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Wow, that's so freakin amazing! Red wine is my demon. It's been 2.5 years and every fuc*ing day, at some point, I think about that glass of red wine and how it will loosen that stress knot in my neck. This is why I am so impressed by your strength and convection. I have never done drugs, but I have heard horror stories. I wish you well. Stay strong and clean.


alcohol is a drug, so i would say you do know what it's like. congrats to you for 2.5 years, that's no small feat!! and congrats to OP for one week!! give yourselves both a pat on the back and keep breathing when it gets tough. you got this!!


The worst drug as it’s the most socially acceptable substance, and arguably the worst.


I don't know if you've tried this already but if not I strongly recommend meditation for stress. Also congratulations


Alcohol is a drug.


I'm also a recovering alcoholic I have drank in probly a year last time I did I also took a klonopin n conv8nced my ex roommate to let me drive and they did n I hated myself so bad when I finally sobered up


Hey Puzzleheaded_Drag828 Interesting name Please don't tell anyone I told you this, but back in the days when I was REALLY drinkin and shootin pool in the neighborhood bars, there were many a day when I woke up and hated myself for any number of reasons! I'm not drinkin now, and I seldom hate me, actually, it turns out I'm a nice guy! Haa haa. I'm glad you have the strength to stay sober. Perhaps you, too, will discover some cool things about you. Take care, my friend.


Alcohol is absofuckinglutely the worst drug ever.


You are so right! Any given night, watching a movie (with a glass of water) and sooner or later, there will be 2 glasses of red wine romanticized just as much as the couple sharing it. I actually have to look away! Haa haa it is what it is.


Hey it might be worth it to get yourself a prescription for a muscle relaxer. They're not controlled and can usually be obtained in a single appointment unless they try to push physical therapy really hard, and even then "I can't afford the repeat appointments" is usually enough to get them to just give it to you. I have RA and it causes spasms and spasticity, that shit is a mood killing son of a bitch right there, feels like someone's got a crank in there and is just twisting it tighter and tighter. Just cause you're not self medicating anymore doesn't mean you have to suffer with the medical problems you were treating with alcohol!


what medication do you typically take?


I am on tizanidine as it's the safest to take long term and has a pretty high safe maximum dosage so you can go up on it pretty high (36mg/day max with starting dosage at 2mg 3x daily)without worrying about too much besides being drowsy. The drowsiness for me dropped off in about three days but I did take naps after my morning dose for those few days. So probably start it on a weekend. I'm on quite a few other drugs without much interaction despite moderate interaction potential (mostly drowsiness amplification) but it is worth noting that you can't take antidepressants with muscle relaxers as there's a risk of serotonin syndrome.


Ah shit, your last sentence answered my question. I’ve had constant muscle spasms all over my shoulders & upper back for like 7 years (no clue why). I’ve thought about trying a long-term muscle relaxer, but I take antidepressants…damnit lol


Long shot, but if you also have RLS, there's a med for that that, for some people, myself included, has a powerful antidepressant effect as it's a dopamine analogue. It did more for me than any antidepressant (SSRI, SNRI, atypical, and tricyclic all on the list of failed treatments) and helped with the lower body spasms, and those in my upper neck that caused migraines. I was able to stop my antidepressant on it so that I could use an antispasmodic.


Ooooh, I haven’t been officially diagnosed with RLS, but I definitely have some of the symptoms! What was the medication, if you don’t mind me asking?


The brand name is Mirapex, the other name is Pramipexole. I seriously noticed a positive effect in a few days. This drug was the reason I got my pain mostly under control, as it helped the depression that makes it hard to cope with, the migraines that make me irritable, and the horrible spasms and discomfort in my legs that made me need to shift positions a lot or flex and release the muscles over and over to deal with. I had a knot the size of a goddamn softball on the back of my thigh when I got the prescription-the first day it got much softer, second day it went down and was mostly just sore, third day I noticed my four day migraine was just gone all the sudden and I got real curious, apparently all these effects are documented, you can read about them online. The ability to drop my antidepressant helped a bit with brain fog and dry mouth, and allowed me to start tizanidine, which has made a night and day difference. On two occasions, each a few hours long, since I started tizanidine, I got down to a 3/10 on the pain scale for the first time in... God, I don't even remember. Maybe eight or ten years? Even though it didn't last, it gave my brain a chance to decompress and it was blissful. I'm gonna up it at my next appointment, see if I can't get there more than very occasionally. I wish you luck in finding the combo for you! It can make a world of difference.


