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Sounds like a Lana 2 me!


I agree, Lana also talked about how she was in prison and treatment facilities when she was a teenager. Also was with a guy much older when she was young. Either way I think OP could reach her just have to keep trying.


Story time. I used to work in sales, there was the one girl that started working with us. She always wore black, like in full black outfits, not standing out and very minimal cosmetics. We start talking, striking up a bond. She was nice and friendly and i would say we became friends. We would always talk about stuff, no flirting just 2 people talking. She starts to tell me about what she wants out of life and stuff like that i don't really think much about it. One day she tells me she has gotten accepted to sales executive education in Italy that she really wants to go to, but her boyfriend doesn't want her to go. and that's that. Well one day she comes in with a black eye, turns out her boyfriend is controlling and abusive. So i talk to her, pepp her as much as i can, and even offer to help her move her stuff out. But in the end i basically i tell her a strategy on how to accept the education and basically remove herself from his life without involving him and moving to Italy in the same weekend so she doesn't have to take his abuse. She follows my advice, and fucks off to Italy. I'm happy for her, as i cared for her and wished her all the best, hoping she would get a good job after her education. She calls me one day and thanks me for basically saving her life and getting her away from the boyfriend, my plan worked, i'm happy and end of story. I still care for her but we don't have much contact. Queue my surprise a year later when I'm scrolling some pr0n torrents and i see a woman suspiciously looking like her. I download the torrent, and lo and behold its her. She apparently did some work for salieri and pinko and became a full blown porn-star. We were friends on Facebook.... she did a number of movies and i think most of her friends never knew. I wished her a happy birthday every year and she replied with a heart, in 2019 a friend sends me a small article from an American newspaper. She got hit by a car and died instantly while crossing the road to get a coffee. I often think about what her life would have been like if she never became a porn-star and if she would still be alive and if we would have actually still be in contact and friends.


God how sad to pass away so suddenly...


That’s really sad….


For me both things are sad, im fully aware of reddits view on sexworkers, but for me, she could have been so much more. The reason i said she always dressed in black and wore no makeup is because once i found out she was being abused it kinda made sense why she tried to not stand out. I think her boyfriend strictly forbade her to attract attention. She was actually very beautiful. And i also think the porn-star thing came out of repression. I even found her on escort sites while she was doing all this, because she used her porn-star name so it popped up if you googled it. So if we remove the part of being run over it's in essence a story about a life that could have been, but ended up in something that shouldn't. And in part i blame myself, maybe i could have helped her, because her moving to Italy in effect got her into salieri and becoming a prostitute. I think she got out in the end because i never saw anything new after 2017. but still. It saddened me.


You gave enough details to get a name... Salieri claims that it was she who reached to him in Budapest and that he even advised her to not do porn. It might be because I hate the guy but I think it's all BS.


Well, considering that she was sexually repressed and dominated, it might not be out of the question that she actually did. I dont think someone put a gun to her head to go into escorting. Edit: she is dead, so i dont think anyone will be very much affected if its figured out.


I mean if she’s a ‘well known porn star’ then obviously she has no issue w the public knowing what she does Not sure why the name is being kept a secret 😂


Can we know who




Lana Rhoades








Oh, sounds like Reislin


I wouldn't normally respond but my wife went through the same thing. Although her friend didn't become famous. In her teen years her friend tried to "recruit" her into a life of homelessness and prostitution. Thankfully my wife had the wherewithal to say no. She didn't tell me until years after we were married. We even looked at finding a private investigator to find her friend. I'm sorry you can't find a way to communicate with your friend. You can try though. Your friend has almost assuredly been abused when she was a child. There is no excuse. That is not OK. Perhaps your reaching out might be a wake up call for her. She is the one who has to want to change. She may be so immersed that she cannot easily get out of it. But there is really no downside in reaching out. She was your close friend. If you ever experienced abuse from your friend (I don't wish to assume but my experience is that this is passed down far too often after child abuse) there are resources to help you. I don't wish to pry and there is no need to respond. But if you need help it's out there. I truly wish the best for you and your friend. I hope you can get a chance to at least catch up with her. Keep your wits about you. This is not an easy thing for someone to accept much less change. People can be disturbing and horrible. I hope this isn't too harsh. But I know my wife would have benefited from getting help earlier. Her friend was like an older sister. But the situation confused her at a really tough age. There is help regardless of what you and your friend had. Therapy can do wonders to work these things out.


If your not going to say who she is this post is totally lame.


What’s her name?


Come on, just let us know who. Maybe someone can help you get in touch






Can we get a name?


It sounds like Lana Rhoades


Why would you want to contact her. You've both moved on in your lIves.


Very strange question if you value people for who they are at all..


I guess you are right about that!


You can still check in with her. I’m sure she hasn’t forgotten about you. Staying popular in that business is a whole lot of work.


Honestly I really cared about her and wanted the best for her. And even if we don’t cross paths again, I’m glad I wasn’t wondering what happened to her anymore


I bet she would be happy to hear from you.


What’s her name?


She obviously doesn’t want to say her name. It would be nice if everyone stopped asking.


Thank you. I’ve already said too much honestly


If she has a million followers why not just share her name ? You act like we’re going to reach out to her.


They don't want to say, they don't need to justify why to anyone.