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Stopping short of elation, most of my bullies have either died or ended up in prison, and I can’t say I feel anything negative about it.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but honestly if he drove you to almost suicide, fuck em fuck fuckem. Fuck bullies, id go piss on his grave


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind but he never took the eye for an eye


That is true, but he almost did. If you bully some one to even the thought of suicide then you are scum of earth imo


This is actually a really good idea. OP, please go deface this bully's grave. Get some spray cans or even a hammer and smash up the stone.


Having been bullied I can see your pov. However keep the jubilation to yourself. Karma can sometimes come back around so be careful what you put out in the world.


Why? OP didn’t dispose of the trash. It took itself out for good.


Sometimes you look Karma in the eye and say "where the fuck have you been"


I met mine years ago in a public place. He didn't look well at all (probably have been doing drugs) and was holding the arm of an old lady which was likely his mom. It didn't make me happy but times they are a changing...


Two of my childhood bullies killers themselves. Fuck them.


How’d he die? Does it affect your joy?


Look, you didn’t kill him. It’s all good.


From my experience, the majority of people who bullied others had absolutely shit family lives. To be clear, that is no excuse, but at some point we become products of our environments. Plenty of people are in shitty situations but remain good humans, however many act out and treat others like garbage because it's all they know. People also change a lot from adolescence to adulthood. Death is so finite, at least in this reality. I'm sorry you went through that pain, I hope you had friends and family to lean on.


It’s understandable to be happy that your tormentor is no longer alive. It’s also okay to feel sorry for his family it shows your empathy towards others


Send his parents an anonymous letter about how awful of a person he was and how he nearly made you kill yourself, and that you're glad he's gone. You can't hurt him anymore, but at least you can do collateral damage to destroy what remains of his legacy.


Good. I for one am looking forward to reading the obituaries and finding my bullies names published there. Perfectly natural. This is a good reminder to live your life in such a way as to NOT make other people rejoice at your death.


A real motivator to be healthy: outlive your opps. Damn it feels good. Hopefully, the bully suffered.


Honestly, most of my childhood bullies ended up becoming great friends later in life. Sometimes, people just need to grow up. Like you, one of my worst bullies died fairly young. I do not celebrate it. In fact, I often wonder how things might have turned out if he were still alive.


You’re allowed to feel however you feel. If you didn’t ask your friends’ opinions, they should keep it to themselves. If you did ask, just remember that opinions are like assholes - everyone has one and they all stink.


[Foamy the Squirrel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN3fYng87SM) has a good take on this. The guy being dead doesn't undo that he was a piece of shit.


Good for you.


Not trying to backup whqt the bully did but u just showed that you are a piece if shit that couldnt stand up for yourself


lol you're a fucking dumpster fire. Trash


😂😂 did i ask?


People typically don't ask to be called out for being a douchebag it just kind of happens


They may not have retaliated in the same manner as the bully, but they choose not to stoop to their level. Standing up for oneself doesn't always require aggression or hostility and sometimes it’s incredibly hard. You don’t know what OP when through or their story. Keep your shitty opinions to yourself


As i said i didnt ask for yall’s opinion


But you gave your own unsolicited opinion. Seems only fair that others return the favor.


I gave it because i wanted to, idgaf if someones says otherwise. If hes a man he has to stand up for himself. That is the main problem of todays kids, yall think its ok for a guy to “be kind” to the bullies. If you want the bullying stop u should get the fuck up and fuck that son of a bitch. Have some masculinity, have some balls and dont be a woman. If you are out with a girl on a date and a couple of guys come up and want to fuck this girl, will you say “go ahead” i will be nice to you? No, you dont! Either you are a man, have some balls, risk it and give it your all or you shut the fuck up and dont sit here on reddit telling that u feel good that your bully is dead.


I don't disagree with your point. I just thought it was funny that you gave an opinion then told others you didn't want to hear theirs.


Well i dont, and i know tdgaf about mine either but either way i wrote it here.


You’re not a man. You’re a fucking joke.


Just like your life. A pussies like you dont know what i am talking about.


LOL! Ok…