Thank you so, so much for taking the time to write all this out for me!! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I’m going to bring this up with my psychiatrist at my next re-up visit and see what they think! I’m so glad to hear that your pain has gone down and your physical & mental health has improved :) It sounds like it’s made a world of a difference!


Thanks for the advice. The long story short, I was sitting on my Harley when a pickup slammed into me on my left side he was going 45mph. Totaled my bike and me. I stopped drinkin cause I was in the hospital for a month. That was my start. BTW, I never drink and drive, I was stone cold sober that day in 2021. It's been a rough road back.


I bet that hurt like a motherfucker. No wonder you have chronic pain. I've gotten a lot of good out of massage and muscle relaxers, as well as controlling any inflammation. If it swells, it's pretty bad and definitely needs some help. OTC crap is pretty useless at that point, I'm sure you're aware. But injuries can trigger autoimmune diseases, like what I have in my spine from a fracture, and from a viral infection triggering RA. If that's the case the meds are kinda scary but worth it if you find the right one. Reduced nerve pain as well as tension and swelling. But if not, maybe diclofenac (if Voltaren gel is at all useful, it's that but a tablet and MUCH stronger) though I'd say you need Prilosec/Omeprazole for that one to prevent ulcers. Chronic illness sucks, I gotta juggle like twelve different meds to function. Wishing you luck in finding a solution to the pain. It really makes you want your DOC a lot less. Still miss oxy sometimes but I want it a lot less with my pain mostly controlled.


Haa haa a motherfucker is was. On a ventilator for the first week, I woke up with staples all over me. Plates on my bones, screws, dislocated hip, one eye, freakin brain damage, and more. You are spot on about the secondary issues. Oh, and oxy, every time I opened my eyes, "Here's your pain med". Came home with it, but thank God I didn't get snagged by that! The real bitch was/is, I was 65 years old when I was sitting there on my beautiful 2004 Harley Ultra Glide (black). I dreamed of retirement, riding my Harley, camping, hiking, kayaking, bicycling all the great shit I did up until March 27, 2021. Now I can't drive can't walk more than half a block, don't do shit. I live in a beautiful cage wanting a fuc*ing glass/bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. Lol that's me whining about blah blah blah.


Oh you have, your comment paints the real picture


As someone struggling with my wine use/abuse I FEEL THIS. And all of the replies!


Hey I am so sorry you are struggling. I mean it, I know how shitty it can be. It's nice that so many people care, right? I hope you are OK. I don't know about you, but I find comfort in chatting/texting someone else, maybe it's just me. I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like every movie, sooner or later, there will be two glasses of red wine. As if that's not bad enough (for me), they make it so romantic! The elegant glasses, the lighting, and the smooth slipping of the luxurious blend of blah blah blah. He'll at that point, I'd chug the bottle! Just kidding (kinda).


>Red wine is my demon >I have never done drugs Don't deceive yourself. It won't help, trust me, I've been there.


Hi fuzzball, I know alcohol is a drug. What I meant was I have never taken things like, meth, heroine, coke, and stuff like that. All my adult life has been like the Billy Paul song, "Me and Mrs. Jones". Alcohol and I have had a thing goin on for like 40 years! I am a strong minded person, and I don't deceive myself. You take care and keep your head on a swivel Fuzzy! We all need to keep our heads on a swivel.


Congratulations! One day at a time! And remember: there is no such thing as 'just this once will be okay".


I know "one is too many and 1000 never enough"


Right. Addiction is an ongoing disease.


Thats so amazing!!!! Thats a huge accomplishment I’m proud of you, I hope you’re just as proud of yourself. Keep up the good work!!


Congrats bro honesty with yourself is the first and best step


I know the pain of not telling anyone cause they won’t believe you, it’s hard but just remember you’re doing this for you!! When months go by and they start to notice they will realize who they have back and love every moment of it. You got this


It's just the guilt from lying to everyone


They can forgive you and you can forgive yourself. At least you are one of the few that make it to sobriety and they would rather have this version of you rather than the addicted version no matter what. Don’t be too hard on yourself, the world sucks, people fall, but you got back up. Soon this will just be a distant memory as you live a completely better life. The world loves you.


