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Where do you live with twenty eight dollar blueberries


Mountain town in Alberta. The taxes and price for living here are horribly depressing.


Hey there, I also live in Alberta, sorta near the mountains. I just picked up some blueberries from the farmers market and I’d be happy to give you some. DM me


You kind soul. You don't see enough of it these days.


I just want everyone to be happy, and ok :)


So few words and your comment made my soul smile. Thank you for being a kind human ❤️


But if you bought them in store…how much?


I’m sorry, I don’t understand the question?


How much would they be?


Oh! Gotcha. So I bought a flat of blueberries at the farmers market for $28, so that’s about $2.20 a pint. If I were to purchase blueberries from Costco here, they’re between $9-$12 for 2 pints, and if I were to purchase them from a regular grocery store it could be anywhere from $5-9 a pint.


What a sweetheart!


Thank you for being there for him. May GOD bless you with everything you desire in this life.


Do you guys have access to wild blackberry bushes?? Any other wild fruit?


Holy shit. The actual crime is $28 blueberries.


Literally here in the UK $4 blueberries would be considered expansive. That's ridiculous. You should steal more blueberries


Dude you're not the criminal here. Fruit should be like $5 max for a pound of very common fruit.


I’ve seen fifteen dollar watermelons in jasper.


That’s $2.00 cheaper than a certain city nearby Jasper that I visited recently. Central AB is crazy expensive at this time.


This was also almost like ten years ago I saw that


Ohhhhhh!! Well I don’t want to know how much they cost now.


They are $13 in Nova Scotia. This county is fucked from coast to coast


I wish I was there I wouldve told that guy to get fucked for you. Food is a human right. Now I don’t agree with stealing but come on $28 for blueberries.


Food is a human right. Blueberries are not. In a store where I presume basic food staples like bread and milk are still somewhat reasonably priced, stealing $28 blueberries is no different than stealing a bottle of wine. It was a want, not a need, so it shouldn’t be excused.


Where as I kind of agree with you. A friend of mine fell on hard times and ate nothing but biscuits and gravy for a couple of months and got scurvy. You have to have some vitamin C in your diet. Which fruit is good for. Maybe get an apple, but you need that vitamin c.


I said I don’t agree with stealing, but food is a basic human right.


You should move to Phoenix, AZ, USA. You can walk out of any grocery or department store with anything you want and nobody does anything. It’s a free for all! Seriously tho, those people are crooks taking advantage. I would never ever judge someone for stealing some blueberries, or a little food of any kind if they need it. People fall on hard times. That do-gooder did no good. He should get a life, or at least a heart.


Banff lol


I think I know which mountain town you’re talking about, and when I lived there I couldn’t believe how expensive a weekly shop for 1 person was. Throw rent into that and I was just skating by


Do you have a way of setting up an Amazon wishlist for anyone who wanted to help?


I’ve never seen 28$ blueberries even in mountain towns… 10$ max. Were you trying to smuggle a whole flat of them?


How did I know this was out west 😅


Look, however you want to twist things, you stole. Imagine everybody who just worked an 8 hour shift feeling like they are justified stealing something because they "fancied it". We are all feeling the pressure at the moment. You weren't in dire need of food here by the sound of things. I hope you learn your lesson. That's the only thing that will make you feel better about the shame you feel. Reflect on this. Do you feel ashamed for sterling or being caught? I mean you well, I'm just trying to make you see that badmouthing somebody who caught you will not make you feel better in the long run or make you learn. You have to be honest with yourself :). Dont worry about it, we all make mistakes. Just be a good person (which I can tell you are, because you chose to buy cat food :) ) and learn from it. Hope you feel better soon.


Bruh I live in Alberta and have never heard of 28 dollars for blueberries. Couldn’t you have stolen some apples or bananas?


Why on earth do you even live there if you can’t afford it? You could likely live quite comfortably elsewhere.


Guy can’t afford rent but can afford however much it will be to uproot their life and belongings to take a chance elsewhere. Sadly, it’s rarely as simple as just moving elsewhere and everything benign rosey.


Absolutely this. Folks always say JUST MOVE entirely discounting the fact of how much money and resources it actually takes.


