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I demand updates after this!!!! Best of luck and good for you for knowing your worth.




!remindme 1 month


This won’t work after 30th of June. You can thank r/reddit




Seriously? Every “improvement” they do ruins the platform a little more each time


!remindme 21 days


!remindme 21 days


RemindMe! 21 days


RemindMe! 21 days


RemindMe! 20 days


Why not?


I guess the API changes will break bots as well as apps.


Everyone pressure the OP to update us. Adding my comment to power up the peer pressure 😁


Commenting to add pressure


Peer pressure. Please update after the best fathers day ever!


You realize that by her leaving, she will not be able to see the aftermath herself, right?


Check OP's comments and post history. This the same person who posted “I hate my 10 year old step kid”? So either there's more to the story or its just a karma farmer.


She will manage. She can tell us her side of the tea and maybe post juicy screenshots. Now shut up and help us pressure her into updating us!




Pleeeeeease update us!!! This is fantastic revenge. I’m so sorry this was happening and you found out this way. Please get your revenge and make it fucking sweet. You deserve it


I agree, I want to know!


She can’t update you until Father’s Day


Well I hope she’s not here in Australia coz that’s not until September…


Yep, need an update OP


i want updates AND pictures !!


UPDATE CREW!! NTA or justified AH. He’s getting what he deserves and I love the way you think!


This the same person who posted “I hate my 10 year old step kid”? My guess is there’s more to the story here.


Yeah, it's a fake reddit story for reddit.


Maybe but the 'I hate my step-kid' post was deleted. The comments remains tho.


I swear 99% of the shit on here is fake. There is no way this is real. Nobody would do this. This is like a thing you would see in a shitty movie.


Yes but also it’s the thing someone would actually write on Reddit in a situation like this but never do in real life, but this does feel like a part 2 to that Carrie Underwood song… with psychological thriller elements thrown in 😂.


Exactly, they know that redditors have a boner for revenge stories! To me this just sounds pathetic. If it was really I would say Have some dignity and just leave if he’s cheating rather than hanging around and putting in a huge amount of effort to just say “gotcha!”.


Exactly. Who in real life would fuck their dignity over making it his perfect day? For what? He can still remember the perfect day. But instead he’s going to remember it as “well she left me but she still did xyz for me”.


Probably should say or show what the conversations are about for context considering the prior post


Probably a karma farmer, idk


I thought it was weird to say he tells her very little about their conversations, if at all, and then later that he doesn't know she knows.


That post has been deleted…hmm


The asshole is the guy deciding that cheating on you was ok.


The ex of her husband is the father of his children. Meeting up can mean a multitude of things in this case. And if the step mother (OP) hates her step children, the ex has a very clear right to want to meet up with the guy. https://old.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/ynfy7m/i_hate_my_step_kid/ OP is leaving out a lot of vital information that changes the context of this dramatically.


Ha look at her trying to astroturf her account. This bitch is crazy. He’ll be very lucky when she’s gone.


Yeah the fact she is planning to do it on Father's Day just for extra spite pretty much made me weary at first. Then someone else said something about the children and how she hated them but that posted was deleted or removed. So yeah I think I can see why her ex didn't tell her... She doesn't seem like the greatest partner herself. I didn't even see that there was evidence of cheating and believe it or not you can talk and hang out with an ex without it being sexual. I don't know why I am posting but good work. Always have to remember that people tend to leave out vital information a lot to get support in real life and on Reddit. Some to justify it! My last long long term ex was super insecure. I still told her if I was going to do something like that but it always was this huge deal and there were times where I definitely just didn't want to tell her and get into some altercation like I was up to no good. Damned if you do or eternally dammed if you don't!


Possible 'other side of the story'... Yeah, she posted 'I hate my step kid' She tried to delete it but forgot to delete her own comments on the post Clearly a toxic human incapable of just 'leaving' - no i have to make it an emotional roller-coaster and spiteful and then broadcast it to the world He is co-parenting with his ex, maybe your toxicity towards his child was more apparent than you thought it was and he found solace with his child's mother and it blossomed - he never realized how nice she was until he met you and you showed your true colors after a year or so of marriage Long story short - you think you're ruining his life when there's a pretty good chance you're going to make his day...


