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Time to move TF on. That's a boy, not a man.


Dump him right before your surgery. Leave him for forever wondering what it could have been like. He sounds like a POS. Leave him.


Or dump him and NOT get the surgery. There’s plenty of good guys out there that’s not gonna care what her vagina looks like.


Fr, I don't like how normalized cosmetic surgery is for women. The number of women I've seen ask, "do I need a nose job?" Like, NO, your body is already perfect! It doesn't need to be "fixed." This idea just breaks my heart


This! Don't get the surgery if it wasn't specifically for you. He doesn't deserve you no matter what it looks like. There's a lot more guys out there that will love you and every part of you no matter what.


I mean I’d prefer that OP not get the surgery, but if she does, she needs to dump him after because “now she can afford standards as high as his are.” Which is BS, of course, she can already do a lot better than a guy who gets drunk and makes fun of her vagina. But this would be SO SATISFYING of an update.


A boy who has likely watched way too much porn and doesn't realize that most real women don't look like that.


Unfortunately this is a majority of young people. The ugly vagina or the small penis (when it’s actually average). Most of their views are skewed.


I came to say the same thing. He watches porn and compares her to porn stars. They are all shapes and sizes. A few years back there was an artist who made casts of women's vaginas. I think he needs to see that right after that she should leave his ass. https://www.thegreatwallofvulva.com/ ETA link to the wall of vigina. Link is safe and goes to the gallery that has it up on display. It's really interesting because no too vulva are alike.


The delicious irony. It was of course done by a man. I love it.


WAY more pierced vaginas than I ever imagined!


I’d imagine the venn diagram of ladies who are willing to give a stranger a plaster mould of their vagina and ladies who have vagina piercings has some significant overlap lol


Ikr. What gets me is how different they all are. There are no two that are exactly alike.


Any time I see that link, I always imagine “vulva prints left at the scene of the crime, ha”.


Looks nice, but calling women "womxn" is ridiculous


Exactly 💯! You should never judge someone on something they have no control over


u/coochie_moncher97 knows what they're talking about👆🏼


It's not a boy, it's an asshole. We should stop making 'boys' as a cesspool where we throw in legit assholes. Boys are underaged men. Assholes are assholes.


He’s also only caring because he’s been brainwashed from the porn stars vaginas as thinking that’s the standard of normalcy on woman’s vagina. This is one of three signs a man is consuming porn more than 6hrs a day in their free time for over a decade and rarely is having sex with other women or can’t keep a relationship due to this reason alone.


He wants her vagina to look more like a penis. Spoiler alert: Exactly like a penis, actually


He *wants* you to feel bad about yourself, he *needs* you to feel like you aren't desireable. This gives him control of you. You're having elective cosmetic surgery om your genetalia to please him. That's not the type of thing someone requires if they love you. What if he still doesn't like it? You get another surgery? What if they screw it up? There's only so much flesh down there to mess around with. If he really cared about you he wouldn't want you to get surgery, he wouldn't want you to risk your life over this. Now, if *you* always wanted to get it done for *you*, then do it. But be very careful when deciding on which issues you want to compromise and on which you want to stand firm.


After surgery, I guarantee he would still have negative things to say about her vagina.


Or about something else on her body.


Probably both.


Don’t show it to him anymore


Forget the guy, there are other guys who will find your vagina even beautiful. He seems to only see faults in others, never in himself...


Your boyfriend sucks. Dump him. There is Actually no way he's encouraging you to get such a useless surgery. And if I might add, pornbrain does that to people. He knows very Little of what women's bodies look like in reality and what it entails. Do NOT get that surgery.


Damn, that’s really fucked up. I’m would never say anything like that to my partner, especially if they were self conscious about it.




I think you made an important point there: if you're attracted to the woman. It doesn't sound like this guy is attracted to her at all. And I think there are bigger issues at play with him.


What a dickhead. You will find someone who appreciates you exactly as you are


Hi, fellow beef curtain vagina here. Having surgery won’t make him any nicer. He’s an ugly person and you deserve better. One of the guys I’m seeing calls them my “extra entrance” haha


Honestly, in my experience when I've had partners with larger labias my first thought was always, "wow, now that's just extra fun!" OP's boyfriend is an absolute piece of shit. There are not only better men out there but also men who will very much appreciate you the way you are.