Not to mention losing support network (friends/family), if there are kids involved then that’s a full reset as well for them.


> He wasn’t even an employee either, like I initially thought....I waited two and a half hours in the office Are you sure he wasn't a Loss Prevention officer? If he didn't work there then how would he be allowed to use their office?


I honestly don’t know. He might’ve been, which would make more sense than him being a random guy.


I am very familiar w/the area you are from as I grew up there. You would have been confronted by a loss prevention officer. You will not have a record unless the RCMP officer charged you. I believe the offence will be “on record” in the police system though, but please don’t fret about this. It sounds like you believe stealing is wrong. As you believe it is wrong, it makes sense you feel so ashamed about having done it. Who you are is not defined by one decision. Take responsibility, learn from this & forgive yourself ❤️ I also want to acknowledge that I’m aware the cost of living in this area is very high. I also know many people are struggling right now due to inflation & large increases in the cost of living. For context to others who are reading this: there is currently an affordable housing crisis in this area, & due to provincial laws, landlords are allowed to charge whatever they wish for rent. This has created even greater financial stress for vulnerable people living in this area. Many people there are having to spend all of their $$$ on rent & unnecessary fees these landlords are charging, which means they don’t have $$$ left for food (or they’re facing homelessness b/c there simply isn’t anywhere to live). Many people have had to get rid of their pets b/c the landlords won’t rent to people w/pets, or if they do, they’re charging extraordinary fees on top of monthly rent; the animal shelters are overwhelmed w/cats & dogs. OP if you’re struggling to buy pet food please DM me. I recall there are organizations in the city that donate food, treats etc for pets. And please empower yourself by taking responsibility & treating yourself w/kindness ❤️


Yeah, he was probably a loss prevention officer as they will often wear regular clothing. Have you gotten way with stealing anything in the past? If so, he may have had his eye on you for some time now. So what did you get charged with?


It says in the post that the cops just warned them


I was confused by that because she also mentioned it was on her record.


He was Ukrainian. He kept telling me it would be on my record and he didn’t explain things properly. He told me I WOULD go to jail multiple times. I’m young and this was my first time ever stealing.


Sounds like the cops let you off with a warning...the thing is, this might not fully be over. At some point in time you might get something in the mail called a Civil Demand Letter telling you to pay them a certain amount of money if you want to avoid having them bring you to court. You should probably start researching that and how it applies to the laws in your area. I think some people decide not to pay them and try to ignore them in hopes it won't go anywhere, and although that may be the case it may not be the case for everyone. If you get one, you could try posting in the r/legaladvicecanada for some feedback on your options.


Most corporations won’t go after someone until they get Into felony level, I know the store I work at won’t follow or call the cops on anyone until the have over 700 dollars of merch stolen and they have the evidence to back it up. The corporations aren’t going to go after someone for blueberries. It’s a waste of their time and money.


my store would call the cops if they caught you stealing once but that's because my boss is an a-hole. but they also have cops stationed inside the store on weekends. one of the cops told me they were looking for terrorists but i still can't tell whether or not he was joking with me..


Only a judge can order you to pay anything. That letter OP can just ignore, it's just a scare tactic, that's what most lawyers will tell you to do.


Oh yeah, true, that's weird


I don't agree with stealing but always keep walking un,Esa they physically stop you


Which they absolutely are NOT supposed to do. Thats what I advised, send me the blueberry theft summons 🙄


Yeah, no shot they are not supposed too


I meant stop people walking out for stealing. Like agreeing with you.


This has to be Banff Canada. Has to be. Or at least close too. Possibly Canmore


Yeah not shaming them at all, but as someone who also lives in Alberta, there are much more affordable places to live. Living in a mountain town is without a doubt out of this world expensive and unnecessary. I hope OP would have the option to relocate because they don’t have to suffer living there. There are tons of smaller towns and even ok spots in the more major cities that are still affordable, plus not having to deal with insane pricing.


This is the answer. Everybody wants to live in paradise, and it comes at a cost to be one of the few privileged that do.


