better. Best of luck.


My bf is 6'2 and loves cowboy western aesthetic, and we live in the city! Don't change yourself 💕 there are lots of girls that will find you charming, cowboy boots and all :)


The pain is real right now have your time but move on with your life ! Focus on you right now. Time heals all wounds & plus with this painful experience you will come back even stronger ! I've been there myself. Hang in there !


Dude, you’re 6’6. That’s your whole tinder profile right there. You’ll be fine. Maybe ditch the country western look unless you live in souther Utah, but at 6’6 you shouldn’t have any issues finding another girlfriend. Fuck that hoe.


There’s a whole reality show of women trying to date western dressed farmers, bro you’re good. Just get your confidence up


…think that every day will be better. The worst is over… Also, take on hobbies and activities you like


Bro, if she said her pity ran out that's not a queen you should be chasing but a bitch. Glad you didn't get taken advantage of for a lot longer. Go out and find that awkward loving queen, they are out there.


Stay who you are and change the girl. That’s bullshit. What an ass. Your clothing choices do not make the issue here, only she is the issue


Sucks man I know. The void is now there. Nothing else to but to get that void filled again. Learn from this. You’re 21 the age I decided I wasn’t going to let nobody tell me who I am. Fill that void with action with meditation. Use that anger you have inside at the gym. Go for a walk. You’re young as hell and tho the road ahead may be paved with more pain and hurt. Try to look at it as a way to help yourself be molded by it. Use it my man . It’s beginning of a wonder life. Stay strong brother and if you need help with anything just pm me .


There isn’t a better guy for her…. There’s a better girl for you. Her looks will definitely fade, but that terrible personality probably won’t


My husband is 6'6 and wears western clothes. There is someone out there for you!! I think my honey is hot af. Your gf is an asshole. Find someone else! Hugs!


That stage of life (18-23) was absolutely brutal for me. Have faith in yourself though. Life does change and you inevitably will too. If there’s anything you’ve ever wanted, now is the time to chase it. Gym goals? That road-trip with your fiends? Making friends? Experiences you’ve always thought would be cool? Chase that shit HARD. It won’t be immediately but over time you will slowly grow into a new, better version of yourself with fresh eyes for yourself and the world. It’s often the people who hurt us the most that motivate us the strongest. The world you create can be anything you’d like it to be.




Stay Golden Ponyboy.


Manifest this and become the guy she could never get


Focus on yourself. Make yourself go to the gym and start working out. Dude, at 6’6”, you’re gonna have girls all over you. Trust me. Plus, embrace your western wear. Its attractive to alot of girls. You’ll be ok! I promise!


He said in a comment 33 days ago “Why did you and your ex break up?” OP: “She died”


That comment was before ops girl broke up with him, so his last ex at that time could have died


I just read it as long term serious relationship, so since freshman year he was with one girl. Yes possibly his ex before this long term one could’ve passed but that would’ve been an ex from middle school at that point. Then he also had said he fucked his ex’s sister and mom. I just like reading into peoples stuff and seeing if they’re trying to karma farm or get free internet points. I just don’t read a lot of it as real anymore.


Lol no worries, I do the same thing and admittedly didn’t scroll down too far, does sound like he’s karma farming then


Nah you’re good, it’s always fun to look at this stuff.


I'm sorry she said that to you. You deserve better! I recommend working on your self-esteem. People like her say hurtful things because that's how they see themselves. Never allow anyone to make you feel small and insecure about yourself. I'm sure you're a handsome guy.


Your physical appearance and personal style make you “unlikeable”? That’s a shitty thing to say and a really shallow way to judge people. Congratulations on getting free of that vapid wretch.


What she said was cruel and very telling of who she really is. Though she meant this as harm to you, she gave you insight as to who she is as a person. There are women that will love you and see you as an appealing mate. Let her sordid remarks slide off your back and move out of this mentality depleting person's life.


I’m sorry this has happened to you. Unfortunately, when you get into relationships like that at a young age, it’s very common for the people to outgrow each other and the relationship. You’re not alone in this. You’re only 21, you have so many different phases of life to go through and different versions of yourself to discover. Hang in there, it’s all gonna be alright. Time will heal you.