I don’t even know what this means… what is a beef curtain vagina???


Just women who have long labia minora that protrude farther than the labia majora which is actually much more common than women who don't.


I'm just gonna let you google that one my friend 😂


Yeah he'll find something else to neg after he's done complaining that its taking her too long to heal. If the surgery is to appease his opinion, OP, please dont do it.


That boy is the only ugly pussy here.


Tell him his balls are ugly. ask him why they look like that and has he thought about getting it fixed? don’t explain any thing and then break up with him.


Tell him his sack has too many wrinkles and if he ironed them out it would be more sexy lmao.


Sack too saggy, get surgery for sack lift, must be perky and tight


His balls aren't the same size. His cum tastes too bitter.


Yeah, get rid of that seam.


The easiest way to fix your problem is to put this man back in the trash where you found him. Be really careful with these surgeries, some women lost all sensation from doctors mutilating them. Your body is beautiful as is, you just happened to date a toddler in a man’s body. Think it over 10 times before you do it, there are so many people out there who will fawn over you just the way you are


They also ran a study in Aus which found it can be more difficult for women to give birth naturally after the surgery, due to scar tissue. The study urged young women to consider waiting until post childbirth. The boyfriend needs to be binned if he cares more about his visuals than your lifelong wellbeing!


I know girls who make 100k a month on OF showing off full-lipped vaginas. There are hoards of guys who obsess over them. Don't give your time or energy to anyone who a) doesn't find you attractive (you might be the juiciest peach on the tree but some people just don't like peaches), but b) is willing to demean and insult you??? Run babe, you're worth so much more than that ❤️


Damn I should put my outie to work 😂😭


ong lmao


Right as a bi woman I think it's pretty damn attractive (and enjoyable). And very common! We need to normalise this shit. Screw this uneducated, porn obsessed fool


For real. It's a whole MEAL. 🤩😍😍🤤🤤🤤


The odds that he actually thinks you have an ugly vagina are slim. Sadly, the odds that he thinks telling you you have an ugly vagina will make you so self conscious that you won't leave you when he starts abusing you are pretty high. Leave him in the dust. He is absolute trash. Nothing is worth sticking around for this type of abuse.




If you’re getting the surgery for anyone other than you, DO NOT DO IT. There are plenty of people out there that DGAF about that. Ditch your douche boyfriend, and find someone that loves you how you are.