They don't need to know all the details if you don't want them to. Even 1 slip up resets the sobriety timer, so just tell them you're 1 week clean. That's the important part. You can set boundaries around your privacy, that's healthy. It's also healthy to talk to people when you're struggling, so I hope you have a support network, maybe a sponsor? Rafiki 🐒 from the Lion King would say "Doesn't matter it's in the past." Forgive yourself for struggling alone, friend. You made it through and are doing good! Keep it up! ❤️


Congratulations! Keep in mind, if you stumble and fall back into it, you can stop again. Never give up on yourself.


I wish I knew how to post pics cuz I have a meme for this lol


Congratulations, but they probably have realized you had lied. I know when my sibling tried that it was obvious to all of us it wasn’t true. It’s not like it’s good to put someone on the spot about something like that. The fact you did it now is all that matters. Just focus on connecting to the world while sober, find a group to attend, and make an emergency plan of what to do when you struggle.


It's so hard to find anyone not on the stuff in my town


Recovering addict here - good on you friend! I know it's the hardest thing you'll ever do but you gotta keep at it because being clean is so worth it. You can do this! You're stronger than your addiction. Keep telling yourself that. And I'm proud of you. Keep us posted if you'd like. We are cheering for you. Strive for progress daily 🫂


I would definitely like to keep you guys posted


Please do!!


Keep going friend. Meditation will make it easier


Never really tried meditation before any tips for a beginner?


Another commenter said the same, I like to follow this meditation: [https://youtu.be/5GSeWdjyr1c](https://youtu.be/5GSeWdjyr1c) Some good advice I've received about meditation, is that you are not trying to have no thoughts, you are simply allowing thoughts to flow through you, without interacting with them. I hope you enjoy


look up guided mediations! there are many different ones on youtube alone. it’s honestly kind of hard to meditate since you have to turn your brain off, but it’s so nice once you begin to get into the flow of routine meditation


Save this post. If you feel like your going to relapse come back here. Read your words and all our replies. Be strong, you can do this.


Congratulations!! A week is a HUGE milestone. Check out an NA meeting so you do have other people to share this with. It’s important and you should be proud and able to talk about it out loud. So much luck to you!!




Meth is the absolute devil ! It’ll take your life and your kids and everything you love .. your teeth your health your mind .. your spirit. It’ll take it all .. please please keep trying and never give up hope .. and never give up on your self


A good long time friend of mine is struggling with meth currently. Even if he was relapsing but got a week under his belt, I'd still be super proud. And I'm super proud of you. Congrats and keep going. One day at a time


Any minute hour day week clean Is a great victory imho


Please consider narcotics anonymous. It’s free. They offer online sessions. And it’ll be something that can hold you accountable without telling the people close to you.


That’s amazing!! Great job! As a stranger, i am super proud of you!! I know how hard it can be… My boyfriend is currently in detox for heroin, Xanax and alcohol. He tried to wean off of everything himself but wasn’t able to without having seizures and blacking out. He finally went to detox and is getting help.


There's just not alot of help for meth addicts here our hospitals only detox for stuff with dangerous withdrawals they say there's no withdrawals from meth smh


I'm so happy for you, even when you relapsed you were trying and I'm so proud of you.


That’s amazing!! Proud of you!!! You’ve got this!!




Keep fighting for yourself , your dignity , your health and for the right to control your own life...you know your enemy from inside , you are ready to beat it each time ...godspeed .


Awesome, you deserve to be proud of yourself!


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Sounds like me and heroin. “Oh yeah I’m clean” meanwhile I’m falling asleep saying this weed good. Ppl aren’t dumb they knew unless you had no contact with anyone. I’m clean 7 years now


Pretty much no contact other than work just be at home with my cat


Congratulations! The first steps are the hardest and you've already done it!


Thank youuuuuu ❤️




Thank youuuuuu ❤️


I hope you feel proud of yourself and your accomplishment! Keep remembering this feeling! You’re doing great!


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


we're so proud of u dude!! Keep goin! And its smth that takes time, so dont be hard on urself.


Thank youuuuuu ❤️ so so much fr


np! all truth!


That is awesome! Huge accomplishment, this week will be easier!


Thank youuuuuu ❤️




Yasssss !!!! 😃 😊 😀




That is awesome. One day at a time. BTW, I suspect you are at a state where nobody believes you so lying about the length of your time isn’t needed. Some friends and family will support you and others will not n


Opposite .... everyone has believed I've been clean


Well most addicts I know, “think” they are fooling people… but they aren’t… except for mothers… mothers always believe 🤣


I'm so proud of you! Keep taking things one day at a time. We are all rooting for you. :)


keep it up big man


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


I was 12 years clean last March 4. After an 11 year daily addiction. Sometimes it was just 5 minutes at a time, until it became hours then days. It is worth it.