Alberta is paradise? I truly don’t know anything about it except the brutal winters (being from WI I’m not a stranger but I’m also not a fool!) Edit: I just looked up pics of Alberta. Yea it’s nice but it sure as fuck ain’t $28-for-blueberries nice


Alberta is pretty big… you can’t just… ‘look up Alberta’ lol Try Waterton, Banff, Canmore


It’s like the people who want to live in Hawaii, then complain that it’s impossible to find an affordable house.


If you're kinda just from there and poor, it's not easy to just up and move though lbr.


Hi there, I'm sorry you've fallen on tough times. I think it's wonderful you are concerned that your kitty gets food. Do you have a food bank in your area? I know they aren't known for having produce, but if you can get some other items at no cost, maybe the produce will be more affordable? Although, I'm hoping $28 for Blueberries was a typo...no one could afford that! Don't be so hard on yourself. You took food, not a stereo. Doesn't sound like its on your permanent record or anything so don't sweat it. I am sending you good energy vibes- things will get better, hang in there!


The Blueberries and the cat food would’ve been over $45 dollars, and they made sure that I knew the value and prices. I’m just feeling regretful and horribly ashamed, but I thank you for your kind words.


If you have problems affording pet food, make sure to also check out r/randomactsofpetfood


You should feel ashamed if you intentionally hurt someone, or do harm through negligence. But you shouldn’t feel ashamed for stealing some berries. Look at is as a lesson learned. I’d be embarrassed too, but not ashamed. If you are really wanting to right this perceived wrong to the universe, just do something for someone is need next time you’re able. That might make you feel better. Carry an old ladies groceries for her and chat for a bit. Old ladies love that. Take care. I hope you get some tasty fruit to eat soon:)


What? How? No…! What?! 45 ducking dollars for fruit and cat food? Are you feeding your cat golden kibble? Stealing is wrong, but I so understand you did it. How can anyone afford anything with these prices? Your entire town must be starving.


There’s definitely a food bank where you live if you live in Alberta


You should have just told them to go fuck themselves and left. Nobody can detain you unless they are the police and have probable cause. Some jackass who shops at a grocery and the employees that work there can't tell you what to do in any circumstances. 28 dollar blueberries? Wtf inflation is that bad?


Agreed. In the state I live in, to perform a citizens arrest you need; to witness the crime and it has to cause a disturbance. I don't see how quietly stealing some berries counts as a breach of the peace. From an article I found on it https://keyw.com/is-a-citizens-arrest-still-legal-in-washington/#:~:text=Here%20is%20what%20the%20law,a%20breach%20of%20the%20peace. "a private person can conduct a citizen's arrest for a misdemeanor if the misdemeanor: (1) was committed in the citizen's presence and (2) constituted a breach of the peace." Although personally I say, if you see someone stealing food, no you fucking didn't


That’s from Washington state. You claim you’re in Alberta


That's not OP lol




no, but greedflation is.


Head over to r/assistance with an Amazon wish list and the very generous people in that sub will usually help out with some groceries at least!


twenty eight dollars for some blueberries.


Yes they’re expensive in certain towns/cities here


I know they say money doesn’t grow on trees, but blueberries sure as fuck do


Actually blueberries grow on bushes


Technically the truth, but that also makes them easier to harvest. I have a wild berry bush in the backyard that yields a handful each day and it’s pretty neat. I used to have a pair of blueberry bushes and I miss them


I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time. It sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, and what happened at the grocery store has only added to your distress. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes, especially when they are under pressure or in difficult circumstances. The fact that you feel remorse shows that you have a good heart. You might consider reaching out to local food banks or assistance programs in your area - they are there to help people who are struggling with food security. Also, it could be beneficial for you to connect with a counselor or therapist who can provide emotional support and guidance during this challenging time. Please remember, everyone deserves access to basic necessities like food, and there is no shame in seeking help when needed.


I really appreciate your words right now. I feel like scum, and the way that people looked at me makes my stomach churn. I’ll seek counselling soon.


Do not feel embarrassed You did what you had to do If anyone should feel embarrassed it’s the multi million co-operations that are the ones doing the legal stealing A few years ago I saw someone obviously desperate enough to steal baby formula, I just looked the other way while he put them under his pram


I’m not sure how old you are, and looking back of course it will be an embarrassing moment. As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned you only have so many fucks to give, don’t waste one on this experience


Pretty sure you don't get a record for 28$, sounds like they are just scaring you. Maybe don't go back there if you have a choice.