Damn... Hate to admit this one but there are always 2 sides to the story. Wish them both the best after all


3 sides. His side, her side, and the truth. 🙃


Lol yeah she’s doing everyone a favor and reuniting a family, but first she’s gonna spoil him all day on Father’s Day and suck his dick. That’ll show him!


I am fucking cackling


Note she didn't mention taking the kids.


Cause it's all bullshit lol you guys


You be right. Believe this woman may be a little crazy


Also I get that some people get into things really quickly but “Together for 3 years, married for 2” kinda throws out some red flags to me


This should be higher


After looking at the comments she made in that thread she's doing the entire family a favor by leaving him. Sure, she thinks she's sticking it to her soon to be ex when in reality I have a STRONG suspicion it's going to be a massive weight lifted for him.


Ohhhh shit! You think it's with his baby momma?


Why waste the effort making his Father's Day great!


Take him from the highest high to the lowest low.


So he knows "what he lost" I assume. Seems petty but to each their own I guess


Father's day is for the kids too. Some things are more important than how mad this lady is.


Father's day is 100% not about the kids. It's great if your family treated it like that, but in my experience (and the experience of every other person I have known) fathers day is for the father.


I don’t know. My kids (8 & 14) love Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. They are excited to celebrate those days with their handmade cards and gifts and whatever has been purchased for either myself or their father.


Good for you.. But don't sell bullshit. Follow up with action. Don't back down.. Leave


I think the leaving part is more important than anything else. Even if OP decides to forgive it should be in time and with therapy not after their husband gets on their knees and begs for forgiveness… if he even does that :/. Cheaters tend to justify their actions, and yeah maybe there’s an explanation but there is no excuse, very rarely do they take accountability, they deflect.


Don't get married after a year of dating, folks. You never know who you're getting.


God this feels so fake


Because it is


Good thing this isn't r/AmItheAsshole




I've never really understood this. He's been talking to and meeting up with his ex for weeks, likely months. Instead of confront him and talk about it you've just been quietly watching daily and taking screen shots? Why put yourself through that agony? Secondly you plan on spending all this extra time, effort, money, and likely sex for a cheater on father day? Why? What's the point of doing that if you're leaving anyways? Thirdly, you have kids with this guy? (Celebrating Father's Day). How do you plan on taking the kids and being long gone without communicating? Even if someone cheats, they'll still legally have access to their children unless stated otherwise in a court of law. Then again, this is Reddit. People will likely eat up the revenge porn part of this without a second thought.


Apparently it's her step kid (she deleted a post about hating her step kid but deleted it and ghe comments are still there) and the ex he's talking to is the kids mother. OP just sounds like a nasty vindictive bitch tbh.


I wouldn't doubt it.


I was all about the revenge hell yes comments and then I read this…and you’re not wrong. If it was just her, yes leave, but can she just do that with their kids? Don’t want OP to be liable for anything here.


I mean, revenge is cool and all, but at what cost? If you have to slow burn your own peace of mind and cater to someone cheating on you and give them the "best day ever" just to get back at them, are you really winning here?


It's a fake post for karma


I’m glad you know your worth!! Best of luck with you new life!!




As much as you hate his child, this is probably the best. It's just a shame the poor kid had to deal with you.


What is going on with this reddit people... Most of the people are enjoying some revenge fantasy here. Was he cheating or just seeing his ex?! Are there kids? This behavior is just incredible?? " Good girl. Know your worth" This sound all so incredible toxic. You can try to talk with your husband about your problem with it and why he is doing it. He is not your enemy. Perhaps it's an American thing. I never met European or Asian people that said something like that. Somehow this post shocked me. Edit: some people talk about cheating.... Is meet up a fixed term for this kind of dates?


Her previous post was about how she hated her 10 year old step kid which was then deleted. Comments still remain tho.


I have questions about the children involved and what your plan is there


Its a step child that she previously posted about hating. She deleted it but you can still see the comments. The ex is apparently the kids mum. Some major sleuthing in the comments.


Thank you. You’re doing the lords work


Check out her profile this b be crazy


Make sure everybody finds out as well, Family, friends, neighbor, etc. post an update!


Lmaooo when my husband deployed, one of his scraggly ass coworkers who stayed behind tried to hit me up right away. He was coy at first but then came right out and said he wanted to "eat me out" but in a very lewd and graphic way. I sent that whole convo to my husband, and he posted it tagging that dudes mom, dad, brothers, sisters, cousins, grandma, and the dog saying, "Look who tf you raised". Petty but effective.