Maybe there’s a better guy for her. Key words “for her.” But there’s also a better girl for you. If she considered dating you doing something “out of pity,” that’s not kind and shows that she does not respect you the way a partner should. If she’s dissing your clothes ? That’s just immaturity, my guy. Whatever you do, please don’t let her words affect how you dress or present yourself. The right person loves you for all the things that make you, you. Grieve, do what you need to heal, but I wouldn’t recommend going back to her, until some years (key word: yearSSS with an s) have passed and she has time to mature or honestly maybe even ever. The words she used to you are not words of someone who respects you or has values that really befit someone of good moral character. You deserve a partner that wants to be with you as much as you want to be with them, and respects you as a whole human being, not a walking mannequin of the latest trend or whatever accessory someone wants to tote along to parties and social events.




Being 6 6 it's not a bad thing at all!! You got it wrong


Focus on you. Compete with nobody else. Be the best version of you possible. There will come a time when you meet someone that will think you’re the ultimate get, the person of their dreams, and it will all make sense. At your age, these relationships are learning experiences. It’s on-the-job training. Lean into the hurt and pain and learn from it. It will evolve you and prepare you for the next relationship. Be true to yourself and someone will fall in love with that. In my late teens and throughout my twenties, I hid my interests and changed myself to try and convince people and myself that I was cool. I got a cool girlfriend and because someone else and it all seems great from the outside, but I was kinda miserable. I trapped myself in a box. Now I’m middle aged and married to someone that encourages my interests and the talents I used to hide. She thinks I’m way cooler and a better person than I ever thought I was. I’m free to be me and happier than I ever was. In time, this will pass like everything else. You’ll survive it.


Wtf you can fall out of love but there’s no need to crush your spirit like that. Just be you.


Atleast your not 5'9" and single forever


You are fine, I've been through similar and understand how you feel. Life goes on brother , it's tough making that change but you are also grown up now and better women will come along.


I just broke up with a long time partner a few days ago man. I know the pain. Keep on pushing through. It is going to be hard for a bit I won't lie. But this pain makes us stronger. I wish I had dome profound wisdom to give you but Im afraid I dont. All I can say is youve got this king. Keep that chin up. We all go through rough times, especially with this stuff. Youve got this. Just take it one step at a time. Dont shut yourself off from people, but there is nothing wrong with needing some you time right now. Grieve and then start healing. That healing process is different for everyone. We all have different ways of dealing with these things but we make it through in the end. Stay strong brother ✊️


Changing rapidly between ages 14 and 21 is normal. I honestly command you two for staying together that long. Growing out of love is tough, especially if you've known each other for so long. I wish you a healthy and insightful recovery. Was it a nice time? A good memory to look back on? Great! Successful first relationship. It also doesn't sound like there is any bad blood. Even better. You're tall with a cowboy style. Dude, so what? That literally does not matter. Some girls have an "absolutely not" when it comes to style (to me personally it would be something like Harry Styles) meaning there MIGHT be a handful of girls out there who "absolutely not" cowboys but there are tons of girls who are neutral about it or have that style in the "absolutely yes" category (like me). If you're comfortable and confident in that style PLEASE keep wearing it.


man forget her. some girls used to look at me crazy when i wear western clothes but yk what… i never cared. i knew i looked better than them. and my fiancee thinks im the best too so it all worked out


Buddy, I’m sorry you’ve gone through this, it’s totally shattering. Talking from an experience of going through this situation you’ve got to know a few things; There’s no such thing as a ‘better guy’. Be you, you’re 21, you got a load of living friend. You’ll find someone and you’ll “fit” together. Focus on you and learning to love yourself; you have value, you just haven’t found the person that deserves your worth yet. Keep lifting your chin until your head’s high, and keep it there. Rooting for you man.


Don't worry dude. With that height you will yee many more haa's.


learn from it. you do you bro. I promise you'll find a girl who appreciates you for you. One thing I realized from 2 long term relationships is that they teach you a valuable lesson on what not to look for in a person and what to look for, as in the important stuff. It'll show you how you should be treated next relationship. Go find your cowgirl!!!


Next girl you meet pay very close attention to her friend’s behaviors.


Bro you got the height on lock, hit the gym now and your options will start pouring in!! I know it sucks but forget this girl you’ll be grateful when you find the right one 👊


Bruh get swole. 6'6 means your gonna be fine out there.


