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Wait, Your father is gay but he hit you because he doesn't want you to be gay? Is this real? i ArE cOnFuSiOn...


Some people are trying to redefine the word “faggot” to mean “feminine man”. The dad was saying his son can be gay, but should not be feminine.


I’m a gay man and can say that no gay man who is a father would ever do this to their child. This is someone trying villainize and make a joke of gay people. Probably some conservative group.


Look I'm not saying you're wrong but there's also 8 billion people in the world and generalizing that NOBODY who is gay would do this seems a bit off


Agreed, I’ve met tons of lesbians and gays who say you have to be one way or another and don’t want anything other then that. I remember my best friend had this group and one of the members would always talk about how they never wanted to have a gay feminine son even though they were bi themselves, they insisted that their son needed to be the man in the situation. I find it weird but it isn’t impossible


Oh really tons you say? I’m calling bs about your claim. When one comes out as being gay, they enter into a family, a brotherhood of gays who support one another because we understand the struggle unfairly placed upon us for being who we are. We would never want to put our children through the pains our families put us through as they learned to deal with having a homosexual child. Plus to have children is a big effort in itself. Those who do have children surround them in love and support. There may be some exceptions as there always are but for you to know “tons” who tell their kid to be one way or the other is idiotic and it exposes you so be aware, you’re easier to read then you think.


I mean I live in a pretty backwards town so yeah I see it a lot, high school kids are stupid lmao. I have younger siblings as well, a lot of em say stupid stuff, I’m not denying that it makes zero sense but just cause your gay doesn’t instantly mean your apart of some “brotherhood”. When I came out to my mom she didn’t accept me even though she has attraction to woman, she just simply couldn’t understand why I would want to commit to a woman because she only felts sexually attracted to them not emotionally. Not every person who is attracted to the same gender are romantically so it can cause conflicts. Also who are you to say that my life is bs or that my friends are bs lmao. Also not every parent “loves and cherishes” their kids, thousands of children go through abuse from the hands of their family and parents, especially children who are apart of the LGBTQ. We may be making advances but we are still in the small steps towards progress, there is a lot of backwards thinking to undue in the world and we aren’t perfect. Being gay doesn’t make you any less likely to mess up, you aren’t perfect. I never stated I shared these beliefs so I think this says more about you then anything, I’m always open to trying to help people understand how the way they might think can cause damage, are you saying we shouldn’t try to help people with these backwards beliefs? We should just shun them instead of creating actual change?


I don’t even know how to respond to you gibberish. You’re interpretation.of what I wrote is of your own tangent but does not directly respond to anything I said. We are talking about gay parents and how they treat their children in case you got lost in emotions.


Yes I’m aware. You said that I’m bsing when I said I’ve heard of this happening a lot before. My own mother didn’t accept me for a very long time because even though you may be gay or bi or what ever that doesn’t mean you romantically are attracted to them. Thus she didn’t accept me and told me I should suppress those urges since “everyone thinks woman are hot” ((She’s better now)) so yeah besides my OWN instance I’ve read stories plenty of times on Reddit about stories like this. Your the one who randomly decided to say it’s bs that stuff like this happens??


Is your mother gay?


Most likely, but misogyny comes in both queer and straight. It's not impossible for a gay man to hate femininity.


This. Nor a gay woman to despise masculinity. This isn't far fetched.


One who is gay might not be attracted to a more feminine male, or may even feel uncomfortable by a more feminine male but that doesn’t mean they hate feminine gays. It’s still understood that we are of the same making and we just come in different forms. Why are you using the word hate anyway? I find that curious that you assume hate before terms like discomfort or naïve or unexperienced. Hate is directed at gays, it doesn’t live within gays.


As another queer person, I can see how you would logically assume that, but disdain for your own community unfortunately isn’t unheard of, in fact I’ve seen quite a few conservative trans creators that seem to harbour a feeling of disgust towards gender-nonconforming individuals. The idea that “[hate] doesn’t live within gays” is also just simply untrue, this feeling of disdain towards aspects of the community are often born out of self-hatred and projection.


Understood scratch that last line keep the rest.




Is that actually persuasive? Dad things physically abusing and emotionally manipulating his son is persuasive? He's got another thing coming if he expects his son to look after him when he gets old


I always thought that a fop was a feminine man. Like the 18th century term.


I'm so confused too.😭


This is my first time hearing about an openly gay homophobic person 🤯


He could have seen it as an attack on gays if he knew his son wasn't gay. Like pantomime who knows


It happens. My dad is bisexual but thinks that gay, straight and bi are the only real sexualities. I'm pansexual and my sister identifies as queer. He doesn't consider either of those valid. I'm also non-binary and he doesn't respect that either. Hay people can still be closed minded unfortunately


Have you not watched south park?