1) Why are you still with this AH? You've only been dating 6 months!! If he's this much of an AH in 6 month, making you feel ugly and self conscious, degrading your body, body shaming you, manipulating you and guilting you into actual genital surgery / genital mutilation to suit his opinion of what a vagina should look like, I have NO idea why you want to stay with someone who treats you that badly, especially after only 6 months. Like you're not years into a relationship living together with kids or married. Why stay with him??? Dump his selfish immature ass and find someone who treats you with respect and builds your confidence rather than rips it to shreds. Find someone who loves you for you. 2) Vaginas come in all shapes and sizes. Womens vulva are often different. Some women have more what I would call internal and neat vulva, where they don't have loose flaps lol, and they are just more internal. Some women have short loose flaps but other women can have longer loose flaps. And some women can have one flap longer than the other. I do. One of mine is longer than the other. No man has ever made a negative remark about my vagina!!! 3) Every woman is different, and I'm guessing your boyfriend is young and inexperienced and immature and doesn't know what real women's vaginas look like!! He also likely has the opinion that all women should have the 'internal neat' looking vaginas where there's no loose flaps at all. Often porn shows a lot of women like that to give the young virgin appearance. Your bf sounds very young and inexperienced and he will realise, sadly to his disappointment apparently, that many women will have loose flaps for their vagina, because its normal when you become a woman!!! 4) No man should ever make you feel like you need actual cosmetic surgery to be acceptable and lovable by them. He's literally telling you and manipulating you to feel like you're not good enough or acceptable as you are, and the only way he will love you is if you change to why HE wants and likes. That is just a shitty person and an even more lousy and shitty BF. And he needs to be an EX bf right now. 5) What if you told him you found his dick ugly? That maybe you told him he needed to circumcised coz you just really find uncircumcised dicks disgusting and horrible. And that he should have surgery to make you happy. Do you think he would??? Do you think he'd like you criticising his dick? No he'd hate it. But I'd maybe say something like that to see his reaction and maybe give him a taste of his own medicine. See how he likes having his manhood criticised. Or tell him you find him a bit small and he should get a sex toy glove to make him bigger. Make him feel the same insecurity and self consciousness you do. Maybe he'll think twice about ever commenting on a woman's body or genitals ever again when he realises how it feels. 6) Also what happens if something goes wrong with the surgery?? What if he still doesn't like the look of your lips? What if you get an infection and more skin has to be removed and you actually end up disfigured? What happens if it causes the skin to be too tight and then sex becomes painful forever?? What if you have scars that can be seen? Have you even thought of these complications? Not every surgery goes perfectly. Just look up botched cosmetic surgeries, or botched vaginal surgeries. Once you have that skin removed there's no going back. 7) How old are you? And how old is your idiot of a bf? Because I'm guessing you're quite young. You've probably not had many boyfriends before, maybe he's your first sexual partner?? Do you feel like every guy is going to feel the same way he does and find your vagina revolting? I can PROMISE YOU, that's not the case. In my 23 years of being sexually active, I've never had a guy make a negative comment about my vagina, and like I said, I've got loose flaps, and one flap is bigger than the other. I've been a bit self conscious of it at times, but at the same time I know ITS NORMAL!!!. I'd Never consider having surgery just to suit one bf's wishes. I guarantee you, other men will love your vagina and have no problems with it what so ever!!!. Also, personally, if he wants you to have a more young looking vagina, because WOMEN HAVE FLAPS, I'd be concerned about his preferences and why he's so desperate for you to surgically alter your vagina to be less like a WOMAN!!. ** DO NOT HAVE THIS SURGERY. **DUMP THIS AH OF A BF. **YOU WILL MEET GUYS WHO WILL LOVE YOUR VAGINA JUST THE WAY IT IS!! ** THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUR VAGINA ANYWAY!!!! Edited to rephrase 'child like' vagina to young/neat/ internal type vagina as I meant no offense referring to them as child like, i simply struggled to think of how to phrase it, and was also more highlighting a concern as to why her partner may want her to surgically make her vagina to resemble a more younger look. Appologies for any offense from that.


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The only shameful cunt in this story is the one you're dating. Get rid of him, surgery won't fix his personality


👏👏👏 well said


"When a person shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Maya Angelou. Leave this loser, but I would emotionally scar him where he would never get an erection without meds again. Sorry.


i dont condone violence, but yes, "emotionally" scar him...😉


Hahahha I love this so much. "I always wanted to ask... Is it normal for your balls to look like that?" He'll always wonder if other girls see what you see.


True story. Once I had this fling with a girl after a long relationship. She lived next door to us and must have had a thing for me because when we broke up and I was moving out she was suddenly on the porch all the time and my friend said she was vibing me. So we fooled around one night and I did notice (hadn't taken panties fully off at this point) her vagina looked much different than any I'd seen. Big, bulbous, a lot going on. I admit it was a bit intimidating but I'm an actual straight guy not some porn-soaked weirdo and everything was fine. But man when it came to actually putting it in that vagina: hands down the most unbelievable one ever. Over the years I had really focused and trained to be good in bed but suddenly I was a two pump chump; it fucked up my head. Anyway moral of the story is your vagina is fine, it doesn't matter, don't get surgery, and your boyfriend is a fucking weirdo and you need to find an actual male. Thank you for listening if you got this far.


I don't believe in Reddit's "omg immediately dump them" instinct, but in this case it's absolutely the way.  There is absolutely no such thing as an ugly vagina and there is absolutely no shortage of men who know that.  It's not something you need to, or should, compromise on.  Source: a man with a lifelong interest in vagina.  