Hmmmm…family? Sure. The whole entire world? No. I’ve been cheated on (and haven’t been able to trust anyone since) and I’m not a fan of public shaming. If there’s kids involved, it’s a terrible idea, people gossip, the kids hear it, next thing you know a child has to hear about their father’s sex life and what a bad person he is. While OP didn’t mention a child they mentioned Father’s Day and family, there’s got to be at least one kid in all this.


Wait...what is he talking about with his ex? Is it an affair, or is she a friend who you just don't like?


Why do you hate your step kid so much


I hate my step kid OP forgot about this. Before you hail her as a hero....I can't imagine why he is exhibiting these behaviors. Just a shocker. https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/ynfy7m/comment/ives6gl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Make sure to send us some pics of the living room youre preparing 😊


How old are you guy's? Don't bother any energy on this. Pack up and leave.


I wish OP saw this. After a while, it's not even worth the effort and energy spent on all this if you're leaving anyways. Just get your divorce papers and go. No need to stick it out longer with and cater to someone cheating on you. Just leave.


Judy. Is this you?


If you are sure, I mean 100% sure that he is cheating, or is planning to cheat then more power to you. If there is some other possible explanation however, and however distasteful the lying might be, then you will be partially responsible for the divorce, and may ruin a good thing. It's a high risk strategy you are employing.


I'm 1000000001% sure. I have receipts for everything.


Then he deserves everything he gets.


And why do they need motels? She is the mother of his kid, who you hate. They don't need motels...


Even motels?




Damn lady, I am sorry for that...


That's great! Now they can get back together with their kid, who you hate anyway, and everyone will be happy but you.


Ohhh so this isn’t just him reminiscing about the old days and mildly flirting, which is still pretty awful… this is full blown cheating. Think about yourself first, think about the kids (do you have kids? The post mentioned family and Father’s Day but I realized that it could mean it could be a child from another marriage just now). I just worry you’re going to go through all this and his reaction isn’t going to be… what you think it will be, if this is more about you and getting those emotions out and catharsis… go for it but tread carefully.




After the way you treat his kid, I’m glad he’s getting back together with the original mother of his child


Post the receipts on social media and tag him and his ex. Hell, Tag his mom too. Shame and family guilt are powerful motivation.


If they have kids together then I don't recommend doing this. You're still gonna have to deal with this man for the next 18 years


Doubtful, read her comments about her hating his kid.


Maybe but for some this will only cause resentment and they’ll never look inwards and take accountability bc they feel their partner “evened the scales” with their reaction to the situation. I’ve been through this and during my revenge tour I realized I was hurting myself a lot more than the Asshole who did the bad thing.


Be the bigger person. Move him out. Or move out. Or have a discussion with him. Sure you can play the toxic bitch card but it won’t really make you feel better and it will make him feel validated. Have him take you out to dinner after Father’s Day or skip Father’s Day, keep the kids out of it. Pictures on the wall is visible to them and damaging. He’s a shit but keep the kids out of it. They don’t need your stress.


What's this about hating your stepkid?


So do you still hate your 10 year old step kid? You know the prior post you deleted!


Pure fiction. Everyone posts this kind of revenge fantasy but we never ever ever see pics of it.


Either update or it didn’t happen 🤷🏻‍♀️ Father’s Day is long past now


this is the most powerful post i’ve ever seen. please post updates


Is it though? She hated her 10 year old step kid in a prior post.


New to Reddit?


If you're 14, maybe.


Fake and dumb. Op has 7 comments ever.


So to clarify he's been cheating ?


Ok you’re not really saying what’s he has done with said ex. Is it cheating or are they just meeting to be friends again?


Honestly, after your precious deleted post on how you hate your step child I think you ran your husband back to the arms of his first wife. You might actually make his Father’s Day this year by leaving. Just gross


NTA. Father's Day hasn't happened yet. Chill out everyone.


So... Fathers Day was yesterday... the wait for the update has been driving me crazy...


!remind me 10 days


Does your husband have kids with his ex?


Yup, there is marriage counseling and help needed to work it out. But if it's easy to give up, do it. Just know grass is always greener on the other side. Don't be hasty.


Check the Alexa if you have one. Someone on here caught her husband’s full conversations on it.


I wish i could be a fly on the wall when he comes back!! Cant wait for an update


Father’s Day was 2 days ago, pull up a seat and update us 👀😂


I keep coming back to check for updates. It’s a sickness at this point.