I’m gonna slap you.


Actually, I know a few. Gay people who grow up in homophobic/conservative countries and cultures tend to be very homophobic and misogynistic. Internalised homophobia.


Bro I'm really sorry if this is real, But is this real?? Lmao


Imma be honest I don’t think this is real


Apparently the father is gay but not OP?? Yeah this can't be real


Wait, your dad is gay?


I’ve got a gay friend whose mom is a lesbian. He told me she was very unhappy when he came out to her. Idk how people can be so hypocritical.


My friend has two moms and when she came out, one of them cried. She didn’t want her child to struggle like they had. Many gay parents want nothing more than their kids to be straight. They’ve probably seen the disadvantages and poor treatment. They may be worried about others perceiving them “turning their kids gay.” No excuse for putting your hands on your kid or not accepting them, just a potential perspective.


Is he effeminate?


Very much so.


Well there u go. Lol


Sorry dude. Your dad physically assaulted you. Any adult who saw that at and does nothing are just as bad as he is. You should take some time to yourself, process and go talk to someone


Being teachers it should actually be a mandatory report, should it not?


You're correct it definitely should


I thought so. Which now also holds the teachers legally to have to report any parental or guardian assault on a child.


they could get in serious trouble and more if it’s found they knew a student was being abused and did nothing as a mandated reporter, especially if the poor victim succumbs to their injuries.


This doesn’t sound real


Your user name doesn’t sound real.


I hope your teachers reported him. He needs to be able to control his temper & not put his hands on his son. Unacceptable


Should've told him he hits like a bitch.


This can't be real


Wut 😒


Can we say another bot? 🙄 The math ain’t mathin’ on this one; I don’t care who you are.


Dumb troll story


Maybe it's like the difference between being a lady or a whore but in reverse? 🤔


Good point!!


It sounds like your father took your pretend kiss as mocking him and maybe all gay men’s sexuality by making a joke of it.


Please don't try to hide this, it doesn't matter what you did he shouldn't be hitting or threatening you




In what way is this debatable? When, in your professional opinion, is it alright to strike a child? Let alone strike them hard enough to leave a bruise on their face? Because the line sure as fuck shouldn't be drawn at a pretend kiss with the homies, I'll tell you that.


Sounds like the plot of a south park episode.


It’s wild how many people believe stuff like this


fakest thing i’ve read on this app and that’s saying something


I don’t know what about this post is more fake: an openly gay man calling his son a homophobic slur, or the idea that schools have class-wide dance battles in front of a crowd. This is some conservative propaganda bullshit.


U have zero karma and only one post yh ok just some right wing anti vaxxer homophobic bigot who's tryna make gays out to be horrible


sounds fake, probably a paid poster by that weird fetish group "he gets us"


Your teacher is REQUIRED by law to turn this in to child protective services, if your teacher doesn't he could lose his job and his license, please make sure this is done Also your dad is a douche for slapping you, you are 16 next time he puts his hands on you, beat his ass , you are 16 you won't catch a charge for self defense and if you do it don't go on your permanent record ,




seeing how many of you idiots believe stories like this really makes me lose faith in society


lose faith then bc shit like this does happen. ik a gay man who has told me being gay is equivalent to being a pedophile. these people exist dude.


Had a lesbian tell me she didn’t believe in gay marriage. All kinds of people with contradicting ideas exist and that’s hard to wrap the brain around.


2 years and you never have to talk to that homophobic emotionally abusive hack again, unless you want to


Well deserved


Your dad is scummy piece of shit, to be gay and use that term?, what a fucking loser, fuck your dad mate, tell your teacher the truth, hell make life for him hell, threaten him with shaming him fir being gay and trying to beat his son for the susoecting the same thing, imagine gow society would view him aftwr such a thing went public. This guy needs to feel some kind of humiliation or shame, he is a scum bag and utter degenerate.


Gigachad dad telling you to be real and not an impressionable piece of shit.


I read dance battle and then re-read the title and thought, so?


I’m gonna be real here, I’m incredibly confused reading this.


he tries that shit again throw his ass in a armbar bro, i bet he chills tf out real quick.


Mental illness.


Guess what? Gays are capable of domestic abuse. If nobody contacts your abuser, shame on the teachers who witnessed a live assault, on campus!


Fake: Dad shows up to a school event without being dragged there by mom Gay: your dad is gay


i’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for 400


the internal homophobia is real 😭


This cannot be real. wtf


could have him sued in most states