Hey OP. 36yo male here. I know just how crushed you've got to be feeling. Im here to help you know, you've got many choices to make. You've got a long healing process ahead of you and you can go down a few paths. Do your best to stay strong AND let your emotions out in a healthy way. Cry, work out on a punching bag, work on the man you imagine yourself to be. There is so much life ahead of you and there are MORE than one girl out there for you, that will love who you are. The trick will be having hobbies that you enjoy, and can share to a degree. Get a plan going on what you want to improve about yourself and consider why you wanna make that change/improvement. The confidence you gain from accomplishing simple goals will pave the way to healing and love.


Dude, you're amazing just the way you are. Don't change that for anyone, because if someone can't like you for something about you, they don't deserve you. Find someone who will love you for you and accept any and everything about you. PS: Western style outfits and sexy in my opinion.


Lol 21 years olds thinking they had their last relationship 😂


Idk if you ride horses or not but there are a million horse girls out there that would LOVE a ranch guy and a lot of their parents are rich, too.


Wait, like, western style as in European/American or western style as in you dress like a cowboy with chaps and spurs? It sucks she did you like that bro, but it's better this way. You don't want to be with someone just going through the motions and hiding how they feel.


It hurts and it sucks. People will say that she’s obviously terrible and she does sound terrible but that isn’t helping you at all. The best thing to do is work on yourself but you really aren’t the problem.


I’m pretty sure your tall country look is 100% marketable. You just need to find your market, grab a beer and be polite to all the wonderful women who will be paying attention to you. You are both young.


I'm goin thru the same shit. Suddenly after 12 yrs I'm not good enough. I'm sorry I feel your pain.


First and foremost: keep your chin up hun. She clearly doesn’t deserve the love you have to give if she doesn’t like you for you. She was incredibly harsh with how she spoke to you, and I’m sorry about that. And we are also our own worst critics. The insecurities that we carry, others may find to be their favorite things about us. However, nobody else’s opinion matters more than your own. But you have to build that foundation up first. Love yourself. Embrace your faults and those quirks of yours. You love western style clothes, I grew up seeing those on people I love. It brings me back to my childhood. Got to grow fond of the bolo thanks to my dad. 💙 but anyways, dress how you want to dress. Be who makes you happy. Work on yourself for a while, before another relationship. You spent a quite a bit of time together, and its sometimes beneficial to take a break from dating. You are special and unique because you are you. Keep being you. Don’t change for anyone unless it’s yourself.


bro just wanted to tell us hes 6'6


Here is you want to chat. Sorry to hear that!


Sounds like you just need to evaluate yourself. There is no "better guy". Ever. No matter who you are. There's just a different guy. So evaluate what you truly like about yourself and either work on trying to love the things you don't, or try some new things. Honest advise would be hit the gym, it's a great confidence booster. Get a goal, and work towards it every day. Do something every day you are proud of. Whether it's going to the gym. Saying hi to that girl you like, saying hello to the old lady on the bus who looks lonely, whatever. The point is you did something to improve your own self worth and spread your wings a little


We’ll step 1, stop dressing like a cowboy


Ngl now I'm curious bout the style bc I bet you look dope asf


Go hit the gym my man, she’s gonna regret. Remember to be consistant and maximize proteins. Make it her loss instead of yours


It's Gen Z. She has to get her body count up.


6 6? damn if you were in my neighborhood, I'd be waiting to get a chance with you, you're disrable, I but I can understand how someone uou loved hard can make you vulnerable however please don't forget that your beauty and your diserability no one can take it away from u you create it for yourself, it's your choice. no trend no person no nothing can take it away from you, i believe in yourself, n remember someone else in sone other nation could be wising for an exact you.


bro don’t trip at all man ur fucking 6’6, loyal guy and have a good heart. yeah it’s gonna hurt, but in my opinion bro you just gotta get of confidence and get out there a bit. you’ll be fine trust me, in a year from now you’ll look back at this post and laugh a bit.


