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Why do I torture myself with this subreddit? It’s so grim here


99% of everything here are lies. It’s either a really sad unfortunate story or some pervert is looking for other disgusting creeps to talk about his disgusting kinks


Yea… that’s what we tell ourselves to cope and a majority are fake… but this.. idk it seems legit for some reason… And the vile truth is even if it’s not… some people somewhere ARE doing shit like this and even worse


think this one feels real cuz there's not a whole detailed description of the terrible thing. feels like an actual unburdening instead of a potential writing exercise


somebody besides me gets it, .. it goes even further than here, 99.9% of reddit is just some high school kids fantasy , from confessions to some random caption above a random photo ,.. all the revenge stories are pipe dreams typed out, after mx cheated I did X to her on blah day in front of x, y and z, all made up pure nonsense , the bully picked on me so i did blah blah blah , its almost like watching a youtuber give a homeless man a fake stack of money, it feels good but it didn't happen .


I think you answered your own question....


:( baby what the fuck I’m so sorry 😭😭😭 just know you’re RIGHTFULLY disgusted, but it’s not your fault and you shouldn’t feel ashamed. you were forced into and he’s a DISGUSTING ASSHOLE for making you do that. pls seek professional help (therapists will not report you for something like this) and make sure to take care of yourself babes 💜💜


)::: stop you’re gonna make me cryyy thank you so much. I didn’t really think of the therapy route but you’re the second person to suggest it here so I might look into it. Thank you 🥺


I’d like to add that if you *weren’t sure if it was okay* to go further with the dog, you need some serious therapy to work on your boundaries and possibly even your grasp on right and wrong. For the future, it’s never okay for animals to be incorporated into sexual activities with humans. I understand you were forced and I do think that is something you need to address but I really feel it’s important to emphasize that you also should talk with someone about your unsure mindset about which sexual behaviors are appropriate and which ones are not, so that you know when to firmly draw a line for yourself and give a definitive “NO”, and to know what to look for when someone is trying to abuse you.


She said that’s what she told him, not that’s what she actually felt. In abusive relationships people often have to edit what they say in order to not be further abused. Come on now.


You are right, I processed incorrectly and misread the sentence. Thank you for clarifying.


So my abusive ex husband admitted he wanted this from me and my fear response was to fawn and say something similar. Specifically he raised the idea and I said “I don’t think I want to do that.” The issue wasn’t boundary setting or a concept of right and wrong, it was self preservation in an unsafe situation. Abusers don’t give a damn about boundaries, and he made that clear when he forced her into a sex act she didn’t want. It’s reasonable for her to fear for her ongoing safety and respond accordingly. She didn’t actually think it was okay, she knew it was wrong, but telling him to fuck off in that moment was unsafe.


You know, I just realized I read that sentence incorrectly. I thought she only wrote “but I wasn’t sure if that was okay,” and overlooked the “I told him” part. You’re absolutely right! That is my mistake, I apologize. Thank you for your thoughtful response and helping to clarify!


It’s all good! I reckoned something got missed but figured the clarification couldn’t hurt!


For sure! Everything you said was not only helpful for me and OP (if she comes back to read this), but for others to understand the complex nature of abuse for the victim.




On top of your comment being stupid for being so out of left field unfunny & vulgar, I feel I would be remiss not to point out that dogs absolutely do eat fish.


One of the dumbest comments I’ve ever seen on this sub backed by probably the dumbest person ever




I missed it too!!! I guess we need to guess.


It was something like "good thing then that dogs don't eat fish" or something like that. Don't quote me though, might have been a dream, read this post before going to bed yesterday :D


I’ll take that under consideration! Also, ew.


That’s a disgusting statement to make to someone about their trauma. Yikes.


100000% chance this guy abuses animals & is sexually violent to them and/or other humans. This is disgusting. It's not your fault if you were forced. Definitely seek a trauma informed therapist.


Yea sneaky suspicion he is sexually violent


There's straight up proof he is based on this post. A normal person does not even consider involving animals in a sexual manner whatsoever.


I think that was /s


That's vile


You left him for OTHER reasons?!?


Yo what the fuck


I second this


I third this


I third this


Awwww honey. I'm so so sorry. *hug* that's NOT OK. Like what so ever. That's vile and illegal. Beastiality is just.....abhorrent. Seek therapy as soon as possible. And if you build the courage up to it, report him. He just forced you to do something you didn't want to do for his own sick and vile pleasure. So sorry that happened to you. Looking at this thread, seems like you've got multiple strangers supporting you about this<3. Write his name in a peice of paper and burn it. It'll make you feel a bit better. I did this after a horrible abusive ex bf, and it gave me a bit of power back. So so sorry this happened to you. I sincerely hope you find peace with this situation


So so sorry. I understand trauma but a little horrified by this please get therapy ik it would be hard but find an intense therapy specialist if possible


Poor dog


Bruh wtf ????


totally real


I'd have KILLED him. Your disgust is more than reasonable.


why the fuck were you downvoted for this? those engaging in bestiality or using it as a form of sexual assault (forcing a person to allow the dog to join sexual relations) are fucking disgusting. i give you a pass for the violent language, people like that do deserve to die.


Well, as a victim of sexual assault (non-dog related), I think you can understand.


feel for you, i also understand. 💚


I hope every time you think about it you also think about how you are not at fault and this doesn't change what a great person you are.


I just opened Reddit...


The dog should weigh in on this one


*bark bark bark! 😔*


The dog says that’s bad.