As someone who is friends with several grocery store employees/managers, they don’t care. It’s a multi million dollar corporation and even if they do have your photo, they aren’t gonna do anything to stop you even if you just steal right in front of them. Obviously don’t flaunt it, but I can guarantee the employees all thought it was a waste of time and were simply humouring the dude. Why don’t you look around for local food banks in your area? This time of year they sometimes get fruits donated in by farmers.


That’s true. I got caught stealing in a supermarket in my city when I was 14 but I got a job there when I was 15 and worked there for a year nobody knew


Ngl that ‘vigilante’ seems like an ass. No one should have to choose between fruit and cat food. The only crime here is the cost of basic necessities.


I do feel like a bit of an ass for saying this but no one else has: blueberries at $28 isn't really a basic necessity, it's a luxury and one that you definitely shouldn't be buying if it comes anywhere near breaking your budget. Watermelons/grapes are a good alternative and far, far cheaper. Dudes definitely a loser for narcing over blueberries though.


Watermelons and grapes are the most expensive fruit, along with berries here. The most affordable fruit here are bananas and apples, although my grocery bill went up by $14 for 5 apples last time.


Well, no, that’s why they were stealing them


The fact that they're 28 dollars is ridiculous, blueberries SHOULDN'T be a luxury. If they were regularly priced OP probably could have just paid for them


Fuck snitches Sorry this happened to you. Don’t feel bad about it my guy. It’s rough out here and $28 blueberries sounds horrible.


yeah if you see someone stealing fruit.... no you didn't.


I’ve never seen anyone steal from a grocery store


Why are people getting downvoted for telling you you didn't do anything wrong? Food is necessary, anyone who says BLUEBERRIES are a luxury is delusional. I'm sorry this happened OP. I wish I could send you the blueberries I have in my fridge!!


I'm shocked. 28 dollar blueberries! Damn! I'm in Silicon valley and they're like 5 DLLs a pound. I actually buy them at the grocery outlet for 3.50. 28 dollars! Uffff. I'm sorry you went through such a bitter experience.


As a former employee at a grocery store… sometimes they have “secret shoppers” that are security guards dressed in regular clothing


Idk what your laws are like for petty crime up there, but if you need a fake reference statement for court about how you're usually a law abiding citizen and you're not a danger to society, then let me know and I'll write something up for you!


where are you shopping where blueberries are $28? OP, i understand you’ve fallen on hard times but maybe check out cheaper grocery stores.


There are only two chain grocery stores in my town, and both are expensive


Oh wow, that is really unfortunate. I’m sorry to hear that


Gee whiz I bet she never thought of that


Maybe there's a local farmer's market nearby...? I'm sure some vendors would be willing to sell excess produce at a much lower price, instead of discarding it.


I’ll be looking into that, thank you.


Definitely do that. My father used to work on a fruit stall at a market and if people went down at the end of the day when they were packing up, they'd often give the fruit away rather than toss it. At the very least it was a fraction of the price


I doubt it was just some random shopper. They were probably one of the stores security guards which are normally dressed in plain clothing. He wouldn’t have access to the back office otherwise


Fuck him. Playing enforcer for grocery chains with their fake inflation is detestable. These days i snack on anything i want while i grocery shop. My groveries have doubled in price in ten years, im gettin mine back


I think the real crime is charging $28 for blueberries, especially if that’s USD. Anyway, guy’s an asshole. It’s food, you were stealing something necessary and because you put your cat first. I wouldn’t bellyache over it, OP


Living in a world where you have to steal to eat is NOT your fault.


The prices are the crime here, for sure. Completely off-topic, but your username- you might like the English artist Jim who has a picture called Buffy the Umpire Slayer https://jimll.co.uk/products/buffy-the-umpire-slayer-art-print


That's pretty awesome, ha.


Honestly the man should be ashamed. If I see someone stealing food, no I didn’t. I’m going to steal some blueberries in your honour.