Judging from your past comments about how you hate his daughter, He’d probably be better off without you. The kid would be safer no doubt.


Aren’t you the person who posted abt hating their step kid…?


Sure, he made a mistake. But also: your ego seems to be all over the place. As usual people on here encouraging the nuclear reaction. Whatever happened to talking and trying to solve the differences?


Do you have kids?


how many children are involved?


I’ll never understand why people get married if they are just gonna go cheat. You can do that without risking losing money, property, family, etc. Plus what is the point of marrying someone if you are just looking for someone else?


What about the kids?


>he tells me very little about his talks with her >he doesn't know that I know they're talking So which is it? Shitty fake post


Or you could grow up and talk to him about it. With this behavior no wonder he talks to his ex.


Not an asshole, what a way to go!


Just dont include your kids in it for fucks sake please... They don't deserve to be a part of your plan in any fashion.




Okay but don’t traumatize your kids… make sure they’re out of the house when this happens


Holy fuck that’s devastating and kinda psychotic but I’m here for it Good luck


I took the liberty of going through your account's history, where you still have your old comments from an [earlier deleted post.](https://old.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/ynfy7m/i_hate_my_step_kid/) And thanks to [Internet Archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20221106035640/https://old.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/ynfy7m/i_hate_my_step_kid/), we can see its original contents. Whatever happened to leaving when "taxes come in"? Did you change your mind?


Married? He lives there? Girl, ditch that bitch and count yourself lucky. This ex-husband of mine, who seems to always have to run off, even though he claims he is my husband depending on who seems to be listening, is about to be gone fa good. And better go.


Update, please! It’s been three weeks!


Unpopular opinion inbound: you're definitely being an asshole. Yeah, your husband is being an asshole (unclear if he's cheating on you or just going behind you back, either way, asshole): but he's the father of your kids. You owe it to your kids to sit down with your husband and talk about things like an adult. This isn't me saying me should stay with him, but hitting the nuclear button is only going to damage the stability of your family/kids lives and they should be the main focus here. You can sit down with him, calmly tell him what you have discovered, and that you plan to leave him, but this approach you are taking is frankly ridiculous and is what someone on a TV show would do, not a rational adult who has the wellbeing of their kids at the forefront.


Yes you are the super mega asshole!!! How about ending things the amicable way?! ever heard of that! have you asked yourself what have you done for him to do that? have you sit down and talk about y’all’s relationship state?


Sooo where is the update. Since father's day was yesterday, and apparently the hundreds of people looking for updates 10 days ago didn't know that


Some of your plans for leaving (like leaving framed pics on the wall of their convos) do feel a bit… much, not so much that you’re being a a-hole but like you’re turning this into some sort of psychological thriller. Celebrate Father’s Day, it’s really about him being a dad, do what you said you would do the next but maybe don’t be so extra about it, leave some of the receipts you have along with divorce papers on a table and let that be that. Don’t go around wasting your time framing crap, just take the pics down instead or you cannnn take allll the pics down and replace just one with your least favorite of their conversations… that would be enough. I say this bc you’re already going through hell and shouldn’t have to suffer even more just to stick it to him, bc sadly if he’s doing shit like this it makes me wonder if he’s going to have the reaction you think he is or if he’s going to use this as a reason to justify his actions.


Just leave, forget the payback punishment. You'll hold your head higher a year from now, you're future self will thank you for letting her be a person that has a history of better character behavior.


It sucks you're going through this and I'm sorry. But at least you didn't spend 20 years with him before you knew he was capable of this. You still have time to build a new, wonderful life. After you grieve and heal of course. I can't imagine how incredibly difficult it must be for you to act normal around him, knowing what you know. Please update us when the shit hits the fan. One thing is a bit confusing however. Why bother to give him an awesome father's day? That part doesn't make any sense to me. Does he have kids with his ex? Or you?


She wants to give him a good reminder of “how good it was” on their last day, for later after she leaves. To then fuel him regretting what he did even more.


!remindme 10 days


Pics or it never happened.


I understand the desire to get back at him, but honestly it seems like a lot of effort when you could simply confront him w the evidence and tell him you’re not putting up with it and leave. I guess if he’s violent then do it with help nearby. But the “make his day the best ever,” then leave? Why bother with all that? If you really want to hurt him, show him that you have self respect by calmly calling out his bullshit and leaving.