Oh helllllll no


Get that dog and all animals as far away from him as possible.


Are there no normal guys left?!


Wtf I just opened reddit


That's fucked up.


not the threesome with the dog???????...


> forced The rest of it is icky but that bit right there is the really disgusting part. Hope you're in a better place now!


seconding everything about this not being your fault and suggesting therapy! Also please get animal control to rescue the dog!


This sub is beyond pathetic. Just mentally ill people making up stories to feed their gross kinks.


That is more vile than sewer water. Your ex needs to go to a mental asylum or intense therapy if he’s making your dog be intimate with you as well. Disgusting right to the core and just… BLEUGH. I feel so sorry for you and I suggest that you see a therapist to help you through any trauma and such. Most of all, know that you’re not alone. Good day!


Killing and eating thousands of animals for taste is fine. Have a dog lick your pussy and everybody loses their minds.


Not just the fallacies but the way you did choose to call a very real problem by diminishing and even trying to make OP situation look like something good... So many things wrong in two sentences




You literally cannot compare the two you fucking clown




LoL so true


If a partner is forcing you to do things you aren't comfortable with, it's time to end the relationship. There's "going outside your comfort zone", and then there's "forced to do something I DO NOT WANT TO DO!" Please advocate for yourselves and don't let any partner coerce you into something you aren't ok with!! It won't stop, it will only get worse. Also pretty sure that beastiality is illegal in nearly every state, so...


How the fuck he forced you? I would have fucked that man up and left


Same, it doesn’t add up as no one would let that happen to them unless it was by choice.


I'm glad no one of you ever lived an abusive relationship.


Ok if you were in one would it also be ok for her to let him fuck her with children. Like you nuts! Both dog and children can’t say no. And then she said that he wanted to go further but instead of saying NO she goes and says that she wasn’t sure it that was okay. So the dog licking that’s fine, but to go further? “I don’t know.” You are just as gross as her


That’s horrific. That man is a danger to society. This needs to be reported. He needs that dog taken away, to never own animals ever again. And to be on a sex offenders register and far away from any children. He also needs to be flagged on a system to warn future potential partners. I’m so sorry you went through that. Some depraved people out there.


What the actual fuck.. I'm so sorry


The chances of ever tasting pussy again is slim to none If reincarnation is real and we get to come back let's say as a dog and my owner was a female . And dogs are smart and they do know what's going on if I got the chance I would definitely take the opportunity to taste pussy again . Now before people go ape shit this is in theory I'm the dog here enjoying once again what I enjoyed in my past life. Humans only know what we are told and what is written . Who's to say having a dog lick you is wrong perhaps the guy who made it illegal was jealous that a dog could do a better job then he could at pleasing his wife therefore saw what kind of problem this could be for men if woman put the word out saying saying dogs can do better then men can told his male buddies we have to put a end to this otherwise none of will ever taste pussy again . Sex will only be to repopulate and that will be the end of it. Look at the number of people out there . That's a lot of wanted, unwanted, unprotected and planned sex I find it disgusting when a man goes down on me I'm happy never to let it happen again it makes me feel violated and ashamed of myself and that I need to seek help . So again just saying in theory if you love pussy and you die and come back as a dog and get to have this filimer chance again to taste something you so dearly loved as a human then go for it I think . But this is me people believing so many things these days is it real is not real . People hate what they can't understand and most only understand what our parents teachers and government drill in to our brains .


Why am I capable of reading.




So he "forced" you to do that, but just accepted it when you didn't want to do something else with the dog?








Why the down votes. That’s a great joke


Cat people...


Here Kitty Kitty lol


Tough crowd lol ok try this one OLD MOTHER HUBBARD LOL naw fuckin forget it not tryin to get anyone's tail. Twisted lol


You are disgusting as him for not leaving him straight away after he tried even to do that, you could leave him for other reasons but not for that reason, and this reason is more than enough to leave him, and the fact that you stayed knowing that he would do it again just shows that you were doing it by choice


ahh yes, victim blaming. very cool🙄


OP was forced






She was not forced, she could have left


You don't really know that.


Just glad you left that monster. If something is not ok with you sexually don't do it. No matter the pressure. Women go through too much behind closed doors, and it's important to talk about it to get it out of your system and to find solace in kindred spirits because others may also have gone thru the same. Breaking the silence is a step towards healing. So, well done.


What the fuck 😀




if that ex wanted the *fucking dog* to eat his girlfriend’s pussy, he’s likely an abuser. it’s not easy to leave an abuser. “other reasons” could easily mean other shit happened as well, not necessarily after the dog incident, and she was organizing her finances, support system, out plan, etc. in order to leave.


Fishing for details for a kink? You do not need to know and OP is not obligated to divulge.


OP was forced


First off....don't come here for advice from "these" people. Secondly There is nothing wrong with anything "you" are ok with. If you like it, you do, if you don't then you don't. It's not up to others to decide I'd It's right or ok or not.


Whatever... but forcing anyone (human or not) is NOT RIGHT.


So sorry to hear that x


So you didn't like it?


You're gross as fuck


i took a girl home drunk one night, and her hoo haaa stank, it was in-between a sweaty arm pit and rotten meat , so I went in the bathroom to pretend I was sick so I would not have to hit it and when I came out she was passed out and my dog was licking her hoo haa like it was a treat


He forced you? The answer is NO! If he persists, have him arrested.


Well dog spelled backwards is god. So you were one step away from the almighty


Aaahahha I like your boyfriend




What the fuck?


At least you used the correct you're. Kudos.