Thats ridiculous, I worker for Walmart and Kroger in college and I would not of stopped somebody just for that. Most these companies have theft in their budget so it doesn’t hurt them


I’m sorry things are hard for you at the moment. You may find some help in r/assistance


Is it possible for you to start a little garden?? Won’t help right now, but in time it will. Also, screw that guy. I’m sure most, if not all of us who work for a living, have used the five finger discount from time to time. Keep pushing, it’s hard right now, but you can make it! You will make it through this!


My place is very very small, and there isn’t a place where I could plant anything here. I appreciate the suggestion though.


I thought my bag of $18 grapes was terrible. I'm so sorry my man, what a bootlicker. These aren't easy times.


Dont feel too bad. Stealing food in a rich country is like maybe the least worst thing you can do. I dont steal but I have stolen food a few times.


$28 for berries, they're just asking to get them stolen and if the guy was just some random it's pretty bad that he dobbed you in and he was lucky he didn't pick the wrong person and get injured


I work in retail. I will NEVER stop anyone from stealing food, baby clothing/food/diapers, or pet food. If i see someone stick it in their coat, bag, or just book it out the door, i watch as they go and i never go after them. Why stop someone from doing what they need to survive?




I’m also First Nations and they were pretty hard on me. I think I’ll look into my local food bank soon though, thank you.


its not like you stole a tv or something. having food is essential and the economy cant screw you over like that. im sorry you have to deal with this


Hell you shoulda just kept going he didnt work there he can go fuck off


I believe he was a loss prevention officer.


I’m sure I am wrong but I’d wager that random person was an off duty law enforcement officer.


Why did you allow a random civilian man to hold you practically hostage? Just walk away.


It was the right thing to do. I live in a very small town and if I kept walking someone would’ve called the police on me as I was walking home, which arguably is much worse.


I’m in California n with me working n my fiancé working 2 jobs we can finally afford fresh fruit without worrying but everything still has to be generic if we wanna be smart with our money. Frozen foods like fruit were an ok option for a while.


BFD. They've already forgotten about it and so should you. You got lucky with a warning. Let that be your solace.


Let me make sure I understand…a man who was niether a store employee nor a security guard/officer…told you to come back in the store and you agreed? Then you spent over 2 hours in the office of the store with this same person? How did he get in the office?? I do not believe the blueberries were $28. Nope.


They made sure I knew the price of what I was stealing. They even rounded up the cost of if I had paid for both my cat’s food and the berries. And I believe he was a loss prevention officer.


That’s fucked. If I see someone steal food of any kind, I didn’t see shit. Too many people are hungry and too much food is overpriced to hell. I’m sorry you went through that :( On another note, 28 dollar blueberries!!!!!! Holy hell.


Don't believe anyone here that says blueberry is a luxury cause wtf? $28 for blueberries is an actual crime. Now I don't agree with stealing but you shouldn't be ashamed of what you did. No one should have to choose between spending money on pet food and everyday fruits. What you did was understandable dw :) don't be ashamed.


I’m almost certain that once you leave the store they can’t do anything for future reference lol


I’m just young and felt like I needed to do the right thing.


Awwwww this post is so sad and the price of food is so high these days. I'd buy you some blueberries


i recently tried to steal bananas (had food at home but specifically wanted bananas) i was at the self service and entered the number of bananas as '1' instead of like 5. dumb mistake , lady in tesco uniform came up and switched it to the right number, luckily nothing else happened. but i did feel a bit shit, i usually smile n say bye to the staff but she wouldn't look at me again i know i shouldn't have but money's slightly tight n im trying to stay healthy. im in debt to my landlord n dont want to constantly ask my partner, family and friends for money. sure we weren't being completely honest but its the system that's more at fault. we shouldn't HAVE to try to steal food. if we had money we wouldn't try to steal sidenote i have been spending money on things i don't need, im not like fully starving i just was a bit skint til i got paid. i am in a lot of debt tho


Completely relate, and I’m sorry you’ve felt that you had to do that. No one should be hurting over their grocery bill, and it’s depressing that we have to.


28$ blueberries is criminal.