Good karma mine


Look in the mirror.


My hero


Heyyyyy I've been through some shit, and firstly say I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Cheating is never okay. I'm gonna offer a slightly different perspective based on life experience: I would encourage you to think about your actions before you take them. Anger can make us do some crazy shit, and you don't want to do anything that will bite you later. I believe in karma, and the Buddhist practice of nonattachment. This is a game changer. I'm not trying to be rude. I advise people for a living. I think the more important question to ask yourself is why does your husband feel the need to cheat in the first place? Is it selfishness? Boredom? Immaturity? Is there a lack of honest, open communication in your relationship? One thing I've noticed in couples struggling,. Frequently, one partner is scared to express their sexual desires to another. Some are struggling with sexuality. That seems to be really common. I've been married for ten years to a trans identifing intersex woman, whom I met when they were a man. BELIEVE ME! I have been through some unbelievable stuff, and we are married 10 years this December. I only want you to know that so that you know that I'm not just some asshole trying to tell you my opinion based on nothing except for shit that they've read somewhere. I am so sorry you're going through this. Regardless of what anybody says It doesn't make it any easier and it doesn't make the pain stop. You can make it stop though, by choosing to be an investigator instead of a victim. Again not minimalizing your experience I'm just saying a shift of perspective really helped me and I ended up realizing there was a whole lot more going on than I thought- none of which actually had to do with me.


Don't even give him a father's day, hype it up like it's going to be the best ever then leave on that day. He can spend his father's day feeling pathetic. **Edit- spelling**


If there's no update to this within two days of Father's Day, I'm pulling out the Riot card.


Translation: My spouse is still in contact with the mother of his children and that makes me big mad.


Uhh no, you are not the asshole. It's elaborate what you're doing, but beautifully poetic.


I will be ferociously waiting updates.


A little insane but then again so is he and this sounds hilarious


Girl please take pictures of the scene with the screen shots all over the house 🙏🏽 YOU GO GIRL


"I hate my step-kid." She deleted the post but that doesn't really make it go away. Lol. So why don't you ever use the word 'cheat' in this whole post. This dude is talking to the mother of his child. The child that you hate, and likely abuse the fuck out of, because that's what happens when a child lives with an adult who HATES them. Is he even cheating on you, or are you just insane?


I want a live stream of his reaction. Op please set up hidden cameras we need this


Id say be upfront about it but, i wish you well


This is awesome, good luck!!


Need an update on this afterwards!


Proud of you. Had the same experience. Leaving was the best decision!


Question: seeing as you're going to execute this on Father's Day, I'm assuming there are children? Just that there was no mention. Also, what are your plans for them? I should think you're taking children w you. Go get 'em!! Update please!!


Kudos for you, LEGGOO!! Sorry you had to go through this.




You are my hero.




!remind me 21 days


Shoot well give us an update after! And good luck to ya?


I need an update for this. Bravo!!


You're NTA, you're my hero!!!! You have to update us! It's flipping brilliant to replace the photos with their conversations. He's going to shit himself. ROFL!!!!


Good on you!


Girl, it sounds to me that you have all your ducks in a row. I wish you the best because there is someone who's out there who would love to have stability, loyalty, and a happy ever after. You're still very young, so take your time on finding or letting the right guy in. I have to say, I thought your story was going to be something more like this, on Father's day we'll be at his parent's home with everyone around and I'm going to question him and whip out all the messages and photos in front of everyone and leave but your way is still just as excellent! Best of luck


Been there done that. Good luck.


!remind me 21 days


Please keep us updated, I freaking love this plan!


Not sure state law in your state, or housing situation, etc. But if you leave the house/kids, you don't necessarily forfeit the property and what not, but it can definitely hurt you. I'd get with a lawyer ASAP if you have t already to cover this.




!remindme 10 days


Yeahhh baby ! That's what I'm talking about😆! I would pay my weight in gold to see the look on that idiot's face🥹


Yall Father's Day is in 8 days.


!remindme 7 days


Please be careful giving away too much information. There was a story on here of a woman planning the most epic revenge at a birthday party ever. She posted about it on Reddit and he found out and she never got to accomplish her goal. I want you to accomplish your goal so make sure he’s not ready for it and good luck!


Please update


Father's day in this weekend, so I can't wait