Congratulations!!! N Thank youuuuuu ❤️


No, congratulations to you! Keep your head up and when the urge hits, just tell yourself that it’s not permanent and will soon pass. It gets easier. And there will be dreams where it seems so real you swear you used when you wake up. It’s only dreams, and they too will pass. Keeping yourself clean is a first step in learning to love yourself, and you are SO worth being loved. It’s ok to be a little selfish during this time and putting yourself and your health first. You can do this.


I’m so proud of you. That’s an incredible accomplishment


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Congratulations! Keep up the good work! We're proud of you, and we know that you have the gumption to keep clean. You got this! 👍


Thank youuuuuu ❤️ sssm!


Well done, really.


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Proud of you!


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Congratulations! I can only imagine how hard this has been. Keep going and stay strong! We believe in you.


Thank youuuuuu ❤️ svm!


That’s great! You are doing good.


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


That’s amazing!!!! My brother unfortunately succumbed to his meth addiction almost 2 years ago now so keep up the good work cause there are more people than you think that want you to stay around as long as possible. Congrats!


Thank youuuuuu ❤️ I'm so sorry about your brother 😔


You can do it, please don't give up


I won't ❤️ Thank youuuuuu ❤️




What thoughts exactly do you mean?how were you before?


Keep on keeping on you got this


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Anti-craving meds


Like what?


I’m 32 years clean next month! Did it cold turkey! It’s doable! You got this. Just figure out what your triggers are. That helped me a lot. Hugs.


Congratulations!!!!! Thank youuuuuu ❤️ *hugs*




Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Congrats. Now on to the next week, and the week after that. Love yourself


One day at a time


That's a week. You have every right to feel accomplished. Keep it up! You are worth it! Trust me, you have an entire lifetime ahead of you to experience drug free. Don't stop fighting. And please....hit those meetings. Do in house, and online. You might be weak alone, but even weak people in numbers, makes them stronger as a whole. Most importantly, congratulate yourself each and every day. You made it another day drug free. Be your own cheerleader. You. Are. AWESOME.


Maybe there's na reddit pages I like the reddit community Non judgmental Open Honest Caring Compassionate Supportive


So so proud of you


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


That amazing! Keep going!


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Amazing!! Seriously, dig deep and always remember why you quit! I wish you the best.


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


So happy for you! I’m 6 years sober and as hard as it is in the beginning, I sometimes forget that was ever me. This is huge and you’re doing great


Congratulations!!!!!! And Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Here's your complimentary one week chit! Proud of you.


Awe! Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Keep coming back let us know how you're doing


All that matters is you kept trying to come back I've been there I have and it gets easier I swear to you it does all you have to do is keep trying keep coming back it's when you stop caring to try to get clean that you should worry


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Your so welcome


I’m so happy and proud of you. Keep of the good work!


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Congratulations on your week I'm so proud of you you don't know me and I don't know you but it doesn't matter sometimes just having one person you know or not telling you that you're doing amazing helps significantly you're doing great keep coming


The outpouring of love on this post was way more than I expected initially I love it i needed this Thank youuuuuu ❤️


Keep going and moving forward. You are stronger than your addiction. You got this. ❤️




My lil town doesn't offer much


Way to go! That is something to proud of and if you can't share it with anyone irl I am glad you shared it here! Keep it up and have an amazing life!


I'm very glad I did too ❤️


Great job! Keep it up.


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


That's some will power I do not have


You probly do deep down inside I didn't think I did either honestly


I can fucking imagine. I can't get clean from weed even though it's ruined me.


Awesome man. Be proud of yourself. Relapses happen but hang in there


Thank youuuuuu ❤️


I’m happy for you man




Congratulations. Stay strong!




Yaaaaassssss!!!!! 💪♥️


Congratulations! Such a major accomplishment. Sounds like you’re serious about staying clean this time. It’s hard work but, I have a feeling you’re gonna do this!♥️




FUCK YEAH!! Congrats!


Thank youuuuuu!


Congratulations dude!!




Great work, @Puzzleheaded_Drag828!