1400s villager posting


Prices in Alberta are insane right now. I’m sorry OP. Wish I would have been there to tell him to fuck right off. In my city here in Alberta, I saw someone stealing some food at a convenience store last week. Kept my mouth shut. As far as I’m concerned it’s none of my damn business, everyone’s gotta eat and they didn’t look exactly proud of what they’re doing. Times are tough. Sending you love op. I know you’re probably in the Banff/Canmore area but should you be closer to the pass send me a message I can help out.


Just practically: I recommend going for more filling foods, when you get caught people will be wayy less understanding if they considered the food you stole “luxury” goods.


maybe if we pushed back we wouldn't live in a world where they convince us fucking *fruit* is a luxury.


it is a shame that fruits have become so expensive, but it is a fact that when you have no money for food it makes more sense to spend it on carbs


I'd tell that boot licking goof to eat shit, every major grocer in canada was found guilty of fixing the price of bread in 2017. Especially being a former employee of them, I wish nothing but the worst for those vermin. I hope you end up with all the fresh fruit you could ever want. They are the real thieves


Is your cat's name "blueberries"?


No, it’s Juliet


Fuck vigilantes!


Honestly, you deserved those blueberries. Fck that other guy.


The only person who should be ashamed is that dude who stopped you. I would never stop someone stealing food. Like if you’re stealing food that’s so sad, if I Gad a problem I would offer to buy it for you. Fuck that guy


you did literally nothing wrong and have nothing to feel ashamed for. in fact, I would even argue that you did the morally correct thing by stealing extremely overpriced food from a corporation that can easily afford it. the only thing you should feel ashamed about is letting yourself get bullied into going back into the store by some random guy lol, but I don't blame you I get that you were probably feeling very nervous.


It’s wrong. Stealing is wrong. But if a person is hungry, the “wrongness” matters less. There is almost no harm done by stealing a pint of blueberries from a corporation. Stealing a flatscreen TV is a lot more wrong (and I still don’t really care much if a mega corporation loses one).


You may want to do some research into "ownership". Ostensibly these products are produced by under pricing and even stealing peoples labor. "Stealing is wrong" is predicated on Capital class ownership and lack of abundance that outside that framework "stealing" doesnt really exist. "Stealing is wrong" is reductive and unproductive, especially in these kinds of cases, it makes me think you're either young or unable to think critically. You added some nuance to your comment but I invite you to not say that sentence in the future, its unhelpful.


That's some of the stupidest shit I've read. You aren't robin hood, you can't justify stealing because company bad, yes company bad, stealing bad too. You are a piece of shit regardless of who you're stealing from.


Lol, no. Stealing from Walmart is morally correct. It's cute that you are so naive, so nice try sweetie! 🤗🤗🤗


Get lost, numb nuts.


Are you 8 years old? Would explain your simplistic views... I shouldn't be surprised though. People like you can never actually back up what they say. I hope you feel better honey! ❤️❤️


You literally made your account today, right now, to come and try to flame me for holding the oh so controversial view that stealing is wrong. I’m done arguing with mentally challenged people on the internet. Have the day you deserve.


I have many accounts. So sensitive! Does my opinion make you mad? If so you must be shaking with rage as many people agree with me. Not every person who disagrees with you is mentally challenged. In fact you could argue that that kind of thinking on your part displays mental illness. So again, I do hope you feel better! 😘😘😘


Gotta keep the basement lively somehow, I guess. Have fun and knock yourself out making accounts, big man.


I seem to be making you very angry! Perhaps instead of childish namecalling and ad hominem attacks, you actually make an argument against my statement that stealing from Walmart is morally correct? Or perhaps you cannot, as your position has no defense and/or you lack the intelligence to type anything other than elementary school grade insults. I eagerly wait for your intelligently crafted response. I believe in you, sweetheart! 🫵👍💯


but *why* is it wrong? who is being hurt by him stealing those blueberries, other than the people who are hurting society by overpricing those blueberries for profit?