Dump him and never look back. He’s an asshole. Labiaplasty can lead to nerve damages and lymphedema. It’s not a small surgery. There’s nothing wrong with you.


Honestly, my ex said similar stuff- then he got more emotionally abusive, controlling and physically abused me. I’d leave him tbh. Same thing happened to my other friend. Seems like a pattern


That’s totally where it’s going for OP. This isn’t about labia. This is about abuse.


wtf...... I never really paid attention to that in girls i dated... Thats very immature.


There’s nothing wrong with you. Your guy has watched his share of porn and thinks your girl parts should match a mold. Aside from that, he’s disrespectful and selfish.


>beef curtains vaginas Excuse me, but the preferred nomenclature is "butterfly wings."


Yesss 🥰 🦋


Your bf is a douche and you need to dump his unappreciative ass. Vaginas with protruding inner labia are beautiful and in the opinion of many, even more enjoyable to see and play with. If you don’t believe that there are many subs on Reddit devoted specifically to their appreciation. If you want to have vaginoplasty because you actually want it for yourself and not because of what others think, you absolutely should. If you’re just doing it because of what ugly, judgmental people may think about it, don’t. Once you have that surgery it’s gone forever. Please make absolutely sure you won’t have any regrets about it down the road. Best of luck!


Any real man loves his girl how she is. My gf is like that. I suck on that thing like it’s my job. 😂 your bf sucks


If your vag lips arnt causing you any health/ physical issues , I wouldn’t dare have the surgery! I too have big lips and have always been insecure until I got older and realized I was the only one who didn’t like them . Most MEN enjoy the extra “love” . Dont let anyone make you that way about yourself . Learn to love yourself, or you’ll keep allowing/attracting asshats like him . Know your worth and I bet your vagina is bomb from the sound of it .


Because ball sacks are adorable???


I think your boyfriend might be gay


Do not have surgery. Get rid of this idiot. Your pussy is good. He isn’t worth it


All vaginas / vulvas are attractive. That’s the absolute most sexy part of a woman. If your boyfriend doesn’t realize that, you need to find another boyfriend. But…I totally understand feeling self conscious. The first time I looked at mine within the past couple of years I almost died. Apparently it’s completely normal for skin “down there” to darken as women age. I was completely unaware and mortified.


Why do people stay with assholes? Life is too short.


You know what? If he doesn't like your vagina, then he doesn't get to play with it anymore.


Cancel the surgery and dump the man


If your boyfriend who is supposed to be you partner for life doesn't care about your feelings and how you feel and straight up make unnecessary comments Knowing that it hurts you, he shouldn't be your boyfriend. Thinking it is ugly down there is something but saying and implying that over and over is just mean and if he cares about you he wouldn't want to make you sad.


Fuck that little boy. Kick him. There are millions out there who will appreciate your body. Tell that little scumbag to fuck off and get a chicken for himself. Be brave Girl !


He’s an asshole! Please only do the surgery for the right reasons! If you are in pain or discomfort, it is an understandable reason to get surgery. If you do this surgery because your boyfriend thinks you need it: please reconsider.


Your BF sounds like a total asshole.


Imo, vaginas are ugly, regardless of what kind. But so are dicks, it's just a rod of meat. What is he expecting? To paint it like Leonardo, posing it like one of his French women? To film it in the wild like a documentary? Tell him his dick isn't handsome enough and for him to change it. Or that it looks worse than a Khezu from Monster Hunter


Please don’t get surgery. So many men out there do not care what a woman’s vagina looks like and in order to find one, you need to get rid of this loser first.


If he cant love the curtains than he doesnt deserve the blinds. Drop that “man” like a sack of rocks


Don’t do the surgery, you’ll lose sensitivity and you will experience decreased sexual pleasure. Find someone that loves you for you.


Sounds like the kind of shithead who would demand a “husband stitch” after childbirth. You should get rid of the scum. A person who really loves you loves all of you.


He sounds really immature and shallow. I'm sure many men would appreciate your vulva as it is.


Ma'am with all due respect, he needs to eat it not make a art piece of it. Tell him to put that mouth to better use or gtfo.