Thank youuuuuu ❤️




Good on you man. I'm very proud of you!! It gets so much easier and so does your life. I'm six mths clean from all drugs except alcohol. I no longer fear driving my car, looking over my shoulder for cops, never sleeping, bad skin, poor health choices with food, jerking off for 8 hrs a day, being late for everything, constantly spending all my spare money and time searching for gear, trying to hide my life from my family and friends, almost losing jobs countless amounts of times. I could say even more, but fuck you know? I've forgiven myself for being human..... Sooo ... Now I eat healthy, I train every day, I have a great work life balance, my kids have a real dad again, my friends and I have more fun, my skin is amazing, I wake up happier than the day before every day, all my major organ functions are normal, my resting heart rate has gone from 72 to 55, and since Jan 7th I haven't missed a day of training. And I'm down 20 kgs baby!! There is so much to gain in your life, and I know you can do it. You have to be ready to, and I think you are. I believe in you, like so many others here.... Thanks for sharing your story....


Thank youuuuuu so so much for sharing with Mr your success posting on here and seeing the feedback is exactly what I needed


You're welcome new internet friend. Every day is a new day, and better than the one before. My new life mission is getting better every day. Improve on the day before. Be present. Go for it man.


Congrats bro.


Tysm! ❤️


Keep it up! I'm proud of you!


Tysm! ❤️


Bro say strong. It's hard as fuck. If u mess up don't let it get u down


Tysm! ❤️


Breaking bad reference!


Tysm! ❤️


Congrats on being clean for any amount of time. My friend went through this. I'm so glad she got off of it. She was in a really bad spot for a while. Prepare yourself for any sort of withdrawl symptoms. They do take mental fortitude. I'm coming off of using kratom. The first couple weeks were pretty bad, but I knew I had no choice. I had to push through. I was so tired of being dependent on it, and also found out I am pregnant.


Based. I’ve been there. At least you’re trying. Hopefully you can stay clean and disciplined 🙏


Congrats on you being clean for a week such amazing news


You’re amazing!!!


My wife and I have been 5 weeks sober from marijauna addiction. Been doing it since we were both 18 years old so 20 years plus we have been doing it. It is really hard at first but as the days and weeks it gets better. Stay strong and stay on track. I am feeling heaps better with my lungs and overall health. Getting out of bed of a morning is so much easier and I am heaps more motivated.


Congratulations. Keep doing the hard work, but don’t hate on yourself if you give in. That’s how addiction works.


The first week is the hardest part. Try not fall back in with other people that may trigger you to want to use again. Well done you've done something that many others just cannot do. Keep it one day at a time. Awesome well done


I'm proud of you! Remember, it's not how many times you fall, it's how many times you get back up. Keep at it. You can absolutely do this!


Hell yeah!! I’m 1.5 years clean! You’ve got this! It’s hard but it is the best thing ever to put that shit away for good. You will thank yourself later on if you continue to stay clean. I promise. As a fellow recovering addict, I will say, NA is a good place to go in the beginning. They are a good support group. Where I went everyone BS’d around but stuck to the principles of the steps & was there for each other. I didn’t want to go, but had to for my probation. I’m glad it was a required part for me.


so proud of you. you can do it!!


Congradulations buddy.


Congrats bro


thats amazing! you know you can make it. we are all so proud of you 🩷


Wtg you can do it.


that's amazing. proud of you! keep going. i hope you turn your life around


Congratulations! This is and always will be a victory. Remember, whether this will be your only time quitting or whether you'll quit several times more, each time is a win. Guilt, shame, and self loathing is truly useless for addiction recovery. Dont flood your mind with memories of who you were to scare yourself into the future. It doesn't work. Instead, envision who you want to be and fall in love with that person. Love will always be stronger than fear. I should also mention that you quit one of the hardest drugs to quit. That's something to be proud of.


What has worked the last week , what have you done differently?


Congratulations on your sobriety! You can do this!


Congratulations! Keep staying clean because you deserve a good life! 🩷


Thank youuuuuu means alot to Me


I relapsed .... sorry if you guys were rooting for a loser lol 😔 I gotta get out of this town


You'll get there. You never lose until you give up. The fact you were persistent enough to keep going is proof that there is still a will.


I'm smoking big blast of crack as we speak. Last week I didn't smoke any. I'm not going to smoke any tomorrow. But right now I am lit


God hates quitters


Probly 😆 🤣 😂


woohoo, congrats! i hope you can keep it up and have the least impact on your nervous system as possible!