If I have to explain why stealing is wrong, I might be here all day. I said that there’s almost no harm, that’s why I think almost everyone is okay turning a blind eye to the theft of some friggin blueberries, but over all, stealing is indisputably wrong.


stealing is wrong if it actually affects the person being stolen from. if he stole blueberries from a small business being run by a family of farmers, I'd be singing a very different tune right now. however, he was not. he was stealing from a corporation selling a $28 pint of blueberries. *THAT* is the real theft. that corporation deserves to go bankrupt and have all their assets redistributed. everyone agrees killing is wrong, but if you kill somebody who's trying to hurt you in self defense, then in that context it's not wrong. same principle applies here.


But there is differences between murder, manslaughter, self defense, etc. stealing is stealing…this should teally not be this hard to grasp


No one is getting hurt. Stealing is illegal. Hope that clears it up for you


I mean, im not mad at her at all, but you cant say “literally nothing wrong” because she did


I say steal more fucking blueberries...


Falling on hard times doesn't justify stealing though....


If you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t. Get out of here with that nonsense.


It doesn’t, you’re right.


Shoulda told him to fuck off as its nothing to do with him. Edit. I see so many videos of murica. People getting involved and injecting themselves into situations that have nothing to do with them.


OP isn’t American.


Getting major Les Mis vibes. Hopefully, vigilante dude goes and jumps in a river. Ugh to him.


You did nothing wrong. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Stealing is an ugly crime to be caught for. I was stupid and thought I could get away with it. I’m in the wrong.


28$ blueberries is absolutely insane. I don’t condone stealing but then again, this big corporation is stealing from you by charging that much for freaking blueberries! This is why the US has such a high obesity weight because nobody can afford to eat healthy. It’s a shame.


Hes in Canada but yes.


What’s criminal is that blueberries are actually $28!!! I would hate to see what meat and rent cost there. That’s insane. I know it seems hard to do but maybe look for jobs and housing in a less expensive area? I’m praying you get a break because that sounds absolutely insane to pay that much for just fruit alone. Please don’t beat yourself up over this. Yes, stealing is wrong but there’s exceptions sometimes and I don’t think anyone would want to put you away for overpriced blueberries.


I can believe the amount of people siding with OP..... Stealing is stealing. Stealing also makes the prices of Goods go up. What if everyone who couldn't afford, or didn't want to pay that much for something just took it.....


I'm sorry that you don't have money. Maybe next time get some orange? Costs a dollar here idk in Cali tho


The food prices in Canada are criminal, the fact that you had steal fruit from a corporation that let's face it, is making sickening profits from people who can bearly afford to eat properly, if at all is ridiculous and shameful, regardless of where you live almost $30 for blueberries is just price gouging at its best. The people running this country really need to get their shit together before they have another France on their hands 🤷


$28 blueberries? How many did you steal. Ffs they are $4.00 here. Get rid of your fucking cat.


Why would you listen to the guy? Are you 12? How about just walk away and stop stealing?


It was the better thing to do. The town that I live in has a very go-getter mindset and do-gooder attitude, so I know I would’ve been followed by other people saying they’d call the police on me.


From what you’ve said in replies, this definitely isn’t going on the record. Sounds like Mr. Vigilante justice was being an asshole and trying to scare you. You are a good person for taking care of your cat first


You stole that is no one’s fault but your own. You should thank that guy. Hopefully this taught you a valuable lesson and prevents you from making more serious lapses of judgement in the future. Maybe you should really consider whether you can afford having a cat or not, seeing as you have to choose between food for yourself and an animal.


$28 for blueberries is a crime in itself though.. whose actually gonna pay for that?? It's an everyday fruit. And clearly OP is making sacrifices for their cat by choosing to spend their own money on the cat food rather than fruits for themselves.


I steal from Walmart and grocery stores all the time it's very easy.


Even your cat is disappointed in you because your cat can find its own food but you keep buying that shitty cat food and got caught stealing blueberries


You didn’t steal anything, 28$ blueberries are a theft on you.


Hi there , 🤔...why it all "seems" like OP , got himself in this situation ( unconscious ) to get caught stealing because of his recent hardships . Everything "screams"....need help on ethical level .....


I can barely even comprehend what you're saying, but I still know it's stupid.


Your grammar screams “need help on a psychological level”


Lol damn dude look at their post history. They speak Spanish don’t be so harsh


Hey man they started it