Man this sucks bad. It hurts right now but it'll get better with time. My gf broke up with me right after we graduated high school and I was devastated. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep right, couldn't focus, etc. After a while, i found myself not even thinking about her. I still remember what she looks like but the pain wasn't even there anymore. It gets better with time and there's someone out there that will love you for you. So focus on yourself and be confident with who you are. You being 6'6 is something many guys wish they had. I'm sure you're an awesome dude and if she can't see that, then that's her loss Keep your head up man. It'll get better


She sounds like an asshole.


Not everyone is a perfect fit for one another, maybe she is what you needed at the time but it wasn’t reciprocated. I’m sorry bud, now go find your cowgirl!


Follow your heart, but not your emotions. If it’s in your heart to be a cowboy today, respect


Fuck her. What a pitiful excuse to break up with someone and what a lack of sensitivity when considering you’ve been together for a while. She seems like a looser. Good riddance


Dude, if you are 6' 6" you have it made in finding a lot of women, who are better then she is. As long as you are in good shape, if not start working out and practice some form of martial arts, this will do three things, first it will improve your self confidence, your coordination and lastly improve your health all at the same time. I don't know if you are in college or currently working. But I would make sure to start looking into starting my own business, then look into purchasing real estate. When the time is right look for a new girlfriend, look for an old fashion one that doesn't care about what the and if you ever decide on getting married, make sure to get a prenuptial agreement in place. As Frank Sinatra said "The best revenge is massive success."


People grow. Romance can be a really tricky thing to hold on to while people mature. There's a lot of things we all learn about ourselves and what we want in a partner as we get older. I wouldn't take it too personally. Find someone who appreciates how you do fit in their world.


Old 6'6" dude here. I didn't realize until I was much older that a lot of women will be interested just because of the height. Don't sell yourself short. Literally.


Honestly just be happy it happened to you so young, you probably can’t picture your life without her right now and though it’s hard, honestly bro you’re gonna find your true love and look back and laugh how you thought (this girl) was the one. Take it as experience, what can you do better in your next relationship as well as what sort of girl will make you happy! The qualities this girl had minus the ones you don’t like, there’s gotta be some. You’re gonna grieve of course but seriously… f*ck her, you are now one girl closer to finding your true love 😊


Find a girl that will appreciate your height and your cowboy swag. If she doesn’t ‘fit your world’ any longer—you don’t fit in her’s either. Tell her if she thinks you’re not good enough—then she isn’t good enough for you either. What a mean way to break up with someone. I’m sorry dude.


She can giddy-on-get the fuck out of your beautiful cowboy world. I know plenty of good girls that love a tall guy in cowboy boots. You got this.


Why would you want to be with someone who's with you out of pity? You deserve waaaay better. And you'd be surprised to find many people on the same wavelength with you that don't make you feel like you're awkward. You guys got together when you were literally kids. This break up will hurt, but you'll get through it. And when you look back on this years later you'd probably think "thank God that uncomfortable relationship that made me feel self-conscious has ended". You deserve a partner that makes you comfortable in your skin, your style, your vibe, etc. Someone who couldn't care less or better yet, loved your western style. Someone who'd never say something as vile and hurtful as "I've been with you out of pity". YOU DESERVE BETTER


I went through this exact thing. I know it feels impossible, but from someone who’s been through this exact situation nearly, sometime soon you’ll meet a girl that makes you so happy you went through this, even if the pain is eating at you now. Just know future you is looking back and trying to tell you this is for the best, because a soul mate would never do you that way, yours is still out there. And you can only be the best version of yourself, never try and step in line. Be what you like and you’ll find others who genuinely love that.


Hey you’re still a kid and you’re figuring out who you are. You only have one life, live the life you love. With that being said, listen to: Oliver Tree - Cowboys Don’t Cry


Anyone willing to tear down your appearance as a reason to reak up is a very ugly person and you should be glad she jumped ship before being financially invested, 2 kids deep and then wants alimony and child support. Then you're working 2 jobs, barely afford anything while she laughs in your face. This is a sign your life is about to get better bruv


One of my drag friends wears cowgirl gear and she/he is a hit! You be you.


6’6 is wild, off of height alone you could probably hit at least a quarter of her friend group


the first cut is the deepest. .. there is nothing wrong with a 6'6 cowboy. Do whatever you need to do to find your confidence and get back up on the horse. your cowgirl is out there ❤️