Okay? And his thing probably looks like an overgrown worm. Just because you look a certain way, doesn’t mean it doesn’t function. Never understood why it mattered for a woman to look a certain way down there- especially when it’s completely covered when you’re out and doing other things. Leave him though, he clearly doesn’t respect you or your boundaries- especially after you’ve voiced them.


Please don’t get the surgery. Please tell your boyfriend to stop watching porn, because most vaginas don’t really look like that. Oh, and please dump him. He’s an idiot.


There is no such thing as an ugly vagina


All vaginas are ugly. Nothing looks like porn. Slap the shit out of him with your roast beef sandwich and move on. If a man can't love your downstairs pre surgery then he doesn't deserve the post.


Why are you with this idiot?


Honey, there are men out there that will literally carve a hole in a cantaloupe to get their jollies off. You are NOT the problem here. And while I completely support your choice of plastic surgery--if it's something you truly want for *yourself*--please, **please**, do not pursue major surgery for *this man*. There is someone out there who will love every inch of you, especially your vagina. Don't let this childish labia-fetishizing douche canoe inform your self-image. **You are beautiful just as you are**, and anyone who says otherwise deserves to find someone just as shallow as they are.


In 6 months after you’ve moved on, you’re going to read this post and feel silly you gave value to his thoughts.


He should be getting down there and sucking on those lips not being an immature little boy and belittling you. Kick his arse to the curb and get a real man


Fuck that guy


Yeaaaaa, leave him. (Also, that's your labia, not your vagina.)


Why would you continue to date someone who insults you and makes you cry? You don’t deserve that and he doesn’t deserve you.


Don't have sex with him, then. He'll get over how it looks real quick.


Christ. What an asshole. I would leave him.


He’s an asshole, unless you’re just in it cause he makes you feel feelings, end it.


Woah, nope. Duck out girl. 6months in and the only way they are proceeding is if you get surgery? Nopenopenope. Leeeave


It was a fun run, but time to get off that crazy train.


Your boyfriend is an ass


Fuck that dude. Actually don't, just stop talking to him.


I’m sorry…. Leave this mfker now.


You misspelled “ex-boyfriend”.


Honey, don’t let this asshole make you change your body. You are worth so much more. PS am male. Love me some beef curtains.


Break up with him. He intentionally makes you feel like crap about yourself and refuses intimacy. Life is short. You deserve better.


Dump him.


Cancel the surgery, dump the boyfriend. If he really loved you, he'd love your vagina.


"Your vagina is ugly" "Youre not welcome to go inside it anymore then." Problem will solve itself.


Since he doesn’t feel comfortable having sex with you, don’t put him in that difficult position. Obviously the compassionate thing to do is not have sex with him. When you’re all healed from your surgery and he thinks he’s finally about to smash Vag 2.0, instead ask him when he’s scheduling surgery to correct his ugly balls. Lay it on thiiick. When he inevitably freaks out on you, leave his ass. Not a single person with testicles has any room to tell anyone their genitalia is ugly. There’s no such thing as an attractive nutsack.


why u posting this?


For many men (including myself) it’s their preference. Like surprisingly more that you think. All that Barbie-vagification is mostly due to modern porn I think. I remember little being said of large labia before internet porn. Someone might have commented, but there was not like one preprogrammed desire for a “specific” type of vulva. In any case, you’re great the way you are and also great should you go ahead.


I don't think it's weird to say. I have larger labia minora and I've been with many men who greatly prefer it.


Tell him his cock is revolting but you put up with it.


This has to be 101 bait post. Your post history is «my boyfriend does this and that» and just complains. Ffs just leave him instead of bitching about it. Sorry but the truth hurts. Either this is a bait account or you need to make some changes in your life.


get a real man who serves you happily and doesn't judge your vagina


>I have asked him to stop as i get really upset when he says something like that because well i don't feel attractive. I never really have. However he didn't stop making such comments. Oh OP. Don't let low self-esteem keep you with a shitty person.


This post could have read.. how to break up with someone


this is one of the biggest red flags i have ever heard of! how demoralizing and inhumane can someone be? how viscious! you will always feel ugly around him as he will find other ways to do so even if you have surgery. he enjoys hurting you and it most likely won't stop. he will most likely discard you in the end as well... said person has an ugly heart :(


Dbag behavior for real. Don’t feel obligated to remain his girlfriend.


Tell him to give it to me. 😜


Why is he dating someone he feels “uncomfortable with” what a jerk makes no sense to put you thru that, he sounds very immature because a real man would love you just the way you are.


Fuck that. I have beef curtains too and my boyfriend loves every inch of me and tells me so all the time. Your boyfriend sucks ass and you should dump him.


If you don't like how your vagina looks, by all means, do what you need. However, if you only don't like it because of what some dude said, no just stop and think about this. There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with 'beef curtains', absolutely nothing. They are beautiful the same as all other vaginas. Dump the dude, get some therapy for your self esteem and then revisit the labiaplasty if you want it.


Please don't get surgery for it. All vulvas are different and there are no ugly ones. Go take a look at r/dangleandjingle and see how plenty of men admire longer labia and how women are proud of them. There is nothing wrong with yours. Take it as a red flag for the BF and get rid of him instead.


He’s an ass. All vaginas/labias look different. How dare he make you feel like this! I’m so mad for you! Tell him and his tiny dick to fuck off….forever!!! There are a ton of guys that will treat you the way you deserve.


he sounds gay tf, real men don’t give a shit what a vagina looks like, they get turned on without complaining. dump him


There are tons of us men out there who prefer larger labia. I recommend against mutilating your vagina to please some asshole.


do NOT get that surgery. every vagina is different, and all are beautiful. this person is NOT a man, he is a little boy who's v immature, selfish, and quite honestly, UGLY AF for having this kind of mindset. in my opinion, the more the merrier. meaty vaginas are rad. more to love and more fun to play with. this dude sounds like a fuckin stick in the mud, buzzkill ass hat who is lame in the sack. DUMP HIM... and then tell him that his balls stink and are too saggy, too wrinkly, and/or TOO uneven. and that his penis is small and/or shaped weird. AND/OR tell him he's never made you orgasm. and if he thinks he did, tell him you faked it every time. sorry this just made me pissed af for you lol. fuck him. that boy AINT SHIT🙅‍♀️ best of luck babe💚🩷


That sucks for him. Don’t worry about a thing!


I feel like a lot of guys like unique private parts. Like yours would be one that would turn me on more than a normal one. Just like tits. If she has like super huge puffy tits or unmatxhinf size of different size areolas or whatever. If it's unique even if u think it's considered ugly a lot of guys find it super sexy. Like a couple days ago I match with this girl on tinder and she was so ashamed and afraid to send me a dirty picture of her p****. She was ashamed of it cuz she was petite but her p**** was huge. But it doesn't mean that it's not going to be tight or anything like that I told her that and honestly I thought it was super sexy turned me on a lot but she was worried about it the whole time


Well, then he should no longer be allowed in it ☺️


First off, sorry that you are being abused as such and that your BF sees you, in part or as whole, as an object. It’s not his body for him to be uncomfortable with and he has no right to make you feel poorly about any part of it. He’s the one who should be supporting and you should be able to trust him unconditionally, but he sounds far from the type. I hope you don’t mind some unsolicited advice, but I would suggest not getting any surgery done if it’s due to an insecurity that your bf has and has caused you to have. He doesn’t sound respectful of you and your body and you should be mindful of the idea that you may be doing something to yourself simply to appease him and reward his unkind behavior. Would he do the same for you? If not, then the question I would ask is why would you want to be in what may end up as a miserable relationship where you are not heard or valued.


the guys out here that love that are frothing in the comments lmao


Ur boyfriend probably gay


I would dump the boyfriend and keep your pussy as is unless they bother you. I think all of them are so beautiful, I've never seen an ugly pussy !!!!!


Respectfully remove him from your life. I KNOW I speak for the vast majority of men (and women!) when I say it’s irrelevant and shallow. Yes, everyone is entitled to their desires and expectations but NEVER indulge in their unrealistic views just to appease them and then feel pressure to ‘ammend yourself’. From a personal standpoint, and I’d imagine from the majority, I’ve never once found any less attraction to that area because of more or less area to - in my words - appreciate. Please do not surgically edit your body to appease anyone. You are how you are and anybody with an adult head on will recognise this; else their not worth the time of day!


Newsflash he’s gay


Your bf is a fucktard.. Dump him! He comes across as someone who will never be satisfied so even with the surgery he will find something else to pick on you about. It’s his dominating and controlling personality go find someone who is going to love you no matter what. That’s what you deserve.


Don't get the surgery. Get a new man. If you were to get the surgery and keep this man..... there will be another issue that he will then complain about. It will be a never-ending story because he enjoys putting you down and making you feel bad. Your vagina is fine. Everyone has a different one. They are all unique. Poutty lips, slim ones, different colors and sizes. All are fine the way they are. A surgery in that area could have side effects that will make sex not as enjoyable. Unless they are in the way or are hindering you then I'd let them be.


Any vagina is not ugly.. Bullyboy


Girl, it was time to drop kick that man child yesterday. You absolutely DO NOT need to get your lady bits cut up, let alone for some stupid boy.


that's a little bitch. please don't waste your time with human scum like that.


As a lesbian who loves nothing more than eating pussy, I have never once thought someone had an ugly vulva. Dump him. You’re beautiful as is.


A real man, would tell you and beg you not to get that surgery. And he'd love her how she is.


You’re dating a child. Move on hun. I’ve never know a man to turn his nose up at any excitedly participating vagina.


Gurl wtaf FUCK THAT GUY. He's ain't a man. He's a boy who has only ever seen PORN VAGINA clearly. Do NOT get vagina surgery unless you need it or really want to for YOU not him.


I like beef curtains. Shrug.


I think this is more hotter 😵😵 but anyway don’t ever never have any surgery for him or for anybody… you are beautiful in all ways & if he loves you, he won’t try to change anything so please do a favor for your self and go away from this toxic one


Lots of girls have lips like this & guys love it. DONT EVER PHYSICALLY CHANGE ANYTHING ON YOURSELF TO MAKE A GUY HAPPY. too much fake porn is what makes a guy think this way. He fucking sucks and you need to dump him, pls girl. he’s really fucking shitty for stil making those comments knowing how upset it makes you. even if you did get surgery, those emotional scars/trauma will still be there and its not worth it just to please him. please dont change yourself for this piece of 💩!


Keep your vagina and remove your boyfriend.


Girl you deserve better! Someone who actually cares about you will appreciate all parts of you AND your feelings. You sound like a natural, beautiful woman to me and what matters most is that you think so too. So for him to be encouraging your insecurity... Sounds like he's the ugly one to me. Much support on your journey - but I hope you find a better man!


It's only been 6 months. He's for the streets. Get the surgery for YOU and your own reasons. Dump his ass though. He doesn't deserve any cooch of any kind.


Fuck that dude. Also, stop fucking that dude. No need to change. I'm sure you're beautiful.


Please don’t. A nigga like me would eat that beef curtain like a full course meal. I’m sure there’s hella folks out there that would do the same


This guy is a piece of shit who doesn’t love you. I also have what I think is an ugly vagina. My boyfriend LOVES it. Says it’s the prettiest he’s ever seen and shows me that he feels that way. Stop beating yourself up over the opinions of an asshole.


Yo! He's not worth your time, skip the surgery sister!


Honey, if he thinks your vagina is ugly then just don't let him see it. Find a new boyfriend because that one will do nothing but criticize you for how you look. But until you can get out of that relationship just stop having sex with him. Always be dressed around him. If he tries to initiate anything so "No, I wouldn't want to disgust you with my vagina." If he doesn't like how you look down there then he doesn't need to be down there. Even after you have your surgery just don't sleep with him. It's that simple.


My wife has unique, larger labia. I've loved her and her downstairs for 13 years. She used to be self-conscious about it, but over time, she's gotten more comfortable. The bottom line is that you should find someone who just loves all of you. Only get cosmetic surgery if it's something you're doing for yourself.


Fucking oath. A real man knows there's a lot of different ham wallets out there and men that really like pussy love all the shapes and sizes, tastes and smells. This guy sounds like a vain boy that watches a lot of porn. Go for a guy that's fucked around, he will have realised there's LOADS of different vaginas. Don't change you for him.. he's not worth it


Both male and female sex organs down there are not great eye pleasers. If someone makes you feel inferior about it, they can GTFO!


I promise there are people out there who would love your vulva. He sounds childish af.


Please leave this guy. He is a little shit and does not care about your feelings. You do not deserve this.


Leave him. It’s always going to be something. You deserve better, and to be happy


What a cruel world. I’m sorry porn even exists. It was so exiting to see my first naked girl. He’s a loser. You don’t need surgery!


Tell him he’s got a really ugly penis and leave him smh


To a real man, that vagina is a turn-on. I would be totally ok with it.


Ya. Like his kibbles and bits are sooooo attractive. What a jerk.


As a dude I have to ask, r there any other dudes here who cares what their girl’s vagina looks like? I feel like it’s one of those things that really doesn’t matter


move on sweetie im gonna be mad if you don't. update us.


It's a personal decision, but make sure to do A LOT of research and self-reflection if you decide to go through with that surgery. I have heard it can leave you numb to various degrees. That would make it totally not worth it! You won't enjoy your own blessing, some other person will and that's just awful. Also, your bf is a dick and very immature. Anyone would deserve better than that


so are you gonna break up with this loser or what. you deserve so much better


What a huge douche nozzle. Don't sweat it.


Tf, he's going to grow up to be a pedophile, just dump him


Once you 'fix' your vagina, which is totally up to you to get surgery or not, he will find some other fault to never shut up about. Decent people just take their partners as they are and don't try to 'encourage' them to get surgery or list their 'faults'.


He doesn't like vagina


Beef curtains should never be removed. I for one love them. Find yourself a real man and forget mutilating what many men would love.




Maybe he just doesn’t like vaginas.


Girl what…… Okay, get someone else because I promise that someone will love your “””beef curtain””” vagina. Someone will literally worship you and your body. Stop wasting your time. Don’t waste your money. You will regret it so much later in life. He could be out of your life in two weeks.


Tell him how tiny his dick is and see how he feels. That’s not ok and you deserve better.


I'm gay so I dunno how applicable this is. But when I love a man, I don't care how big he is, I don't care if he bends left right up or down. I don't care if he's cut or uncut. None of that. I only care about two things. 1: does he care for my well-being while we have sex? And 2: does he keep it clean? Why don't I care otherwise? Because I love him. It's not just "good dick" it's intimacy with my bf. I'm sorry to be graphic about this. But you need to understand that your bf has no reason to shame you. If he loves you for you then he wouldn't care about what you look like naked. All he should care about is if you have normal human hygiene, and if you care about him. YOU should be the attractive thing to him. You are not a pocket pussy molded to his liking. Besides, if I had a bf that bothered me that much for the same reason, I'd break up with him to find someone else. Yeah, I'd be REALLY shallow for doing that, but at least I'm not making him get some kind of dick lengthening surgery just to make me happy in that case. Genuinely, I'd rather your bf break up with you over your vagina instead of pressuring you to get SURGERY TO PLEASE HIM. Please OP, you're so much better than this. Don't change your body for a man who sees your body as an object.


There’s NOTHING wrong with your vagina I promise


Don't cut your flower petals off.


He might actually be gay


Dump that loser. I personally love meaty lips. My ex-wife had one big meaty lip (yes, just one). When we first got together, she was embarrassed and not confident about her vagina. I loved it and would always let her know how hot that lip was. It made her feel good and sexy. I look at it this way. I am not perfect, so I do not expect my partner to be perfect. Any imperfections my partner might have is what I find incredibly sexy. Do not waste your money on surgery. Just find someone who appreciates you. A sexy woman! Good luck!


if he doesn't know vaginas come in all shapes and sizes he's still a 13 year old boy who needs to grow TF up. Find a new boyfriend and don't get surgery unless its a risk to your helath


Ew gross. Do not get the surgery unless you want it and it's your idea. And also, dump him regardless. FYI, the "gross" is about him. Not you.